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Flames of Redemption

Page 20

by Jamie A. Waters

  “Indeed,” Nikolai added. “Tell me, Alec, how exactly does this truth barrier force someone to only tell the truth?”

  Alec paused for a moment, clearly not wanting to abandon his line of questioning but unable to ignore another leader's pointed inquiry. “It is difficult to explain since my type of energy typically isn't used in holding a truth barrier, but the mechanics of it are that certain types of energy coincide with the truth. By creating an energy field around a person, you ensure that only certain audible resonances can pass through the field.”

  Valentina nodded in understanding and took a sip of her drink. Alec's explanation made sense as to why she was able to make certain gestures but hadn't been able to speak. Even so, Alec's insistence on asking her about the truth barrier was concerning. He'd likely try to bring the conversation back around to her again. This could get bad quickly.

  Her skin pebbled as a cold wind passed over her, and she resisted the urge to rub her arms. She carefully placed her spoon beside the bowl and dropped her hands in her lap, itching to draw her weapon. Dammit. Extricating themselves from this mess was going to be challenging.

  Sergei pushed away from the table. “If you are doing something, you will stop immediately.”

  Alec turned to him, his expression mildly surprised. “What do you believe we are doing?”

  “I have spent enough time with your people to know when you are channeling energy,” Sergei snapped.

  Valentina slid her blade from its sheath, keeping it under the table and out of sight. Once she brought out the weapons, she usually had to use them. She'd give them a chance to resolve this peacefully, but she didn't have much hope. Alec had made a serious error in using his powers against them. Yuri had probably already drawn his weapon under the table too.

  Nikolai stood, his expression hard and unyielding. “I was under the impression you were interested in having this alliance succeed. If you are using your abilities against us, this can be construed as an act of war.”

  Alec's body stiffened. A moment later, something else overcame the room, and Valentina's body unwillingly relaxed a fraction. Everyone else's tension lowered a bit too, but something still wasn't quite right. It wasn't a natural softening. Valentina tightened her hand around the hilt of her blade, trying to figure out what had shifted. She had the sensation that whatever it was originated from Ariana.

  The dark-haired woman laid her hand over Alec's. “We apologize to all of you. It's sometimes difficult to remember not to use our abilities around others. No offense was meant. I'm sure Sergei must have shared with you how many times I've fumbled around him since we first met.”

  “That is different,” Sergei said, but not with any of his earlier force. Valentina studied him, curious about his gentler tone. He really did seem to like Ariana, and Valentina had the impression he was protective of the young woman too.

  Ariana focused on her. “Valentina, would you mind if we spoke privately for a moment?”

  “Ari,” Sergei warned, “this is not a wise course of action.”

  Ariana stood and dropped her napkin on the chair. “Please trust me, Sergei. I just want to speak with her for a moment.”

  Valentina glanced over at Nikolai, and he nodded at her. He was curious and wanted her to find out what was going on. She slipped her blade back into its sheath and stood. Sergei's jaw clenched, but he didn't make any other objections.

  Valentina followed Ariana into the other room. Once they were alone, Ariana turned around to face her. “I'm sorry. I tried to tell Alec it wasn't a good idea to bring this up at lunch. He has good intentions, but I'm afraid we sometimes forget our ways aren't the same as yours. I know you don't really know any of us, but we don't mean you any harm.”

  Valentina didn't respond. She'd found silence was sometimes the best motivator at making people talk.

  Ariana sighed and clasped her hands together. “I can sense you're suspicious. I don't know if Sergei told you, but I'm an empath. I can pick up on other people's emotions. You and Sergei are more difficult for me to read than most others, but a few things filter through here and there.”

  “He mentioned it,” Valentina acknowledged.

  Ariana nodded. “What he probably hasn't told you is that I can read everyone, both my kind and humans. Humans are the easiest to read because they don't usually have any ability to block energy.” She paused, her face flushing slightly. “I know it's rude, and I don't mean to do it. It's background noise for the most part, but I have to make a special effort not to pay attention to it.”

