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Convincing Cate

Page 3

by Jamie Hill

  Vince released her nipples and lowered himself on top of her. He slowed his pounding to long, torturous thrusts. “Kiss me when you come this time. Kiss me and make me spill my seed inside you. Kiss me—"

  She raised her face to meet his and their kiss was deep and passionate. Cate felt him shudder, and sighed as his climax pulsed into her in waves. She couldn't tell where his orgasm stopped and hers began. They were one being, joined at the mouth and the hips, and she never wanted to let go.

  The need for air finally separated them. Cate dropped back onto the bed, gasping, while Vince panted above her. “Holy Christ!” he muttered when he could speak again. “That was ... indescribable."

  "I thought so, too."

  "Let me get rid of this rubber and I'll be right back.” He held the edge of it as he pulled out of her slowly.

  "Bathroom.” She pointed toward a door.


  Cate watched his tight ass as he sauntered to the bathroom. He has a gorgeous body! She rubbed a hand over her stomach. Her pussy had that pleasantly ‘used’ feeling, but damn if she wasn't still horny! She wondered how long it took twenty-three year olds to recover.

  "Look at this,” Vince remarked, exiting the bathroom.

  She glanced over and saw his cock pointing toward the ceiling.

  "All I did was think about what we might do for round two.” He made a silly, surprised face at her.

  Cate grinned. “I was just thinking about that, myself."

  He flopped on the bed next to her and nuzzled her neck. “I knew there was something I liked about you."

  She batted her eyes and wiggled her chest at him. “Just the one thing?"

  Vince glanced at her tits, licking his lips. “Oh no, definitely more than one thing. Why don't I make a list?” He scooped both breasts into his hands and pressed them together. “I'll start here."

  "Yeah, you do that,” Cate replied and squirmed as he devoured her. She didn't care where he started, as long as it involved his mouth on her body and lasted well into the evening.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  Cate wasn't sick when she woke the next morning, but she did have that 'What have I done?' feeling in the pit of her stomach. Vince slept soundly next to her, making soft snoring rumbles.

  She looked at his lissom, naked body and once again marvelled at the beauty of it. He was firm with muscles in all the right places, his skin a natural bronze shade. As she studied him, she realised that even in slumber he had an erection. She was torn between the desire to pull his cock into her mouth and the terror that made her want to get away from him before they did anything else foolish.

  She never let a guy spend the night. She'd never screwed a twenty-three year old, either, discounting the guys she dated when she was twenty-three. That was different. This was bizarre. This was a mistake.

  Terror won out and Cate attempted to slink out of bed without waking him. She tripped over his jeans and cracked her shin on the nightstand. “Shit!"

  "Hey, where you going?” Vince reached for her, grasping her arm.

  Her mind raced and came up with a lie. “Work. I've got to get ready."

  "Really?” He tugged her arm and though she resisted, Cate ended up back on the bed next to him. “I thought you might not have to go in until later. I know I don't.” He nuzzled her neck and let one hand caress her breast.

  "I've got a lot to do today,” she replied, but her resistance was weakening. As wrong as she felt it was, she wanted him again. What could one more time hurt? They'd made love most of the night, in every imaginable position. Youth had its advantages, she'd decided, as he was fucking her for the fourth time. Doggy-style, with one arm around her, the other snaked under her, massaging her clit. It was fantastic. She wanted to do that again. “Maybe work can wait a little longer...” She flopped onto her stomach and pushed her ass in the air.

  "Ah,” he sighed and slid up behind her. “I know what you want. But I want a little something, first.” He spread her ass cheeks and circled her anus with his tongue. His mouth dipped lower and found her cunt, already dripping with excitement. “You're so wet for me, already. Juicy.” He slurped at the liquid, burying his face in her pussy and eating her with abandon.

  "I want you to fuck me,” Cate growled, her voice muffled by a pillow.

  "After you come on my face, I'll fuck you senseless. Come for me, baby. I can't get enough of your honey."

