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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 81

by Rebecca Foxx

  He stood over her, and she continued to orgasm for a moment even without his touch for her head and feminine parts were still pulsating from the immense sensations she had just experienced.

  When she at last caught her breath, she said, “I think I love you.”

  William smiled, “Abigail, you are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.”

  Whitney sat up, “We have to go. We have to go, right now!”

  “I don’t know if I can do that again right now?” he asked, and Whitney would have laughed if the situation was not so dire.

  She stood up, still naked, and grabbed onto him around his neck. “I love you! I love you, so we have to leave right now! They’re coming for you, William!”

  He pulled her arms down, “Who is coming for me, Abigail?”

  Whitney shook frightfully, “My name is not Abigail Petite. It is Whitney Lawrence, and I am an NCIS operative sent here to spy on you.”

  “Spy on me?” he questioned, “Abigail….”

  “Whitney.” She said.

  He took a few steps back, “Whitney?” He looked furious.

  “I love you.” Whitney said strongly, “I love you. We have to go now!”

  “How do I know that you are not lying to me still?” he asked, clearly full of hurt.

  Whitney came towards him, taking his face into her hands. She kissed him passionately for several minutes. She then pulled away, “We have to go, William. They’re coming for you.”

  “Who is coming for me?” he asked.

  Whitney gulped slightly at the thought. “Everyone.”


  Whitney and William rushed to throw a few of his belongings into a single suit case. He was angry, but he was trying not to show it. He felt betrayed, but he was somewhat impassioned by the idea that this woman was betraying her superiors to keep him safe.

  William was unsure whether or not he could truly trust her, but it was not like he had much of a choice. They were rushing down the stairwell when William spotted men with guns in full-fledged SWAT gear sneaking around outside through the large bay window. William grabbed Whitney by the arm, “They’re here.”

  He heard the sound of gun cocking, and he took a defensive stance at the stop of the stairs. “Easy,” Whitney said, and he turned to see that she had a gun. Where had that come from? She pulled a second gun out of her brazier and handed it to him, “Can you shoot?”

  William laughed, “You hold onto the guns, my dear. I doubt I will need them.”

  “What are you planning on doing then, exactly?” Whitney questioned.

  “My sweet Ab…Whitney, my Whitney, you think you know so much about me, but you do not.” William kissed her cheek, “These people, why do you think they are after me?”

  “Because you left the KGB.” Whitney said.

  “And why then are your American friends after me?” William asked.

  “Because you used to be part of the KGB.” Whitney said.

  “But why team up?” William asked, and Whitney was somewhat at a loss for any sort of explanation.

  “It’s because, dear, I am dangerous.” William smiled, “And I am no longer on anyone’s side but my own anymore.”

  Whitney rolled her eyes, “No offense, William, but you really don’t look all that dangerous to me.”

  “That is because you do not know what I am, sweetheart.” William mused.

  Whitney raised an eyebrow, “And what exactly are you, William?”

  The front doors swung open, and a group of men with automatic weapon came bursting through. William watched Whitney aim her gun downward, but the men were much swifter and more prepared. Without a seconds though, William grabbed Whitney around her waist and jumped downward, skipping nearly twenty steps before landing at the bottom.

  Whitney shrieked in surprise, “What the hell?” she cried out, and William pushed her to the side and behind a wall. She landed on her backside, and she sat up with her eyes wide at the realization that William was in the crossfire.

  William ignored Whitney and turned his attention on the men with the guns pointed his way. He took a fighting stance and hissed, revealing his fangs. He moved swiftly. The men shot towards him, but not even a bullet moved fast enough for him.

  There were five men currently present, and in one swift motion William dance about the room tearing the men’s throats apart. Once it was cleared he wiped his mouth and looked back at a terrified Whitney who was just then coming out from behind the wall.

  “What was that?” she called out, shaking slightly.

  “I told you.” William said, “I am dangerous.”

  “You’re a vampire.” Whitney said, at last piecing together the evidence she had found.

  “Yes.” He said sadly, instantly stifled with fear that she would run in fear. His back was to the door; he was too distracted by Whitney to notice the second round of men hurrying their way.

  “Look out!” Whitney called and fired off her gun, killing one of the men attempting to sneak up on him.

  William felt one of the men’s bullets pierce him in his back, and he screamed and ducked for cover behind some furniture. Whitney slid across the linoleum floor, and the two of them ducked down behind the couch beside him. “They have silver bullets.” William groaned painfully, “If they shoot me where it counts, I’m dead.” He started to shake, “My shoulder…”

  “Easy, William, stay with me.” Whitney popped her head off and shot her gun twice; two men went down. “You think you could do your little dance thing again and take out the rest of these guys?”

