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Surrounded by Temptation

Page 8

by Mandy Harbin

  And it scared her. The last time she had something perfect, it had been an illusion. Love was just an illusion. She’d learned that lesson the hard way. But when she was with Rob, he made her forget how reality could be and she was able to live that fantasy with him. And since they’d spent every moment possible together, she never really had time to acclimate herself with the vestiges of reality.

  “Good morning, my beautiful angel,” Rob mumbled against her hair as he nuzzled it. And his face wasn’t the only part of him rubbing against her.

  “How good is it gonna be, Robbie?” she teased.

  “Oh, baby, I’m so good, I can make you beg for it.” He chuckled as he continued to kiss her neck and then grinded his cock against her ass. When she arched her back, moving her hips to give him greater contact, he growled playfully and rolled her over. “You’re a little vixen this morning, angel.” He reached into the nightstand for a condom and quickly donned it.

  “How can a vixen be an angel?” she asked, giggling. Her laughter died on a moan as his lips found hers. He licked her lips, nudging them apart and then slowly slid his tongue into her mouth, lightly massaging its counterpart.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist of their own volition, and since they’d been sleeping together in the nude, he had clear access to her pussy. She lifted her hips and he slid in. They both groaned at the delicious friction.

  “Robbie,” she moaned. “Like that. Take me, baby.” His thrusting went from easy and languid to rough and fast. He started fucking her with renewed determination at her command. Rob was a vocal person, but whenever she voiced her sexual need, it never failed to get his engine running.

  He growled and her eyes snapped up to his. Oh shit. His fangs were out. It wasn’t the first time they’d descended during sex, or even foreplay, but that virile look in his eyes caused her to pause.

  “Robbie? You okay?” She panted because he was still fucking her relentlessly.

  He groaned and dug his head into the area where her shoulder met her neck. “Yeah, angel. Just. Want. You.”

  “You have me,” she breathed, and she didn’t know where that had come from.

  He growled loudly, rose above her, and thrust so hard that the headboard banged against the wall with every forward progression. “Mine,” he rasped. “Say it!”

  She squeezed her lips shut and shook her head, pushing at his shoulders in defiance but churning her hips to bring her closer to orgasm.

  “Now, angel. Say it, damn it!” He grabbed her hair and yanked her head to the side. He lowered his head and licked the veins throbbing in her neck, but then suddenly pulled back and stared down at her. “Mine. Mine!”

  She shook her head again and he hissed at her. His fangs were menacingly long.

  “No, Robert,” she ordered in her most authoritative voice.

  He growled again and stabbed into her so perfectly that she finally flew off the precipice. When she screamed his name, he roared, but he was cut shot as he turned his head quickly away from her. She heard him whimpering as the cloud of her climax lifted.

  And then she saw blood.

  “Oh my God, Rob, are you okay?” She grabbed his head and made him look at her. Blood trickled down his chin and dripped onto her chest. Her eyes darted all over him, landing on his wounded arm. He’d bitten himself. Before she could ask him why, he leapt from the bed, dragging a startled cry from her when his penis left her vagina so abruptly.

  He ran to the fridge, and she watched him as he pulled the capped syringe out, shaking as he fumbled with it. She rose and headed toward him to help.

  “No. Stay there. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  That made her freeze.

  “Robbie, you’re not going to hurt me. You just got really turned on and your fangs came out. It’s happened before.”

  He panted as he stabbed the needle into his bare hip, and then he backed away from her as he rubbed the injection site and then ripped off the condom. “I have to go. I need to get to work.”

  “It’s before breakfast. Your family won’t be out there yet.”

  But her response wasn’t acknowledged as he grabbed the door and ran from her cabin bare-ass naked.

  * * * *

  Rob had skipped breakfast, choosing to shower first and then shift and run instead. Being with Ariel was amazing. He was in love with her and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. But each time they made love, it got harder and harder for him to resist the temptation of his lion claiming her. The command she’d uttered had been the breaking point for him. He’d been loving her with care and then the moment she demanded that he take her, he wanted nothing more. To his lion, it was an offering. But he knew it was just sexual and he couldn’t give in to that desire to possess her fully. So he fled at the first opportunity—after making sure he got his daily dose of docile juice. He was so revved up, he knew he’d needed all the help he could get.

  After he ran for hours, he went back home to shower and get ready for work. Thankfully, he hadn’t smelled Ariel in her cabin when he’d passed. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure he would’ve been able to stop himself from going over there.

  He was just arriving at his post when his radio sounded. “You there yet, Rob?”

  He unclipped it from his belt and put it to his face. “Yeah, Josh. What’s up?”

  “You okay, man? Toby said Ariel called Krista early this morning and neither of them showed up for breakfast. Jack called and said he had to get ready for an early Skype call with Caldwell’s daughter, so he bailed too. It was just me, Dad, and Mikaela.”

  Which meant Josh was itching to find out what had happened and hadn’t gotten any answers from anyone else.

