Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2)

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Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2) Page 9

by Bennet, Bella

  "Time to toast the happy couple. Do you want anything other than a ginger ale ?"

  Steve hugged Ned and squeezed him tight. "Have I told you how much I love you ?"

  Ned kissed his cheek. "Yes. But I'll take it anytime you want to say it ."

  Chapter 13

  N ed was getting ready for another surgery. He didn't enjoy coming to work anymore since Steve's mother had sent that letter. He still couldn't believe anyone could be so mean, let alone to their own child. He shook his head. Now they had a mess to deal with. He had to find a new job, away from Steve who was pregnant. He'd rather stay at the same hospital so he could check in on how Steve was doing, and just know that everything was ok. He cared for his omega, and he loved him .

  But what were they going to do? People in the same department couldn't date. Since Ned would need more training to even apply for jobs in other departments, he would have to leave the hospital. And right after he got day shift too. He was not happy. Steve slammed his locker closed and then realized he was taking out his frustrations and instead needed to let it roll off of him. He paused and took a few deep breaths .

  "Are you ok there ?"

  He opened his eyes to see Mike, another surgery team member .

  "Yeah, just frustrated. Steve's mother is being... well, she alerted the hospital that Steve and I were dating. Now I have to find another job at another surgery place ."

  Mike's eyes grew wide. "You're kidding me !"

  Ned shook his head. "I wish I was. She's a real piece of work ."

  Mike patted his shoulder. "Sucks. But why don't you get married? Then they can't do anything. You wouldn't be dating anymore ."

  Ned stared at Mike. Would it be that easy? Just get married ?

  "Are you sure? Getting married would get rid of the problem? We could both stay here ?"

  "Yes. That's what another surgery doc did when he was caught banging a nurse on the surgery team. They got married. They're both still here and have three kids together ."

  Ned felt like there was hope. He smacked Mike on the back. "Thank you so much for that idea. I think you might have just found a solution ."

  "Do it fast though. And don't tell them either. You could have a reception later ."

  Ned smiled and realized this sounded like a plan. He might run it by David just to make sure they weren't missing anything. Even though he only did family law, David was at least still a lawyer and could look over the hospital policy .

  * * *

  N ed parked in his designated spot, grabbed the flowers he had bought for Steve and got out of his car. Things were looking up. He felt a lot better after talking to David today. But then again, maybe going to work somewhere else wasn't such a bad thing. He'd see what Steve had to say .

  He walked in and called out "I'm home, Honey!". His smile was big as he imagined Steve's look when he saw the surprise he had brought. He bent down to look in the cabinets and reached back behind some stuff to grab the only vase they had. They combined their two households, and yet still only had one vase. He put the flowers in the vase, filled it with water and then walked back to find Steve .

  Steve was in the bedroom laying on his side. He looked exhausted and pale. Flowers were forgotten .

  "Steve! What's wrong ?"

  Steve limply waved a hand at him. "I'm fine. I'm just exhausted. I've been puking a lot. I thought it was supposed to stop ?"

  Ned put a hand to his forehead, it wasn't hot. He sat next to him and rubbed Steve's back. Ned felt guilty having all the fun and none of the hardship like Steve was .

  "Is there anything I can do? Do you want some mint tea? Ginger ale? Soup ?"

  Steve shook his head. "No. I feel so tired. I'm just tired of this not feeling well ."

  Ned kept rubbing his back and worried. He knew some omegas could get sick due to the hormones. Everyone's body handled pregnancy different. Was there a problem with Steve's pregnancy ?

  "I wonder if you should get checked up tomorrow. I'm worried about how pale you are and so tired. That can't be good for the baby. Plus with you puking up food still, is the baby getting any nutrition ?"

  Steve laid there, staring at the lamp then he looked at Ned. "Yeah, maybe you're right ."

