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Wild Tonic (The Blood Stone Riot Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Julie Archer

  “I promise.” Parker gave her one last hug. He thought that would be the end of it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Clothes were strewn all over Clem’s bedroom, including the bed and the floor, and garments spilled out of the wardrobe. Leona sat cross-legged in the midst of it all passing comment about each of the outfits that Clem modelled for her. They were trying to find something for her to wear to Finola’s launch party that night. Reluctantly, she had agreed to go, partly in deference to the contract agreement for Pretty Rich Things and partly because Finola had stuck up for her with Byron at the PA the other night. She had to look amazing, yet demure and also healthy. Given the amount of alcohol and greasy food she had consumed over the past few nights, it was going to be a tough ask.

  “What do you think of this one?” She twirled around in a white dress that had a tiny sunflower print on it.

  Leona wrinkled her nose. “Are you meeting Finola’s parents? Or maybe her grandparents?”

  “Right, too prissy.” Clem pulled the dress over her head and tossed it onto the floor with the other rejects.

  “What’s this?” Leona held up a blue soft cotton checked shirt that had been nestled among the clothes on the bed. “You’re weren’t going to wear this were you?”

  Clem snatched it away from her. There was still a slight lingering smell of Nate’s aftershave on the shirt and she had taken to sleeping in it, a reminder of the last time they’d seen each other. Since the PA, they’d exchanged hundreds of messages and talked almost every day, although they hadn’t managed to see each other again. Nate was preparing for the band’s upcoming studio trip and seeing as much as he could of India before he went away. Clem had her own demands, mostly from Stelle D’Oro and the show, plus the appearances she had to make. The fact they were living in different cities was making things even more difficult.

  “It’s Nate’s,” she admitted. “I, um, had to borrow it the other day.”

  “What do you mean ‘borrow’ it?” Leona’s eyes narrowed as she sensed gossip. “What happened?” Suddenly she sat up straighter. “Actually, you never did tell me about that night. I know you were heading off with Byron and Finola.”

  Clem reached for her bathrobe and pulled it around her underwear clad body. Somehow she didn’t feel she could share all her secrets with Leona dressed in just a La Perla bra and panty set. She sank down onto the bed beside her friend.

  “It was probably one of the best PAs I’ve ever done.” She balled up the shirt and shoved it under her pillow for safekeeping. “Started off with the usual nonsense from the others, mostly Byron was being a total prick. Then Nate arrived.”

  “Uh oh, what happened with Byron?”

  “The usual. He was trying to feel me up in the back of the car and Finola stopped him.” Clem absently picked up a couple of items off the bed. “Which is why I’m going to her thing tonight.”

  “Never mind all that. What about Nate? Did you hook up?”

  A lick of pleasure contracted around Clem’s groin as she brought back the memories of that night—not that she intended to tell Leona everything. The corners of her mouth quirked as she nodded. Leona squealed.

  “Oh my God, seriously? I don’t believe it! Was it different to Liam?”

  The mention of Clem’s ex wiped the smile right off her face. She and Liam Avery had been seeing each other for around six months, right up until she found out he’d been sleeping with Anastasia Green, the only girl that Clem actively hated. Anastasia had a habit of ‘accidentally’ hooking up with other people’s boyfriends and it wasn’t the first time she’d been with someone directly in Clem and Leona’s friendship group. The look of triumph on the other girl’s face when Clem had confronted her was still fresh in Clem’s mind.

  “Why did you have to mention him?” Clem sighed. “And yes, it was very different. It was pretty fantastic, actually.”

  “Details?” Leona leaned forward, hungry for the specifics.

  She shook her head. “Not prepared to share.”

  “Oh.” Leona’s shoulders dropped and she frowned. “He wasn’t all that good then?”

  Clem threw a pillow at her. “Take my word for it, he was good. Better than good, in fact.” Her eyes fell on the freshly laundered leather jeans she’d worn that night. It wouldn’t be right to wear them to Finola’s launch, not least because there would likely be a bunch of vegans or vegetarians there who would claim cruelty. “Now are you going to find me something to wear or not?”

