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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 14

by Rebecca Foxx

  "I don't find it presumptuous at all. And yes, dinner sounds lovely."

  "Good," he replied with a nod. "I know that you are here alone. I would normally be a gentleman and pick you up at your residence, but I want you to feel comfortable. What do you say we meet here at the bar at around seven o'clock. That way, we can get a drink, maybe a little dancing and then dinner. There is a place not too far from here that I saw and wanted to try. Now that I have company to go with me, I am even more ready to explore the island."

  Jada leaned in closer. "Lucas," she replied, staring into his eyes. "That sounds wonderful. I'm looking forward to it."

  "Bartender, as long as the lady is here on the island, she gets whatever she would like. Please put it on my tab."

  "Oh no, Lucas. I can't do that."

  Lucas stood up. "Of course you can. I'll see you later, Jada."

  His smile was intoxicating and she was not sure why she was completely taken by him so immediately. Jada finished her drink and got ready to go back to the home base. She needed to brief with Charlie B and discuss the game plan for the surveillance for the evening.

  Just when she thought that she was not going to run into Lucas Davis, he appeared. Patience would have to be the name of the game in this line of work. It was going to take time to accomplish the task at hand.

  Apprehending Lucas Davis was not going to be a simple task.

  As soon as she made it back to her villa, Charlie B and his assistant were waiting for her. The FBI had outfitted Jada with a private villa. That way, she could be away from any hustle and bustle of tourism in a hotel. The rest of the crew was stationed in the guest house that was behind the villa.

  They waited until they were inside to speak.

  "So, you've met up with Davis. Great start."

  "Yes," Jada agreed. "He has invited me to dinner. I accepted the invitation and we are going out this evening at seven. What is the plan so far for surveillance?"

  Charlie's assistant Mya spoke. "We have this wire that will go in your hair." Mya displayed the wire.

  "It's tiny and shaped like a hair pin. We will pin your hair up with a flower, very discreet but stylish. No one will know the difference. There is no way that you can wear a wire outfit with a man like this. It would be way too dangerous."


  The simple word sparked a bit of fear in Jada. She was a novice at this point, relying heavily on the instruction, and the support, of her team.

  Charlie B glanced at Mya. "I think what Mya was saying was that we have to have all of our bases covered. We can't leave anything to chance in a situation like this. We have to be very careful at all corners. And your safety is of the utmost importance here to all of us. We do recognize all that you have at stake here and appreciate what you are doing to help apprehend Davis. But he is a criminal. Although not known to be the violent kind, we have to be aware that this man has much to lose. When we are dealing with the amount of money that he is laundering and the time that he is facing, we have to be under the assumption that he would do anything to make sure that he does not lose."

  Jada nodded. "Look, I clearly understand what I have gotten myself into here. It's nice to be reminded how dangerous this can be. Being here on the island, it can be easy to forget that this is work."

  "Never forget that this is work, Jada. And trust me, you will be just fine."

  She felt a small amount of comfort from the conversation. Knowing that it was all work, Jada decided to make sure she kept focused. But that was going to be hard when she had a small glam squad to make her appear to be the type of woman that could compete for the affections of a billionaire and she was residing for the moment in accommodations that were way more luxurious than anything that she had ever imagined.

  And then there was the billionaire in question. Charismatic, devastatingly handsome, and a billionaire. What woman would not be naturally intrigued?

  Chapter Three

  When Lucas approached, it was difficult to catch her breath. His was a tall drink of water and until she saw him, Jada was not aware that she had a thirst to be quenched.

  He was dressed casually in a pair of linen khakis and a white linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up in effortless style. He was delicious enough that Jada had to say a quick reminder that she was here on business.

  "Jada." Lucas extended his hand to her. She took his and she stood up from the bar stool where she was seated.

  "You look sensational." Lucas twirled her around, taking all of her in. "I must be the luckiest man on the island tonight to have the pleasure of being with you."

  "Lucas, you are such a charmer."

  When she grinned, she saw the slightest hint of a dimple pop out from his right cheek.

  "What do you say we have a drink first before we leave?"

  "Actually, I would love to have a drink later. Maybe after dinner. That is, if the conversation and the company is as wonderful as I think that it's going to be."

  He held his arm out to her. "I told you that I like a woman that knows what she wants. This way. I hope that you don't mind a walk. Everything that we are doing is close tonight and I think that walking around the island is part of the charm."

  "Sounds good to me. I don't mind." Jada was happy that she'd worn comfortable shoes.

  Lucas led the way, walking arm and arm with her. The sun was just about to set and the water seamlessly met the horizon where the sun was prepared to dip low.