  Ned didn't want to scare himself, but he was alarmed at how Steve was acting. It was like he was drained with no energy. It was too late to meet with a doctor tonight, but maybe tomorrow they could get him in right away. As an emergency. Especially since he worked as a surgeon .

  "Are you able to do surgery still ?"

  Steve nodded. "Yeah. I'm better in the morning. It's just the long day, being on my feet. I'm so tired ."

  Ned wondered. Was there such a thing as pregnancy anemia or something? He should get those baby books and read up on them. Steve had been devouring those books, and Ned had thought he didn't need to know anything since he wasn't the one going through the pregnancy. That shows what an ass he was. He was supposed to protect his omega, not let him fend for himself .

  "I'll be right back. I'll heat some broth for you. Then I'll sit in here and read next to you, ok ?"

  Steve nodded his head and Ned left to make some chicken broth. The poor guy. He was still in his scrubs and had only taken off his shoes. Ned wondered if he could call anyone now to make sure they got in at 7 am. Or maybe they could just show up .

  Ned heated the broth, put it on a tray and took it into the bedroom. He helped Steve sit up and fluffed pillows behind his back. The tray was on Steve's lap and he was drinking the broth. That's settled then. He went out into the living room searching for the baby books he knew Steve had. They were on the end table. Ned grabbed them along with the flowers. He hoped they didn't set off Steve's gag reflex. He was so touchy to smells .

  "I got you some flowers to brighten up your day. Tiger lilies!" The smile on Steve's face was worth the cost. He set them on Steve's night table and gave him a quick kiss. Ned took off his clothes and then climbed in bed next to Steve. A nice night reading in bed. Nice, comfy and homey. He put his arm around Steve and hugged him .

  "I love you, Honey. I'm so sorry this is wearing you down so bad. I wish I could take it away and bear it for you ."

  Steve kissed him on the cheek. "You've been wonderful ."

  Steve finished his broth and then snuggled back under the covers and laid down. "Can I help you get your scrubs off ?"

  "No. I want to lie down. I'll take them off later ."

  Ned was worried again that Steve was chilled. He felt his forehead, but Steve still wasn't hot .

  He opened the first book What to Expect When You're An Expecting Omega and settled in to read about body changes and things to watch out for during pregnancy .

  * * *

  S teve walked down the hallway to the doctor's door. He was glad that the doctor was able and willing to squeeze him into an early 7 AM appointment. If there was something that could be done for how he was feeling, he wanted it as soon as possible. Ned wanted to be at the appointment, but Steve was the one that said no. If it was something bad, he wanted to deal with it first, before having to deal with Ned's emotions too .

  "Hi Dr. Andrews, thanks again for working me in." The doctor was a nice old man and had worked in OB/GYN for decades. One would think he was old fashioned or behind the times but he was the most progressive doctor in prenatal and maternity care at the hospital. He loved all the advances in science and care for patients .

  "So, what seems to be the problem? You said you were tired ?"

  Steve sat down in a chair in front of Dr. Andrews desk. There was an exam room next door they could use if it was needed .

  "I'm tired. Exhausted. I can make it through the day but collapse when I get home. I'm too tired to even take off my scru
bs until I've laid down for a few hours. I'm pale too. And still nauseous and having a hard time keeping things down ."

  Dr. Andrews frowned. "I think we'll start off by doing blood tests. There may be a few things that could be resolved quickly. Have you noticed if you're bruising easy ?"

  Steve shook his head. "I haven't noticed it. The only symptoms I have are those I described ."

  Dr. Andrews nodded and wrote something on a pad on his desk. Then he looked up. "I've got a form here for some blood tests. I will do a quick exam now, to see how your skin reacts, your eyes... you know the drill ."

  Steve would have nodded, but he was too tired already. He was getting tired faster and faster as the days went on. Please don't let it be cancer. He was hoping for some anemia at the worst. That was easily treatable and not so bad to have .

