Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2)

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Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2) Page 10

by Bennet, Bella

  "I'm on lunch break. I can't drive home, wake him up, get him to sign something, then drive back, get the meds, drive home, then drive back here. Can I FaceTime him? Skype him? Something that shows it's him ?"

  The tech shook his head. "Sorry. We ensure the privacy of our patients and their medical needs. I'm sorry but we need to have a signed release ."

  Ned sighed and looked up at the ceiling. He couldn't do it. He couldn't make it home and back and do all this running around before he had to be back at work. Ned didn't want to take an emergency PTO and have someone cover for him. What could he do ?

  "Is there any authorization in the hospital paperwork that shows Dr. Wilder allows me be privy to his medical info? You know, when you register to get admitted, one question is who they can share the info with. Is that in the hospital database? I need to get these meds to him ."

  Ned was hoping that he hadn't just whined that last part, but he might have. He wasn't above begging or pleading right now .

  The tech pursed his lips and looked at Ned .

  "Please? He's home sick. He went to the doctor this morning and was put on bed rest. We were waiting for the lab test results. I've been working all morning. He didn't answer when I called to check on him. I'm sure he's sleeping, but he probably needs these meds ."

  "Let me see what I can do." The tech left again. Ned rubbed his eyes. Why? Why was this happening? All of a sudden, things were popping up determined to screw up their lives. Ned pulled out his phone and decided it couldn't hurt to get Steve on FaceTime or something. The phone rang and rang .


  Ned sighed with relief. "Hi Honey. How are you doing ?"

  "I'm so tired. I can't stay awake." Steve sounded half asleep .

  "Did you eat anything for lunch ?"

  "No, you woke me up ."

  Ned chewed his thumb again and wondered if he could call someone to feed Steve. Maybe he could get a reduced work schedule or something so he could have a longer lunch period to go home and make sure Steve ate over lunch? Was he even drinking enough liquids ?

  "Have you drank anything since you got home ?"

  "I went right to bed. I have water here." Ned shook his head. Steve needed someone to take care of him right now. Who was available that could run errands? Think, think .

  "Hi, I'm the pharmacist. You had some questions ?"

  "Hold on, Honey. Yeah, I'm here to pick up the meds for Dr. Wilder. He's at home on bed rest for a week. He came in this morning for lab tests but needs those meds. Isn't there any way I can get them and take them home to him?" This was ridiculous .

  "We would need a signed release form. He's got a flag that no one other than him can have any medical information regarding him." Probably because of his nosy, crazy mother. Damn her .

  "Honey, I can't pick up your meds for you because there's no release allowing me. Can you turn on FaceTime or sign something and fax it in? Then I could get these home to you ."

  "Yeah." Ned looked at the phone and then Steve's face appeared. He was so pale. Ned's heart clenched. He turned the phone around and handed it to the pharmacist. Ned felt vindicated when the pharmacist's eyebrows rose .

  "Hello doctor. Does--" A quick glance to his name tag. "Ned Patterson have permission to pick up your prescriptions ?"

  "Yes. All the time. Put him on my list of people allowed to discuss my medical information ."

  "Ok, that's all we needed." Ned took the phone back .

  "I'm so sorry to bother you like this. Go back to sleep and I should be there in 30 minutes with the meds ."

  Steve nodded his head and turned the phone off. It looked like he had fallen asleep again. Ned prayed it was nothing that couldn't be easily cured .

  * * *

  S everal days later, Steve was amazed how much better he felt. How amazing modern medicine was, just a quick shot to the butt, and he felt better. The bed rest was nice too. The daily B12 pills helped as well. Now Ned could stop freaking out. Steve shook his head remembering how freaked out Ned had been after driving like the wind to get home with his meds. Just B12 anemia, nothing that a shot and pills couldn't take care of. Everything was going fine now .