  “Not with this silver in me,” William mumbled, starting to feel incredibly dizzy, “Silver… it’s like poison to me.”

  Whitney looked up, seeing that the men were backing up slightly to find safe places to shoot at them from. “You’re not going to like this very much then,” She grabbed him and force him to lean forward so she could see where he had been shot. “Keep an eye on them for me,” she said as she examined his wound.

  William glanced around the couch, “We got a brave one.” He said and Whitney popped her head up and shot the man in the leg and then in the face. She knelt back down, and before William realized what she was doing she pinched the bullet right out of him, and he screamed loudly in tremendous pain.

  “Lucky you,” she said, “It did not go too deep.”

  “That hurt!” he shouted.

  “Can you take care of the rest of these guys?” Whitney asked nervously, “Because if not, we’re as good as dead.” She sat upright again and shot off a warning shot at one man, but she missed. There were more people outside slowly approaching for backup. “I don’t have enough fire power to take these guys out.”

  William shook, “I’m too weak. I need blood.”

  Whitney pulled back her sleeve and put her wrist in his face, “Then drink up!”

  William hesitated, but Whitney insisted. He bit into her wrist, and she cringed only slight. It only took a few sips of blood for him to start feeling like himself again. “Come on out, you monster!” William heard one of the men shout.

  He grinned and leaped over the couch. The bullets went flying past him; he was much more focused this time. In a matter of minutes, William cleared the place out –bodies of both NCIS agents and KGB operatives laid scattered about his mansion. He was exhausted, so he went into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine. Whitney followed him, “So… vampire, huh?” she asked.

  William slumped his shoulders, “You must think I am a monster.”

  Whitney stepped forward and touched his chest. William tensed up slightly from her touch. “You’re just William to me.” She kissed his cheek. “What now?”

  “Now I have to leave.” He said sadly, “This is my life, Whitney. I am always running.”

  “A life on the road, huh?” Whitney asked, “Seeing as how I just betrayed my country by shooting a bunch of fellow agents, I’m thinking that sounds just perfect for me.”

  “I will live fo
rever.” William said, “And you will grow old and die.”

  “How does one become a vampire?” Whitney asked.

  “You drink a vampire’s blood.” William said.

  “Sounds refreshing.” Whitney said and kissed his lips, “Travel the world. Meet new people.”

  “Never see a sunrise again.” William said, “I’m not letting you do this to yourself for me.”

  “Baby, you’re all the sunshine I need.” Whitney said and pulled him closer.

  William smiled, “Well, then we better get going.”

  The two of them packed their things. They hurried out the door, eager to hit the road before the sun rose again.


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  Moonlight Baby

  Chapter 1

  Tallah was sitting at the window watching the sky. It was a new moon, also called a dark moon, invisible against the backdrop of the sun.

  Or rather it would have been invisible if not for the flickering lights on its surface: the two luminous cities built under the domes on the side that was visible from Earth. On the hidden side, there were factories.

  The gasses given off by them made a halo around the selenial satellite, giving it a mysterious, almost spooky feel. It was a round spot against the night sky, full of flickering, colorful lights and surrounded by a circular greenish cloud. It looked beautiful, but Tallah knew that those gasses were actually very harmful.

  It’s 2050! You’d think they would’ve found a way to stop pollution on Earth. Instead, they invented new ways to also pollute the moon.

  Her inquisitive mind was squirming. She had yet to finish and submit her study on Luciano Karlen. But how could she?

  Especially now. She lowered her eyes and stroked her belly.

  You’d think the women would’ve gotten smarter and steered clear of getting knocked up.

  She felt like smiling, although she knew she should be frowning. Frowning at her own naïveté, at the thought of bringing a child into a decaying world, but mostly at the identity of the baby’s father. Yet the latter was exactly the reason why the corners of her full lips moved slightly up.

  She looked at her own smiling reflection in the window and the smile widened, baring her pearly white teeth, which were a strong contrast to her perfect mocha skin. Her bright green eyes sparkled like emeralds; that’s what he had told her.

  Suddenly, she went all serious again and frowned.

  “What the hell are you grinning about?” she scolded her own reflection aloud.

  She pressed her hand to her chest. Her breasts had been sore all week, and they seemed to be swelling by the minute. This made her feel even more uncomfortable than she usually was about the size of her bosom.

