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Gwen (Dragon Clan Book 4)

Page 6

by Skye Jones

  Not even thinking straight due to the adrenaline still coursing through her veins, she blurted her thoughts out without any censure. “I won’t fit here. This is cool, I love it. But there’s nowhere in this house for me.”

  Why it should matter, she didn’t know. It wasn’t as if they’d asked her to be with them formally, and gods knew she didn’t want to be… Did she?

  But for some reason, the fact that her unique taste and style would find no place here made her sad. It also made her slightly panicky. In fact, this whole thing made her panicky. No sooner had the thought hit than her body responded. She put her plate down on one of the tables and fanned at her face. Gods, it was hot in this room. Uncomfortable and on edge, she paced to one end of the sofa and back.

  “Gwen?” Her mum sounded worried. Scared, even.

  She couldn’t do this. She could never live here in this huge house with all this wealth and with these beautiful but scary men. Or, at least, Cadan was scary.

  “Gwen.” Speak of the devil. The male in question got right up in her space, and she couldn’t bear the thought of another blast of that weird energy he’d shot her way earlier. She’d likely combust if he did it again, and her mother was here, for gods’ sakes. It had been as if Cade had made love to her without touching her and all in the space of a second or two.

  Gods, she burned up. Why did they have a fire on in summer? They needed to open a window. She needed a drink.

  “Gwen. I’m sorry. What happened earlier, that wasn’t okay. I didn’t plan it. Please, forgive me.”

  Cade put his hand on her lower back and she flinched, but as he began to move it in circles, something happened. Her panic began to recede. Her lower back warmed but in a comforting way, not the burning fire of before. Her stomach relaxed as if she’d drunk a large glass of wine.

  “That’s it.” Cade’s voice was low. Soft.

  “You’re okay. Breathe, honey. Take a couple deep breaths and ground yourself.”

  After a few long moments, she began to feel better. Her heart rate calmed right down, and her temperature seemed to regulate itself. “What happened?” Her voice was shaky, but her legs felt more solid.

  “I accidentally gave you a blast of my power. I didn’t mean to. I can only apologize, again. You were…well, frankly, you were being you. I liked it and I responded, but it wasn’t okay, and it’s too soon. I shouldn’t have.”

  “Cadan,” Lara spoke. “I think we should go.”

  Cade’s gaze turned bereft at her words, and without thinking, Gwen reached out and touched his face. Only a brief touch of her fingers to his cheek, but the big male closed his eyes and leaned into it.

  “I’ll come back.” She looked to Jay. “I will come back. I need to rest now, though.”

  Her mum came and put a comforting arm around her. “I’m taking my daughter home. You are a good male, Cadan, if all I have heard of you is true. But you are ancient and so very powerful. You need to understand, my daughter here is but a baby in dragon terms. Tread carefully, Dragonea, if you wish to see her again.”

  She tensed at her mother’s stern words. How would Cadan react? To her surprise, the male dipped his head and sighed. “You are correct, Lara. I promise you, I will rein things in if you allow us to see your daughter again. Perhaps next time, we could all meet somewhere public?”

  “Sounds good. There’s a lovely café not two minutes’ walk from where we live. Meet us there at two in the afternoon tomorrow. For now, I am taking my child home.”

  Gwen let herself be led out of the room by her mum. Part of her wanted to run back to Cadan and have his hand on her back again, or to feel that glorious if terrifying power he’d shot her way. But her sense of self-preservation kicked in, and she knew she needed time to think and regroup. She’d see them again soon enough.


  Hot, so hot. The sun burned down on her flesh, heating her skin to match the inferno raging within. Cade kissed her belly as Jay took her mouth.

  “You’re so beautiful like this. All hot and bothered and laid out for me like a feast.” Cade grinned at her, then went back to kissing her.

  As his head dipped lower, she gave a small squeak and lifted her head to look around, but no one was about. They were by a pool, in a place she didn’t know. Behind her stood an imposing, white stone house. In front of the pool were railings and a drop before nothing but miles of exquisite scenery and, sparkling in the distance, the azure ocean.

  Where were they?

