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The Defenders of Dusk

Page 7

by Dane Barrett


  You kick your feet hurriedly and claw at the sides of the tunnel, hoping to quicken your progress as you push your way through the weeds slapping against your face. You fancy that you can see a glint of a soft blue light ahead, perhaps a place to surface, but your lungs are already yearning for air. You're not sure you have the endurance to make it! Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or less than your current HEALTH, turn to 42. If the dice roll is higher than your current HEALTH, turn to 376.


  As you duck out from cover, you trod upon a split floorboard which grinds against itself, generating a loud creak for all to hear. As the two mercenaries spot you from across the room, they immediately stand up, kicking their chairs away and drawing short blades with which to do battle. You toss a throwing knife into the shoulder of your taller opponent before launching yourself forward with sword in hand. You must fight them both at the same time!



  If you win this battle, turn to 3.


  You make sure not to overshoot the water when you leap, merging with the cold cascading torrent and sliding upon the rocks below which have been weathered smooth over the years. The dragon hurls some more fire down upon you, but other than some steam irritating your eyes, the water protects you from harm. Finally, you feel yourself leaving the cliff face, becoming one with the waterfall as it tumbles into the depths below. You point your feet down and tuck your arms against your torso as you inevitably hit a body of water, plunging into its cold embrace, safe from the lash of the dragonfire. You stay submerged for as long as your lungs will allow before resurfacing at the bank of a small lake. You peer up, but the dragon is nowhere to be seen, so you waste no time in fleeing from this place and hurriedly make your way back to the city. Turn to 332.


  “You're not going anywhere,” says Zabel, suddenly appearing from the shadows. Babin draws in a deep breath from apparent fright, before attempting to disguise it with a look of bravado. “Babin and I will go. You should be recovering from your wounds while you plan our counter-attack.”

  “Very well,” Arinzo says, prodding his wounds gingerly as if doing so will miraculously make them disappear. “I will monitor the progress of the fire-fighting efforts within the city for now. It won't be much use repelling our enemies if there's no city left to fight for.”

  “I will accompany Zabel and Babin,” you announce.

  “You've barely stopped moving since the initial attack,” Zabel replies, handing you her bow and a quiver of arrows while reclaiming what remains of the batch of throwing knives she gave you. “If you're coming, you can watch our backs from afar while we climb, and then route around the west side of the ridge to meet us on the other side.”

  “You should take this, too,” says Babin, handing over your longsword still tucked away safely in its scabbard, along with a spare rapier should you still need one.

  “Thank you, my small friend,” you reply, slipping the leather strap around your shoulders so that the weapon rests against your back. “And there was only one gem missing from the handle, too.”

  “Oh! It must have fallen off in the turmoil of flight!” Discarding the short sword you picked up earlier, you proceed to follow Zabel as she leads the way to Eastwood Ridge. Turn to 43.


  You have successfully made it to the other side of the courtyard without alerting any of the Gekka guards. Looking ahead, you must now find some way to coax the two orcs into moving away from the exit so that you can sneak through unchallenged. Do you have the keyword TAIL? If so, turn to 275. Otherwise, turn to 23.


  Fire and smoke sputter from Tannurat's mouth and nostrils as he takes his last breath. His hulking form sinks down to the ground and lays still, one final growl escaping his throat before death claims him. Write down the keyword SLAYER. It takes a few minutes to locate your horse which ran off into a copse of trees shortly after the fight began. You gallop back to the city of Dusk and on arriving notice that two great ballistae have now been positioned on each of the north-facing towers. Ullucus' rainfall has also finally ceased, the city fires having all been extinguished. The guards open the gates to allow your entry before sealing them again with thick wooden beams to brace them. You spy a gathering outside the Town Hall and ride over to find Captain Jadu, Arinzo and the Wizard Ullucus having a meeting. All are dressed in their finest battle garb.

  “What kept you?” asks the Wizard as you dismount.

  “I doubt you'd believe me,” you reply. “We shall talk of it later.”

  “The time for stealth is over for us, I fear,” Arinzo tells you. “You will join Zabel and the archers in defence of the upper wall. Our enemy will attack with ladders, troops and from what Zabel told us, giant lizards. The guards have built two great ballistae to take care of the reptiles, while hot oil is being prepared at the wall's centre should they attempt to scale it. Otherwise, we can but knock back their ladders and fight to the last.”

  “It sounds as good a plan as any,” you remark. “Shall I head up there now?”

  “Aye,” replies Captain Jadu. “Good fortunes, my friend.” Turn to 156.