  “I’m fine.”

  “So what happened? Why did Ariel call Krista away first thing this morning?”

  “It’s nothing. I need to get to work. I got a late start.”

  “You can tell me, you know. I’ve been there before.” Josh sounded sincere enough that Rob sighed.

  “It’s hard. That’s all.”

  “Because you want to claim her and can’t?”

  “How’d you…” He paused, taking a deep breath. “Yes. I want to claim her. She’s my mate and it’s natural for us to want that.” He couldn’t help the defensive edge that crept into his voice.

  “Hey, you don’t owe me an explanation, Rob. I know the need to take one’s mate is damn near impossible to resist. Just because you’re on meds to keep from tipping over the edge doesn’t mean you’re not faced with that edge every moment you’re near her.”

  That was exactly it, and Rob felt like less of a failure getting this little pep talk from his older brother. “Thanks, man. I needed to hear that.”


  “If you two lovebirds are through being all sappy on this channel,” Toby cut in on the radio, “then I’d like some help.”

  Rob heard Josh chuckle over the airwaves. “Whatcha need, Toby?”

  “Jack is M.I.A.”

  “What do you mean?” Josh was all serious now, no teasing tone left.

  “His tractor is parked, and I’m looking down at a pile of clothes beside it. Looks like he shifted and ran.”

  “So?” Rob asked. He’d just shifted this morning and run. Sometimes they needed to let go of some steam and being one with nature was the best way to do that.

  “So, I went to the office to meet up with Jack before coming out here to see if he wanted me somewhere specific. He wasn’t there, so I checked the log on his computer to see what time his meeting ended. He never logged into Skype this morning, which means he missed his appointment with the Caldwell chick.”

  Rob’s insides turned to ice. His fingers felt numb as he slowly brought the radio up to his mouth. “Or he lied about ever having an appointment in the first place?”

  “Now why the fuck would he do that?” Josh barked.

  “Because he needs an alibi,” Rob mumbled, foreboding prickling his skin.

  “Son of a bitch! Jos
h, this isn’t good. There are fucking needles here. I kicked his clothes around and they fell out. Looks like the shit that fucker is supposed to be taking for his aggression. And they’re still full.”

  “Ariel,” he breathed. Rob heard cussing as he dropped his radio and ran to his mate, his legs burning with effort, and he prayed he would get to her in time.

  Please, God, don’t take her from me.

  Chapter Ten

  Ariel walked to the main house, grateful that Krista had covered for her this morning. She’d wanted to let Rob calm down before approaching him, and a scene at breakfast wouldn’t have been the ideal scenario she’d envisioned, so she’d called Krista to vent instead. Thankfully, she didn’t have to ask her sister for immediate help. As soon as Ariel finished bringing her sister up to speed, Krista had insisted on her coming to breakfast at her cabin.

  Toby had been sweet, too. He’d stayed and the three of them talked about everything and nothing, family and work. Ariel had been able to get a little better insight into the Woods men—hard working, loyal family who were well off financially, but didn’t let that stop them from getting their hands dirty—but she still hadn’t gained any more knowledge that’d help point the finger at the reason behind their ability to shift. She’d decided the only way she was going to get answers was if she did some digging in Thomas’s office. He obviously wasn’t willing to spill what he knew because if he were willing, he’d have told his sons a long time ago. But Ariel didn’t believe that Thomas just drifted through this life without seeking some answers. Her latest hypothesis was that Thomas had sought out the truth of his heritage and hadn’t liked what he’d discovered. If the news was that bad, why would he share it with his sons?

  Ariel figured he wouldn’t. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have proof of it locked away in his personal office, and since Toby had casually mentioned his father’s plans to go into town to get some gas and supplies, she knew this would be the best opportunity to see if she could find clues that just might bridge the knowledge gap.

  She entered the grand entryway and made a beeline for her destination. The office she’d been using was next door to his, but she hadn’t needed to go into it before now. She turned the knob and pushed in, hitting the light as the door swung open.

  It was just as dark and rustic as the rest of the house. If it wasn’t for the computers, printers, fax machine, and other office paraphernalia, this cabin could be placed anywhere in time.

  She walked to his massive oak desk and tried pulling on the drawers. The bottom one was locked, so she tried the middle drawer that was narrow enough to hold pens and small supplies, hoping she’d find a key that’d give her access to the bigger drawer. That one was unlocked.

  She pulled it open and rummaged around for a key when she noticed an envelope addressed to her.

  From the lab where she’d sent the DNA for analysis. Fuck. Why hadn’t Thomas given her this letter, and why the hell was it already opened? This couldn’t be good.

  “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing in my father’s office?”

  Jack’s harsh voice caused her head to snap up, eyes landing on his cold ones. “I, err, wanted. Um, I was looking for Thomas.” Shit, she knew she was babbling because she was caught red-handed digging in Thomas’s desk. Then she glanced down, actually noticing Jack for the first time. “Why are you naked?” she blurted out.