  Music came from somewhere, a languid, hypnotic, bass-filled beat, overlaid with strings and soulful singing. The music matched her mood. It also matched the way she writhed under the skilled hands and mouths of her two lovers.

  Gods help her, but the sensations were the best she’d ever experienced. She’d give almost anything to feel this again. For longer. For it to never end.

  And still the sun beat down, the hypnotic beat played on, and a warm breeze caressed her skin. But despite the sensory overload, none of it felt real.

  Too perfect, too hazy…too strange.

  Cade kissed her right between her legs, and she cried out, the intensity of his touch there shocking and thrilling.

  The sun burned brighter in the sky. Too bright. It hurt her eyes. She draped an arm over her face, but still, the light burned.


  Something rough shook her arm. She glanced at Jay to tell him off for being so harsh, but he shimmered and disappeared.

  “Gwen, wake up.”

  Oh gods. She sat up, sweat pouring from her, to see her bedroom light on and her mother standing looking down at her, worry marring her pretty face.

  “You were having a nightmare, honey. You cried out in your sleep.”

  Mortification rushed over her, and she struggled for something to say to back up her mum’s mistaken reading of the situation.

  “Erm, yeah. Horrible nightmare.” She wiped at the sweat on her brow and pulled the covers up to her chin, snuggling down under them, hiding away.

  Her mum watched her, her full mouth pressed into a stern line.

  “I’m not sure we should see Jay and Cadan again.”

  Neither was Gwen, but as soon as her mum said the words, threatening to take the option away, a part of her rebelled against them. “No. I want to go. It will be in public.”

  “Child.” Her mother rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t matter if it were in front of the whole world. That male has such an effect on you, he could make you faint with one blast of energy.”

  She didn’t have to ask to know her mother was speaking about Cadan. Jay appealed to her; he turned her on. She liked him. Found him attractive. But Cade? Wow, he did a number on her. Almost too much to bear, but never enough. Sinful. Dark. Addictive.

  The male could destroy her, and she knew it.

  Maybe her mother was right.

  “I’ll think about it. Perhaps we won’t go.”

  “Okay. Try to get some sleep.” Lara bent down and kissed her forehead, mussing her hair a little with the fingers of one hand as she straightened. “I love you, my darling. Peas and pods always, remember. Whatever you decide concerning these males, I will be here for you.”

  “Peas and pods, Mum.”

  Her mother went quietly out of the room, closing the door behind her. Gwen lay there for a while, staring at the ceiling. Then she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

  She had the mobile phone numbers for both males now, and she scrolled to Cade’s. Typing before she could change her mind, she wrote.

  I don’t think we should meet. You scare me. I get the feeling you could destroy me.

  For a long while, there was no response, then the three dots appeared on the screen, telling her someone was replying. She sat up and clicked on her bedside lamp, wanting to be able to see better if she had to reply.

  It is only fair you feel this way. You’ve already destroyed me.

  Holy hell. She swallowed hard.

  More lines.

  And not onl
y me. Jay’s a mess. He can’t sleep. He’s not eating properly. You don’t meet us, and I’m afraid he’ll waste away like some Victorian heroine in a Gothic tale.

  She smiled at his words and imagined Cade doing the same as he typed.

  A new message notification flashed up on her screen. This one was from Jay.

  I am not wasting away. He lies. But I am pining for you. Don’t run from us, sweetheart. I’ll control the Neanderthal next to me. Promise.

  Oh gods. They were together. In bed.

  She’d hoped they would be only bonded males, not lovers, when she’d first met them. But in the few days that had passed, that hope had morphed into something else. Now, she didn’t really mind the idea of them being together at all. Not one bit. In fact…it turned her on.

  Suddenly full of bravado, she began to type once more.

  Are you two in bed together?

  A moment, then from Jay.


  I bet you look so hot together. You all blond and pretty, and Cade all dark and seductive.

  Holy crap, was she sexting her fated mates? She must have lost her ever-loving mind. Talk about playing with fire. Still, this felt oddly safe. Cade couldn’t reach her with a blast of energy. He might be powerful, but even he couldn’t send a wave of lust for miles.