  Valentina paused, considering this new information. If Ariana could pick up on everyone's thoughts and intentions before they could choreograph their intent, she could easily turn the tides of any negotiation. “I would imagine this is not information you share with many people. Why are you telling me?”

  “I want you to trust me,” she said, meeting Valentina's gaze with clear, gray eyes that held no hint of deception or artifice. “Alec told me he believed you felt the energy field earlier today. The only way that could be possible is if you share our same traits. It would also explain why I have trouble reading you and why I was able to heal you so well. It's nearly impossible for me to heal non-sensitives if they weren't injured in an energy attack, but I healed you.”

  Valentina tapped her fingers against her leg and then forced herself to remain still. She wouldn't draw a weapon against Ariana, but the urge to hold one in her hand was nearly overwhelming.

  “Sergei said you have healed several other humans,” Valentina pointed out, trying to find a flaw in the young woman's explanation.

  “Not exactly,” Ariana admitted. “Minor injuries, yes. But for major injuries, I've only been able to heal you, Sergei, and one other human who was injured during an energy attack. If energy isn't involved in some way, it's much more difficult.”

  Valentina blinked at her. “You are suggesting Sergei is one of you?”

  Ariana nodded. “He felt the energy channeling at the table. Even those non-sensitives who have some knowledge of our ways can't usually tell when we're using energy.”

  Valentina didn't reply. This wasn't good. She didn't even know where to begin. This must have been what Sergei was trying to warn her about.

  Ariana held out her hand. “Will you allow me to channel energy toward you? I promise not to hurt you or do anything to break your trust. If you're one of us, you should be able to feel it. If you're not, no harm will be done.”

  Valentina stared at Ariana's outstretched hand, part of her curious and wanting to explore what this woman offered. But another part of her was wary and somewhat fearful. Everything would change if she took her hand, and while that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it could act like ripples in a pool of water and have widespread repercussions.

  When she was younger, she'd been taught during her training that fear was natural. But it was important to identify your fears and your body's response to them. Only then could you decide whether to reject those fears outright or renegotiate with them. Either way, you did not allow your fear to govern your actions.

  She eyed Ariana's hand but didn't touch her. “What happens if it works?”

  Ariana paused. “What do you mean?”

  Valentina gestured to her outstretched hand. “If I do feel it, what happens with your people?”

  “You'd be one of us,” Ariana explained, hope shining in her eyes. “We all share the same origins. In some way, we're all family. So many of our people were lost in the last war. If we manage to find even one more of our kind, it'll give us so much hope that others might still be out there.”

  Valentina didn't bother to hide her disbelief. “They would trust a stranger's word so easily? If I say I feel something, they will believe I am one of you?”

  Ariana frowned and lowered her hand. “The only way to tell conclusively is with a DNA test or through you actually using energy. I figured this might be an easier way to find out without involving anyone else.”

  “If we
do this between us, will anyone else know?”

  Ariana shook her head. “I'm bonded to Alec. I can't lie to him, but I can ask him not to invade my thoughts until you're willing to tell him.”

  Valentina's eyes widened. “He can read minds?”

  Ariana smiled. “Don’t worry. He can't read everyone. He can communicate telepathically when he's touching someone, but he can only hear my thoughts when we're out of touch because of our bond.”

  “He can hear this conversation?”

  Ariana shook her head. “No. I'm blocking him so we can speak privately. I can't feel him, and he can't feel me either.”

  Valentina was quiet for a long moment, weighing the pros and cons. If she could help her family, she owed it to them to find out the truth about these powers. There was no guarantee she and Sergei could access the restricted areas of the tower in the timeframe they had allotted, and this would definitely speed things up. Besides, if the Omnis considered her to be one of them, they would lower their guard even more.

  “You do not need to channel energy to me,” she admitted. “I felt it during your truth barrier and at lunch.”

