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The Way You Love Me (The Lawsons of Louisiana Book 5)

Page 7

by Donna Hill

  He stole a quick glance at her before turning the corner. “I hope so.”

  Chapter 8

  When they arrived at Greenwood Community Park, the crowds had already begun to file in. People were unloading coolers, lawn chairs, blankets and festive attitudes. There was a party energy in the air, and the buzz was that there was a special guest that would be making a surprise appearance.

  “Wonder who it could be,” Bailey said and took the blanket while Justin grabbed the cooler with their food.

  “Looks like we’re in for a show.” He put his arm possessively around her waist and led them across the lawn to a space beneath a willow tree.

  Bailey spread out the blanket while Justin took out some plates, napkins and clear plastic cups. “Hope you like shrimp po’ boys.” He took out the sandwiches and placed one on each plate. “There’s chopped barbecue also.”

  “Oh, no, you didn’t,” she said, her stomach already screaming hallelujah.

  Justin grinned. “I take that to mean that the menu meets with your approval.”

  Bailey sat with her legs tucked, spread a napkin on her lap and took the plate with the shrimp po’ boy. “Catch me if you can,” she teased and took a mouthwatering bite.

  “I plan to do just that,” he said in a slow, seductive tone that had nothing to do with eating sandwiches.

  Bailey’s pulse quickened when she glanced into his eyes and registered the intensity that danced there. For a moment she didn’t breathe until he looked away and took out his choice of food.

  “I got beer to go with the sandwiches.” He plucked a bottle of Coors from the cooler. “The wine is for later.” He winked.

  Inwardly, Bailey smiled. This was a whole other side of Justin. She’d grown accustomed to seeing him order his bourbon and fancy dinners, show up in his expensive suits, not to mention the glitz and glamour that surrounded him the night of his grandfather’s party. Justin Lawson was steeped in money, class and power. He was a man who could have anything and anyone he wanted. Yet, here he was, hanging out at a free concert in the park, eating sandwiches off paper plates and drinking beer from a bottle. Maybe there was a possibility for them.

  Justin leaned on his elbow and faced her. “It’s good to see you like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Relaxed. Unhurried. No distractions.”

  She briefly glanced away. “To tell you the truth, it’s good to be out.”

  “What do you like to do in your free time?”

  Bailey gave an abbreviated chortle. “Free time. Ha. What’s that? With the hours that I put in at the Mercury Lounge, when I do have a day off, I usually sleep.”

  “We have to change that.” He opened the bottle of beer and took a long swallow. “Hmm, forgot how good an icy-cold brew could be.” He looked across at her. “How about we make a deal?”

  “Depends. What kind of deal?”

  “On your day off we plan to spend it together.”

  Her stomach fluttered. “How are you going to manage that? You have your day job.”

  The corners of his eyes tightened ever so slightly. “Let me worry about that.”

  She studied the calm but determined, unflinching look on his face, the set of his mouth, and she knew that whatever Justin Lawson wanted he’d make a way to get it. “I think I’d like that.”

  “I just love it when negotiations go smoothly.”

  Bailey laughed. “Always the litigator.”

  “That’s about to change.”

  She frowned. “Why? What do you mean?”

  The voice of the emcee was amplified through the mic and filled the night air. “Good evening, and welcome to Greenwood Park’s Jazz series. We have a show for you tonight. So sit back and enjoy the cool sounds of In Touch.” The lights on the stage shifted to spotlight the quartet, and they launched into their first number.

  “Tell you about it later,” Justin said. He patted the space beside him. “Come. Next to me.”

  Bailey shifted her position and moved closer to Justin, close enough to feel the warmth of his body waft off him. She forced herself to focus on her surroundings and not the proximity of Justin, the feel of his hard thigh against hers, the woodsy scent of him that seeped into her pores and short-circuited her senses.

  Fortunately, the band was excellent and able to distract her overly stimulated senses, and it wasn’t long before they were both bobbing their heads and tapping their fingers in time to the music.

  Now that the sun had fully set, the air had cooled, and a sensual breeze moved among the throng. Even in the midst of all the people, there was a feeling of intimacy that the music evoked that drew everyone closer—Justin and Bailey included. He’d adjusted his position so that his back was against the tree, and he’d pulled Bailey between the tight ropes of his thighs. He draped his arm loosely around her waist and intermittently he’d lean in and whisper something in her ear about the notes that were played, or a couple that he noticed or a star in the heavens that sparkled more than the others.

  Each whisper against her neck, the words uttered like secrets, shimmied through her. Every now and then he would place his hand on her thigh, or tuck a stray wisp of hair behind her ear or trail the tip of his finger along her collarbone, and it took all that she had not to moan with every contact. There was a subtle sensuality, an understated eroticism about Justin that made it impossible to pretend that he was like every other man. He wasn’t. The realization unmoored her because her thoughts got all crazy and fuzzy when she was around him, and her insides twirled, and her body screamed for him. All for a man that she barely knew. She’d always prided herself on her clearheadedness, and her focus, which was how she was able to put her own needs and wants aside, hold down two jobs and take care of her siblings for years. When she was around Justin, her sense of good and evil, left and right, up and down, were all screwed.

