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Passion, Vows & Babies: Love, Doctor (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Inner Harbor Book 1)

Page 5

by M. C. Cerny

  “Then what’s this?”

  “A warm up of things to come.” I kiss her head tucking her under my arm. I hadn’t intended to take things quite this far. I could just fuck her, but that’s not what I want. She isn’t some random girl. In a few days we’ll be legally tied and that’s special despite the circumstances. I don’t want our first time together to be some rushed affair. I want to savor her, claim ownership of her in everyway that’s more than just a piece of paper.

  She grunts and I give her a wicked smile. Of course I never said we couldn’t play until then, but not when we’re both stressed and under the influence of alcohol. I roll her over rubbing her back.

  “Feel good?”

  “Mmrph.” Piper drifts off to sleep which is good because we have a Skype call to London in a few short hours I might have forgetten to mention earlier.

  4 am rolls around quicker than I like and I check the clock. It’s 9 am in London right now and I’m likely to catch my parents at home with their morning coffee. Piper snores lightly from the bed wrapped up in my sheets. I like her there. The thought isn’t nearly as surprising as I think it should be and maybe that’s dangerous. We decided this would be a temporary arrangement but nothing right now feels remotely temporary. She doesn’t know it yet but I’ve already cleaned out half the dresser drawers and the closet. Shocker because I’ve piled the rolled up stuff I haven’t worn in a year in a corner of the closet to throw out.

  “Wake up Pip.” I nudge her hip getting a groan and a body digging deeper into the bed sheets. I pull and she rolls over tangled.

  “Piper…” I warn her before I haul her up over my lap spanking her ass.

  “Hey!” She shouts and I laugh giving her another good spank before caressing her bottom massaging the muscles. Her ass is nice and pink and she’s panting. My hand slips between her legs rubbing her clit in a light circular motion before pulling back wet honey from her center. I spread it on her parted inner thigh going for a second dip. She’s wet and writhing as my finger dips a little deeper with each pass. I get sidetracked watching her cunt squeeze my finger. I pinch her clit earning me a whine.


  I withdraw my finger and taste her. Delicious first thing in the morning and I look forward to waking her up with my head between her thighs suckling her to orgasm before my morning cup of coffee. I bet she’d make a great natural sweetener. I brush that aside wanting to test a theory and see if you ate a girl out right if she would she stay forever, purely reseach of course and needing plenty of attempts.

  “We have a call to make.”

  “I’m awake. Please don’t spank me again.” Her hands cover her ass and I push them away inspecting the pink flesh. Perfect and round her globes fit the palm of my hands and I massage the sting out of them.

  “Sorry, I’m kind of into that, but I won’t do it again if you don’t like it.” I cringe saying it.

  “I uh… the jury is out. It’s just weird right before we call your parents.”

  “Ah, okay. Still on the table. Gotcha.” Smiling I help her up and dress her in one of my t-shirts. She grabs her underwear from the floor and I snatch them out of her hands.


  “I’m into that too sweetheart.”

  She blows out a frustrated breath that lifts her messy hair up and stomps away toward the kitchen.

  “I need coffee for this.”

  I call after her.

  “Is that on the table too?”

  “Shut up!” She yells back and I join her to show her how to make coffee in my machine while I set up the camera for Skype.

  We sip fresh brewed coffee as we call my parents who answer on the first ring with excitement thinking this is just my thrice a week call with them.

  “Milo, my love!” My mother Matilda Lazare looks barely older than a day over fourty and eyes me with curiostiy. My dad Damascus has the hardened look of a soldier only softened by hugging my mother. She sits in his lap as I’ve put a squirming and nervous Piper in mine. It must be a Lazare thing.

  “Mother, Dad.” I greet them petting Piper to calm her down.

  “Who is this beautiful girl you’ve obviously kept up all night?” Dad says winking. He wasn’t a sharp shooter in the Georgian Army for nothing.

  “Please meet Piper.” We exchange hellos and I let my palm slide up under the T-shirt out of view. She pinches my hand. I pinch back. Turn about is fair play, right?