  Dr. Andrews pushed on his skin, checked his tongue, eyes and did various other non-invasive tests. Everything seemed to be fine, at least from what Steve could tell. He had done these same tests on himself last night in the bathroom. It was good to have a second opinion though .

  "How are you handling being up and doing surgery for hours ?"

  Here was the question he had been dreading. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but last night he realized he had to. It involved his health, the health of the baby and the health of his patients .

  "Not well. I'm exhausted. I've been sitting down during surgeries but I can't do that anymore. There are surgeries I can, but others I can't. I'm just too wiped out. I could lie down right now and sleep for a week or more ."

  Dr. Andrews flattened his lips and nodded. "I will put you on bed rest. I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but this pregnancy is draining you and you're not any good to anyone when you're like this. I'm being harsh here because I know you'd go right out there and do your job anyway ignoring my warnings, right ?"

  Steve had to smile. Dr. Andrews knew doctors well. Especially omegas with their need to take care and not let anyone down. "You're right ."

  "I know." He smiled to take the sting out of his words. "I'll submit paperwork for a bed rest for a week. Go down to the labs and get those tests done and then go home. Did you ride in with Ned? I suggest he drive you home, you're too tired, I can tell ."

  Steve blinked. "How did you know about Ned? I thought we were doing a good job of keeping it quiet ?"

  "Rumors fly fast around here. Especially when it's two people on the same floor. Has HR gotten ahold of you yet ?"

  Steve frowned. He wasn't happy that their secret, seemed to be common knowledge. "Yes. They want Ned to find another job and leave. We're not happy and are considering several ideas ."

  Dr. Andrews sat back down. "Yes, I can see that would not be ideal. Especially when you'd rather be close to your alpha instead of farther away. I suppose you know you can't date in the same department, right ?"

  Steve frowned. Wasn't that what they were just talking about? Dr. Andrews wasn't stupid, and he knew Steve wasn't either. What was he getting at? Damn he wished he wasn't so tired. He'd be able to pick this up better if he could think better .

  "Yes, we can't date. But... what if we were married?" At that Dr. Andrews smiled. Gotcha. Looks like that idea may be the winner then. And it would keep both Ned and him close together, not far apart .

  "I wonder if there's anything we have to do other than show up one day with a marriage certificate ?"

  "Oh I couldn't say anything about that, I don't know how HR works. But I think having things in writing and formalized would do a lot from a legal point of view ."

  Steve smiled and felt better than he had in days. Dr. Andrews was a life saver. "I have another question related to the baby. It's about... diseases that could be passed down ."

  Dr. Andrews frowned. "Have you had any genetic testing done that showed a concern ?"

  Steve shook his head. "No. It's my mother. Her behavior is bizarre. I'm worried that if she has a mental illness of some sort, that it will get passed down to my child ."

  Dr. Andrews nodded his head. "That's a good question and something to consider. However, If your mother hasn't been diagnosed and you and Ned haven't done genetic testing, there's no concrete advice I can give. There are odds for everything. You could have the genes for a disease but the environment also plays a big role in the disease manifesting. So I wouldn't worry ."

  Steve flattened his lips. That didn't do much to ease his concern .

  "I realize you're worried, and it's natural for an expectant parent to worry. There's a good possibility that your mother's behavior may not be caused by a mental illness. And if it turns out it she has a personality disorder, and your child also has it, you'll be aware of the possibility. You can catch it early and get your child connected with the right people for treatment, medication and whatever is needed ."

  Steve nodded his head. That was true. "Thank you very much for squeezing me in again ."

  "No problem. I always felt you were one of our top surgeons and I hate to see anyone suffer, especially with their first pregnancy. Get those tests done so I can get the labs back. Have a good day and go right home young man !"

  Steve laughed and stood up. He shook the doctor's hand and walked out of the office feeling so much better than when he had first walked in. Things were looking up .