  The inner corridor of the clock tower is formed into a giant curve which circles around the structure the same way the outer wall does. Some sections of the path open up into interior walkways which give a view of the clock's internal gear systems, echoing with an ominous tick-tock as you continue walking. You finally reach the place you have been searching for; an archway leading out onto a balcony, above which are suspended tight cables leading over to the prison tower. These metal ropes were attached to each tower for added support after the top of the clock tower almost broke off during a great windstorm 20 years previously. Now you hope that, with great care and skill, you can make your way across to the upper reaches of the prison tower using these cables. You test their sturdiness as well as licking your fingers to check the wind. The conditions are almost perfect, though you are slightly worried about a gusting crosswind. Will you cross the cable by walking along the top of it (turn to 4) or by hanging from it with your arms and legs (turn to 319)?


  You reach down even further, desperately searching about with your fingertips for anything other than sludge and squirming creatures, until you sustain a second bite upon your wrist. Subtract another 1 from your HEALTH. If you are still alive, you instinctively pull your arm away from the wriggling mass, bringing with you a generous portion of sewer slime. Whatever attacked you has chosen to stay in its hole with the other unpleasant crawlers. Write down the keyword BULB. Not wishing to waste your time further with this endeavour, you decide to instead exit the room via the open grate (turn to 233).


  The chain has become greasy due to prolonged exposure to the elements, and you are unable to maintain your grip before reaching the beam. Your inevitable slip downwards creates such a loud rattle that the guards can't help but notice, and come rushing out of their enclosure to face you with their weapons at the ready. Thankfully neither of them are smart enough to think about running for help, so you must fight them both at the same time, and will need to defeat them quickly so that more enemies are not attracted to the commotion!



  If you win this battle in four rounds of combat or less, turn to 375. If you win this battle in five or more rounds of combat, turn to 149.


  Angry at your refusal to eat his food, the goblin cook takes up a stone and throws it at you. A murmur of excitement grows within the crowd as many think his actions are not only justified, but also a convenient excuse for some unscheduled entertainment. Before long, several of the mercenaries are pelting your body with stones and handfuls of dirt, driving you away from their fireside gathering as one would an unwanted animal. Subtract 2 from you
r HEALTH. If you are still alive, you finally manage to separate yourself from the rowdy group and move on to the far side of the encampment. Turn to 29.


  After you cut down your opponents, you hurriedly dump their bodies over the side of the bridge to the river below. With the rest of the way clear, you proceed onwards towards the leader's tent, which now looms ominously before you. Turn to 288.


  You creep forwards up to the gravesite, all the while keeping one eye on the dragon in case it awakens. The beast reminds you of Tannurat, the wyrm you were forced to flee from on Eastwood Ridge. This one is much older and lacks a magical control collar, however, though it is the same rusty colour and is undoubtedly just as dangerous. You arrive at the grave and stoop down to examine it. No noticeable markings identify who is buried here, but you do spy a string necklace hanging from the cross. A small golden whistle is tied to the end of the fibres holding it together.

  “Take it,” a deep, ragged voice says from behind you. The beast has awakened, albeit with only a single eye open, and has chosen to speak to you instead of bathing you in flames. “This is but one of several possible futures, but if you believe you are meant for greater things, you will take the whistle. Time has gifted you an opportunity to determine your own destiny. Though my time on this world has come to end, yours has only just begun.” With its words delivered, the dragon closes its one eye, and its body shudders violently, sending vibrations right through the hilltop. A second later, the beast lies still again, though no longer breathing. Will you take the whistle (turn to 346) or leave it behind and depart the hill (turn to 338)?


  As you step onto the eastern parapet, you glance about to get an idea of the present situation. If you have amassed 50 or more RESISTANCE points, then things are relatively quiet here with the guardsmen awaiting their next engagement. If this is the case, you may now choose to move on to either the centre wall (turn to 232) or climb the steps to the eastern tower (turn to 154).

  If you have not yet amassed 50 RESISTANCE points, then the situation is dire. Several enemy soldiers have climbed the wall and are currently in the process of overwhelming Xanth and the guardsmen. You leap into the fray to help with the battle. You must face off against five opponents at the same time!






  If you defeat all five enemies, you look around to see that order has again been restored to the eastern parapet; the enemies having been killed or driven off the wall. Several of your own guardsmen have been killed in this latest attack, however. Add 5 to your RESISTANCE points. You regather yourself after such a hard-fought battle, and you may now choose to move to either the centre wall (turn to 232) or climb the steps to the eastern tower (turn to 154).


  You doggedly fight against the compulsion to turn back, swiftly pulling yourself along by the walls of the tunnel. Just ahead, you spot what you think might be a glow, and hurriedly kick your feet to accelerate your momentum. As you reach the light, darkness closes in around the corners of your vision, and you gasp for air that isn't there. Your mind panics as your lungs fill with water. Turn to 331.


