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Mail Order Bride: Ultimate Mail Order Bride Collection: 6-Book Bundle ~ Clean Historical Romance (Shades of Romance Series)

Page 19

by Jill Maguire

  “Never can tell what might happen with the stage. I wouldn’t want you stranded here if it don’t show.”

  Felicity thanked him as she positioned Royal on the small bench outside the mercantile. As she was about to sit down with him her eyes landed on a display in the store’s window. Beside a bolt of pretty flowered material sat a spool of rich velvet burgundy ribbon.

  Just the sight of it sent a flood of memories through her. Their house in Burgundy Hill, the silky burgundy ribbon that each crate of wine was tied with, and the piece of that ribbon she had worn in her hair the day she met Hayden so he would be able to recognize her. Absently she patted her hair that today flowed down around her shoulders. She realized she hadn’t seen that ribbon since that day.

  The sound of hoof beats filled the air as the team came racing into town. At the sight of them, Felicity’s heart began to tumble around in her chest. This was it. She was leaving, going back to the city and to a lot of unknowns. But she had made her decision and there was no turning back.

  As passengers on the stage began to disembark, she turned to gather Royal and his things. As she stuffed his books, bug jar and an unfinished sandwich into his bag, he watched the people. “Father,” he said suddenly.

  Felicity was used to his sometimes strange chopped up outbursts and didn’t respond.

  “Father,” the boy repeated.

  “Yes, Royal, we are going back to the city to see Father.”

  “Father is here.”

  Felicity was only half listening. Looking up to make eye contact with the boy she followed his gaze. Standing right there, in the middle of the crowd was her father. Laughing, she grabbed Royal’s hand and pulled him along.

  “Father,“ she shouted, trying to be heard above the chatter of the crowd. “Father!”

  Frederick Selkirk turned, and for the first time in weeks, let his eyes drink in the site of his family. After several rounds of hugging he held her at arm’s length. “You look absolutely marvelous. I guess life on the range agrees with you. And look at my fine boy, here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much color in your cheeks.”

  Felicity smiled at his compliment. “You look well too Father. But why didn’t you let me know you were coming?”

  Frederick chuckled, the sound that Felicity remembered from the good days. “I wanted to surprise you. Can’t a father surprise his family if he wants to?”

  “I suppose he can. Then, suddenly turning somber, she added. ”But you almost missed me. I was about to get on that stage to come to you.”

  Frederick studied her face, looking deep into her troubled eyes. “You were coming for a visit so soon?” he quipped, hoping she might smile. “Missed me that much did you?”

  Felicity shook her head. “No, Papa. I was coming home. I wanted to come home.”

  Frederick’s s mile faded. “Oh, I see.” He looked over her shoulder as he hugged her once more and met the knowing eyes of Jacob Crandle. In them he read a Father’s glimmer of understanding.

  Jacob stepped forward, offering his hand to Frederick and the men exchanged introductions. The two fathers exchanged a few casual words and then Jacob tried to fill the awkward silence.

  “Well this is certainly a bit of a situation. I suggest we return to the ranch until we can sort things out. Felicity, your ticket for the stage will be just as good in two days as it is now. Besides I doubt that your father bought a return fare.” Frederick nodded his agreement.

  “The man’s right. I was planning on this being a one way trip.”

  Felicity wanted to cry. The last thing she wanted to do was go back to the ranch and face Hayden. But Jacob was right. It was really the only thing they could do right now. Reluctantly she nodded. Her mind started to race with images of Hayden. Would he be happy to see her? Would he be angry? Or would he just ignore her completely? There was no way to know. She would find out soon enough.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The house was deserted when they arrived. Jacob assumed Hayden was out on the range, Caleb was at school and Josh was likely off doing whatever it was that Josh did with his time.

  “Sorry there’s no welcoming committee,” he joked.

  “No need to apologize,” Frederick assured him. “I used to run a vineyard, so I know that business goes on no matter what else is happening.”

  With the mention of running a business the two men started off in a conversation that would have put most women to shame. Royal went outside immediately to look for bugs and await Caleb’s return from school. Felicity found herself wandering around the house.

  She wondered where Hayden was and what he was doing. She wondered what his reaction would be when he saw her. She also wondered, now that her Father was here, if staying was an option. She seriously doubted that Hayden would have her after what she’d done.

  Jacob had taken Frederick on a tour of the ranch and she was alone in the house when Josh walked in. She tensed for a moment, while she judged his physical condition. He smiled and raised his hands as if surrendering to her scrutiny.

  “You can relax. I’m quite sober, just surprised to see you standing there is all.”

  Felicity quietly expelled the breath she had been holding. “I don’t doubt it. It was the last place I certainly expected to be this afternoon.”

  Josh waited, hoping she would explain. Once she did, he let out a long low whistle. “All I can say is Hayden is going to flip his lid when he sees you.”

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  Josh laughed. “A good thing. Poor guy’s been grumpier than a grizzly with a toothache.”

  In spite of herself, Felicity laughed, and she realized for the first time that Josh was really a kind, considerate gentleman. Maybe what happened really did make him change. And if it did, then she was a part of that too.