  He was lounging in his robe on the couch in the living room watching whatever on Netflix. Some odd show about some kids on bikes. He had his suit all laid out on the bed, but didn't want to put it on until Ned showed up. He wanted no wrinkles on it. Or food. Now he was feeling so much better, his appetite had come back too. He felt like he was constantly eating. Right now it was apples with peanut butter. Yum, yum, yum .

  The door opened, he looked over to see Ned walk in with a huge smile on his face .

  "Are you nervous?" Steve laughed. He was more excited than nervous. What a reason to have a rushed marriage .

  "Do you think we can tell everyone it was a shotgun wedding?" Ned laughed and leaned over to kiss him .

  "Come on, get up and get your suit on Honey. It's time to make an honest man out of you." Steve couldn't stop smiling either. They were getting married at the courthouse. It was a quick, small and private wedding. They were doing it fast so that neither one had to get a different job, but also because the shenanigans involved in getting Steve's meds had opened their eyes to what a nightmare it might be if they weren't married and anything else happened .

  Steve waddled to the bedroom and shut the door. No peeking before the wedding. He knew it was silly of him to close the door, but he felt like a gigantic waddling duck. Steve hadn't wanted Ned to touch him since he started showing. He had used a mirror several times to see stretch marks growing on his once flat abs. What would Ned think ?

  He pulled on his gray pin striped suit with a light gray shirt. A light blue tie with thin gray stripes. Then the suit jacket. Ned had to buy a maternity suit that had the top of the suit pants made just like regular maternity pants. At least none of his suits had to get cut up to fit him. Which had been Plan B if Ned couldn't find a maternity suit in the right size .

  Steve walked out into the living room. Ned's smile grew so big that it looked like there wasn't any more room on his face to smile another millimeter bigger .

  "So how do I look?" He was self conscious about being big. He knew Ned loved him the way he was, but Ned kept himself fit bicycling and lifting weights. Steve had done nothing but lie around lately .

  "You look beautiful. As always. But especially today." Steve felt the tears welling up in his eyes. He closed his eyes trying not to cry. Steve didn't want to get all blotchy and be a red mess for the photos. He assumed there would be photos .

  "Will there be photos?" He opened his eyes and looked at Ned. He left all the details up to Ned as he wanted to rest and not get stressed out .

  "Yes. I think our friends will take tons of photos." Steve nodded his head. He was a little sad that they weren't having an extravagant wedding, but he knew it would have been impossible to keep that a secret. And the reason they needed to keep it a secret? His mother. His ever so delightful mother ruining anything she got her hands on .

  "I'm sorry my mother ruins everything." Ned looked surprised. He wrapped Steve in a hug and just held him. "Steve, I don't care about your mother, I care about you. If this isn't a wedding you want, let me know and I'll change it. I want you to be happy ."

  Steve teared up even more now, just when he thought he might have gotten his tears under control. He was so lucky to have Ned as his alpha. He knew no one else that would be so supportive and willing to put up with a mother-in-law from hell .

  "Don't sell yourself short. It's not your fault you have a fruitcake mother. I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy and our wedding as stress free as possible ."

  Steve raised his head and looked at
Ned. He was so handsome in his dark gray suit. He looked magnificent. So hot. If he felt any better, he would have insisted on a little action before the ceremony. He was that hot. But they had a deadline. They were slotted for 2 PM .

  "I love you. This is perfect. Just close friends. We've made our own family ."

  * * *

  T heir wedding would be held in the courthouse at the Clerk of Courts office. As informal as possible. That's what Steve preferred. He wasn't sure what Ned wished as he did whatever Steve wanted regarding the wedding. Steve guessed it didn't matter the size of the wedding in the long run, they would be married and that's all that mattered .

  He was nervous and Little Bub had been pressing on his bladder. Steve already had to the hit the bathroom right when they got to the courthouse. Hopefully he'd make it through the wedding with no need to run to the bathroom .

