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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 134

by Rebecca Foxx

Were they really going to do this? On the beach? There was no question about it.

  "I can't wait to taste you," Rios said.

  And then she got down between Janet's legs, spread them far apart, put both her hands under Janet's plump ass cheeks, and squeezed. Then she kissed the insides of those lovely those alabaster thighs, left right, left and right, working her way up to hungry cunt.

  Two days later, Janet packed up her bags and headed to the airport. She felt a strange sense of bliss and contentment. But she knew that she had very important decisions to make when she got back home.

  She knew that she couldn't go back to living the same life, that same dreary, monogamous, monotonous life. That was over. That was behind her. She didn't know where she would go from here, but she was excited by the possibilities that the future held.

  As the plane took off, Janet turned to her right and smiled. Rio turned and smiled back. The two women squeezed hands tightly, then kissed on the lips. They would be together. Yes, they would be together.


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  My Business is Her Pleasure

  Chapter One

  Most of Kerry Fowler’s friends thought that Business Studies was perhaps the most boring major to take. There were times when Kerry agreed with them, mostly when spreadsheets were involved. Kerry had always been a people person. She hated her own company, so over the years, she had befriended dozens of people.

  Although she only had three or four real friends to turn to in times of trouble. Robin was just one of the dozens of friends in Kerry’s contact list. During the first years of the course, they had got on and been friendly, but Robin had not even come close to making Kerry’s real friends list. Their interests were a million miles apart. Now Kerry had a fifty-fifty chance of being paired with her for their final assignment.

  The other possibility was Josh. He was the group asshole. He was as clever as fuck, and always good to talk to if you were stuck, but Josh was so far up his own backside it was untrue. Kerry wouldn’t have minded being paired with him, as a good grade would almost be guaranteed.

  Robin was a little geeky and over thought everything. She was also a big girl, whose tits entered the room a few seconds before the rest of her. Kerry actually found Robin a little scary if she was honest.

  All three of them waited patiently outside Mr. Durham’s office, heads buried in their cell phones. He had been their tutor for the last three years. This group would be his last as he was planning to retire at the end of the term.

  They all looked up when Mr. Durham opened his office door. “Robin. Can you step in please?” Robin stood up and looked at Kerry and Josh “Here goes” she smiled as she disappeared into the office. Robin sat, uninvited, in one of the two chairs in front of Mr. Durham’s desk. She looked up expectantly. “Robin. Have you any preference for your partner” Mr. Durham stared at her.

  “Remember that the final Presentation significantly impacts your grades”. Robin didn't have a clue.

  She was well aware of the importance of the presentation and she knew that Josh was the clever one, and the one that she should choose. “I would like to partner with Kerry,” she asked. Robin’s hidden sense of fun had once again ruled over her, as she knew that Josh was the smart choice. “I think we would make a good team” she continued.

  Robin had nothing to base her decision on apart from the opportunity to stare at Kerry’s hot little body close up for a couple of days. Mr. Durham stood up and walked to his office door. “Kerry” He called. Kerry was a little disappointed. She was desperate for top grades, and she wasn’t sure that Robin would be as committed.

  She walked into the office and smiled at Robin. “Are you two happy working together?” Mr. Durham’s looked at the two girls. “Sure” They both replied almost together, but Kerry didn't sound that sure. “Good that’s settled then. Good luck girls” Kerry and Robin looked at each other nervously, before heading out of the office and past Josh.

  Kerry and Robin walked down the corridor away from the office. “Coffee?” Kerry suggested “We should talk about what we are going to do” Robin looked at Kerry and smiled “Sure, lead on”. There were a few coffee machines close to them, but Kerry walked past them and into a large campus cafe.

  They both ordered a Cappuccino and found a quiet corner with a free sofa and table. “So girl power then?” Kerry smiled as she sat down on a large leather sofa. “Go girls!” Robin replied nervously, sitting down at the other end of the sofa. “So we have to give a presentation to the class, Mr. Durham, and two members of the local business society. A piece of cake eh” There was a tense atmosphere between them.

  They never really had a lot to do with each other in classes, as they kept to their own little groups, so the conversation was a little strained. It was Kerry taking the lead, though. “So I guess we need to pick a subject,” Kerry thought she was talking to herself as Robin appeared very nervous.

  She continued “Well, in my spare time I am a fitness model. So I know a little about that. We could present something to do with that” Robin looked at Kerry. It was plain to see why she was a fitness model. Kerry was stunning. Shoulder length bobbed blond hair, big blue eyes, perfect shiny white teeth. Her body was in perfect proportion. Robin guessed 34D tits, size eight, with a perfectly waxed pussy, and she wasn’t that far from being totally correct.

  Kerry actually had left a thin strip of pubic hair above her pussy. “Well, I’m not exactly into fitness” Robin smiled, looking down at her body. She was a classic BBW. Very pretty, with long brown hair that fell halfway down her back. 40DD tits that were squeezed into an ill-fitting bra.

  She was a big girl and the teasing she received at High School had made here a little shy. “Listen, I have a photo shoot tonight. Why don’t you tag along and get a feel for it” Kerry smiled, at the intentional double meaning? “Well, I have no other ideas. Okay then” Robin wasn't sure.

