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Surrounded by Temptation

Page 2

by Mandy Harbin

  “Fine by me, little kitten. I’ll fucking eat you for diner before I claim my new mate.”

  “Fuck, get her out of here!” Josh yelled right as Rob and Jack shifted into snarling mountain lions.

  Rob growled and lunged for Jack. Jack bit into Rob’s neck as they rolled over, snapping, hissing, and scratching at each other.

  “Boys!” Thomas yelled, but it barely registered. As soon as Rob would get the upper hand, Jack would best him, tipping the odds back in his brother’s favor. Jack might be older, but they were pretty equally matched. The only way one would actually win would be if the other were dead because neither would tuck tail and run.

  Jack was knocked off Rob, but before Rob could attack again, Josh was on him, pinning him down. Rob hissed at Josh in his lion form and turned to look for Jack. This wasn’t Josh’s fight. What he’d found was that Toby had also shifted and had Jack cornered.

  “She’s gone,” Jack announced as he stared down at Rob. “The girls got her out.”

  Rob roared.

  “I know, man, but fight it. This isn’t you.”

  “I’m a damn animal. Of course it’s me. It’s all of us!”

  “But you don’t want to hurt her. And I can’t let you. I won’t let you.”

  Rob hissed because he knew deep down that Josh was right. Rob looked at Jack. He was still pacing as if he were caged.

  “He’s wound up, too. That’s Toby’s mate’s sister. Krista is freaking out and Toby will not allow anything to upset his mate. I’m warning you, get control now…otherwise, Toby will rip you a new one. He’s already ready to kill Jack with all the mental screaming and demanding he’s been doing.”

  Rob had been so caught up in his own desire, his own need to claim her that he hadn’t paid much attention to Jack. With how possessive Jack was by nature and how he’d acted just by seeing her outside before even meeting her, Rob really shouldn’t be surprised by Jack’s response.

  He shifted and Josh followed.

  “Fine. She’s not around. I’m in control. But you have to know how much I want her.”

  “That’s your animal talking. You don’t even know her.” Josh moved and offered his hand to help Rob up.

  “Like you knew Mikaela?” Rob challenged once he was standing.

  “Mikaela’s different. I knew that the moment I first smelled her.”

  Rob also knew there was something different about Ariel, but he didn’t have to explain that to his brother. There was only one thing Josh needed to understand. “She’s mine.”

  Josh sighed, putting his hands on his bare hips. “You can’t decide that for her. She has to leave.”

  “No way!” Rob stepped up, ready to battle again. His testosterone, adrenaline, and feline all demanded it. They were not taking her away from him.

  Josh’s hands flew up in a surrendering gesture. “Think about it, Rob. She’s not safe here. We can talk to her—as in me and Toby and the girls—and see if there’s a way for her to do her research or whatever she needs to do from another location. We can try to work around this and still get her help.” Rob shook his head, but before he could voice his rejection, Josh continued. “Think about why she’s really here. If she can come up with a way to set you free, then you can have your pick of any available woman. Without taking her by force.”

  Rob stared. He knew his brother was being logical.

  He didn’t care.

  Once he’d set his eyes on Ariel, he knew she was the one for him. He’d never, never, had that kind of reaction toward a woman before. He hadn’t known she was available when he’d first seen her either. For him, that left no doubt.

  “You’re right.” Rob still needed Ariel around to do her work. If their father decided it was too dangerous, he might axe the whole idea and Rob would never have the chance to see her again. At least if he went along with the plan, he could figure something out. He glanced at Jack. He’d shifted back, but Toby was in his face, whispering heatedly, stabbing his finger into Jack’s chest.

  Jack’s eyes met his over Toby’s shoulder. The challenge in them almost sent him back into an animalistic rage.

  Ariel belonged to Rob. Period. And he’d make sure Jack understood that. And Ariel too.

  In time.

  Chapter Two

  “Have you lost your freaking mind?”

