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Broken_The Discordant Earth Series 1

Page 25

by Melony Paradise

  “Please, Kayn,” Alyssa said, using pitiful puppy-dog eyes on Kayn, “if you care about me, you’ll fix this.”

  Kayn studied her with narrowed eyes. Alyssa maintained her innocent pout, mentally crossing her fingers, and with a long-suffering sigh, he stabbed his finger at the speakerphone button and dialed.

  “Sir?” The general’s grating voice echoed throughout the dark office, sending chills down her spine.

  “What have you determined?”

  “All of the men report the same sequence of events.”

  “Which is?”

  “One of them lives near this rebel camp. He heard rumors of the planned attack. Alerted by the explosion, this man gathered his neighbors to assist with the fallout. On the way, they happened upon the fleeing rebels. Apparently, they were not aware of the women in the van until after had they engaged the rebels.”


  “My men have confirmed the location of the rebel camp. There are homes nearby. It is plausible, sir.”

  “Assemble a team. Eliminate the rebel camp.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Release the rescuers, as well. Ensure they are properly rewarded for saving the women and our offspring.”

  “As you wish, Commander.”

  Alyssa released her held breath when Kayn ended the call, throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

  “Thank you, so much.” Alyssa whispered her gratitude, keeping her head against his shoulder, hiding her obvious relief.

  “You are happy now?”

  “Yes, I’m happy now.”

  “Then I am happy, as well. Are you tired, Alyssa?”

  “Not particularly... Why? Do you want me to go?”

  “You do not need more rest?”

  “I’m a little achy and my belly is sore, but I’m wide awake. That food helped a lot.”

  Kayn placed his hand on her upper arm, his thumb rubbing her sore muscle, and Alyssa glanced down to see his fingers shining faintly with moisture as her arm started to tingle under his touch.

  “Kayn, I don’t think I’m up for that.”

  He lifted her in his arms as he stood, and Alyssa squeaked in worried surprise, clinging to his neck.

  “Uh, actually, I think I am a little tired. Maybe I should take a nap.”

  “Nonsense, my dear. You said you are well.”

  “Yes, I did, but I just don’t—”

  A wave of dizziness flowed through her as Kayn’s hand tightened on her arm, her heart jumping to her throat as she choked on fear and adrenaline.

  “Relax, Alyssa. You will enjoy Asen’Sha.”

  Alyssa pushed at his chest, whipping her legs up and down, trying to flip out of his arms. “No, Kayn! Please—”

  “Stop this, I am not hurting you,” he said, his voice deepening with anger as another rush of Valene heated her arm, almost burning her skin.

  With all her might, Alyssa bucked her body, shoving a hand against Kayn’s chin, her feet banging the wall of the hallway as he carried her to the bedroom.

  Screeching and thrashing in arms that seemed stronger than she ever imagined them to be, Alyssa’s hand grasped the edge of the nightstand, knocking it on its side as Kayn placed her on the bed.

  Valene dulled her mind but Alyssa flung herself to other side of the bed, trying to crawl out of reach as Kayn grabbed her wrist and forced her onto her back again. She tried to yank away, but he had a steel-hard grip as he glared down at her.

  “Don’t do this, Kayn. I’m not well enough—”

  “I believe you are, Alyssa,” he said with a low growl, lifting her wrist to gently kiss her Szu’Kara brand. His rough tongue rasped over the scarred skin, pushing even more Valene into her body, drawing a whimper from her as his golden eyes bore into her panicked mind.

  Groping with her free hand, Alyssa latched onto the headboard, getting some leverage with her feet to push away from Kayn’s grip.

  “Let go, Kayn! Don’t do this!”

  Those molten eyes squinted at her, a sneer playing across his lips. “What, Alyssa?” He cocked his head, appearing almost confused. “What should I not do? You told me this is what you have always wanted. I am only giving you your heart’s desire.”

  Oh, my God! This can’t be happening!

  A hot, tingling flash of heat burned up her arm, weakening her as he grabbed her other wrist, holding both in one large hand while the other pressed against her chest, restraining her while he leaned down to kiss her, forcing more Valene into her exhausted body.