  “So you think he’ll be happy to see me?”

  “I’d bet my next paycheck on it. If I was a betting man, which I am not any more by the way. And if I had a paycheck.”

  Felicity laughed again. It felt good, and she hoped it would last when Hayden came home. She didn’t have long to wait. Jacob and Frederick had run into Hayden in the barn, and told him the whole story. They also had consideration enough to let the two of them have some time alone.

  Josh had said his goodbyes and she was alone in the kitchen, watching Royal from the window as he squatted in the long grass waiting patiently for a butterfly to land on his hand. For a boy who had such trouble communicating with people, he certainly had a way of communing with nature.

  The familiar voice both startled and delighted her. “Hello Felicity.” She turned slowly towards him, afraid to meet his stare, for fear of what she would see there. “That was a very short trip.” He said it without smiling but she sensed the hint of humor. It gave her courage to look up. When her eyes locked with his, the world stood still.

  In a minute she was in his arms and he was holding her against him as though he would n ever let her go. She didn’t want to move lest the spell be broken. Eventually she pulled away. “Hayden, I’m so sorry. Deciding to go was such a mistake. Can you ever forgive me? More important, can you still love me?” Looking deep into his eyes she found her answer.

  Their moment was up. The kitchen door slammed as two excited young boys barreled through. Royal was grinning from ear to ear as Caleb retold a story of something that had happened at school. Off they ran to Caleb’s room as though none of the upheaval of the past few days had even happened.

  Hayden smiled. “We all need to act a bit more like children now and then.”

  He took her hands in his and seemed to struggle for words. “I’ve not officially done this, so I would like to do it now. Continuing to hold her hands, he bent down on one knee, his eyes never leaving hers. “Felicity Selkirk, would you do me the honor of becoming my bride?”

  She couldn’t stop the tears, and she couldn’t speak. She nodded vigorously until her sobbing started to subside. “There is nothing else in the world I
would rather do.” She finally choked out.

  Hayden swung her into his arms and spun her around until they were both dizzy. When the world finally stopped spinning, he set her back on her feet, and headed down the hall. “Wait right there,” he hollered over his shoulder. “Don’t move.”

  In less than a few minutes he was back, grinning like a kid in a candy store. “I forgot something before,” he said softly. “Hold out your hand.” She did as she was told and watched in amazement as he slipped the most beautiful sapphire ring she had ever seen on her finger.

  “Hayden, It’s beautiful,” she breathed. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “It was my Grandmother’s. She gave it to Ma to keep for me until I found a bride. And now here you are.”

  Felicity struggled to keep the flow of tears from starting all over again. She couldn’t imagine ever being happier than she was at that moment.

  She swiped at her eyes when they heard voices approaching the house. Felicity caught the look of apprehension that crossed Hayden’s face. “What’s wrong?”

  The confidence he displayed in everything he did seem to vanish like a candle flame in the wind. “I have asked you to marry me without first asking for your hand. I should have talked to your father first. He’ll think I’m some kind of fool cowboy for not doing things the proper way.”

  “Don’t worry about him for one second. He could tell from the first time I spoke of you that I was in love. He’ll not have any issue with your proposal.”

  Hayden’s smile returned and, with hands joined, their waited to share their news.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They decided to have a fall wedding. The blistering hot days of summer would be past, and it would also be a quieter time on the ranch. It still only gave them a few weeks to arrange everything, but they only wanted a simple wedding. Hayden had asked Josh to be his best man and Sara James was going to stand up with Felicity.

  Royal and Caleb were acting quite typical of boys their age, making no bones about the fact that they found the whole idea of romance quite disgusting. Secretly, though they both loved the idea of their older siblings being married. Caleb loved that there was someone in the house who could continue to expand his learning, but he also found that the need for all of that had lessened some with the presence of his new brother to share things with.

  Royal was really starting to come out of his shell and Felicity soon forgot about any doubts she had had regarding his well being. He was in love with his new life at the ranch and was looking forward to going off to school with Caleb in the fall.

  The only issue left unsettled was a job for her father. Up until now he had been happy to be a visitor to the ranch, but Felicity was quick to pick up on his restlessness and lack of purpose. Her father had always been a hard worker, and not having a job to go to every day was starting to wear on him.

  Felicity happened to mention that one day when she and Hayden were talking. When she described the kind of work that her father had done, he shrugged. “I’m afraid there are no vineyards around these parts. Not even many farmers. Mostly just ranchers around here.”

  Felicity stewed over that for a moment. “But surely there must be some kind of work he could do. He needs to feel productive.”

  “I understand that Hayden agreed. It’s a hard thing for a man not to have a place. Let me think on that for a while. Now getting back to us, would you like to take a trip away? A honeymoon of sorts? After the wedding?”

  Instead of answering, Felicity asked, “Is it important to you?”

  “It is if it’s what you want. I aim to start off our marriage as you would like it.”

  “Well then, if it’s all the same to you, I would prefer to just get right into our life as husband and wife. Up until now, I’ve felt a bit like a visitor. I want to start making a home for us.”