  She’s gritting her teeth, jaw tight speaking. “Hello. Milo only kept me up half the night actually.” Piper thinks she’s being cheeky but she hasn’t met my dad.

  “Really? Milo, you’re not doing a very good job then.” He says by way of chastising me and making Piper blush. My mother scolds him and I snort kissing her on the head in plain view of the camera. Her cheeks burn bright red and she doesn’t say anything else worth misconstruing.

  “Piper has agreed to marry me.” I tuck her close to my side and my mother’s face changes into a wide smile as my dad congratulates us. I’m not one to beat around the bush.

  “This is wonderful news! I am so happy for you. Is it soon? Can we come?” A million more questions fly over our heads as I try to explain as best I can.

  “We have to do it in a few days due to my Visa issue, but we’ll definitely come for a visit.”

  “We can have a ceremony and party here at the house. Your cousins in Toronto and Georgia will be sad to miss it.” Mom explains. She’s probably got their English garden all decked out and notes to call her paper’s staff photographer and editorialist.

  “Matty don’t rush them. Our son is grown up, he’ll make good decisons.” Dad chides her but doesn’t mean a word of it. The underliying messages is, get your ass to London and make this up to your mother, which I will when we can and I’m not afraid of being detained at the border on the way back.

  “The ceremony will be at the hospital chapel.” I say listening to my dad grunt. My parents would have wanted a big todo but there simply isn’t time. If there was then I wouldn’t be doing this at all and I think they realize that. The thought stings because that also means I would have missed out on Piper.

  “It’s really very pretty and we’ll take lots of picture.” Piper tries to mediate sweetly. I reward her by stroking her thigh under the kitchen counter. She kicks my shin and I grit by teeth from the pain of her small foot.

  “She’s wonderful Milo. Please visit as soon as you can. I’ll send over my recipe cards and all the things a bride needs.”

  “Thank you.” This means Fed-Ex is going to have a field day with deliveries and I’ll be out of cash for tips.

  “We love you son.” Dad nods and he knows I’ll call him later to talk more about what’s going on. One perk has been having supportive parents my whole life. This isn’t ideal but we’ll get through it.

  “Love you too.” I hang up the call and we both exhale.

  “That wasn’t so bad.” Piper tries to hop off my lap but I keep her right where she is because I like it too much.

  “Do you think your parents are as easygoing?” I inquire unsure what to expect. Piper’s droll response isn’t one of them.

  “We should call them after the wedding.”

  “Oh no Piper. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong. I just don’t like lying to them.”

  “What exactly are we lying about?”

  “I can’t exactly tell them the truth because my dad will be on the first flight home wondering if you knocked me up.”

  “Well, that wouldn’t be the end of the world. Lot’s of couples have kids before weddings. I think we’d make pretty babies don’t you.” I joke waiting for her reaction.

  She pinches my nipple twisting and I grab her hand to stop.

  “Is that off the table?” Her coy smile is something to behold, eyes sparkling and mischief making.

  “For me, yes.” I refer to the nipple twisting, not the baby making and reach out for her but she skirts around the counter and
runs toward the bedroom. I give chase to her giggles and realize she’s completely sidestepped the conversation about kids.

  Maybe I really am crazy to think this could be anything more than temporary.



  Because this entire week hasn’t been weird enough, getting to day twenty-eight has been nothing but trials and tribulations of details, packing, dress buying, and other sundries. Tonight’s date will consist of calling my parents later who are currently vacationing in the Grand Canyon. That follows dinner with Jax, my best friend and Baltimore business partner, and Johanna my younger sister, neither of whom are happy with me right now since the cat is officially out of the bag.

  I’m getting married.

  My life will be so different in less than a week.

  Weirdness abounds.

  I’m getting ready slipping my heels on when the doorbell rings to my parents’ house.

