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Bear's Surrogate (Shifter Surrogate Service Book 3)

Page 9

by Sky Winters

  “Oh, God. You’ve got to stop, Buck.” She lifted her hand from his cock. “This is really hot…really sexy, but—”

  He silenced her protests by slanting his mouth over hers. Lorna moaned into Buck’s mouth as he kissed her. She tried to slide her tongue inside, to taste him even more intimately, but his wouldn’t retreat. His powerful body shifted over hers, possessive and dominant, sandwiching her between his hot, hard chest and the warm leather seat. Her swollen, sensitive breasts squashed against him. Her nipples poked into unyielding muscle.

  He smelled so masculine. So erotically of sandalwood and citrus and the clean heat of his skin. She loved the hot, wet, minty taste of his tongue in her mouth. He deepened the kiss, ravished her mouth. She’d never been kissed with such hunger, such raw need. As though he’d yearned for this moment for a lifetime. Suddenly, she realized she was sliding back along the booth, pulling him with her. Her chest was tight with desire, her throat dry with it; her heart hammered against her rib cage. She felt ready to combust on the spot. Lorna now understood why people would risk everything for sex. She was horny enough to do him in public.

  Dimly, she saw waiters race by them, couples pass by, a group of guys in suits leer at them. She struggled to cool down and sit up. Just take the man back to your room and screw his brains out, she thought. Why were they out here in the open? Then again, it was fucking hot as hell making out with a man whose baby she was carrying out here in the open like this. He had his hand up her skirt and was kissing her like his life depended on it. He moved his mouth from hers, and Lorna almost sobbed at the loss.

  “Do you know what I truly want, Lorna?”

  His voice flowed over her, deep, compelling, and complete with a sexy, deep voice. In response, her pussy clenched greedily around his large fingers.

  “What do you truly want, Buck?”

  His mouth quirked up into a wicked smile. “I want your next orgasm to be on my face.”

  He wouldn’t…would he? Lorna pulled away to look into Buck’s eyes. Teasing, glittering eyes. “You aren’t planning to do that here, are you?” she asked.

  Lorna moaned at the sudden vision of being stretched out on her back across the leather booth, skirt forced up, legs spread wide while he ate her. Fondling each other under the table while the music pumped and low laughter swirled around was wild enough. Naughty, just as he’d said.

  But oral sex…?

  With the hand that was not stuffed in her pussy, Buck lifted hers from his hard bulge. He twined his fingers with hers, laid their clasped hands on his thighs.

  “What do you want? Where do we go from here?”

  He held her gaze captive. His fingers slid in and out. She could barely form words.

  She knew exactly where she wanted to take him. A place she could strip him naked and run her tongue all over his buff bod. A place she would finally unleash the do-me-now, sex-crazed vixen inside—the one threatening to burst out of her skin like an alien life form.

  “Let’s go to our room.”

  Buck wasted no time in dropping some cash on the table and standing up, his bulging erection visible through his pants. She attempted to smooth her clothes down as she stood and slipped out of the booth. Knowing eyes fell on them, small smiles creasing the face of all they passed on their way out of the club. This was only the beginning, as they entered their room and picked up where they had left off, fucking like a pair of wild animals in heat until well into the early morning hours.

  They were both all smiles as they woke up the next morning, grabbed a quick shower together and drove back to the lake house. Buck went to check on C.J. while she went to her room to change and get herself together a bit after their wild night in the city. She sat looking into her mirror at her reflection. She was glowing, it seemed, even before putting on her makeup. Whether it was the result of pregnancy or last night, she couldn’t be sure. Perhaps it was both.

  Chapter 15

  “What are they doing?” Lorna asked, walking downstairs a little later in the morning.

  “Putting a hard cover over the pool. It extends and retracts with a push of a remote, one that I will be keeping locked away so that no one has access to it but adults.”

  “Very smart. I half expected to see a backhoe out there shoveling dirt into the hole,” she replied.