  Again, his words sent her spiralling over the precipice and into a fabulous climax. Cate was groggy and fuzzyheaded and didn't know when his face was replaced by his cock between her legs. She jerked back to reality when he slapped her ass cheek, and then she felt him pounding his staff into her. Her pussy throbbed and her ass stung where he slapped her. It was humiliating in a way, and she buried her face deeper in her pillow.

  "You like it dirty, baby?” He gripped her hips as he pummelled her. “'Cause I could make it really dirty..."

  Cate felt one of his fingers circle the rim of her asshole and she inhaled. She wanted to cry out, but an earth-shattering orgasm exploded through her and she lost all train of thought.

  When she could think again, Vince was grinding out his own release. She felt the heat from his pulsing stream and sighed with contentment.

  He leaned over her gently and whispered in her ear, “I didn't hurt you, did I? You looked so hot, I got carried away."

  "It was wonderful,” she responded in a breathy voice. “Never better."

  "I thought so too.” He kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. “You're the best, Cate."

  Reality settled over her again, and she squirmed out from under him. Clutching the sheet to her chest, she said, “If you'd like to shower before you leave, go ahead."

  Vince sat back on his haunches with a perplexed look on his face. Then he smiled. “Sure, whatever."

  Cate slipped into a robe, grabbed a clean towel for him and went to the kitchen. She didn't want to make coffee, which might encourage him to stay. She hoped he'd shower quickly and leave.

  When he entered the kitchen, buttoning his shirt, she almost regretted sending him off. He looked so cute, his curly hair tousled and damp from the shower. But cute was the problem. If she was going to have a relationship, it needed to be with a man, not a boy who made her think ‘cute'. “Well, thanks for stopping by,” she said inanely.

  Vince chuckled and stepped in front of her. He reached for her hips and pulled her body tightly against his. "Thanks for stopping by?" he repeated with amusement in his voice. He nuzzled her neck and sucked one earlobe between his lips. “That all you've got to say?"

  She squirmed. She wanted him to leave, but her body had a different opinion when he held her this close. “Um, I've got to get cleaned up."

  He smiled wryly and cupped the back of her head with one hand. Pressing a deep kiss on her mouth, he held her tight for a minute then let go. “All right, I get the hint. Can I see you later, for dinner? Maybe we can do better than last night's salads that we ate around midnight."

  "I may have to work late,” she whispered, trying to regain her bearings after his tongue-wrenching kiss.

  "Call me? Or I'll call you?” He was persistent.

  "Sure,” she replied noncommittally.

  Vince caressed her cheek before stepping away. “Okay. I'll talk to you later."

  "Bye.” Cate kept her distance and watched him leave. When he was gone, she locked the door behind him and dashed off to the shower.

  * * * *

  All day long, she tried to put Vince out of her mind. It was a task easier said than done. He was cute—no, handsome—she'd come around to thinking of him as handsome as the day progressed. That topped the mental pro and con list she'd been devising. He had a wicked sense of humour. His kisses made her melt like butter. Sexy mouth, agile tongue, strong hands and a cock with more staying power than that pink bunny on TV—it kept going and going.

  The very thought caused her to blush and glance
around her office. No one was there, she was free to engage in her fantasy a while longer. But she had to get her mind off his body. Her office wasn't private, and thinking about Vince made her want to do things to herself. Naughty things.

  Returning to the list in her mind, she knew there was just one thing in the negative column. His age. Vince was twenty-three years old, almost ten years younger. It might not seem like much now, but when she was older, say forty or fifty, it would seem huge. She'd begin to wrinkle and show her age, and he'd still be in his prime. Cate knew she couldn't handle that.

  Never a vain woman, she was afraid being with a younger man might change that. She didn't want to live her life worried about her appearance, wondering if she might lose him.

  Besides, her mother would have a fit. As much as the woman wanted to see her daughter married, Cate knew it had to be the right guy. A twenty-year-old kid would not fit into her family, she felt sure of that. Both her sisters’ husbands were proper and respectable. She was a rebel, but not to the extreme.