  Before she could protest again, Kayn brushed his fingers down the side of her face, grasping her chin in a tight grip, forcing her to look into his eyes as waves of Valene crashed through her.

  Within seconds, the eager tentacles of Valene slithered into her dizzy brain, enveloping her consciousness, and her limbs felt leaden, her head slowly sinking into the pillows.

  “How?” she whispered with a tongue that didn’t want to work. This isn’t Asen’Sha. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be…

  Unable to move, she watched Kayn through hazy vision. Fluffy clouds floated lazily around the room, the edges of the furniture becoming fuzzy lines, and the surfaces morphing and glowing with unworldly colors.

  “Just relax, my dear,” Kayn said with a satisfied smile on his arrogant face, a face that appeared warped and a little fuzzy around the edges. “You will enjoy our union, and it will help to heal your body.”

  No! This will break me! Please, don’t do this…

  With a sense of detachment, Alyssa’s body drifted within an ethereal fog, darkness filling the corners of the already dim room, and a thudding roared in her ears as her pulse raced erratically. Through the haze, Kayn appeared as a head floating in the distance as solid air lifted her arms above her head, wispy tendrils grazing the lines of her brand, sending sharp tingles along raw nerve endings.

  The bed, now a dense cloud, cradled her prone form as a chill touched Alyssa’s bare skin. In the back of her mind, she knew Kayn undressed her, but she didn’t care, nor could she do anything to stop him. She opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out as stiff fingers slid in, pressing her tongue down while coating it with sweet, oily Valene, numbing her throat and preventing the gagging and vomiting she so desperately wished to do.

  NO! NO! NO!

  Kayn’s swirling, gold eyes shone upon her face, warming her slack cheeks as invisible hands lifted her up into the air, gently spreading her numb, useless legs apart. Delicate tendrils brushed against her, bringing a wetness that shamed her as she tried to shake her heavy head, a long, low moan pouring from her unfeeling lips. A gust of wind propelled her body into motion, gently rocking her up and down as her head swayed with each movement.

  Tears dribbled from the corners of her eyes as they went in and out of focus. No, no, no… This is so wrong… This wasn’t… this shouldn’t… this feels so… oh… that feels… so… good…

  Through her hazy sight, Alyssa glimpsed Kayn hovering over her limp body, his blue skin gleaming like polished marble. His large hand appeared near her face, and she tilted her head, nuzzling the palm, which glowed in the center with a soft, inviting warmth.

  Diffused illumination beamed from every direction, warming Alyssa’s cold, aching skin, her back arching, her body reaching, wanting. Gradually, the light flared brighter and brighter, and heat radiated into her cheek from the disembodied hand, delicious sensations crawling over her skin.

  A shocking jolt charged into her face, flinging her head backwards as waves of ecstasy flooded her hazy brain, flowing sweetly throughout her weightless form. Her lips formed a dazed smile as a giant luminescent cloud settled over her body, gradually shifting from a bright, ethereal white to a cool, shimmery gray.

  Alyssa reached for the wisps, wanting to wrap them around her cold form, like a fluffy blanket, and to her delight, the mist moved closer, getting thicker. Her sight dimmed as the dark, blanketing fog swallowed her up until everything fell away into nothing

  Chapter 23

  The intense gleam of the white walls burned into Alyssa’s retinas as she sped through the hallway, squinting as she hustled over the ugly, gray carpet. Visions of suffocating clouds flooded her mind, and her hands opened and closed, nails digging into her palms, the only sign of her anguish.

  Alyssa ignored the various people and aliens in lab coats she passed by, her mind screaming. I can’t believe he did that to me! It’s so vile!

  Vaguely, she noticed someone keeping pace with her, attempting to get her attention, and turned toward the speaker, trying to focus.

  “Alyssa? Alyssa, what is wrong?”

  “Nait?” She blinked several times, ridding her vision of Kayn’s floating head.

  “Yes. Are you well?”

  “Um, no, not really.”

  “Can I assist you?”

  “Yes, follow me. Please.”

  She led him into her mother’s office, shutting the door behind them. “I’m here to get some of my mother’s things. Can you help me find a box to put them in?”

