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Page 15

by Angel Payne

  “Difference number two,” he snarled, scratching his own fingernails up to both sides of her jaw, where he dug his fingers in deep. “I love hearing these lips scream, and I don’t care who hears you. I love being the one who’s made you sound that way.”

  Her eyes, wide and wild and stormy, dilated beneath his scrutiny. Frantic air sliced from her lungs as she surged her hips for him, locking her thighs on his. Her body was a full tempest, begging for more of his control. Her spirit was a hurricane, blasting him with merciless gusts and ruthless rain. He accepted it all with open gratitude. She was his storm and he was her god, about to give her energy back with a thousand times more passion and life than where she’d started. He couldn’t wait to watch.

  “Yes,” she rasped as he pressed her harder into the bed, shifting his mouth to her neck, suckling with his teeth and tongue.

  “You like this?” He bit into the delicious curve of her ear.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned. “Yesssss.”

  “And this?” He shoved a hand against her scalp and yanked hard on her thick, silky strands.

  “Damn.” The column of her neck undulated as she swallowed. “Yes, Sir.”

  “And you liked the way Shane did all of this last night too? And the way he fucked you afterward?”

  “Yes, yes!”

  He rammed his mouth over hers. Claimed her brutally. Filled her ferociously. When he broke off the kiss, he pulled her head back down with just as much force, still restricting her gaze solely to him.

  “Difference number three,” he uttered into the thick air between them. “Shane fucked you like a pussy.”

  Her eyes flared like crushed cobalt infused with diamonds. “Oh, God. Holy shit.”

  He twisted out a feral grin. “Save the prayers, baby girl. You’re going to need them more in a few minutes.”

  A long whimper slid out of her, along with a frantic nod, as he released the fastenings on her jeans. Her expression crunched into confusion as he rolled off the bed. It expanded to a full gape as he flipped her over, and then it was lost to him as he worked on removing the pants with vicious yanks. He could guess, though. Her aroused little grunts conveyed novels to him—and they all hinted at very happy endings.

  Her desire was his new vortex, flipping back more latches on the storm doors of his composure. Fuck, it felt great. There was so much inside him that hadn’t been out to play in a long time. His chest pumped. His muscles surged. His focus funneled in tighter on his precious subbie. Tighter…

  Goodbye, humanity. Hello, Sir Shay. The animal inside clawed at his blood, pounded into his cock, vibrated in every breath. It also growled up his throat as he watched his near-naked hostage, her hands kneading the mattress, her sighs punching the air, and her thighs starting to part, giving him glimpses of her dark-pink pussy lips. Her wet, glistening readiness…

  He was well aware they didn’t have a lot of time, but took an extra second to let her shiver through his scrutinizing silence. After she’d endured a few more seconds of that tension, he paced to the area near her head. Checked the security of her IV line. Then pushed the hair away from her face.

  “Open your eyes, tiny dancer.” Damn. Even in that simple act, she performed with exotic elegance. “Beautiful,” he praised. “Now look up at me.” When she obeyed—lashes so thick, irises so bright, and bow lips parted—he exhaled hard. She was five thousand kinds of breathtaking, a perfect wet dream. He almost wondered if he was asleep. His dick provided the answer to that. If this was a dream, he would’ve lost it and orgasmed already. “Red still means red,” he ordered in a dark rumble.

  She tossed him that perplexed pout again. “You don’t get it, do you? Hostages don’t get—”

  “Hell.” He snatched up a roll of gauze bandaging off the nursing tray and unfurled a length before fitting it between her teeth and yanking hard. After wrapping the white shit a few times around her head, he tore it off and knotted it over one of her ears. She winced when some of her hair got tangled in the tie, but the thickened lust in her gaze was also unmistakable. “Your safe word is now crossed fingers, hostage. But you’d better fucking mean it, baby, because now you’ve gotten me extra torqued. Now nod and tell me you understand.”

  She complied in less than a second. Shay grunted, proud of himself for his handiwork. The gag was sexy as fuck, adding fire into his certainty to possess her again. At the same time, she wasn’t just giving in to the meek captive thing. Her backtalk had been a massive turn-on. Now, her eyes glinted with alternating messages of fuck you and ohhhh, shit. So damn gorgeous. Dark blue was rapidly becoming his favorite color.