  “I want that too,” Hayden agreed. “And I plan to build us our own place next spring. “

  “Then it’s settled. No honeymoon.”

  Felicity paused. “There is one thing I do want to do though, and I’m not sure how you will feel about it.”

  “Anything,” Hayden said without hesitation. Felicity smiled at his eagerness to please.

  “Would you mind if we removed that big steer head hanging over the bed in your room?”

  Hayden didn’t think it was possible to laugh any harder.

  “And what’s so funny you two?” Jacob and Frederick had just returned from an outing. Hayden explained and the two fathers laughed just as hard. Jacob held his sides and commented, “Apparently the city girl doesn’t appreciate country art!”

  The two men had news of their own to share. Jacob proudly announced that Frederick had just been appointed business manager for the ranch.

  “I thought it might free up some of your time son,” he said slapping Hayden on the back, “since you’ll have other important matters to take up some of your time.” He winked and nodded in Felicity’s direction.

  Felicity ran to give her father a big hug. “That’s wonderful news!”

  “And Jacob has kindly offered to rent Royal and I the guest house. So we’ll be close by but not in the way”

  It was the best possible news. Felicity hugged her father again. She hugged Jacob and she hugged Hayden. And then simply because he entered the room at that moment she even hugged Josh.

  “I have no idea what that was all about, but I like it.” he said with surprise.

  Once again laughter filled the house that hadn’t heard its sound in much too long a time.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Once again Felicity studied her reflection in the mirror. It reminded her of the day she had done so before the Vineyard Gala just days before that world came crashing down. Now it seemed like forever ago. And now here she stood, not in a party gown, not a young, self conscious teenager so unsure of her appearance and her station in life, but as a bride about to start a whole new life with the man she loved.

  She twirled in front of the mirror just as she had that day, but this time she was confident, happy and completely radiant.

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” Sara said as she fussed with the back of Felicity’s dress. Mrs. Marretti did a marvelous job with that dress. It’s just perfect on you.”

  Felicity turned to her new friend. “I know, and it feels perfect too. I am so happy, Sara. As a married woman tell me, “Does this feeling last?”

  Sara’s eyes pooled with tears. “It only gets better.” She said softly.

  A knock at the door startled them and Felicity ran to hide behind the closet door. “If that’s Hayden, tell him to go away. It’s bad luck for him to see the bride before the wedding.” But it was her father who entered the room.

  “I just wanted a few words, daughter, before I hand you over to that hooligan out there.” Felicity grinned at the fondness in his voice. He and Hayden had become good friends. Sara quietly excused herself to give them their private moment.

  “Now don’t you say anything to make me cry,” she warned.

  Frederick took her hands and surveyed the young woman standing before him. “I am only going to say one thing,” he said. “Your mother would be so proud of you today.”

  It was enough to start the waterfall of tears that she had hoped to avoid. Frederick withdrew a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her eyes. “No tears today. This is a happy day, the first of many for you I pray. Be happy Felicity. You’ve earned it.” He hugged her then and walked back out of the room.

  Sara came to her rescue before she could start crying again. “I just checked the garden, and everything is ready. Let’s go get you married.” Sara fiddled a little more with Felicity’s dress then announced her ready to go. Arm in arm they went to meet Frederick who was waiting to give his only daughter away.

  Felicity peeked through the bushes while she waited for Sara to start her way down the aisle with Josh. Felicity was so happy that Josh had agreed to be Hayden’s best man. After all her worry tha
t her presence was driving a wedge between them, the opposite had actually happened. Josh had really changed his ways and the two brothers were now closer than ever.

  Hayden was standing at the front with the preacher looking very nervous. Caleb and Royal were sitting proud as peacocks in the front row with Jacob, looking quite grown up in their new Sunday bests.

  But her eyes travelled back to Hayden and fixed themselves there. He too looked so very handsome in his dark grey jacket and tie. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure this wasn’t just a dream.

  The preacher’s wife began to sing as Sara and Josh walked slowly between the rows of chairs that had been placed in the garden. She saw Hayden smile as they reached him and her heart all but exploded. How she loved his smile!

  When the pause in the music came that signaled it was time for her to begin her descent down the aisle, she turned to her father and hooked her arm through his. His eyes were moist and she squeezed his arm, afraid to speak lest the waterfall of tears begin again.

  Then Helen was singing, the guests were rising to their feet, and she was walking towards the man that would promise on this day to love her forever. Their eyes locked as she came towards him and suddenly the rest of the world disappeared.

  Frederick placed her hand in Hayden’s, and when the preacher asked who gives this woman to be married to this man, the pride in his voice was unmistakable. He kissed Felicity’s cheek and took his place beside Royal and Caleb.

  As the guests settled back into their seats, Preacher Billings welcomed everyone to the joyous occasion and started into his opening words. Somehow Felicity managed to repeat her vows without dissolving into a flood of tears, taking comfort from the love and adoration in Hayden’s eyes as she spoke.

  At the end of the ceremony, when the preacher would normally announce them to the guests as Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Crandle, he instead declared to everyone that Hayden had asked to have a special moment. Felicity looked at him in surprise wondering what he was up to.


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