  Nait searched and found a document box. “Where would you like to start?”

  “Here,” she said, pointing at the metal cabinet.

  He set the box on the floor, then opened the cabinet door. Alyssa started grabbing the few things that belonged to her mother as he stuffed some magazine pages into a small box, placing the vials of silver fluid inside, which she tucked underneath some books, placing more items on top.

  Looking around, Alyssa’s eyes fell on the desk chair where her mother’s sweater draped over the back. She snatched it up, holding it to her nose, taking in one long breath of her mother’s scent before stuffing the sweater into the box.

  “Thanks, Nait. I’ll see you around.”

  “You are welcome. Let me know if you require more assistance.”

  Alyssa nodded then bolted out of the office. The box edge dug into her roiling, bruised stomach as she hastily carried it to the front gate. She rushed past the housing pods, skirting around the towering Kara, slowing her pace when she reached the greenhouse as her mind screamed for her to run... run far away and never return.

  At the gate, the guard ordered Alyssa to open the box. Her heart raced, pulse pounding in her ears, as she lifted the lid with sweaty hands, the guard giving a cursory glance before waving her through.

  Alyssa quickly closed the box, waiting for the gate to open as her insides quaked with fear. Come on, come on. Open already! As soon as the gap widened enough, she slipped through.

  Smiling weakly at the guards, she rushed to her car, her racing heart threatening to pound out of her chest wall. Sure they’d pounce on her any moment, Alyssa loaded the box into the passenger side while watching the gate out of the corner of her eye.

  Driving away, Alyssa held her breath until the gate shrank away in her rear-view mirror, the Kara still visible as a towering reminder even as the rest of the compound disappeared from view. Sucking in big gulps of air, she berated herself for being foolish. Why would they even suspect me of anything? I’m the commander’s assistant...

  “What the hell am I going to do?” She glanced at herself in the mirror, dark, sunken eyes staring back at her.

  Alyssa drove to Granny’s house with tunnel vision, her mind focused on getting there as soon as possible, her white-knuckled hands gripping the steering wheel tightly the whole way. When she arrived, she had to stretch her stiff fingers out before she could open the car door.

  Glancing around, it seemed as if eyes watched her from every window and dark corner, and unable to take a full breath, she grabbed the box, dashing into the house, nearly knocking Granny over.

  “Whoa! What’s the rush, baby girl?”

  “Oh, Granny!” Alyssa dropped the box and melted into a pile of blubbering mess.

  “Aly, honey, what’s wrong? What happened?”

  Granny helped her up off the floor and to the sofa where Alyssa recounted everything that had happened, from the radical attack to Kayn’s attack. Granny listened, her face starting off concerned, but gradually, morphing into outrage.

  “I knew he was a monster!” She paced around the living room, shaking her head.

  “I don’t know what to do. It makes me sick to my stomach. How could Kayn do something so disgusting to me?”

  “Because he’s a monster!”

  “What do I do, Granny?” Alyssa asked, her face pale and strained.

  “Oh, baby girl,” she said, “I’m so sorry. This kind of thing should’ve never happened to you, or anyone else for that matter. Can I get you anything? Tea, water, a blanket?”

  “A blanket, please.” Alyssa just now noticed herself shivering.

  Granny wrapped a crocheted afghan around her shoulders.

  “How can I go back there? I’m scared he’ll do it again!”

  “You’re not going back there.” Granny poked a finger at her. “I mean it.”

  “I don’t want to, but the coalition needs my help.” Alyssa shook her head, feeling helpless and hopeless when a thought rushed through her mind. “Oh, my God... Granny, what do I tell Sebastian?”

  “You tell him the truth that’s what. He should know. He cares about you.”

  “Yes, he does. He just told me he loves me, but how can he be with me after this? I feel so dirty and used!”

  “Stop it, right now.” Granny scolded Alyssa, hands on her hips. “This is not your fault. This was done to you. That alien drugged you and took advantage of you!”

  “I know but—”

  “No more, Alyssa! You’re a victim. Sebastian won’t blame you for this, and if he does, I’ll tear him a new one. Don’t think I won’t.”