  “I thought about it.”

  “I’m sure you did. Where is C.J.?”

  “Melanie took her to the doctor’s office to make sure there was nothing to worry about. Just a precaution, but she insisted. She had wanted to take her yesterday, but he wasn’t available.”

  “I’m guessing she didn’t get much argument from you.”

  “You guessed correctly.”

  “I’m sure she is fine.”

  “And you? How are you doing this morning?”

  “I’m a little tender after a certain sexual encounter last night,” she told him.

  “It was hot, wasn’t it?” he said, leaning over to whisper in her ear.

  “It was okay,” she shrugged.

  He gave her a mock wounded look and she laughed, kissing him on the cheek before returning to the house to find something to snack on. As the baby grew, she was finding that she was ravenous most of the time.

  In the end, C.J. turned out to be fine after her little incident. Summer turned to fall and fall became winter, each month showing Lorna’s increasing size. Soon, it was Christmas and then New Year’s Day. It all seem to be on fast forward to Lorna as the time for the baby to be born loomed large in the headlights. She was incredibly nervous about the birth, but excited as well.

  “I thought we would have a little weekend adventure for Valentine’s Day,” Buck told her as January ended.

  “I would love that but look at me! I’m going to be due any day by then. Should we really stray so far from the house?”

  “Probably not, but it falls on a Sunday this year, so the house staff will all be gone. I thought I might go ahead and give them Saturday off as well. We can go into Los Angeles and leave C.J. with her grandparents then check into the Four Seasons and just be lazy, order room service, watch some old flicks. Relax.”

  “That sounds amazing,” she replied.

  “Consider it done then,” he told her.

  Lorna kissed him and leaned her head on his chest, her massive belly pressed between them. She felt like she was the size of a blimp, but he didn’t seem to notice. He made all the arrangements for Los Angeles, ending up letting everyone off on Friday afternoon so they could make a longer weekend of it. She couldn’t wait to be back in the city for a bit. As much as she loved it out here in the open, she did miss it there too. By Friday afternoon, they were saying their goodbyes to C.J. for a couple of days and headed to the hotel.

  “I have another little surprise for you as well,” he told her once they were all settled into their room.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “We have a meeting,” he replied.

  “Yeah? With who?” she asked.

  “Some people interested in our screenplay.”

  “You’re kidding me? Who?”

  “Let’s just say you’ll recognize him immediately.”

  “Exciting,” she said, smiling.

  “Get dressed for a nice dinner downstairs,” he told her.

  Lorna was nervous as she dressed for their meal with whoever he was taking her to meet. Once she was ready, they walked arm in arm to the elevators and rode down to the hotel restaurant. They had only been sitting at their table a short time when they were joined by a familiar face.

  “Hello, Mr. Wilson. Ms. Dunne. I’m Thompson Connors.”

  “Oh, wow. It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Connors. I’m a huge fan.”

  “I’m flattered, but please call me Tom. Most people do,” he replied.

  “Tom, sit down, man. It’s been way too long,” Buck replied.

  “It has been. Where have you been hiding out?”

  “Ah, you know. Just laying low. I’ve bee
n keeping busy,” he said.

  “So, I see,” Connors laughed, nodding toward Lorna’s belly, he said, chuckling a bit before continuing, “and this script. Wow, man. It’s fantastic. You sure you want a hack like me touching it?”

  “Absolutely, I do. You think you can get it funded?”

  “Are you kidding me? In a heartbeat. I can get the money for this tomorrow out of Dallas Dalton.”

  Lorna bristled at the mention of Dalton’s name. She hadn’t thought about him and what he had done to her for months. Now, here she was stuck in something else that he could blackball her over. She felt sick at her stomach.

  “Nope. No Dallas Dalton,” Buck replied.

  “What do you mean? He’s the go to guy these days. I know you’ve been out of the loop for a while, but if you need production cast, then he’s your man.”