  Of all the topics she would have chosen modeling wouldn't have made her top fifty, but the thought of seeing Kerry in some tight fitting sports gear was too much to turn down. Kerry gave Robin directions before she stood and headed home.

  Chapter Two

  Robin found the Studio easily enough. Or rather the cab driver did. She stood outside the door and hesitated. She had never been inside a Modeling Studio before, and she doubted that she ever would again. She lived in leggings and sweatpants, but she had made a bit of an effort this evening.

  She opted for a plain looking black dress, with a plunging neckline to show off her cleavage. She rung the bell, trying to remember the last time she had worn a dress. A female voice spoke to her through the intercom. “Hello?” Robin cleared her throat before speaking. “Kerry Fowler asked me...” She didn’t have time to finish the sentence as the door buzzed open at the mention of Kerry’s name.

  Robin climbed up a steep narrow staircase and into a reception area. Its walled were covered with photos of girls wearing everything from outdoor winter jackets to lingerie. In one corner of the room were some black and white photos of a young redhead topless. “You're here to see Kerry?” A girl wearing too much makeup spoke from behind a desk. “Yes, the name is...” once again Robin didn't have the chance to finish her sentence. “She is through there” the receptionist pointed towards a closed door.

  Kerry walked towards the door “Thanks” she mumbled not really caring if she was heard or not. The door opened into a small room with black walls. Despite the color of the walls, it was bright due to the three large spotlights covering one corner of the room.

  There was green cloth on the wall and the floor in the corner. A middle-aged man, who looked far too skinny to be healthy, was fiddling with a camera on a tripod that pointed towards the green cloth. He looked up as I walked in “Yes?” he asked. I’m here to meet Kerry” Robin explained again. “Okay, she mentioned she may have a gues
t. Take a seat over there. Can you wait till we have finished before distracting her though? Thanks” he turned his attention back to his camera.

  Robin didn't feel she needed to reply and just made her way over to a large sofa against the wall.

  Robin sat on the sofa and kept quiet. She was aware that every sound in the room seemed to be magnified a hundred times, so she even kept her movements to a minimum. The silence was broken by the receptionist wheeling in a rack of polyethylene covered clothes.

  Robin thought they looked like cycling outfits but she couldn't be sure. The rack was parked next to the sofa Robin was sitting on. The receptionist then carried a blue changing screen over to the sofa, before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. Moments later, another door opened and Kerry walked in. She noticed Robin immediately and almost sprinted over “Robin! I’m glad you could make it” Kerry bent over and kissed her on the cheek, which confused Robin as she was acting totally different from college. “This won’t take long, then we can have a chat about our presentation” Kerry turned away and headed for the green corner of the room.

  Kerry watched her walk away. She was wearing a short thin white cotton gown, tied at the front. It was obvious to Robin that she wasn’t wearing a bra, as the outline of her tits and nipples were clearly visible. Robin tried hard to spot the seams of Kerry’s panties under the gown, but she wasn't sure if she was completely naked under the gown or not.

  “Okay Hon, let's get started. I have places to go” The photographer acted as though he was completely uninterested as he picked up a clipboard on the floor in front of him. “Okay, sponsored Lycra cycling tops, three colors, all with black shorts” Kerry walked over towards the rack of clothes next to Robin.

  She casually pulled apart the tie on her gown as she arrived and let it fall off her back and onto the floor. Kerry had wonderful tits, with beautiful upturned nipples. Robin immediately felt her own nipples come to alive inside her bra. She had been wrong about Kerry’s pussy. It was waxed but a strip of fine blond hair was just about visible if you looked closely. Robin was looking closely as well, and when she realized that she was starting she flushed in case Kerry had noticed.

  Kerry stepped into some tight Lycra shorts, and she had to pull hard and wriggle her hips to get them in place. She picked a red Lycra top from the rack and walked over towards the camera pulling it over her head as she walked. Kerry checked her hair in a mirror, before stepping in front of the green sheet. The electronic click of the camera filled the air, and Kerry changed into outfit after outfit.

  Robin must have seen her naked about fifty times, and there were still few outfits left. Robin had sat quietly throughout the show, becoming wetter and wetter. The temptation to slide a hand down between her legs later was becoming hard to resist.

  It had been a dull shoot for Kerry. She hated Lycra. Just the thought of the material made her teeth itch. She looked over at Robin. She looked uncomfortable, even in pain at times, and Kerry hoped she was okay. Her presentation idea was for an online agency so students could earn a little cash modeling. There were so many agencies looking for people of all shape and sizes.

  It crossed Kerry’s mind that Robin may be interested. She was a big girl, but there were millions of people that liked their women on the large size. Kerry was one of them. Sure, she had been with quite a few size eights before, but she had always had a thing for BBWs. She had often masturbated to the thought of a pretty BBW spread eagled on her bed letting her do whatever she wanted.