  Cate looked at her calendar and tried to focus on work. The clients from Saturday night had phoned to reschedule, citing something about car trouble. She didn't really care—as crummy as Saturday night had been, the weekend ended pretty well. Being with Vince was an experience she didn't regret, but one she knew she couldn't repeat.

  She had to come up with a new restaurant to take clients. If she never saw Tony again that would be fine, and Cate knew it'd be easier if she wasn't bumping into Vince. He was too tempting.

  He tried phoning her twice that day. She recognised the number from the note he'd left Saturday night. Cate ignored the calls and deleted his voicemail. He'd get the message eventually.

  Thankfully, she didn't have any evening appointments. That gave her an extra day to track down another restaurant. At ten p.m. she slipped into her pyjamas and warm, fuzzy robe and was watching the news when someone knocked at her door.

  She peered out the front window cautiously. It was Vince, holding a single red rose and looking as charming as she'd pictured him all day in her mind. Cate opened the door a few inches and blocked it with her knee. “Hello,” she said softly.

  "Hi.” He smiled at her and held out the rose. “I've been thinking of you. I tried to call a few times but I guess you didn't get my messages."

  She took the flower and sniffed it. It was as fragrant as it was beautiful, which didn't make this any easier. “Vince...” she began.

  "I'm choosing to believe you didn't get my voicemail, rather than you getting it and ignoring me.” His eyes searched hers.

  "Vince,” she repeated, and stopped.

  He looked devastated. “Why, Cate? We had a fantastic night. I know you enjoyed it as much as I did. Is it me? Did I get too rough, take things too far?"

  "No!” she replied honestly, remembering just how far he did take things and trying not to remember how much she loved it. “It's just, we're different people. It would never work out."

  "Oh, I see.” He nodded slowly. “You don't date waiters. You fuck them, but they're not good enough for long term dating."

  "No!” she exclaimed. That idea had never crossed her mind. She was amazed he jumped to conclusions. “I would never do that! I swear, I don't feel that way. It's your age, Vince. You're twenty-three, for Christ's sake. I'm almost ten years older than you. I can't handle that. My mother could never handle that. She'd freak."

  A look of surprise and then a tiny smile crossed his face. “That's it? Really? Come on, Cate. Age is just a number, a state of mind. I'm sure I could wow your mother. I wowed you, didn't I?” He reached for her chin and touched it lightly. “At least I think I wowed you. Personally, I thought last night was perfect."

  She pulled away from his hand. “It was fun."

  "Fun?” His look was sceptical again.

  "Yeah, it was fun, Vince. But it can't happen again. Despite what you might think, I'm not someone who sleeps around casually. We had an attraction, we acted on it, but that was it. It's over."

  "Attraction,” he repeated dully.

  "You've got this parrot thing going for you,” she joked to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem to work.

  "Yeah, right. Okay, well, I'm not going to stand out here and beg. But I think you're wrong. It was far more than an attraction, and a lot more than just fun."

  Cate shrugged, trying to appear relaxed. “Whatever. I've got to go. Thanks for the flower—and ... everything.” She looked into his eyes but couldn't stand the disappointment she saw there. She closed the door then leaned against it and inhaled. I'm not going to cry, she repeated over and over in her head. This was my decision. It was the right move. But tears fell hot and swift, soaking her robe in a matter of minutes. If it was so right, she wondered, why do I feel so lousy?

  * * * *

  Vince threw his painter's palette across the room. It struck the wall with a thud. Streaks of magenta and fuchsia marked trails as the paint dripped down onto the woodwork. Now, that was a stupid thing to do, he thought grimly. But this week had been full of stupid things. He sank into a chair and cradled his head in his hands.

  No, hooking up with Cate hadn't been stupid. It was the best night he'd spent in recent memory, maybe ever. She was beautiful, funny and had a sexual energy he could barely keep up with. That was the amusing part about her problem with their age difference. He knew he was mature for twenty-three, and he discovered she was a wildcat in bed. They were perfectly suited to each other. So there had to be another reason she didn't want to see him again.

  He kept coming back to the idea that she saw him as just a waiter. He knew she valued her career, he could tell that by watching her work at the restaurant. She was up and coming, and he was a lowly waiter.