  “Coming!” I call out and jog down the hall to the door. Peeking out the peephole I see Milo standing in the doorway. He’s handsome with his suite jacket on, hands in pockets scanning the street while I watch him like a voyeur. I don’t think I’ve seen him wear anything else outside the hospital. T-shirts and lounge pants during sleepovers don’t count, nor do track pants when I learned he’s an avid swimmer who goes to a pool near the hospital five days a week. He’d probably get along better with Will since Jax is more into weightlifting but there’s nothing to do about that now.

  I crack the door open.

  “Hello Piper.”

  “Hi.” I feel strangely nervous. It’s not as if I haven’t dated or had boyfriends before, but this time I was marrying one. My parents would be appalled if they knew the truth about our arrangement but even Natalie agrees this is the best option. The better for when we have the interview with the Immigration office.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Oh sure.” I step back into the hall letting Milo pass inside shutting the door behind him.

  “Nice house. Good neighborhood.”

  “My parents have lived here since they were married.”

  “I can tell.” Milo passes by me, his face studies the walls lined with pictures of my sister and I growing up doing goofy things captured for all time. He takes in the knick-knacks my mother has collected from their various trips to Maine and Arizona.

  “Your mother likes a lot of turquoise.” He says gently running a finger down a statue they picked up in Mesa last year. He’s been in the house two minutes and that’s what he’s gotten out of all this.

  I laugh anxiously, “Yeah. We must have a whole attic filled with Native American artifacts.”

  “It’s nice.” And I follow him walking deeper into the house. I feel like he’s inspecting it more than I’m actually giving him a tour and I wonder if we’ve passed, if I’ve passed some test he’s created.

  “I’ve only ever lived here and in Austin for a brief time.”

  “Diana mentioned that. The brothers who own gyms.”

  “Yes, my friends Will and Jax. You’ll meet Jax tonight. I run the women’s program and half the gym space.”

  “Where’s your bedroom?” He turns eyebrow raised in a challenge.

  “My what?”

  “Bedroom Piper. I want to see where you’ve been sleeping since childhood.”

  “O-okay.” I walk Milo down the hall to the back corner of the house. My room overlooked the small side yard between our house and Diana’s aunt and uncle’s house.

  We enter my childhood bedroom and I start to see it with new eyes, different eyes as Milo takes in the dance and gymnastic trophies lining the shelf on my bookcase.

  “Do you still do it?”

  “Do what?” I ask over his shoulder.

  “Dance.” I hadn’t thought about dance in a long time. I stopped when I was sixteen after an ankle sprain prevented me from competing.

  “No, not really. I did ballet until I was sixteen.” The trophy he’s holding is my first place finish the year prior when I was fifteen at nationals. It seemed like a lifetime ago I had resigned knowing I would never dance for the NYC ballet company.

  “You have a lot of pink in here.” He remarks dryly replacing the trophy, fingering a faded pink toe shoe ribbon. He backs me up to my bed. His eyes follow me and my legs bump the bed behind me.

  I swallow a breath.

  “I’m a girl, I like pink. Sue me.”

  “Oh, I’m going to do more than that. I’m going to eat your pretty pink pussy before dinner because I like my dessert first.”

  I’m rendered completely jaw droopingly speechless as Milo pushes me back and I land on my bed in a flounce of skirts. He gets down on his knees, eye level with my waist and pushes my knees apart.

  “Is this practice?” I bite my lip ready to chew the skin raw. This is supposed to be a temporary thing even though I agreed to the sexy part because really, who in their right mind could be celibate for a year or more married to Dr. Milo Lazare.

  “I like to make sure I study all the appropriate material. Now lay back and legs up.”

  “This is so weird.” I mutter as Milo arranges me on my bed close to the edge. My dress is bunched up and I can barely see his dark head over the poof of skirts between my thighs. I can’t stop thinking doctorly related thoughts but this is nothing any doctor would do.

  “Relax Piper, I want to make you feel good.” I exhale a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding when I feel his hands trail up my legs. The closer he gets to my center the wetter I feel. Wet silk constricts as he pulls my panties to the side. I shift on the bed and a hand sneaks between us resting on my stomach.