  Ariel watched as her sister paced manically in the bedroom, waiting for her to calm down and be rational. Ariel had to see what she was working with. Hearing a story about mountain lion shifters was totally different that witnessing the phenomena first hand.

  “No, but I’m glad to see you haven’t lost yours. I’d had every intention of making you an appointment with a doctor after I’d come out here. I seriously thought you were nuts.” Well, there was a part of her that had been salivating at the possibility Krista was telling her the truth.

  Her sister whirled. “So you thought tempting their beast was the best plan of attack?” she asked incredulously.


  “You’re unbelievable! And what about Will? Did you ever plan on telling me that little bit of info? Who handled your divorce? Oh my God, Ariel, he could’ve taken you to the cleaners.”

  “Dial back the legal crap, Krista. I might not be an attorney, but I can damn well read a decree and decide if it’s fair. We split everything and have no children. Easy cheesy.”

  “But you two were so in love.”

  “I don’t believe in love anymore. It was foolish to ever believe in it in the first place. It’s a chemical process involving things like oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, vasopressin, norepinephrine, testosterone, estrogen, I can go on and on.” Ariel waved her hand dismissively.

  Mikaela cleared her throat. “Even though I agree with Krista on the divorce issue, I think we need to stay on track here. You’ve put yourself in a seriously dangerous situation and we need to get you out of here.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Ariel said, sitting on the big bed in the middle of the room.

  “The hell you’re not, Ariel Michelle. You cannot stay here if you’re not taken.”

  “And just how did you manage to be at this estate in the first place? I don’t remember you being in any relationship recently.”


  “I needed her help with my caseload while the Woods purchased the adjoining land. We told the men she was in a relationship when she came out here.”

  “And they believed you? Just like that?” she asked as she grabbed her iPad from her big purse. “Fascinating,” she mumbled, typing some notes. This brought the honor system to a whole new level.

  “Yes, well, we could’ve told them the same thing about you had we known you weren’t married anymore. But that option is moot now. If we go back and tell them it was a test, part of your research, they’ll demand proof. Divorce records are public and we do have Internet here. I’m pretty sure both of the guys are researching you now as we speak.”

  “I don’t want the pretense. I need them to know the truth. I need to understand everything if I am going to be able to help. I can’t formulate a medication to address an issue if I don’t honestly comprehend what that issue really is.” Why didn’t they understand? It wasn’t like she was testing something on lab rats to verify any side effects to chemicals. They wanted her to essentially treat these men for a condition that was undocumented. Hell, she wasn’t a doctor.

  Mikaela sat next to her on the bed. “So what do you propose?”

  “She’s leaving!” Had Krista just stomped her foot like she used to do when she was a toddler?

  “Let’s be rational here, Krista. We need to at least know what’s going on in that little head of hers before we can make any decisions here.” She turned to Ariel. “But if Thomas wants you gone, we’re going to have our work cut out for us. That’s why I need you to explain to me what your game plan is. If I think it’s worth a shot, I can try to reason with him.”

  Her sister was still fuming, so Ariel figured
she needed the Mikaela chick on her side. But there was part of the plan that made even her nervous. She’d have to put on her big girl panties and follow through with it. If she wanted to make a name for herself in her career, she had to.

  “I’ve been working on an aggression compound. Actually, the university has been working on a product for years, so I’m just tweaking the formula to ensure it’s safe enough for human consumption. I just need to mix the chemicals based on their height and weight and start administering it to them. But I think in order for me to make sure it works under all circumstances, I need one of them to volunteer to be my test subject.”

  “Why do you need a test subject if you’re going to medicate them both?” Krista asked, her arms crossed.

  “Because if this is going to be a long term treatment, I need to know when and how it is best administered. Once a day? Three times a day? Once a week? Large dose once a month with smaller doses throughout? There are too many questions and I need to test the limit of the drugs to ensure their effectiveness.

  “Test the limit the drug?” Mikaela asked. “What exactly do you mean by that?”