  Of course, he hadn't been able to watch her this week. He hadn't seen her since Monday night when he went crawling to her place. She'd frequented the restaurant twice a week in the past, so she must have found somewhere else to take her clients.

  No, enjoying a night of fantastic sex with Cate hadn't been stupid. Falling in love with her, now that was totally nuts.

  A half hour scrubbing paint off the wall provided him with the perfect idea. He washed his hands and picked up the telephone. He punched ‘memory', ‘one’ and heard his mother answer.


  "Hi, Mom. How are you?” Vince tapped his toe. He needed a few pleasantries before jumping right in to the favour.

  "Hi, honey! I'm fine. What's new with you?"

  It was the opening he needed. “Actually, since you asked, there is something new. I want to get an exhibit."

  "Of your paintings?” She sounded surprised.

  "No, of my cereal boxes. Of course, an exhibit of my paintings, Mom! I've got twenty completed. I'm not so keen on the lakeshore ones, but the two of the gulls at the beach are damn good, I know they are."

  "I think they're all very good, but I agree, the gulls are spectacular. So, an exhibit! Do you have a plan?"

  He cleared his throat. “That's where you come in. Do you remember mentioning your friend who knows someone with a gallery?"

  "Why sure, Celia from my Pilates class. Her son-in-law runs the Martin Gallery downtown."

  "I hate to put you on the spot, Mom, but I really want this. Is there any way you can get Celia to talk to her son-in-law for me?"

  "Why now, Vincent? We've talked about this before and you never felt ready."

  "I'm ready now,” he said decisively. If he put on a successful exhibit at a well-known gallery such as Martin, he'd be going places, or headed in the right direction, anyway. He'd have more confidence facing Cate with a showing under his belt. If it wasn't a success, well—He shuddered. He wouldn't let his thoughts go there. “I'm ready, Mom."

  "I can hear that in your voice,” she said. “Let me talk to Celia and I'll get back to you. It'll probably be tomorrow."

  "Thanks,” he told her warmly. “I love you."

  "I love you, too. Good night, Vincent."

  He hu
ng up his phone and paced around the studio apartment. It was mild weather for January, and he felt cooped up. Vince decided to take a drive and clear his head.

  Not surprisingly, he found himself in front of Cate's apartment building. He vaguely remembered stopping to buy the single, long-stemmed red rose. On his list of stupid things to do, it was certainly stupid to show up there again. She'd made her feelings clear earlier in the week. But something in her eyes didn't match her words. He was going to approach her one more time and see what happened.

  After knocking softly at her door, Vince waited, holding his breath.

  Cate peeked out, gave him an eye roll and opened the door. “What are you doing here?"

  He could tell she'd been crying. It almost broke his heart to look at her tear-stained face. “What's wrong?” Vince asked.

  She shook her head and turned away. “Nothing. Please, just go."

  He couldn't leave her like that. He stepped up behind her. “Cate, you've been crying. What can I do to help?"

  She glanced over her shoulder. “You can take your flower and that damned sultry expression on your face and get out of here. I told you, we can't do this."

  Vince slid one arm over her shoulder and cupped her breast, pulling her body back against his. He whispered in her ear, “I think you want me as much as I want you."

  Tears poured down her face. “No! I want you to go away!"

  He kneaded her breast and pressed his solid erection into her ass. “Look me in the eye and tell me to leave, and I will."

  "I told you—” she began, but when their eyes met she hesitated. “Oh, Jesus!” Cate whirled to face him and pressed her lips on his.

  "Oh yeah!” he murmured, and opened his mouth to her tongue.

  Her hands were frantically removing his clothes. His jacket, then his shirt, buttons popping when she didn't bother to unfasten them.

  Vince pulled a condom from his jeans then kicked the pants away. His cock was rampant and ready, and he didn't intend to wait another minute.

  Cate stripped out of her own clothes and flung herself over the back of the sofa, face down. He knew she wanted him to take her from behind as he'd done their last time, but he wanted more. He wanted to see her face, wanted her to see the love in his eyes as he took possession of her, body and soul.


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