  Knowing she was beaten, Leona got up and went to the wardrobe. “What about this one?” She pulled out a navy wrap dress that had red and yellow flowers on it.

  “You said that dress with sunflowers made me look like I was going to meet the parents. What makes this one so different?” Clem shrugged off the robe and slid the dress over her head. She turned and looked in the mirror, the deep v of the neckline gave a tiny hint of her breasts and the dress finished mid-thigh, showing off her legs.

  “Talking of meeting people, are you seeing Nate again?” Leona was nothing if not persistent.

  “I want to.” As Clem poked through her make-up bag, trying to find the eyeshadow she needed, it struck her how much she did want to see Nate again. It had been a while since she’d felt like this about anyone. She’d been wary of getting involved after the whole Liam and Anastasia debacle. Given that Nate wasn’t an immediate part of any group she hung out with, there was a chance it could work out. If only they could actually find the time to get together. As if on cue, her phone pinged with a message.

  Leona beat her to the device. “Ooo, it’s from Nate! And there are kisses at the end!”

  “Give me the phone!” Clem leaped across the room, but Leona held it just out of her reach. “Leona, please!”

  Leona’s face dropped with seriousness. “You really do like him, don’t you?” she asked. “I’ve not seen you like this for ages.” She relented and passed it back to Clem.

  Clem scanned the message.

  What are you doing tomorrow night? We’re playing The Indigo Lounge in North Ridge. Thought you might want to come along xxx

  Sounds great! Can I bring a friend? Xxx

  What if I want to see you alone afterwards? Xxx

  Then I’ll bring two friends… xxx

  Nate’s response was a smiling emoji and another raft of kisses.


  Clem couldn’t ignore Leona’s expectant expression. “Have you ever been to North Ridge?”

  Finola’s launch party was in full swing when Clem arrived. She had found a cute restaurant just off the King’s Road. The huge private dining room was decked out with flowers in colours that matched her brand, there were tables of mini canapés and waiters circulated with glasses of champagne and elderflower pressè. It gave off a whimsical, ethereal vibe which suited the products perfectly. There were make-up artists doing demonstrations and even someone giving massages.

  “Clem! Thank you so much for coming.” Finola drew Clem towards her, clutching her close to her skinny body. As she drew back, Clem noticed she was wearing one of the latest Stelle D’Oro t-shirts. She wanted to hug her again.

  “Looks like things are going well.” Clem gestured to the people jostling for position around the demonstration tables and those who had already got their goody bags.

  “Thankfully the vloggers and beauty experts I wanted to come along did. There should be so much interest.”

  “Great news. No sign of Bryon though, right?”

  Finola laughed. It wasn’t something she often did and Clem found the tinkly sound somewhat out of character. “No, I thought it best he gave this one a miss.” She caught sight of someone over Clem’s shoulder. “There’s the Beauty Editor from Grazia, I really must go and say hello. Make sure you get a product demo, won’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  Clem turned around looking for another familiar face and immediately clapped eyes on Anastasia Green. The one person in the world who could transport Clem back
to the age of fourteen and a place that was basically hell on earth. Her gaze swung to the Pretty Rich Things crew that were filming parts of the event and hoped that they wouldn’t be present if—more like when—she faced up to Anastasia. She wished that Leona was with her.

  “Clementine Cameron! Fancy seeing you here.” Anastasia swept in to the group and air-kissed Clem on both cheeks. “Although I guess you had to be here contractually.” She cast a meaningful look in the direction of the camera crew.

  Clem bit her lip. “Finola invited me. I was glad to come.”

  Anastasia made a face. “Bit dull though, isn’t it? Bunch of gluten-free, teetotal vegans going mad over avocado face wash?” Her words coincided with a break in the music and a bunch of people turned around to stare at her.

  “Keep your voice down!” Clem hissed. She took a slug of champagne, hoping it would settle her. Anastasia always made her nervous, with good reason.