  Using your knowledge of architecture for these types of peasant buildings, you are almost sure that the balcony, in its current state, will not be of sufficient strength to hold your weight. Instead, you know the rods installed below it to be much sturdier, especially if nothing is pushing the platform from above. Positioning yourself just outside the window, you leap to the first of the rods, successfully securing a tight grip on it. You then proceed to swing yourself to each neighbouring handhold, though the exertion required to do so is quickly wearing you down. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your STRENGTH, turn to 316. If the dice roll is higher than your STRENGTH, turn to 133.


  By the time your enemies discover what has happened, both you and Xanth are well-clear and hiding within tall the reeds framing the southern riverbank. You watch with satisfaction while chaos and panic ensue upon the bridge as word of the General's death circulates, and the now-leaderless mercenaries flee from their fortifications. Some of the more moronic goblins run in the wrong direction and fall foul to the spears and swords of the town guardsmen on the city side of the bridge. The rest of the enemy forces run away into the hills to the east. The bridge has been liberated, and now belongs to the city once again! You report back to Captain Jadu, confirming the success of your mission. Restore 2 lost HEALTH points as Yabea also provides you with medical care. Once you've finished talking to Jadu and been given leave to go, you immediately return to the Thieve's Guild hideout. Return to 362 and choose another option, remembering to cross off any locations already visited.


  As you progress through the crawlspace, it eventually allows a high enough ceiling to stand up in, though you are forced to turn yourself sideways to continue moving. Sidling along like a crab, you come to the realisation that if you wish to maintain your current heading, you will need to drop some of your equipment if you are to squeeze through. Will you continue on through the right tunnel? If so, note that you are leaving the bow, quiver and swords behind, and then turn to 348. Otherwise, you can head back to the cavern and instead choose to enter the left-hand twisting passage (turn to 311) or the middle tunnel (turn to 63).


  You feel your grip beginning to give out as you near the end of the balcony. With one last swing of your body, you hurl yourself forward, hoping to reach the open window in a single leap. Your fingers slip just before the point of release, however, and you know instinctively that you aren't going to make it. As you fall short of the window, you peer about desperately for something to grab onto. Just then, an arrow embeds itself just below the targeted window. You grasp the new hand-hold, swinging yourself upwards and into the opening. Sparing a glance outside, you see Zabel disappearing around the corner of another building, with two orc mercenaries hot on her heels. Cross off the keyword EAGLE (you no longer have this keyword). Now safely inside, you find yourself in a storage room with a boarded-up door and a ladder leading into a hatch in the ceiling. There is nowhere else to go, so you climb the ladder and slowly open the door above. Turn to 377.


  Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your AGILITY, turn to 201. If the dice roll is higher than your AGILITY, then you are spotted by the soldiers as you attempt to sneak up behind them, and must fight them directly (turn to 312).


  A quick glance out of the gloom reveals the soldier is facing in the opposite direction of your approach. If you remain silent, you should be able to manage a clean kill with little fuss. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your AGILITY, turn to 196. If the dice roll is higher than your AGILITY, turn to 177.


  As you arrive at the eastern side of the wall, you spot the first of the enemies' ladders clattering against the top of the battlements. These climbing apparatus' have been modified with hooks so that they grip the parapet, making it difficult to dislodge them once the weight of several troops is added. Some of the guardsmen begin to throw spears down at the ascending enemies, and while this often produces a satisfying scream from below, this tactic typically leads to your own troops exposing themselves to enemy crossbow bolts. You spot Xanth moving in to push one of the ladders away from the wall, so you leap forward to help him, grasping the upper struts and shoving as hard as you can. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your STRENGTH, turn to 100. If the dice roll is higher than your STRENGTH, turn to 176.


  You duck down, flattening yourself against the murky water underfoot, as the knife sails by and clatters harmlessly to the floor behind you. You spring back to your feet, ready to face your foe,
but watch in dismay as it crawls into a crack in the wall. Rushing up to take a closer look, you spy nothing in the confines of the stone. You are quickly tiring of this little fiend taking potshots at you! You make a careful and thorough examination of the dead-end, and while you can detect a breeze coming from between some of the stones, they are all too tightly-packed together to pull any part of the wall away. You have no choice but to turn around and head back the way you came, this time taking the branching passage. Turn to 345.


  Wiping the blood from your sword blade, you detect a commotion downstairs and ready yourself in case somebody is on their way up to investigate the sounds of battle. After a few moments of tense anticipation, however, you hear nothing more, and decide a better use of your time would be to search for an exit. You look around to discover several empty hallways leading to rooms filled with broken merchandise and junk from the market. Just when you think this area is one big dead-end, you spy a trapdoor in the ceiling of the central corridor. Lowering it down, you clamber your way up onto the next floor. Turn to 377.


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