  “Good girl,” he murmured. Christ how he wanted to keep pacing around this table, playing with her mind and her body and anything else he could get his fingers on and his cock inside, but time was a goddamn monkey on his back. Soon, Wyst would have that extra wing open, and he’d have to jump back to being Shane again—to what he really came here for—though with every passing minute in this room, Zoe felt more a part of that reason too.

  She squirmed a little, increasing the awareness that he’d let another silence slip by. “Be still,” he ordered quietly. “You’re my toy now, and that includes the call on every move you make.”

  She nodded and then lowered her head back to the mattress. The move placed her gaze at the same level as his cock, a fact she certainly didn’t miss, judging from her rapid-fire breathing. It sure as fuck wasn’t lost on him. She was the portrait of dreams he’d long ago written off as fantasy, the plaything he’d stopped putting on the Christmas list. He’d resigned himself to getting socks and lame sweaters for the rest of his days.

  No more sweaters now. Unless he could dress her in them. Then unwrap her out of them…

  He groaned as his cock threatened to cut its own way from his pants.

  Zoe’s fingers curled into the mattress while he pulled at his fly, slicing the air with the grate of his zipper. She writhed as he produced a condom from his front pocket and then placed it in front of her face. He decided the move could be her free pass. Inside, he thanked her for it. Her near-nude beauty distracted him from thinking about the moment Bash had forced the rubber into his hand as they’d loaded Zoe onto the stretcher after landing, joking that Shay should make the most of using his “private dancer.” Shay had almost given the thing back to Bash by ramming it down the guy’s throat. He was damn glad he hadn’t.

  As he parted his fly, Zoe bit into the gauze. When he pulled out his erection, she released a full moan. Shay was tempted to respond in kind but only grunted.

  He repeated the sound as a crystal drop formed in the valley atop his cock. He let it stay there, shimmering inches from her eyes, as he stroked himself from balls to crown with a tight fist. He didn’t say a word, knowing her eyes took in every piece of information she needed to know by staring at the force in his hand and the growth of his stalk.

  He was going to fill her without liberation. Fuck her without relief. Claim her in every hard, ruthless way he could.

  After she watched him like that for a minute, her buttocks constricted. She trembled, clearly trying to stop herself, but sobbed when Shay stopped her with a sharp spank across both her cheeks. “Naughty girl. Trying to get yourself off by rubbing the mattress like a kitty in heat?”

  “I…I…shaw-wee.” Her voice was filled with lusty desperation.

  Shay dipped his hand between her ass cheeks, his fingers slicking into tight, wet warmth. “You are a wicked pussy,” he purred. “A sweet, sopping little hostage who’s ready to be fucked.”

  “Yesh,” she mumbled as he spread her sex wide and stroked her erect clit. “Ohhhh…yessshhh!”

  “Hush.” He pulled his hand out, joining it with his other to lift her hips high. When her ass was thrust high, he wound his hand back in and caressed her pussy. He stroked her twice and then smacked her once. A stunned keen tumbled off Zoe’s lips. When he repeated the treatment, she cried louder. “Much better,” Shay praised. “Forget the words, sweet girl. Y
our only purpose is to scream.”

  “Mmmmm.” Though her tone was threaded with pain, her beautiful cunt sent a stream of arousal over his fingers. She turned even wetter after he swatted her again. And she shrieked even louder. “Oh. Ohhhhh. Owwww!”

  Shay leaned close, pressing his body over her and dragging the hair away from her eyes. She stared back up him, looking as untamed and exhilarated and turned-on as he felt.

  Then for an instant, just an instant, she kicked up one side of her mouth at him.

  The look was so sublime, Shay couldn’t help but grin back before sinking his teeth into the back of her neck. He licked away the burn before crooning, “You want more, don’t you?”

  He held his breath in anticipation of her response. His breathtaking she-cat didn’t disappoint him.