  “Surprised your new boyfriend isn’t with you, although I guess it’s not really his scene, is it?” Anastasia stopped one of the waiters as he went past and claimed another glass of fizz for herself, not asking Clem if she wanted a top up. “He’s pretty hot.” She waggled her eyebrows.

  “He’s busy. The band are going into the studio soon and they’re practicing some of the new tracks.” The thought that Anastasia was even interested in Nate put Clem’s hackles up. Her interference in her last relationship had been enough.

  “Aww, written a little love song for you, has he?” The smile on Anastasia’s face didn’t reach her eyes and Clem knew she was playing with her. “That’s so cute!”

  “Everything okay here?” Finola’s wispy voice broke in between the pair. “I wondered if you wanted to come and try the avocado face wash?” Her tone left them in no doubt that she had heard every word Anastasia said.

  “We’re fine, aren’t we Clem?” Anastasia looked between her and Finola. “Catching up on the gossip, you know. Clem’s been telling me all about Nate.”

  “Such a lovely man,” said Finola. “I met him the other night. He really does care about Clem.”

  Anastasia sipped her drink and gave Clem a loaded glance. “I guess he hasn’t seen your old school photos yet. That’s enough to put anyone off.” She laughed. “Although, I’m sure he’s not that image conscious, being in a grubby rock band and all.”

  Clem felt a cold hand run its way down the length of her spine. Why did Anastasia have to say that? Clem hated being reminded of her school days. They certainly weren’t the best days of her life, not by a long shot. And most of that was due to Anastasia.

  “I can’t wait to meet him, Clem. Be great to chat to him about our shared history. I bet he’d love to hear some of the stories.” Someone waved at Anastasia and her hand shot up in the air to wave back. “Gotta go. Catch up with you soon. Give my regards to your brother.”

  Then she was gone in a whirl of perfume. The scent lingered long after she had gone. Clem glared after her. What did Dean have to do with anything? When had Anastasia even last seen him?

  “Are you okay?” Finola frowned in the direction that Anastasia had gone in.

  “She’s an old classmate.” Clem sighed. Calling Anastasia a friend was an outright lie.

  “My guess is that you weren’t friends.” Finola put a soothing hand on Clem’s shoulder. “Look, let’s go and get you a make-up demo; there’s a really great palette that will definitely suit your colouring…”

  Finola’s words were meant with nothing other than kindness. However, it took Clem back to boarding school and the times when Anastasia and her crew would give Clem a ‘makeover’. The horrors they created had been sent to numerous classmates and the laughter that accompanied them almost rang in Clem’s ears now.

  Her phone vibrated in her bag and she gratefully reached for it. It was a message from Nate and it couldn’t have come at a better time. The thought of seeing him again tomorrow lifted her spirits as she dutifully followed Finola across the room.

  Chapter Thirteen

  One of the benefits of the lead singer in your band having a girlfriend who owns a rock bar, was the opportunity of impromptu gigs. The Indigo Lounge usually had bands on most nights, but there were occasional cancellations, which Caro always offered out to Blood Stone Riot first. Since returning from tour, the band hadn’t played live, and it was a good way to get back in to the groove before they went into the studio.

  It also gave Nate the chance to show Clem what his life was like. Two dates in and he was hooked. He was trying to ignore the outside influences that were projecting negativity on their relationship but given that both Alik and Poppy were there that night, it was going to be difficult.

  He had arranged to meet Clem late afternoon for something to eat first. Earlier, she messaged him saying she was coming on her own; something about her friends being ill and letting her down at the last minute.

  “I’m really pleased you still came.”

  They were at a corner table in Sarastro, which was one of the busiest restaurants in North Ridge. Normally, you needed to book to get in. However, as soon as the waiter clocked Clem, they were immediately ushered inside. Nate almost laughed at the irony. Even in his home town, he wasn’t the one who got recognised.

  “Me too.” Clem gave him a broad smile. “I’m not normally brave enough to go to something on my own. Especially as it’s in a rock club, I’m really not going to be comfortable in.”

  Nate reached across the table for her hand. “You’ll be fine. Poppy, Caro and Eva are going to be there. Yulia as well, and she almost never comes to gigs. Stick with them and they’ll look after you.” He prayed that Poppy would be pleasant.