  "I've never seen a sunset so beautiful."

  "Me either. It's part of the charm being here on the island. I think that I could get used to being a place like this more often."

  "So, Lucas. You said that you are here on business. What do you do for a living?"

  He shrugged, nonchalant. "I've been fortunate. Turned a few opportunities into investments. I guess you can say that there is luck on my side."

  "I don't believe in luck."

  Lucas chuckled. "Oh really?"

  "No. I believe that everything happens for a reason."

  "So then you would say that you and I are meeting for a reason then?"

  Jada nodded. "Most definitely."

  "Hmm. Interesting."

  They came upon a clearing that opened up to a small shack that was strung with lights on the outside.

  "What is this place?" Jada asked.

  "Something I happened upon when I was driving around the island. A few of the locals that I spoke to said that it has the best conch and lobster on the island."

  "I've never had conch."

  "Well then, Ms. Jada, you are in for a treat."

  Once they entered, Jada felt like she was in a different world. Music played, people ate and danced, and the atmosphere was relaxed. It was just the kind of thing she wanted to experience being on the island. It was a wonderful slice of life being there.

  But she did not lose focus of the fact that she was there for work.

  It was the kind of place where you had to find a space and seat yourself. Trying to look through the dense crowd, Lucas searched for a table.

  "There. There's a place for us." Jada spotted an empty table first.

  "That looks perfect."

  Lucas took her by the hand, squeezing it gently and made way through the crowd so that they could grab the table before someone else did.

  Staking their claim, Lucas offered Jada a seat first. The table was in a corner, a small booth seat against the wall. There was one chair in front of the table.

  "Thank you." She loved the fact that he was such a gentleman.

  Lucas took the liberty of sliding in the space beside her.

  He looked to her, their eyes meeting in the smoke-filled, dimly lit room. She thought he was about to make a comment, but instead he grinned, gently biting his lip. Jada had to still her heart, and tighten her thighs together.

  There was something about this man that made a heat rise within. She tried to take note to see if it was the fact that she liked the thrill and the danger or if it was based
on a mutual attraction.

  "Can I get the two of you anything?" The waitress's accent was thick and she was young and gorgeous. Lucas barely took his eyes off of Jada.

  "Uh, yes. I would love some wine," Jada managed to speak.

  "Why don't you just bring us the bottle to start?"

  "Wine. No," the waitress replied, curt and to the point.

  "Bourbon, whiskey, liquor. Yes."

  "Two pineapple and rum cocktails to start then," Lucas replied.

  The waitress sauntered off and he turned his attention back to Jada.

  "You intrigue me, Jada. Tell me more about yourself."

  He gave her his undivided attention. "There is not much to tell," she started. "I'm a student. I live in California. Only child. And I love to travel."

  She rattled off a few things from the top of her head, not all of them truths.

  "That's a good place to start."

  "Tell me more about you, Lucas. Where are you from?"

  He settled back a little more. "Me? I'm a military brat. Grew up all over. My favorite place to live was the Midwest. I’m an only child as well. Left me pretty lonely at times. But I went off to college, got a degree in accounting, and after a few good connections and business deals, I got lucky. Or as you say, things happened the way that they were supposed to happen. So, I can't complain."

  In the midst of their conversation, the waitress served their drinks and brought them a basket of appetizers. Lucas took the liberty of ordering for them and Jada was happy to let him do so.

  "So a beautiful woman like yourself has to travel alone?" He lightly let his fingertips dance on the chocolate skin of shoulder.

  "I don't have to. I choose to."

  "I'm loving every minute of being with you, Jada. You are very refreshing. Totally different from the normal women that I meet."

  "I'm going to assume that is a good thing."

  "It is very much so."

  When the food was served, Lucas held up his hand in an arresting motion before Jada dug in.

  "Wait. Let me."

  Jada watched as he prepared the lobster for her and then took a portion on the fork.

  "Here. Taste this."

  A bit of the butter sauce dripped from the lobster meat down onto her chin.

  "This is sensational," Jada replied after she had tasted the food. "You have great taste."

  "In food and in women," he commented, maybe more to himself than in response to Jada.

  "I like you, Lucas."

  "The feeling is mutual," Lucas agreed, continuing to feed her more of the food.

  Jada thought how she could get used to this kind of life, this kind of treatment from a man.

  Lucas was attentive, funny, and oh so charming. For a brief moment, Jada forgot that she was on assignment and found herself getting wrapped up in the date. Right as Lucas ordered another round of drinks, Jada excused herself to the restroom. She wanted to freshen up and take a moment to gather her thoughts.