  No little nod of sweet acquiescence. Or another awkward mumble. The woman let a stunning snarl prowl through her body, joining to the shove she gave with her shoulders and the buck she attempted with her hips. Attempted. Shay was ready for her struggle now. He easily braced her thighs, stilling them with steely grips. If that weren’t enough, he rolled a hand back over her sex and once more massaged her tender tissues.

  Zoe froze. It made him smile. The woman was amazing, already conditioning her reaction based on what she thought he’d do. He hadn’t been planning a pattern, but just thinking of swatting her pussy again was now a psychological temptation on top of the physical.

  Beneath his swirling touch, her clit trembled. Her lips erupted in an agonized moan.

  “Don’t you want what’s coming next, my hot hostage?”

  She swung her head from side to side. “Uh-uh.”

  “You don’t want me to spank your pussy?”

  “Yesh. No,” she gasped. “Pwease donnnn’t!”

  “But it makes your cunt so wet, Zoe. It makes you shake so hard for me.”

  “Pwease. No. Owwww!” Her cry coincided with the audible smack he made to her mound this time. She dug her toes into the mattress, struggling to push free. Like that was going to work. With one hip still captive in his ruthless hold, he shoved two fingers between the dark honey perfection of her ass cheeks. Without stopping, he plunged them into her deepest tunnel.

  “You’re dripping again, Zoe. Soaking me with your hot cream. And I can see your tits, hanging over the mattress like darts. They’re sharp, erect and aroused.” He pulled out his fingers to loom forward again, kissing the valley between her shoulder blades “Your shoulders are trembling. Your skin is gleaming. My sweet little hostage, your lips can try stories with me, but your body says different things.”

  “Unnnhhh. Mmmmm!” She forced the sounds past the gauze as he reached between her legs from the front. Her intimate flower trembled beneath his touch, and her delicious moan erupted into a needy scream. Her gaze, though shielded beneath heavy lids, followed his hand through every inch of the sweep he made to retrieve the condom. Once he tore into the wrapper and sheathed up, her eyes slammed shut and her breathing doubled.

  “Wider.” He repositioned his legs between hers and then spread her according to his dictate. Pressed beneath him, she was a heaven of liquid compliance and lusty sighs. She softened as he forced her torso flat to the mattress, angling her entrance perfectly for his invasion.

  “Good,” he grated into her ear. The roses in her shampoo, the salt in her skin, and the tang of her sex were an ambrosia in his nostrils, filtering straight to his cock. “Very, very good. You’re so ready for it, aren’t you, little prisoner?”

  She gave him the answer already. From the second he guided his rigid length between her legs and was welcomed by her pussy’s greedy lips, he was certain the rough foreplay had flipped every switch of her desire. She quivered and pulsed and sweated and writhed, all but begging him aloud for his ruthless discipline.

  And damn, how he loved pleasing a sweet little subbie.

  And dominating a gorgeous little hostage.

  His hostage.

  The affirmation cranked his blood to boiling. His savage urges became caveman needs, driving him to mark her shoulders with deep bites before he reared back, digging his hands into her hips and imprinting her flesh with his grip.

  After one nudge to retest her readiness, he lunged forward while pulling her back—and didn’t stop until he felt his balls smack the trimmed hairs of her pussy.


  Her desperate scream swelled him more. He gritted the F-word at the confines of the condom. Christ, he hoped the barrier held. He’d strained a few in his time, but no woman he’d ever screwed had this effect on him. Made him feel as if he wasn’t deep enough, didn’t stretch her enough, didn’t stamp enough of himself on her, inside her. The frustration made him withdraw nearly to her entrance before thrusting hard into her once more.

  It still wasn’t enough.

  “More.” The command razed his throat as he pounded into her sheath once more. “Take more of it, Zoe. More of me. Breathe, baby. You can do it.” As her shoulders dropped, her pussy slackened a little. He moved in fast, using the opportunity to conquer more of her body. “That’s it. Fuck, that’s good. Again. Let me in deeper.”

  She nodded but then rolled her head, thrashing it. “So muh,” she blurted. “So fuh.”

  Shay dropped his hands to her thighs and began running them inward, forming a V around her pussy. With his thumbs, he pushed at the top of her prettily cropped mound. “But so much can be so good, little hostage. So can so full.”