  Ariana's eyes widened, and a huge smile spread across her face. “You're one of us! I knew there was something about you. This is wonderful!”

  “You should not have done this, Ari,” Sergei spoke from behind her.

  Valentina spun around to find Sergei and Nikolai standing in the doorway. Everyone else was standing right behind them. Based on their shocked expressions, they'd heard enough. She resisted the urge to swear.

  “Valentina,” Nikolai snapped, walking over to her in a handful of steps. He grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hallway toward her bedroom. She was so startled by the uncharacteristic action, she didn't even think to object. He pulled her into her bedroom and slammed the door behind him. He locked it and withdrew his weapon. “Pack. Now.”

  She stared at him, trying to get her head around what he was saying. Things couldn't have deteriorated that much in the short time she and Ariana left the room. They would have heard raised voices from the other room. “No one was in jeopardy, Nikolai. I made a tactical decision to obtain information from them. Did something else happen?”

  “Pack,” he demanded, walking over to the surveillance equipment and yanking it apart. “That's an order.”

  She frowned but immediately picked up the weapons and began putting them in a nearby bag. He wasn't acting normal, but she'd go along with it for now until they got to a more secure location. Nikolai rarely did anything without good reason, but she had every intention of getting to the bottom of it once they were alone.

  Someone pounded on the door, and she heard Sergei yell, “Do not do this, Nikolai.”

  Valentina paused, lifting her head to stare at the door. Nikolai walked over, grabbed the rest of the weapons out of her hands, and shoved them into the bag. He threw the bag over his shoulder. “Good enough. We're leaving.”

  There was a loud thud against the door. A moment later, the door splintered and broke down. Sergei stumbled into the room. “Valentina, do not leave with him.”

  “Enough, Sergei.” Nikolai pointed his weapon at him. “If you interfere, I will end you.”

  Valentina gaped at Nikolai. She'd expect this from Yuri, but not Nikolai. Gone was the calm and infinitely patient man she knew as well as herself. In its place was a barely controlled fury, the likes of which she hadn't seen in years. “Nikolai, what are you doing?”

  “Tell her why you are leaving,” Sergei demanded.

  “You are no longer welcome in our camp, Sergei,” Nikolai declared, grabbing her arm and pulling her toward the door.

  Valentina's eyes widened, and she looked back and forth between the two men. Yuri jogged up from behind them carrying several bags.

  Nikolai glanced over at him. “Take only what you have in your hands, Yuri. We need to leave now.”

  Yuri nodded and headed toward the exit with them.

  “He does not want to lose you!” Sergei yelled after them. “He would risk damning this entire alliance to keep you by his side.”

  She halted in her tracks. “Nikolai, is this true?”

  “Later,” he snapped, his hand tightening on her arm as he pulled her forward. “Do not force me to pull rank on you, Valentina.”

  “Trust us, Valya,” Yuri urged. “We have never abandoned you. We will explain everything later.”

  She glanced back at Sergei one last time and wished she hadn't. The regret and longing in his eyes matched the same emotions in her heart.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The door closed behind them, and Sergei leaned back against the wall. He closed his eyes and slumped down onto the floor. He'd known this would happen. If he'd made time to talk to her as soon as Lars brought up the subject, maybe all of this could have been avoided. Although, if he'd never left her in the first place she wouldn't have automatically trusted Nikolai and Yuri without also talking to him. There had to be a way to salvage this. He couldn't lose her again.

  “Sergei,” Ariana whispered, kneeling beside him and placing her hand on his arm. “I'm so sorry. I had no idea they would take her away.”

  Sergei didn't reply. He would have done the same thing in Nikolai's position, but it didn't make it any easier. Valentina had always been too curious for her own good, and she probably justified her admission by telling herself she could protect the people she loved by getting more information. She just hadn't counted on the lengths they'd all go to in order to protect her from herself.

  “We might be able to talk to her and convince her to return,” Alec suggested. “It sounded as though she was interested in pursuing discussions about our abilities.”