  Fuck, Kerry needed to concentrate. She was nearly finished. “About ten minutes okay Robin” She shouted over. Robin appeared lost in her thoughts and never responded “Robin?” Robin had her eyes open, but all she could concentrate on was Kerry’s naked body, and what she felt like doing to it. “Robin?” Kerry’s voice eventually pulled her from her naughty thoughts. “Sorry, yes?”. “About ten minutes, then I’m free. Fancy a drink and a chat about the presentation?” Kerry was slipping on yet another outfit. Robin was sure that she was bright red as she looked up at her “Sure, love to” she replied.

  The bar was almost empty as they walked in, and the barman appeared inconvenienced when Kerry ordered two large red wines. There were about a dozen tables to choose from, and Robin picked one the furthest away from the door. It was a chilly evening and she could feel a draft coming in under the door.

  They took their coats off and draped them over the back of their chairs. “So my idea” Kerry began “an online agency for students to upload their details and photo’s onto for prospective modeling agencies to look at. It's not a new idea, but there is nothing like it locally”. Robin thought for a moment before answering. “I know absolutely nothing about the industry though Kerry”. Kerry looked confident “I know it inside out. Your strength is delivering the presentation. I have seen you in action and you’re so good at it” Robin, smiled at the compliment. “Well, I haven’t got any other suggestions”. Kerry smiled back “That’s settled then.

  A few people came into the bar during the evening. They just about replaced the numbers that left during the time they were in the bar. They had chosen a subject. Kerry was going to do the research and Robin the pitch. They were pleased with their day's work when they stood up and prepared to leave. “We need to look sharp when we are on stage. Impressions are everything” Kerry stated. “I agree” said Robin. Kerry had an idea “Hey, let's hit the Mall tomorrow shall we? Get ourselves some outfits” Robin normally liked to go clothes shopping alone. She struggled to find stuff that fitted, but Kerry seemed so excited she didn't want to let her down. “Okay meet you outside the main entrance to the Mall tomorrow. Shall we say midday?” Kerry giggled “It’s a date. It will be fun!” They walked out onto the sidewalk and walked home, thinking about each other.

  Chapter Three

  Kerry arrived at the Mall a little early. She parked her car and waited outside the main entrance for Robin to arrive. She had never really paid much attention to Robin in the past. They had exchanged greetings every day, but had gone their own separate ways in class.

  Kerry thought that Robin was a little too nerdy for her. Yesterday was the first time Kerry had met Robin outside of class, and she admitted to herself that she had the potential for a good laugh. Kerry smiled as she thought of Robin’s embarrassment during the shoot and became aware of her nipples reacting to the thought. “Kerry Hi. Sorry if I’m late” Robin was approaching from the parking lot. Kerry automatically looked at her watch. “You not late, I was early” She replied with a cheeky smile. “Have you had breakfast?” Kerry added. “Yea, have you?” Kerry could still taste maple syrup in the corner of her mouth. “Yes, I was up early as usual” Kerry started to head into the Mall. “Have you anything in mind? A dress, top and skirt?” Robin hadn’t actually given it any thought at all. “A dress I guess if I can find one that fits!” Robin was dreading this.

  She rarely went shopping with anyone. She couldn’t remember the last time she had actually been clothes shopping as she was more comfortable with online shopping, and the privacy of her own apartment as a makeshift changing room. They walked past dozens of stores selling everything from outdoor gear to kitchen equipment.

  Kerry was leading, and in very much in control as they ambled through identical looking halls. Eventually, she stopped outside a department store. It wasn’t a store that Kerry would have normally brought her clothes, but she figured that they may stock larger sizes. “Let’s try here” Kerry announced. Robin walked into the store a couple of paces behind Kerry.

  Kerry led Robin to the women's department and quickly spotted some mannequins wearing business suits. “Over there!” she announced more to herself and headed towards them. Row upon row of business suits and dresses surrounded Robin. She didn't know where to start “What do you recommend Kerry?” Robin asked. Kerry stopped and run her eyes up and down Robin’s body “Skirt and Top and I think.

  Something dark and professional looking, but not black”. Kerry's eyes were
drawn to a deep red skirt, just above the knee. “Something like this, and perhaps a white shirt” Kerry took the skirt of the rail and held it up. It was far too small for Robin, but there were larger ones on the rail. Robin worked her away along until she found one her size. “It’s not really me, but I will try it” She took it off the rail and scanned the store for plain white shirts.

  Kerry was a step ahead of her and she handed Robin one. Robin checked the size and was surprised that Kerry had got it right. “Changing rooms are over there” Kerry pointed to the other side of the store. “I’m sure they will be fine. I can always change them if they don’t fit Kerry” Robin really didn't want to try them on in the store. “Don't be silly, that's just a waste of energy” Kerry headed off towards the changing area. Robin reluctantly followed.

  Robin walked past an uninterested shop assistant, and into a row of cubicles. Kerry announced that she would wait outside and give an opinion and sat down on a conveniently placed chair.

  Robin picked the furthest cubicle away from the door. She pulled back the curtain and stepped inside. She didn't like what Kerry had chosen for her. She was convinced she would look frumpy and stupid. Sweatpants and leggings were her thing most of the time. She held up her potential purchases before hanging them on the single hook in the cubicle. She unzipped her jacket and threw it on the floor in the corner.


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