  “How’s the sandwich?”

  Bailey blinked into reality. She angled her head over her shoulder. “Delish.” She forced herself to take a bite. Her stomach was so jumpy with him being this close that she could barely swallow. Not to mention that food was the last thing on her mind. “How about you?”

  “You want to know the truth?” He gently stroked her shoulder.

  She didn’t dare look at him. “Always.”

  He leaned down so that his lips brushed against her ear. “The only thing I’ve been able to think about is you—how you feel between my legs, that scent of yours that’s driving me crazy, the texture of your hair, the softness of your skin. What it will feel like to make love to you.”

  Her breath hitched. She turned her head, and the hot sincerity that shot from his gaze lit the pilot light in her belly. She didn’t move, didn’t breathe, as he curved toward her, and his mouth slowly covered her own. He cradled her head in the palm of his hand and took full possession of her lips. A deep groan rumbled in Justin’s throat while a sensation of light-headedness overtook Bailey. If he had not been holding her, she would have lifted away on the night wind. The music, the chatter, the world eased into the background, leaving only them imprinted in this one moment.

  Justin slowly leaned back. The warmth of his chocolate eyes feasted on her face. He brushed his thumb across her slightly parted lips. Her eyes fluttered.

  “Better than I imagined,” he murmured.

  Bailey swallowed. “Was it?”

  The corner of his mouth curved into a smoldering grin. “Yeah, it was. So much better that I can’t wait to taste you again.”

  Oh, damn. “You’re very sure of yourself, Mr. Lawson.”

  “Yeah, I am. I’m sure that I’ve been walking in a fog since I met you. I’m sure that whatever it is that’s pulling us together is something new for me, and I want to take my time figuring out what it is. And...I’m sure that you feel the same way.”

  Bailey slowly dragged her tongue across her bottom lip.

  The air was suddenly filled with cheers and applause as the music came to an end, saving her from a response. The emcee took the mic. “Let’s hear it for In Touch!” The applause rose again then slowly settled. “We promised everyone a special guest tonight, so please put your hands together for Tony award-winner Audra McDonald with her incomparable rendition of Billie Holiday.”

  The crowd went crazy.

  “What!” Bailey squealed, and her eyes widened in stunned disbelief.

  Justin tossed his head back and laughed, wrapped his arms around her waist, kissed her cheek, pulled her back against his chest and let the music and the voice do the rest.

  * * *

  “I still cannot believe we saw Audra McDonald,” Bailey said, shaking her head while she fastened her seat belt.

  “Pretty impressive for a first date, huh?”

  Bailey cracked up. “I have to give it to you. I’m impressed, even if you had no clue whatsoever that she would be there.”

  “Ha! Minor detail.”

  “That’s your defense, counselor?” She giggled and leaned back against the headrest.

  Justin gave her a quick glance. His voice dipped and stroked her right where she needed it. “I’m far from resting my case.” Justin winked, and her clit jumped. He turned his attention back to the road.

  Bailey pressed her knees together and concentrated on breathing.

  “Guess we have two things to celebrate.”

  “Two things?”

  “A fabulous night and my personal celebration.”

  “Which you have yet to tell me about.” She folded her arms.

  “And we still have the bottle of unopened wine.” He threw her a quick look.

  “You’re right. And where do you plan to open this alleged bottle of wine, counselor?”

  Justin chuckled. “Alleged. Very funny.” They stopped for a light. Justin angled his body in the seat to face her. “Well...there are some options. I can take you home, and you can invite me up, and I can tell you all about it, and then you can send me on my way. Or, I can take you to my place, I can tell you all about it, and I can fix you breakfast in the morning.”

  Heat scorched her cheeks.

  Justin grinned and drove across the intersection. “Your choice. But the deal will be off the table when I hit the next exit. Right, my place. Left, yours.”

  “Are you serious?”


  The car seemed to slow.

  “Exit coming up... Right or left?”

  Her stomach flipped. “Right,” she managed.

  “Not a problem.” He signaled, moved into the right lane and took the exit.

  Chapter 9

  Bailey’s heart clapped in her chest. There was no doubt about Justin’s intentions, and she’d just agreed to them. She linked her fingers together and stared out the passenger window. It’s what she wanted—needed was a better word. She drew in a long, deep breath and stole a glance at Justin’s profile. Yes, needed.

  “You okay?”

  Bailey’s insides jerked. She turned. “Yes. Why?”

  “You’re sitting so close to the door, I’m thinking you might jump out.”

  The quip broke the knot of tension in her stomach, and Bailey laughed in relief. “Really?”

  Justin chuckled. “Yeah, really.” He made the turn onto the street that led to his house. The Lawson mansion loomed in front of them.

  * * *

  She had not been back to the house since the party. Without all of the people and food and decorations and music, it was much like any other home—only bigger. There was certainly a feeling of grandeur about the house, but there was still a sense of intimacy, from the simple but elegant decor to the array of family photos that told a story of not a dynasty but a real family.

  Justin took Bailey’s hand. “Make yourself comfortable.” He led her into the living space. “I’ll get the wine.”