  Sergei opened his eyes, pinning Alec with his glare, and pushed up from the ground. “Do you have any idea what you have done? I told Lars not to let you push this. Our alliance is over because of your actions.”

  Alec stiffened. “This alliance can still be salvaged. We can speak with some of your other leaders and explain we don't mean Valentina any harm. She's one of us.”

  “She is not,” Sergei snapped. “She cannot belong to our Coalition and to your people. There cannot be any split loyalties among us. If they believe her loyalty lies with you, she'll be executed.”

  Ariana gasped, and her hand flew to her mouth. “Why would they do that?”

  Sergei swore. “Valentina is not just a pretty face. She is one of our highest-ranking field operatives, a senior officer in our military, and only a few steps away from the seat of power. She knows too much and holds too much influence. They will not risk allowing her to live if they suspect her of playing both sides. Contrary to what Valentina may believe, I do not believe even she could talk her way out of it. Nikolai took the only course of action he could to save her life.”

  Brant shook his head. “I had no idea. All her questions… she seemed so innocent and curious. She was working me for information the whole time and I had no idea. I'd normally be furious, but I'm actually rather impressed.”

  “She must be a water channeler,” Alec mused. “They can be as fluid as water, changing personas with ease, depending on the situation.”

  Ariana nodded. “Yes, and Sergei is a fire channeler. It explains why they're drawn together, and why my healing abilities work so well on them.”

  Sergei shrugged. “It does not matter anymore. You will not see her again. None of us will. Nikolai will most likely have her off this continent by morning.”

  Ariana frowned. “You can't go after her?”

  “No,” Sergei muttered, running a hand through his overly long hair. “Nikolai meant what he said. He will not risk losing her, and I am too much of a threat due to my association with OmniLab. He will not chance any further contact.”

  Ariana's shoulders drooped, and she clasped her hands together. “She loves you, Sergei. I thought she loved Nikolai, but it's not the same. She cares for him and Yuri, but it doesn't even come close to what she feels for you.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut, Ariana's words gripping his heart like a vice. “It does not matter, Ari. I broke her heart three years ago. I had another chance to get her back and make it up to her, but that is now gone. Nikolai will not allow her anywhere near the towers again, and he will not allow me anywhere near her. I would do the same if I were in his position.”

  Lars frowned. “I've seen what you're capable of, Sergei. Can't you break into their camp?”

  Sergei crossed his arms and glared at Lars. “They will be mobilized by morning, if not by the time they return to camp.”

  “Leave now,” Lars suggested. “You know where their camp is, you know their tactics, and you have our technology behind you. We can get in long enough for you to talk to her.”

  “And then what?” Sergei demanded. “You think she will just leave the only family she has left? You think she will turn her back on a lifetime of service because she loves me? The four of us were a unit for many years. We trained together and conducted operations together. We were inseparable, but then I made a mistake. I left her three years ago, and Nikolai and Yuri picked up the pieces. If I walk back into their camp, I will be asking her to leave her family for the one person who abandoned her. I cannot do that to her.”

  Ariana took a small step toward him. “Why did you leave her?”

  Sergei sighed. “She had been badly injured during a takeover. I lost control and caused a fire to break out in the facility, trapping twenty-six people in a service wing. They were burned alive before Nikolai and Yuri managed to stop me. Some of them were innocent civilians.”

  Ariana gasped, but Sergei turned away and began to pace. He could still see their faces and hear their screams every time he closed his eyes. “Nikolai hid the truth of what happened that day and claimed it was intentional on my part. Our leaders thought my tactics were brutal yet effective since it was the quickest surrender in our history. They offered me my own command on a trial basis. I wanted to bring Valentina with me once she healed, but I worried if something happened to her during OmniLab's takeover, I would lose control again. Nikolai had just been promoted to his position, and I thought it was a safer option for her. He promised to protect her, so I left before she ever woke up.”


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