  Chapter 14

  H e walked onto the floor frowning. He couldn't help it, he was worried. Ned had driven them to work that morning, earlier than usual so Steve could make his appointment. He heard nothing much about it as he drove Steve home, other than it went well and some lab tests were ordered. Ned would like to have known which ones, but Steve was already out like a light. He was anxious about him. Ned wished he had some rights to ask Dr. Andrews what he thought and what the lab results were, but he knew as just a boyfriend, he had no rights to any of that .

  This getting married idea was sounding better and better. His parents would be surprised, but they'd be fine with a fast wedding. Steve's parents, he wondered if they could get by without inviting them. He didn't want a three ring circus, especially with a nasty woman like Steve's mother. He shuddered just thinking about what she would say at their wedding. They were not inviting Steve's parents .

  Ned took the elevator down to the cafeteria and got in line. He missed Steve already. He was glad Steve was on bed rest though. That guy worked himself too hard, but that just shows what a good doctor he was .

  "Hey, Ned!" Ned felt a tap on his arm and turned around .

  "I'm Mike in pharmacy. Dr. Andrews told me to run you down. There's something to pick up in the pharmacy if you want to run them home to Dr. Wilder ."

  Ned's eyebrows rose. Wow. Then he got nervous. Is it bad if the pharmacists chases you down? Oh, God. His stomach dropped. He got out of line and walked as fast as he could to the elevators. He waited about 10 seconds and then decided running down the stairs might be faster. Should he call Dr. Andrews? No, that would bother the doctor. He would find out everything at the pharmacy. Ned could wait, it might not be bad news. Maybe Dr. Andrews just wanted Steve to get relief or whatever quickly ?

  He looked up at the elevator sign, but both were stuck on other floors. Ned knew trying to get to the pharmacy from here would take longer than just waiting for the elevator. But it was killing him. He chewed on his thumb. Ned hadn't done that since, he couldn't remember. He knew it was a bad habit in middle school. He took years to break that habit. It involved all the nasty tasting goop on the ends of his fingers to break him of it. And now he had just started up again .

  Oh thank God the elevator was here. He somewhat patiently waited for everyone to get off, he wasn't a heathen, and then got on the elevator. He felt like an idiot just going down a floor, but he knew the layout of the hospital and it was a pain to use the
stairs. The stairs were in the corners, and everything you wanted to go to was near the middle, where the elevators were .

  The doors opened so slowly Ned was tempted to push them open faster. He couldn't believe how calm everyone else was. His world could collapse, Steve could have some disease and everyone was wandering around like no big deal. He squeezed between the doors and jogged to the pharmacy. Ned didn't care if he got odd looks, his omega needed him .

  "Hi." He was not stopping to catch his breath. He was not breathing hard. Nope. He wasn't out of shape. "I'm here for Dr. Wilder's prescriptions ?"

  The pharmacist looked in the computer and grabbed a large bag. Why did he have a large bag? What was wrong with Steve ?

  "Are you allowed to collect pharmacy items for the patient ?"

  Ned blinked. "I think so. We live together. I'm picking them up for him. He's home on bed rest ."

  "I see nothing here in the computer. I'll need his authorization." Oh, you've got to be kidding me. "He needs to sign this form and then we can release them to you ."

  Ned wanted to reach out and shake the pharmacy tech something fierce. He counted to three, all the while staring at the poor tech like he was an imbecile. "I need the meds now. How can I get a signed form if he's home on bed rest, probably asleep. I can try calling him? Would that work ?"

  "I'll check but I'm not sure." The tech left and Ned ran his hands through his hair. He would seriously force choke this day. He couldn't pick up meds for his omega? Who was pregnant with his baby? This was so ridiculous he didn't know of a word strong enough for what this was .

  "That will not work. We need a signed authorization ."

  Ned felt brain cells crawling out of his ears. Anytime he went against the stupidity of bureaucracy, he lost brain cells. He swore he did. It was a miracle he had any left .


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