  As he offered the seduction, his gaze was mysteriously guided to the side—and drawn at once to the items on the small medical cart there. Hell. Maybe fate really was a benevolent mistress sometimes. And maybe he’d just gotten lucky with the inspiration.

  Either way, the tube of petroleum jelly wouldn’t go wasted.

  In ideal circumstances, the shit wouldn’t have been his first choice for this—but since his plan was only to have fun with her anus and not get his cock anywhere near it, he felt safe in popping the lid, working the jelly onto a finger, and then dipping that digit to the naughty ring surrounding her back hole. He braced his other hand to the small of her back while slowly pushing his finger inside, expecting his little hostage to become a bucking pony any second.

  She met half his expectation. While the keen from her throat was high and frantic, she didn’t lurch. Her only resistance came in the form of clenching every muscle she could. That wasn’t such a crappy thing. Shay bit back a groan as her channel nearly crushed his dick in all the right ways.

  “Ssshhh. Breathe, baby girl. This is so full in all the best ways.”


  “Pretty, but not a safe word. Crossed fingers, remember?”

  Damn it.

  He paused as she used the cue to raise her right hand.

  But her fingers weren’t crossed. She really shifted only one of them—to flip him a definitive “bird” of tribute.

  He let out a gloating chuckle. “My adorable little hostage…how fortunate you are that it feels too good to fuck you right now. But since you’ve asked so nicely…” He slicked on more of the lubricant and then fit a second finger into her ass, twisting his hand to work both digits deeper. As Zoe grunted, he began a gentle rhythm in her ass, timing it to how he rocked his dick in her pussy.

  Her protests faded into whimpers. Her shoulders sagged. But within a few more strokes, Shay felt her start to push back on his fingers with the inner muscles of her ass. The depths of her sex kept kneading his dick. Her body quivered, easily absorbing his thrusts. When he stretched a hand to her clit, it was a rock-hard nub of readiness.

  Holy God. He’d never seen a submissive so completely embrace everything she was. Taking pain for her Dom’s desire. Trusting his will with the surrender of her own. Accepting his force and letting it transform with her passion…and heat.

  Her obeisance flared his lust. The pressure percolated in his balls, pushing the limits of his control. His thighs clenched and his ass constricted. She heightened the tor
ment by mewling at him in protest with every new inch he gained in her ass, only to massage him harder the next second, coaxing him deeper in. His cock was a separate issue of torment. It was no longer possible to simply rock into her. With every passing minute, the blood beat more urgently up his shaft. He was powerless to ignore it and helpless to control it, letting it drive him into a thundering rhythm on her pussy. Every time he bore down, he gritted filthy commands, binding him tighter to her in nasty collusion.

  “Take it, Zoe.”

  She shivered and sighed.

  “All of it, Zoe.”

  She quaked and moaned.

  “You’re filled up, Zoe.”

  Finally, he pinched her labia lips together, pushing her clit into the pad of his forefinger.

  “Make your cunt come for me, Zoe.”

  She froze. Shivered.


  Shay detonated too. Bolts of electricity shot up his shaft. He burst in the depths of her body like a neutron bomb fused of ecstasy and agony. Her body continued to squeeze him, milking every last drop of his come. The world centered and expanded at once, spinning his senses, blowing his goddamn mind.

  He couldn’t let it end there.

  He couldn’t let her walk away without having her mind imploded too.

  After lowering the gag from her mouth, he leaned over and kissed her, savoring the taste of her lingering pleasure. As he trailed his mouth back along her jaw and to her neck, Zoe let out another blissful sigh.

  “Sir. Thank—”

  “Sssshhh.” He’d already cupped her mound with his hand again. The fingers in her ass had stayed right where they were, and his cock was still blissfully buried in her womb. With defined purpose, he pressed the heel of his hand against her mons, matching his beat to the thrusts of his other hand.

  “M-M-Mierda,” she gasped. “Wh-What the hell are you—”

  “Rules still apply, baby girl.” He rolled his hips, letting his cock and its filled rubber add to all the sensations inside her. “Only screams.”


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