  “What he is, Tom, is a piece of shit. He molests actresses and then ruins their careers if they dare turn him down. It’s sickening. He’s sickening. I won’t have him on my film and no one else should either. If anything, he ought to be hung from the Hollywood sign by his balls.”

  “Wow, that’s quite an accusation. You have any evidence to back it up?”

  “I certainly do.”

  “Alright. Good enough for me. He’s out. Who do you want me to go to?”

  “Go to Manny Stubbins. He’s been looking to invest for a while and just hasn’t found anything he wants to put his name on. I’ve already sent him the script to read and I think he’s going to really want it in his back pocket.”

  “Done. What else do you need?”

  “The usual staff. You’re the best director in town these days.”

  “Not now that you are here.”

  “I’m not here. I’m still off the reservation. I can co-direct, but I just am not ready to dive back into the business again, especially not with a new baby due any day.”

  “Fine. Fine. We’ll work it out then.”

  “Great. Do some digging around, see what you can put together and give me a call. In the meantime, how about we eat?”

  “I can get behind that.”

  Dinner was filled with lively conversation as Tom told them about some of the latest gossip and up and comings around town. He tried to broach the subject of Dalton again, curious as to what information Buck had on him, but Buck waved him off.

  “You’ll just have to take my word for it. He’s in a downward spiral.”

  They switched the conversation to telling old tales of their on-set adventures, laughing hardily at themselves. Lorna got a kick out of seeing this side of Buck. She could imagine that his life had once been full of a lot more joy than it was when they had met. It saddened her that he no longer seemed to be that happy person.

  After dinner, they said their goodbyes and returned to their room, laying in the darkness holding hands. She wanted to say something about dinner, but wasn’t sure if she dared. Instead, it was him that brought it up.

  “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable,” he said.


  “At dinner. Talking about Dalton.”

  “It wasn’t you that brought him up.”

  “No, but still. I know it’s a sore spot.”

  “He’s going to be furious when he finds out you cut him out of a deal that he might have wanted.”

  “There is nothing Dalton can do to me. I wouldn’t worry about that.”

  “I’m more concerned with you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “The way you were with Tom. I’ve never seen that side of you. You were so relaxed, so happy.”

  “You think I’m not happy at other times?”

  “You don’t seem to be, not like that.”

  “That was just boys reliving their glory days. We get like children sometimes, but I am happy. I’m happy every day now. I wasn’t for a very long time, but you’ve brought back so much joy to my life and to C.J.s. She’s like a new child. No more of that shy business, like she was scared of her own shadow. She’s really opened up around you. I have too, at least I think I have.”

  “To an extent. I just feel like you’re reserved somehow, more than you were tonight.”

  “Perhaps I am. I think that somewhere in the back of my mind, I don’t think I should be happy, but I’m getting a grip on it. I’m certainly not going to walk away from it just because it feels different than the void I’ve lived in for the last few years.”

  “I certainly hope not.”

  “Lorna, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I am in love with you. I think I’ve been in love with you since the day I laid eyes on you, even when I was too scared to admit it to myself or you. You are everything to me.”

  “I love you too. I guess I’m just a little scared too. We’re almost at the end of my contract. What happens then.”

  “We have a baby and we raise it together, along with C.J.”

  “Are you sure that is what you want?”

  “Lorna! Where is this all coming from?” he asked, reaching over and flipping on a lamp to look at her.

  “I don’t know. I guess I just saw you down there at dinner and it’s like I don’t make you that happy. You were all smiles and laughter.”

  “I’m the happiest man on the planet, honey. I have a beautiful woman in my life and we are expecting our first child together. We’re in love and she loves my daughter too. What more could I have that would make me happy?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted.

  “Nothing. That’s what. Nothing at all.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. Just pregnancy hormones making me act up, I guess.”

  “What if I called room service and ordered you up a giant chocolate and caramel sundae? Would that help your hormones?”

  “With whipped cream and sprinkles?”