  She had to squeeze it into submission every day already and tuck it inside the buttoned up jacket of her pants suit. But now her breasts felt like they were screaming for air and freedom, and would not go for being locked up and hidden anymore. But that was the least of her problems.

  Her top priority was figuring out what to do about this… situation. She had counseled many women that felt depressed about having had an abortion, and she didn’t want that kind of pressure on herself. So the only option was to keep the baby.

  And what, be a single momma?

  Maybe not, but the prospect of telling him made her feel nervous and she wouldn’t even know how to begin mentioning such a thing to him.

  I wonder if he might be looking back at me… she asked herself dreamily and then scolded herself for thinking such nonsense.

  What could have been the odds of that happening? Besides, Lou wouldn’t have time to stare out the window. He surely was too busy running his business.

  He could also be visiting his facilities on the hidden side of the moon, or debtors though he rarely did go himself. He usually sent his men instead. He only went himself when it was a difficult situation that required his wits and cruelty.

  Because Luciano Karlen was a cold-blooded man if he had to be.

  Tallah knew him well. They had known each other since Stanford. She had gotten in because she was a brilliant geek, glasses and all, and she had received a scholarship in the Social Sciences department in the field of Psychology.

  He was equally brilliant, no doubt about it, but when he got in with a scholarship—in the same department, but in the field of Political Studies—everyone speculated that it had been because the headmaster owed the Tenacce clan a favor.

  It had been all over the news for a day or two, and then it all went quiet. And no one dared to say anything more about it.

  Tallah knew about the Tenacce clan. When she was a little girl, she had heard about how they had set up the first mining facilities on the other side of the moon as soon as the atmosphere domes had been completed... It had been a huge scandal back then.

  Environmentalists had gone crazy because it involved using forbidden metals, dangerous substances, and poorly paid workers. Politicians had gone crazy too; no doubt from wanting a share of the profit, although they were making it seem as if it was all about the people. However, all of that too was over in a couple of days.

  The loudest mouths were somehow shut—either paid off or made to vanish—and that was no surprise, with the new weapons that could completely disintegrate a person in one shot. The Tenacces also had shares in large weapon factories.

  Slowly, but surely, Tallah developed an interest towards the idea of Luciano Karlen. At first, information just got to her ears by itself because she was the type of person to be in the right place, at the right time, at the right moment… or was it at the wrong time, at the wrong moment? And the pieces came as she wondered about different things.

  For example, she was sure that he didn’t actually attended his classes because he was “paying” his way through the University.

  She had overheard two of her colleagues whispering that he was also involved in a lunar space program because his main goal was to take over the business on the moon.

  But why Political Studies then, instead of Business? Well, she heard other classmates whispering, he already knew how to run a business from his grandfather, but also wanted to run for elections—on the moon—for governor or something. Although elusive for the time being, he was eventually going to hit the screens big time.

  So Tallah gathered that if he trusted himself enough to run for governor, it meant he was actually smart and cunning.

  Then she wanted to know why he had a different name than the rest of the clan. And once, while doing some file work as a TA in the teacher’s room, she had overheard two of them talking. Apparently, Luciano’s mom had been sent to a prestigious University in Europe.

  When she had gotten back, however, she also brought back a Swedish young man with her whom she had secretly married. She had also been carrying his baby. She had done all that, although she had been under the supervision of old Luciano Tenacce’s goons.

  And the old man did have a soft spot for his daughter. Apparently girls were rarely born in the clan, a strange thing.

  She had managed to convince him that fresh blood is always welcomed into the clan, and to let her keep her husband’s name and as well as give it to the baby. In return, she would call him Luciano.

  Tallah had no idea why she was wondering about someone she had only seen blurry images of on the news, or why all this information was available to her. The first semester, she didn’t even set eyes on him around the campus. His absence notwithstanding, she had heard he had set up a drug dealing thing, deposing other suppliers of their titles.

  Of course, no one could prove anything. At the thought of such a man aspiring to become governor, Tallah was horrified. So she decided to investigate.

  First she convinced herself that it was a kind of case study, no doubt for sociopath behavior that would help her become better at what she was training to do. What else could it have been?

  She started asking questions, to the people she had heard talking as discreetly as she was able to, and still noticed people being scared when asked. In no time, this brought her some unwanted attention.

  She was approached by drug dealers a few times though she hadn’t made a reputation as a consumer. (Tallah had a strong belief in keeping her mind sober.)

  After that, however, a couple of times some huge, fierce-looking guy bumped into her, the second time knocking her off her feet though her constitution was far from being frail.


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