  Happy to be the only one in the restroom, she first began to fix her hair. The heat and humidity had been hell on her tresses and she busied herself repining and fixing her hairdo. Touching the pins was a quick reminder of what she was there to do.

  The sound of the door opening behind her startled her.


  She saw in the mirror Mya's reflection. Another sobering reminder that she was working. Mya locked the door behind them and then went to check that there was no one else in there with the two of them.

  "Good job so far. I bet it's easy to get swept away by such a charming and handsome man. Not to mention the fact that he's a billionaire."

  Jada continued pining her hair and when she was done, she reached in her purse for her lipstick. She let Mya continue to speak.

  "Look Jada. This is not going to be trouble-free. There are some demands on you that I wouldn't even want placed on myself. You are new to this and one of the number one rules is to not get caught up. You have to remember that. It's important to the success of the entire team. You are part of a team. Nothing else. Remember the end game."

  Mya walked behind her, attempting to help her tidy up her hair. She leaned in and whispered to Jada. "Remember the end game."

  With a gentle pat on Jada's shoulder, Mya excused herself, leaving Jada to continue to refresh her makeup.

  Remember the end game. Mya had a point. She needed to stay focused. But it was becoming difficult what with Lucas being so alluring. Closing her eyes, Jada told herself that she had a job to do and that was what was most important here. She would have to make sure that she reminded herself of this time and time again. It was all that mattered.

  Exiting the restroom, she made her way back over to Lucas. He sat there, sipping his rum, one arm draped across the back of the booth. She slid in next to him, right into his embrace.

  "How are you enjoying the evening so far?" When he spoke, he leaned in close, practically whispering in her ear. The soft feel of his breath tickling her neck.

  "It has been sensational. Thank goodness for such wonderful company."

  She knew that she was about to mess up the perfect application of her wine colored lipstick. But Jada did not care.

  The taste of Lucas's tongue on hers was divine. Sparks were ignited and the heat that she had been feeling around him was building into a slow burn. This was work, but there was so much pleasure.

  His kiss was full of passion and when he wrapped his arms around her, she knew that there would be no turning back. And she was not sure that she wanted to. There was going to be this dance on the fine line of work and play.

  Lucas pulled back, staring at her with desire in his eyes. She could tell that the man wanted simply devour her.

  "What do you say we get out of here? Maybe go somewhere more exclusive. A little more private?"

  "I would love that actually."

  Lucas reached in his pocket and threw some bills on the table to cover their food service. Walking out hand in hand, the electricity was apparent and palpable. She could not recall ever being so taken by someone so quickly.

  "Where to?" she asked.

  "With me. Is that enough for you?"

  "It can be," she replied.

  The moon was now rising in the night sky, and with the sound of the water's waves lapping at the shore so close by, the night seemed magical. She struggled to remember Mya's words.

  Remember the end game.

  But somehow, walking along hand in hand with Lucas, it seemed right.

  There was work to do, but Jada could feel herself falling.

  How was she going to be able to avoid the inevitable?

  Chapter Four

  Riding down the coast, wind against her skin, music blaring and Lucas by her side, things seemed quite perfect. Jada had already forgotten that she was working. Instead, she had gotten caught up in the fact that she as on a date with a sexy, intelligent, and funny billionaire.

  The connection was undeniable and she was not sure how she would continue to handle it if she had to keep working for the FBI and being in Lucas's presence.

  Jada could not figure out why she was falling so hard for this man. His hand on her thigh, they rode down the coast, Jada unsure what the destination was exactly. She did not want to really ask because she was still wearing the wire in the pin secured in her hair.

  She took in all of the scenery, wanting to savor each moment. This was the chance of a lifetime to be able to be on the island. When she thought about it, it could actually be quite an issue to be out with a man that she did not know riding around the island after dark.

  But something about Lucas made her feel safe and made her not worry so much about her safety. Besides that, she was being tailed and monitored by her cohorts, so she was able to focus on her job at hand.

  "I hope that you don't mind, but we are going back to my place. I have a chef there that can prepare us a meal. And the view is absolutely amazing."

  "I don't mind," she smiled, willing herself t
o remember that this man was a wanted man by the law. It was confusing because it seemed like a man that was a fugitive should have certain characteristics. In Jada's mind, that man wouldn't be running around an island as carefree as Lucas was.

  He would be watching his every move, not trying to romance a woman and gallivanting around and island where he had a private villa including amenities.

  The villa was off the beaten path, hidden away in the hills of a more rural side of the island. The water crashed against the shores, lights shone from the homes that sprinkled the hillside.


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