  Here goes nothing…

  “Just the way it sounds.” When Krista gasped, Ariel knew comprehension was dawning. “I’m going to tease the hell out of whoever volunteers.”

  * * * *

  Rob sat in his room, locked in like a damn wild animal, and logged onto his Skype account. This was re-fucking-diculous. His father had called a meeting to discuss Ariel, and he wasn’t allowed anywhere near her.

  But neither was Jack. Rob took solace in that. Very little solace.

  When he’d laid eyes on Ariel today, his insides burned. He’d felt a connection to her that he’d never felt before. It wasn’t rational. But neither was turning into a feline. Nothing was rational in his life, so why did he expect seeing his mate for the first time would be anything short of powerful? He knew both Josh and Toby had felt something different, something miraculously overpowering with their mates early on. Maybe this was just how it was for them. Once a mate was identified, that was it. It was her or no one else.

  God, he was being insane. He hardly knew this woman. If he didn’t chill out, he’d scare her away. At least Jack was naturally brooding. This newly developed situation probably had him clawing at the walls to get out and get to her, which would only make Rob look that much better.

  He growled low in his throat. He wouldn’t let Jack touch her. She belonged to Rob. End of fucking story.

  The call came through and he accepted it. He had to grab the chair he was planted in to keep from touching the monitor like a love-struck fool and stroking Ariel’s beautiful face. She was definitely too skinny, but her beauty would always outshine no matter her weight.

  “I demand to be released at once, Dad. This is highly uncalled for,” Jack commented from his connection.

  “Calm down. I’ve talked things over with the ladies and have a better understanding of the course Ariel would like to take. I must say I’m not entirely pleased with what has happened or with this methodology she’d like to implement. I feel that since you two will be the ones involved, you both need to understand what will be happening. Then you can make a decision on whether she stays or goes.”

  Ariel’s eyes grew wider for only a second before cutting to Thomas and then looking straight ahead again. If Rob had to guess, she didn’t look very pleased with this. If his waiflike angel wanted to stay, by God, she would. He’d do whatever necessary to ensure it.

  And he wasn’t stupid enough to pretend he wasn’t being selfish with that noble thought.

  His father looked at Rob, then Jack, and proceeded to tell them and the rest gathered in the den on the other end of the monitor just what medications she planned on trying on them. One shot a day to start out. Testing aggression. Possibly more medication. So far, nothing seemed too horrible. Rob knew this wasn’t going to be a cakewalk.

  “Just what kind of testing do you expect us to do? Torture us? Keep us locked up in our rooms? Or worse, in chains? Sorry, honey, you’re hot and all, but no way. I say give us the medication and observe us,” Jack said, arms crossed over his chest, eyes narrowed. Then he half-smiled. “Unless you want to observe me privately.”


  “What, Dad? Those are honest questions.” Then he looked at Ariel. “And an honest offer.” He wasn’t smiling this time. Just being the dick he always was.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. I say she can do whatever she wants. She’s the professional here,” Rob said, tamping down his need to vocalize just what he wanted from her. He gave her what he hoped was a soft smile, and the startled smile she gave him in return made his dick twitch. Such a beauty.

  “Rob?” she asked, looking toward him. His heart raced. The sound of his name on her lips did some very naughty things to his body. He wanted to hear her moan it the next time his name slipped passed her lips.

  “Yes, angel?”

  That smile. He couldn’t help but return the warm gesture.

  “Would you be willing to help me do some testing? I only need to test one of you.”

  “Wait just a damn minute! No way in hell am I staying in this room while Rob gets poked with needles. He’s just trying to poke her back,” Jack barked.

  Rob’s head snapped in his brother’s direction, a growl ripping from his throat before he could even stop it. He was going to shred his brother to pieces!

  “Enough, boys!” Thomas said, then turned to Ariel. “Sweetheart, I’m aware of your plan, but I’m not sure if this is smart. I have to say I think it’s very dangerous. Just look at them. They are too primal and they are not even in the same room with you.