  “Tell me who they are again?” Clem sipped her gin and tonic.

  “Well, you know about Poppy. Caro owns the club and Alik’s her boyfriend. Eva’s the girlfriend of Richey, our bassist; and Yulia’s recently moved over to be with Dev, the drummer. She’s from Eastern Europe somewhere, I think.” Dev didn’t really speak to the others about his personal life, preferring to stay as much out of the limelight as possible. The rest of the band had been surprised when he and Yulia made things official and announced she would be joining him in the UK. Nate didn’t know her all that well, though she seemed nice enough. He hoped that Clem would find some common ground with them and she’d fit in as seamlessly as Eva had. “Oh, and Eva works with Olivia Cole at her PR consultancy.”

  “Right, I’ve heard of Olivia. I think she does some of the publicity for one of the other Pretty Rich Things people.”

  “Yeah, I think she does too.”

  Their food arrived. Nate had settled on a tuna niçoise salad. Anything heavier and he wouldn’t be able to move around the stage without getting heartburn or indigestion. He could always get something after the gig, which he usually did. There was a decent kebab shop not that far from the club. Clem opted for fish and vegetables. He wondered if she would be the type to have a chicken shish after a few drinks.

  “Is this your normal pre-gig routine?” Clem asked forking some samphire into her mouth.

  Nate shook his head. “Not at all! We’d hang around the venue, waiting to soundcheck. Then someone would go to the nearest supermarket and grab a few sandwiches or pasties or something to keep us going.”

  Clem frowned. “Then I’m sorry to have disrupted your habits.”

  “Believe me, this is much better than a sorry meal deal.” Nate raised his pint of orange juice and lemonade. “And much better company too.”

  They chatted easily as they ate; Nate learning more about Clem’s involvement in Stelle D’Oro, and quizzing her about the photo shoot she’d mentioned. He had been on the website and checked out some of their lingerie range. Then he imagined Clem wearing it, and his dick hardened in response. He didn’t want to assume that she would stay over and hadn’t yet asked. Although a repeat performance of what happened after Clem’s PA wouldn’t be the worst.

  Nate’s phone rang. Alik.

  “Alright, mate
? What’s up?”

  “Where are you? Have you seen the time? We need to sound check.”

  “Alik, how many times have we played The Indigo Lounge? They have our requirements down.”

  “There’s a new guy being trained up; he’s never done one of our gigs before.”

  “I’m in town with Clem. I’ll be there shortly.”

  Alik let out a hard breath. “Clem. Right.” The disdain in his tone was clear.

  Nate held his tongue. Alik’s reaction wasn’t fair, but now wasn’t the time to challenge him. He kept his cool as he replied. “We’re finishing up some food and then we’ll be there.”

  “No longer than twenty minutes, Nate. We don’t have long.”

  “Sure, I get it. We’ll be quick.” He ended the call and placed his phone back on the table.

  He met Clem’s gaze, her brows knitted together, as she tried not to listen. It would have been hard for her to ignore Alik’s side of the conversation, as he could be heard quite clearly. She pushed the remains of her dinner to one side and waved at the waiter.

  “Can we get the bill please?” she asked.

  “Clem, you don’t have to do that. At least finish your meal. I certainly intend to.” Nate shovelled a large forkful of the salad into his mouth, trying not look like he was rushing.

  “It looks like Alik needs you.”

  “He can wait.”

  Nate tried to take his time, all the while spotting the messages that were coming in on his phone. Alik, Richey, even Caro, asking when he’d be there. In the end he admitted defeat and put down his fork.

  When the waiter returned, he stood awkwardly, the saucer and receipt in one hand, looking between the pair. Clem took charge and reached for her purse, placing a couple of notes into the waiter’s hand. She pushed her chair back and stood up.

  “Let’s go. Take me to this place I’ve heard so much about.”

  The Indigo Lounge was quiet when they arrived. There was a guy at the mixing desk that Nate didn’t recognise, so it looked as if Alik was telling the truth.


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