  He looked over at Ned. They had their corsages on that matched. Henry and David were there with little Elizabeth, Penny, and Ned's parents. They invited no one else, because it was last minute and their friends couldn't get time off at such a late notice. But that was ok. They would have a reception at Ned's parent's house at a later date. Right after the wedding, they were going to a restaurant. Ned's parents were the perfect parents. Thrilled for them both, excited to be grandparents and let the kids, who were adults, live their own lives .

  The judge entered the room in his robes. Which they had asked if it was possible for the judge to wear his robes. Those black robes were cool and lent an air of formality to the proceedings. About the only level of formality there, other than everyone in suits or dresses. Penny outshone everyone in her silver and white 50s style dress with white gloves. She was stunning .

  Ned grabbed his hand. "Are you ready?" Steve nodded and smiled. He had butterflies, and he was sure Little Bub had butterflies too. But since those B12 shots and pills he had been feeling tons better. He didn't have to worry about fainting or puking. Thank God .

  They walked up to the judge. He said a few words, and then they were pronounced married. Steve hoped someone took a pic of Ned's smirk during the questions. He looked so handsome. They leaned over and kissed to applause and cheers. Even Elizabeth gave a cute little yowl .

  They signed the marriage license, their witnesses signed, and it was done. Steve felt such relief. He hadn't realized he was so tense that his mother might show up to ruin things. It didn't matter now, they were married! They picked out matching plain gold bands. Simple, yet gorgeous .

  "We are so glad Ned found you." Ned's mother gave Steve a hug. It was amazing to have a mother take to him and be proud. He felt tears forming. She pulled back and then Ned's dad stepped in to give him a hug. He was struck speechless. Tears were now rolling out of his eyes .

  "You are just perfect. I'm glad to call you my son." And there went his composure .

  "Thank you. I'll help Steve freshen up and then we'll meet you at the restaurant. It's just a few blocks away. It's called Minerva's ."

  * * *

  N ed opened every door for him and gave him a kiss when Steve walked through them. It was adorable until about the third door. He wanted to get to the bathroom as quickly as possible. It was odd kissing your new husband as he holds the door open to the bathroom .

  They made their way out the front door with their small group. Steve was too wrapped up trying to walk down the courthouse steps without falling to notice anything. His belly was so big he had faith he had feet, but he sure couldn't see them .

  "Look at that woman. She looks unbalanced ."

  Ned would go down one step, wait and hold Steve's hand to help him down the step. It was a pain as there was no guardrail but Ned worked out pretty well. He was just worried Ned would fall backwards down the steps .

  "She's coming this way. Does she know any of us ?"

  It was slow going down all these steps. Why did the courthouse have so many steps? If he wanted a workout, he'd go to the gym .

  "You have shamed this family for the last time! I thought you would come to your senses and appreciate your family --"

  Steve looked up as the yelling woman registered in his mind. It was his mother. Of course it was. He didn't understand how she had found out about his wedding, but there she was. Embarrassing him and making a spectacle of herself .

  "--but you have done everything possible to embarrass me. I won't stand it! You need to cooperate! I didn't raise you to act this way !"

  He could only stand there and stare. He was pregnant and all his mother could think about was herself. Steve didn't know why he continued to be surprised at the level of narcissism she showed. It was if she was in a contest with herself to top whatever she had done before .

  "Hey lady, you need to back up and go away. You're harassing and I can call the police ."

  He recognized David's voice, but he couldn't look. Steve could only stare at his mother's angry face, pinched into a furious face directed at him. What did he ever do to deserve this ?

  Steve's staring was interrupted by Ned's face appearing in front of him. "Come on Honey, move with me. We need to turn around. I need you to move. Can you move for me? Steve ?"

  He came out of it and let Ned turn him around to walk back up the steps. Steve heard David trying to contain his mother. Penny was already at the top of the steps getting a security guard. He was so embarrassed .

  "No Honey, don't cry. Don't cry. This day is perfect. We got married. Believe nothing she said ."