  “Yes. That would definitely do it. That, and a kiss.”

  “Done,” he said, leaning over to kiss her before hopping up to call for room service.

  Chapter 16

  They spent the next few days in Los Angeles just kicking back and taking it easy at the hotel. They were on their way back with C.J. asleep in the back seat when she felt a distinct pain in her abdomen. She groaned and clutched the dashboard.

  “What’s wrong? What is it?’ Buck asked in a worried voice.

  “I think I might be having labor pains,” she replied.

  “Might be?”

  “Okay. I think I’m in labor.”

  “My God,” he muttered, looking at her anxiously. “Should I pull over somewhere?”

  “Not unless you want me to spit the baby out a window like that scene from Men In Black,” she teased as the pain subsided.

  “What do I do then?” he gasped.

  “Just get us home. It will take a while for the contractions to get close enough together for delivery.”

  Buck sped up, weaving in and out of traffic. Lorna clutched her seat, now more because of his driving than labor pains.

  “Buck, slow down. I’d like to get there in one piece. These just started. We’ve got time.”

  Buck let off the gas a bit, hitting the speed dial on the phone link from this steering wheel. She heard it ringing through the speakers and then Melanie on the other end.

  “Hey, Buck. What’s up?” she asked.

  “Lorna is in labor,” he said anxiously.

  “Oh, God. Are you still in Los Angeles?”

  “No. We’re on our way home. ETA an hour and a half.”

  “How far apart are her contractions?”

  “I don’t know,” he moaned.

  “They are not anywhere near one another. I’ve only had a couple so far,” Lorna interjected.

  “Okay. You should be fine until you arrive then. I’ll meet you at the house and be ready for you. They might just be false labor, but we won’t risk being unprepared. Just remember your breathing.”

  By the time they arrived at the house, the contractions seemed to be coming mu
ch faster, only about five minutes apart. They pulled up to the front door and Buck helped her out of the car, walking her slowly up to the front door and pushing in the code to enter the house. Melanie heard them entering and met them on the other side, coming down the stairs to help get Lorna into the large room downstairs they had converted to a makeshift labor and delivery. Lorna was surprised to see that she wasn’t alone.

  “Lorna, this is my husband, Matthew. He’s a doctor, a human doctor. We’re going to take good care of you and the baby,” she said.

  Lorna was both surprised and relieved. She wasn’t sure why Melanie had never mentioned her husband or that he was a doctor, but she wasn’t about to complain about it. Things seemed to move quickly after that, with her contractions getting closer and closer together until it was time for the baby to come. Buck had given her over to Melanie and Matthew for a few minutes while he retrieved the still sleeping C.J. from the back seat of the car and put her to bed.

  Now, he was back, holding her hand as she prepared to give birth to their baby. She had not expected things to be like this. In her mind, it would all be very clinical like the conception had been, with her giving birth and then the baby being taken out to her, transferred to its proper owner, if you pleased. Instead, he was here with her and this was now their baby. She wasn’t sure what this did for the contract, but she no longer cared about that or the money it had once meant to her. She was exactly where she wanted to be and yet it was the one place she had never desired for herself.

  Everything had changed so much in the last nine months and now, things were about to change again as Melanie and Matthew coaxed her through the birth of their child, a healthy seven pound, ten ounce boy with lungs like bullhorns from the sound of him. He sounded like a bullfrog on steroids, Lorna thought with a smile.

  “You hear that?” she asked.

  “I do. He’s got quite a set of lungs.”

  “Yep. That’s your son,” Lorna told him.

  They both laughed as Melanie cleaned him up for Matthew to check over. Then they brought him over and laid him on her chest. She and Buck smiled down at him. He was the most beautiful thing either had ever seen.

  The following morning, a sleepy C.J. wandered downstairs to where Lorna remained with the baby for now. She held her father’s hand as they walked in. Her eyes lit up when she saw Lorna holding the baby.


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