  Bailey put her jacket and purse down on the club chair while Justin took the bottle of wine and walked over to the minibar.

  He popped the cork and poured two glasses. “Want to hear some music?”


  “You pick.”

  Bailey strolled over to the stereo system that looked so complicated, a degree from NASA was needed to operate it. She skimmed through the revolving rack of CDs and selected some of her favorites—Kem, Luther Vandross and Kurt Whalum. “Here’re my picks.” She held them up in her hand. “But I have no idea how to work this thing.”

  Justin grinned. “Help is on the way.” He crossed the room with the wineglasses and gave one to Bailey, tapped his glass against hers then leaned down and lightly kissed her lips. “Hmm, sweet.” He turned his attention to the system, pressed a few buttons and the CD tables opened. He slid them in.

  Bailey’s insides vibrated every time he touched her. She couldn’t even imagine what making love to him would feel like. Inadvertently she moaned.

  Justin tipped his head toward her in question.

  “The’s really good.” At least she was still thinking quick on her feet.

  “Glad you like it.”

  Luther Vandross’s sultry crooning wafted around them.

  Justin took Bailey’s glass from her hand and placed it on the side table. “Dance with me.”

  Bailey sputtered a nervous laugh. “Dance with you?”

  “Yes.” He stepped to her, slid one arm around her waist and eased her close. “Like this,” he murmured against her hair.

  Bailey’s pulse roared in her ears. Her eyes drifted closed when she rested her head against his chest, and she silently prayed that he didn’t feel her body trembling.

  “This feels good.” He held her closer while they swayed to the music.

  Bailey lifted her head and dared to glance up. Justin was gazing right down at her, and the heat that flamed in his eyes started a campfire in her core. The world receded into the background as he lowered his head. She held her breath. Light as cotton his lips touched hers, and she melted into his body to deepen the kiss. The sweet tip of his tongue grazed her bottom lip, sending jolts of sizzling desire through her veins. Her soft moan of assent was all the invitation that he needed before fully capturing her mouth.

  Justin’s long fingers cupped the back of her head and threaded through the riot of tight spirals, then slowly trailed along the column of her neck while his tongue danced with hers. He pulled her tight against him, bending her back ever so slightly so that she could feel his growing need for her.

  Bailey’s sigh of desire was instantaneous, and she lifted her pelvis to meet the hard throb of his arousal. A groan seeped from his lips and into her mouth, erupting in her center.

  The song ended, another one began, and they didn’t miss a beat, finding their own rhythm that glided between the notes. Justin unsealed their kiss and braced Bailey’s face in his hands. “I want you,” he said, his voice thick with aching need. “I want to make love to you.” His thumb stroked her cheek.

  Her breath caught in her chest. It’s what she’d longed for, this moment, this time. She’d seen them together, felt them together in her mind almost from the moment they met. That was pure fantasy. This was the real thing.

  “Say yes.”

  She ran her tongue across her bottom lip, tasted him there. “Yes.”

  Without another word, Justin took her hand and led her across the room, up the winding staircase and along the hallway to the suite of rooms at the end. He lowered the handle on the door and pushed it open. He turned in the threshold and looked at Bailey, searching for any sign of doubts, second thoughts. He backed into the expansive room. She followed and shut the door behind her.

  Bailey quickly to
ok in the room. Justin’s essence filled it; from the decidedly sleek masculine furniture in deep chocolate woods and leather to the scent of him that teased her senses. French doors opened to a small terrace, and one wall held a mounted flat-screen television of undetermined size. The little things that personalized the space and made it feel lived in dotted the room: a pair of shoes by the side chair, a discarded jacket tossed across its back, a stack of magazines on an end table and his robe casually tossed across the foot of the king-size bed.

  Justin came to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Change your mind?” he gently asked.

  She shook her head, unsure of her voice.

  He leaned down and kissed her so tenderly that it made her knees weak. His hands moved from her shoulders down her arms then snaked around her body. The kiss intensified, and their bodies connected.

  Justin grasped the hem of her top and lifted it up and over her head. He clenched his jaw when he gazed upon the swell of her breasts. He placed a heated kiss on one side and then the other while he reached behind her and unfastened her bra. He slid the straps over her shoulders and plucked the delicate fabric away to fully reveal the tempting treasures that awaited him. He cupped the weight of her breasts in his palms and grazed the swollen nipples with his thumbs, bringing them to a tight head. Bailey’s breath caught. Her chest rose.

  He emitted a ragged groan as her fingers unfastened his belt and slid down his zipper.

  Justin made quick work of relieving her of her pants and panties before lifting her high in his arms to dip his face into the concave of her belly. She whimpered as the muscles of her stomach rippled beneath the erotic strokes of Justin’s wet tongue. He walked with her in his arms across the carpeted floor to his bed and gently laid her down.

  Bailey’s heart pounded. Justin stood above her. The hard outline of his sleek body was outlined by the moonlight that slid through the open French doors. Her gaze was drawn from the broad expanse of his shoulders down to the rippling abs that led to the trail that gathered dark and thick around the heavy, long cock that lifted toward her. The dewy head glistened in the moonlight.


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