  Steve knew what she was saying wasn't true, but it was hard not to let it affect him. He was pregnant and had just gotten married. Emotions were running high right now .

  Ned opened the door to the courthouse and pulled Steve in. Steve looked back through the glass door to see security guards holding his mother. A police car pulled up. She kicked a guard. Swung her purse at another one. The police ran up the steps. She was handcuffed now. It took both of the policemen to get her down the steps to the car. No, that wasn't working anymore. She was fighting somehow and not going any closer to the cop car .

  "Honey, are you sure you want to watch this? It's upsetting ."

  Steve looked at Ned. He wondered if he was in shock. "It all seems so surreal. She's never been this bad before ."

  Ned wrapped his arms around Steve and held him. As much as Ned could with Steve's big belly. "I'm so sorry. But you're not the person she says you are. You are perfect. I love you. Don't forget that." Steve nodded his head .

  The front door opened again. Ned released him from the hug. David and Penny were back inside .

  "Are you ok, Steve?" He nodded. "Yeah. I didn't think she'd show up today. I don't know how she found out ."

  David shook his head .

  "Oh, Steve." Penny gave him a big hug and patted his head .

  "I dealt with the police. I suggested a psych hold. She was acting crazy enough for it. This way she'll get evaluation and get on medication if she needs it ."

  Penny stepped back. Ned wrapped an arm around Steve's waist. Henry was next to David now with little Elizabeth .

  "I think it's the best for her. She's gotten worse over the years, but she hit a new low with her craziness these last few months." Ned rubbed his back. Steve leaned against Ned .

  "Well, let's go to our wedding reception at the restaurant. I could use a drink." Ned smiled and winked at Steve. Only Ned could brush this off so easily and get Steve focusing on the positive. He was so glad he had married Ned .

  "I love you, Ned." He smiled. "I know ."

  They kissed to the groans and laughter of their friends .

  Chapter 15

  "O h look, you can see its feet!" Ned leaned in closer to make out other features of the baby on the ultrasound monitor. Nothing smacked you upside the head you were having a baby like watching the u
ltrasound. And listening to the heart beat. When the technician turned up the audio so that the strong heartbeat was blasted out the speakers, Ned had to sit down and put his head down so he wouldn't faint. It was odd, he knew before that moment he was a dad, but seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat just solidified it into reality .

  Steve laughed until the tech asked him to stop as it was affecting the ultrasound. "Have pity on me, I got a huge shock." Ned was playing for sympathy here .

  "What, you didn't realize I was pregnant until now? Did you think this was due to too many beers after work or something?" Ned smirked and looked up .

  "Actually.... I do think it was due to too many beers. But during the day. After the wedding reception." Now it was Ned's turn to chuckle as Steve blushed and looked at the tech. Ned didn't care, he was sure the tech knew how babies were made. It was cute that Steve was still somewhat embarrassed about it .

  "I can't believe it's getting closer. Soon he'll be here. Or she. Do you want to know the gender?" Steve looked at Ned, but he wasn't sure what he wanted. Ned wanted it to be a surprise, and yet he wanted to know immediately .

  "What do you want, Honey?" He would leave it up to Steve. He was the one carrying the baby. Either way, there would be little doctor scrubs and stethoscopes in that child's future. You could bet on it .

  "I'd like to wait. Let it be a surprise." Ned smiled and squeezed Steve's hand. It would be a surprise then. Something to look forward to after the long wait for the pregnancy to be over .

  * * *

  T he time went by quickly. Steve was back at work assisting on surgeries while sitting down, if he could help over his big belly. He hated waddling down the hallway at work. Ned thought it was adorable, but Ned's sense of humor did not translate well to a pregnant Steve. Like the ducky umbrella Ned had bought him. Because Steve waddled. Ned thought it was adorable. Steve chased him around the apartment screaming and trying to beat him over the head with it .


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