  “Okay, okay. I get it. It’s not my fault.”

  “Damn straight.” Granny shot an agitated finger at her. “When you’re ready, baby girl, you need to call Sebastian. He and Jordan have been jamming up my phone line worried about you.”

  “I will in a little while. I think I need to lay down.” Alyssa hugged Granny, then trudged upstairs to crawl into her bed and cry herself to sleep.


  Movement jarred the bed, rousing Alyssa from a troubling dream of falling through poisonous clouds, and she rubbed grit from her eyes. Gradually, they cleared enough for her to see Sebastian next to her, lying on his side, head propped on his hand, gazing at her.

  Her groggy mind took several seconds to register that he wasn’t a figment of her imagination, and his pensive smile and worried eyes tore down her walls. The flimsy dam holding in her emotions burst, and she thrust herself forward, burying her face in Sebastian’s chest to sob her heart out.

  “I’m here, darlin. I’m here.” He wrapped his strong, protective arms around her.

  Daylight faded to dusk, and twilight claimed the skies by the time Alyssa’s tears dried up. Sebastian’s body acted as a barrier, shielding her from the outside world as she lay there staring at the ceiling with unfocused eyes, her cheek plastered to Sebastian’s tear-soaked chest.

  “How did you get here?” Alyssa asked with a ragged croak.

  “I drove.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to be seen in town during the day?”

  “It’s more important for me to be here with you right now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, darlin’.”

  The pressure of Sebastian’s kiss against her hair soothed Alyssa as she listened to his breathing and heartbeat, the rhythms slowing her racing thoughts. She felt utterly drained... mind, body, and soul.

  “He drugged me, Sebastian,” she said with a voice devoid of emotion. “He drugged and raped me.”

  “I know, darlin’. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to go back to that place.”

  “I chose to go back. I wanted to help.”

  “We’ll find another way. You’re too precious, and I can’t let anything else happen to you.”

  “We’ll see.” Her words sounded ominous, spoken with a convicti
on born of pain and suffering.


  “Alyssa!” Jess jumped up from the sofa, rushing toward her.

  “DON’T touch me, please.” Alyssa cowered against Sebastian.

  Jess jerked to a halt. “Of course. I’m so sorry.” She shuffled back and plopped down on the sofa, anger darkening her pretty face, but Alyssa couldn’t summon up enough energy to care about Jess’ hurt feelings.

  Granny observed from her armchair, fatigue lining her forehead. Lorn emerged from the kitchen, handing Jess a glass of water before turning to give Alyssa a look of brotherly concern that set her teeth on edge.

  “Would you like a drink, Alyssa? Sebastian?”

  She shook her head, unable to look at her Szu’Kara friend, flushing with shame.

  “We’re fine, Lorn. Thanks.” Sebastian led Alyssa to Granny’s seldom-used loveseat, tucking an afghan over her lap, draping his arm across the back of the seat behind her, providing a protective barrier against nothing and everything.

  “Aly, sweetie,” Jess said, “is there anything me or Lorn can do for you?”

  Alyssa shook her head, and awkward silence filled the air as everyone seemed to be looking anywhere except at her. The tension weighed on her, an elephant on her chest.

  The light suddenly seemed too bright, her vision doubling, losing focus, and the air became thick as mud. Alyssa grabbed Sebastian’s hand, squeezing with all her might.

  He pulled her close, holding her hand to his chest, and murmured soothing words Alyssa couldn’t understand, gesturing to someone as she squeezed her eyes shut. Strong arms rocked her gently, side to side as a second blanket engulfed Alyssa’s upper body and voices whispered wildly around her.

  After a few minutes, someone nudged a hot, steaming mug into her hand, and the scent of chamomile and honey filled her senses, soothing her fragile mind. Opening her eyes, she found a worried Sebastian watching her.

  “Drink the tea, darlin’. Ms. Willow says it’ll help you relax.”

  “You’re having a panic attack, baby girl. The tea will help.”

  Alyssa sipped the soothing liquid, keeping her eyes down, too scared to see the worried faces of her friends and family. More importantly, she was afraid to look at Lorn. “Sebastian, will you take me back to my room, please?”


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