  This way, she got to explore on her terms, without any fear of getting out of her depth.

  Dark and seductive?

  Cade’s next typed words made her laugh.

  Yes, you’re all decadent like the darkest chocolate, and Jay is gorgeous and bright like some shining star. You’re both too pretty for your own good, and you know it.

  They did, too. She’d put good money on them being arrogant bastards when it came right down to it, but somehow, the idea didn’t bother her. It kind of turned her on.

  You’re the pretty one. What are you wearing?

  Trust Jay. She rolled her eyes and texted back.

  A boring, knee-length nightie. Nothing sexy.

  Bet it looks sexy on you.

  Then from Cadan.

  You should take it off. It’s hot.

  She smirked and got busy with her thumb. This was kind of fun.

  How about I take it off and send you both a selfie?

  Long pause and then more lines.

  Sounds like a plan. Do it.

  Okay, Cade wanted her to do it, so she would. She liked this. Her more daring self had come back out of hiding, the little adrenaline junkie living within her raising her head. This way, playing like this, she was in control and could explore a little without worrying about some blast of heat from Cade sending her into a tailspin.

  She slipped her nightdress over her head, heart pounding. And then she lay back down, holding her phone up over her naked body. Sucking in her stomach and pushing out her chest, she clicked the camera button on the side.

  The picture looked okay as she scrutinized it. Mostly because she hadn’t used the flash and so you couldn’t see her in any detail. You couldn’t make out her scar either. She swallowed at the thought of the males seeing it. This all might come to an end then. Surely, they wouldn’t want her when they saw how ugly she really was. And more to the point, when they realized what a dishonorable male her father was. They’d probably drop her like a hot potato.

  Sighing and pushing the depressing thoughts away, she dredged up her courage and hit send.

  A few moments later, her phone beeped twice.

  I knew you’d be beautiful. It’s not good lighting, though. Perhaps you need to turn a light on and retake it?

  As if. Cade would have to deal with what he’d got.

  Jay’s response made her smile.

  Babe, you’ve given me blue balls. And I can’t even get a goodnight kiss. Tease!

  She thought for a moment, then with a racing heart, she typed the same message to both men.

  No more pictures now. I’m off to sleep. You’ll have to give one another a good-night kiss in my absence. See you soon. X

  She hit send before she could even think about what she did. Why did she want to provoke them in such a way? Did she want them to kiss? With a frisson of delight, she realized that, yes, she did.

  Holy hell, did she want them to be a full threesome? Thinking about it, she decided the answer eluded her at the moment. But certainly, she’d like to see them have a little fun together, even if only the odd kiss or touch. It would be hot. And more than that, it would make her feel strangely powerful and secure in what they had.

  If the guys had never been into touching one another, but with her they did, then it added another unique aspect to their relationship beyond the mating bond.

  Their relationship? The thought brought her up short. They didn’t have a relationship. They weren’t anything to one another yet. And neither male had replied, so her stupid game-playing might have pushed things too far. Perhaps they were both angry with her, or worse, disgusted at her suggestion.

  She put her phone down, and after another few minutes of worrying about why they hadn’t replied, she turned the damned thing off so she wouldn’t spend all night worrying about it.


  Jay could not sleep. Those final words of Gwen’s played over and over in his mind. You’ll have to give one another a good-night kiss.

  Talk about being a world-class tease with that photo, but then her final text had been a killer. He’d never felt that way about Cadan. Never. Jay had been about to send her a flippant reply back, when he’d looked at Cade and sworn he’d seen some sort of desire flicker in the depths of the male’s dark-whisky gaze. And when Jay let himself think about kissing Cadan with Gwen there, watching and getting all turned on by it, suddenly it didn’t seem so unappealing.

  In fact, it seemed the opposite. Now he couldn’t sleep, and he had a raging hard-on. Worse, he didn’t know if it was because of seeing Gwen naked, however dim the picture had been, or the idea of kissing Cade. A male he’d never wanted to kiss before.