  Shit. Rob had to get control of himself. Otherwise, he’d lose his opportunity before it even started. He took a deep breath, facing his father. “Dad, if we don’t do something now, we may never get another shot.”

  “I’ll do it,” Jack said with an heir of righteousness. “I’m older. It’s. My. Fucking. Turn.”

  Their father sighed. “Jack, regardless of which one of you she tests, both of you will be getting the medication,” Thomas said. Then he turned to Ariel. “I think this has to be your call.”

  Her cheeks flushed a satiny pink, and Rob’s head cocked to the side as if his cat were trying to gauge it. Then her gaze landed on him.

  “Will you help me, Rob? I promise not to make it too painful for you.”

  She picked me. Rob felt his whole body heat, warmth rushing through him. But the sweet feeling that accompanied his mate’s initial trust in him quickly turned into an almost overpowering urge to roar in victory.

  And a crippling need to take her right now.

  How was he going to be able to be near her and not force her to mate with him? His animal didn’t care. It only saw a relief to its primal heat. But Rob knew she was taking a big step by asking him. She was relying on him to do this for her. He could not let her down. He wouldn’t.

  “It’d be my pleasure, angel.”

  Chapter Three

  “You don’t have to do this,” Krista pleaded with her sister. “I know you eat, live, breathe your job, but this is going way above the call of duty.”

  Ignoring her, Ariel handed over the syringe containing Jack’s initial dosage. “Swab the area with an alcohol pad first. On his hip. Then uncap the needle, tap it a few times like this,” she flicked the syringe as a demonstration. “Gently push the plunger until the air is extracted, then you’re ready.”

  “You’re really going to go through with this, aren’t you?”

  Ariel took a calming breath and squared her shoulders. It wouldn’t do to get into a fight with her sister, but they’d been over this and over this. “Thomas said they will not leave me alone with Rob until they are sure he is under control. I have no desire to be raped and killed. I value the work I do. I think I can help. And you asked me to in the first place. Please just let me do my job.”

  “They are feral, Ariel. You got a glimpse
of it earlier today. You have no idea the need they have to bond with a mate. It’s all encompassing. I know I asked for your help. I want them free of the chains that bind them to this land, but I don’t want you to get hurt. When I asked for your help, I didn’t mean I wanted you to seduce one of them!”

  “I am conducting tests. Not hooking up.”

  “There’s a term for a woman who uses her body in the name of work.”

  Ariel walked over and grabbed her bag of goodies. Tools she’d gotten at the adult store in St. Louis before coming out here. Krista had just likened her to a prostitute and it was hard for her to deny the allegation with tricks of the trade in her hand. “I’m doing it and that’s final. You’ll thank me later. They all will.” Her heart pounded as guilt prickled. They wouldn’t thank her if she exposed them in the name of her real work.

  Krista walked over to her and hugged her. “Be careful.”

  Ariel released her and rubbed her arm reassuringly. “I’ll be fine. Thomas has me staying in this cabin next to Rob’s. Jack has been instructed to stay in the house and work on the south side of the property. He and I won’t cross paths. His medication will be administered by Thomas’s right hand man, Jeffery, and Thomas will observe him for any side effects. As for Rob, let me handle that, okay?”

  A knock sounded on the door, allowing butterflies to swarm erratically in Ariel’s belly for the first time since coming back to the cabin.

  “It’s Mikaela. They’re ready,” she announced through the door.

  “Fine,” Krista whispered heatedly. “You win. I’ll let you handle Rob, but you damn well better tell me if anything goes wrong.”

  “Deal.” Ariel grabbed her bag and opened the door. “I’m ready.”

  Mikaela looked at her with a mixture of worry and admiration, and that little bit of guilt from earlier came back. Ariel tamped it down. She didn’t have time to worry about that right now.

  “I’m coming too,” Krista said.


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