  “Easy Piper.” I feel like he’s trying to calm me before the storm. He’s a hurricane with his desire and I don’t have a place to find sufficient shelter or escape from him. My underwear is so wet I’m squirming and uncomfortable.

  Warm breath caresses me and his thumbs rub the indentation between my pussy lips and my legs. I try controlling my breathing and he continues with his tender ministrations. The stress of the past few days leaks out from my eyes as silent burning tears. I want this, I want all of it, but I can’t help the overwhelming feelings surrounding the deception of those important to me.

  “You are way too tense for a happy bride to be Piper.” I feel the ends of Milo’s hair caress my thighs. His nose nudges me and I feel a tight pressure as his fingers open me wider. I’m ready to freak out because few have seen me like this, open and exposed.

  “Every part of you is so pretty to me.” He murmurs delivering the airiest of butterfly kisses against skin.

  I can’t stop the moan from my lips when his tongue laves my core. “You’re pretty studious aren’t you?” I try to make a joke but stop when his tongue licks me again from bottom to top. I’m so so wet, embarrassingly wet for Milo who is groaning into me with each lick of my cunt pressing his tongue deeper and rubbing his whole face into it.

  “You’re pretty delicious.” He says going to town eating me out like he’s been starving for days. The sensations make me writhe on the bed but he holds me steadfast. I come on an open mouth cry when his tongue dives deep met with his finger curling inside me pressing up and stroking me until I’m strung out. It’s insanely hot and I feel as though I’ve sweated through my clothes.

  I try grabbing for Milo and his hands catch mine holding them as he licks and sucks me back down my heart beating fast and furiously leaving me slightly out of touch with reality. My limbs are jelly and my mind disconnected, my only thoughts are a stream of consciousness I can’t control for once.

  I lay quiet catching my breath, eyes squeezed shut. I hear Milo shuffle around and return from the bathroom outside my bedroom. A warm cloth presses against me and water falls between my cheeks. Milo cleans me up and goes to my dresser opening drawers. I bask in the moment when I feel his hand grab for my ankle. He slips on a new pair of underwear, soft and lacy.

  I lean up to look at his face handsome as ever. His voice is tinged with an
accent as if he’s forgotten how long he’s been living here and says, “There, good as new.”

  He gives me a hand and picks me up. I wobble on unsteady feet following him out into the living room.

  “We should hurry or we’ll be late for dinner sweetheart.” His hand cups my cheek pulling me in for a light kiss on my lips where I can still taste myself faint and musky.

  “But before I forget.” He slips something out of his pocket and lowers himself in front of me on one knee.

  “M-Milo?” I’m unable to form a coherent thought except for the one that registers Milo Lazare down on bended knee. I imagined this a hundred different ways as a little girl growing up, I never once thought it would be right after a man pleasured me to perfection without expecting a return or a man who I agreed to marry to fulfill a Visa requirement. It was surreal.

  “Piper Jane Scott, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I could collect flies with my mouth hanging open.

  “I-yes. Yes, Milo.” He slips the heavy ring over my finger and I don’t even look at it running my hands into his hair and pulling him down to fuse his smart ass mouth to mine.

  “Excellent. You make me happy.” Milo hugs me tight and I feel a huge wave of responsibility for making him happy. It’s not a burden but more of a promise of things to come. I like it and can’t stop grinning like a loon. He must think I’m crazy but doesn’t comment.

  Speechless he walks me out to his car. I lock up the house and get in letting him close the door for me. My hand feels different wearing a ring on it. I practically feel branded but don’t say so instead clenching my hand afraid the heavy thing might fall off.

  The drive to the restaurant doesn’t take long and before we know it we’re seated at a table.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  I turn toward Milo whose been watching me all this time. I’m blown away, not yet recovered thinking about where this is all leading. Marriage obviously and I stare at the sparkling hardware adorning my finger. It’s huge. A single round diamond in a sturdy setting. It’s not flimsy thing you wear occasionally, this thing looks like it’s the tank of all rings and meant to be worn everyday, even at the gym.


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