  Fuck his life. When they’d met the feisty female with the corkscrew curls and the pouty mouth, he’d never imagined this would be the path she’d start to tentatively lead them down. And how did Cade feel about her jibe?

  The other male hadn’t responded much. He’d simply huffed out a soft laugh, rolled his eyes, and turned over.

  But Cade’s breathing told Jay he didn’t sleep either. So now both of them lay awake, and Jay would love to know what Cade was thinking. But he didn’t dare ask.

  By the following morning, Jay was in a foul mood. He’d hardly slept, and the whole night his dick had been hard as nails. Seriously, the whole night. Viagra had nothing on finding your mate for giving you perma-wood. He needed to do something. But what? Maybe changing form and flying. It was something he hadn’t done in ages. Cade either. Perhaps they could see if Gwen wanted to go up there with them. Bet the little daredevil would love it.

  He could go surf, but he didn’t think even surfing would help his mood today. Fucking might, but that wasn’t in the cards. Gwen wouldn’t take the step yet, and he didn’t want any other female. Even if he did, he wouldn’t go there because it would surely screw things up between him, Cade, and Gwen forever.

  Cade. A flash, a mere flicker of an image, scorched itself onto his brain. Him and Cade kissing, passionately, the other male working him, ruthlessly handling his cock as Jay cried out in pleasure.

  What the ever-loving fuck? Jay stared morosely at the bowl of cereal in front of him. He didn’t like the weird new feelings popping up and all because of Gwen’s teasing words in her texts the previous evening. Gods help him, he couldn’t go there. What he and Cade had worked. Well. Why mess with a good thing? And he didn’t really like males that way. Never had. Cade either. So why then were her words such a turn-on?

  “Penny for them?” Cade walked into the room, and Jay scowled at him. The male wore only jogging bottoms. They hugged his low hips, showing off the perfect V of muscle there. So low that when Cade turned around and started fiddling with
the coffee machine, Jay could see the two dimples right at the base of his back. Those damn things drove Jay mad right now as he looked at them, the muscles just above them standing out like thick ropes under Cade’s skin.

  The male looked damned good, and he worked at it. Yes, he must be genetically blessed, but Cade also built on those genetics with a tough workout routine, and he rarely missed a day. He would say that, whereas before, his body had been maintained fighting in the wars of old, now he needed to work out to keep it up. Not that the male was vain. For Cade, it was all about health, vitality, and power.

  Jay wasn’t any slouch in the fitness stakes either. He ran, surfed, and lifted weights once a week, but he couldn’t keep up with Cade. If they ran together, Cade would power up hills Jay needed to slow to a jog to take.

  The aroma of coffee filled the room, and Jay’s mouth watered. He might not be in the mood for muesli, but a good cup of coffee sounded great.

  “Want a cup?” Cade turned and lifted an eyebrow as he held up a mug.

  Jay nodded his yes.

  “What’s eating you this morning?” Cade once more turned his back as he poured the java.

  Oh no, not going there. “Nothing. Tired. Not slept well.”

  Since when did he speak in staccato sentences?

  Cade stopped making the coffee and turned around to give him a shrewd stare before shrugging and leaving it. If Cade wanted to push the subject, he damn well would, so Jay had to assume Cade didn’t want to go there either.

  A moment later, a steaming mug of perfectly made coffee was placed in front of him. The scent of hazelnut wafted from the mug, and he smiled. Cade knew how much he loved his hazelnut lattes, and the coffeemaker they had was posh enough to make them almost as good as the local coffee shop.

  “Want some eggs?” Cade sauntered back to the kitchen counter as Jay sipped and gave a morose nod as answer to the question.

  They had floor-to-ceiling French windows, and outside a robin hopped over the flagstones. It seemed incongruous to see the bird at the height of summer, so associated were they with Christmas cards and snow.

  Jay loved the house they shared, and the idea of having Gwen live here too really filled him with joy and hope. Then they’d have a perfect life. The only thing that had been missing was their mate. In other ways, their life had been perfect. What if Gwen joining them made things worse? Messed with the equilibrium they had going? Perhaps he or Cade would get jealous of the other. If Cade did, he might decide not to have Jay around.


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