  He slowly reached back and shut the door, the click of the lock so loud it vibrated inside her. Jack stalked toward her. “I was running and smelled you. Do you know how fucking good you smell? It’s maddening having you around here. No matter where I go on this property, it’s like your scent is a siren, calling to me.”

  Uh-oh. She stood on shaky legs, staying behind the desk. She didn’t know why he had the look of a predator, but she figured it was best to keep the big piece of furniture as a barrier, especially since his penis was erect and so hard it was already leaking pre-cum. “You don’t look well, Jack.”

  “No?” He laughed without any trace of humor, his blue eyes ice, and he continued walked toward her until he was up against the other side of the desk. “I think that’s your fault, doc.”

  “I’m not a doctor.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” He slammed his hands down on top of the desk so hard it creaked under the pressure. “This is all your fault, you little chemistry whore. I’ve been taking those damn shots like the obedient little lab rat, and you haven’t once thought to come out and check on me. At least lab rats get tended to by their fucking doctors.”

  Ariel shut her eyes, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, thinking it better not to correct him again.

  “I talked to my dad about this, and he insisted I give Rob alone time with you. Like Rob fucking deserves you more than I do. I told him that the medicine made me feel sick. That I didn’t think I needed it to be as strong as it was.”

  What? Had she totally misunderstood Jack’s reaction to the compound? “I thought I just needed to test one of you—”

  He cut her off, continuing as if she hadn’t said anything. “I came out here to talk to him after breakfast while he was getting his list of supplies ready and I saw that fucking letter you’re holding.”

  Ariel glanced down. She hadn’t even had a chance to read it yet.

  “When I saw it, dad shoved it in his desk, so I kept my mouth shut. After he left, I came back in here and read it.” He leaned in closer to her. “You fucking little bitch. I know what you’ve been up to.”

  Her heart was racing. Jack was all kinds of pissed at her, and she feared if she tried to explain it’d only make things worse. She needed to bide her time and make a run for it as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

  “Wow. You’re not even going to deny the fact that you had no intention of keeping our secret.”

  How had he known that she’d considered using them to further her career? She hadn’t told anybody about that. And if she were being honest with herself, she had no intention of bringing any harm to Rob’s family because that’d mean harm for him. She couldn’t live with herself if she’d done that. Truth was, she’d made up her mind a long time ago to never let this secret out, assuming she ever really would have to begin with.

  “I sent off samples of saliva for DNA analysis. As a scientist, I need as much information as possible to—”

  “Save it!” he roared. “I want the fucking truth.” He leapt over the desk and tackled her, caging her beneath him. She started kicking him, but he was too strong. “Admit it!”

  “Yes!” she cried out. “I’d thought about using you, but I swear I wouldn’t have gone—”

  He crushed his mouth to hers, stifling her plea, and she was relieved she’d shut her mouth just in time. He growled when she didn’t open up for him. He roared as he moved back. Then he shoved his legs between hers, forcing them open as he spread his own.

  Oh God, this couldn’t be happening. She looked up at him and screamed for help, hoping someone could hear her. His fangs had descended.

  “I’m going to claim you as mine. I’m going to fuck you and bite you, and Rob won’t be able to do a damn thing about it because you’ll belong to me. Forever.”

  She screamed again, beating her fists against his chest. She knew this had been a danger when she took this assignment, but God, she didn’t want to die. She knew if this happened—if he succeeded in claiming her and turning her into a mountain lion shifter—she’d fight back, and since they didn’t love each other, it’d be a fight to the death. After being raped. Yeah, don’t forget about that scary shit. She had to keep him talking, distracted until someone came for help.

  “Why are you so aggressive?”

  He threw his head back and roared. “Because your pussy smells like heaven and you’re available. It’s my nature.”

  “But—but the drugs.”

  “Those fucking drugs have kept me from taking you already. They don’t change who I am.” He smiled and it looked pure evil. “Of cour
se, I haven’t taken the drugs the last couple of days. Told you, they made me sick, and since Dad refused to pass that information along, I decided to modify the dosage myself. Figured a few days without them wouldn’t hurt.”

  If she wasn’t terrified of being raped and killed, she’d feel ashamed. Ashamed of what she was going to do to this family and ashamed that she hadn’t been smart enough to insist on daily checkups with Jack.

  “I’m sorry—”

  The sound of banging on the door cut her off and she silently thanked the heavens for the cavalry while hoping beyond hope they’d knock down that door and get to her before Jack bit her, turning this nightmare into reality.

  “Fuck!” Jack growled down at her, then turned his head toward the door. “Too late. She’s mine.”

  “I’m going to kill you!” Rob shouted, and Ariel felt her pulse quicken. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was relieved to hear his voice or for some other reason. It didn’t matter. She was happy to hear him regardless.

  “Looks like we’re out of time, baby,” Jack rasped. He reached for her pants and tugged them free just as the office door flew into the room, crashing several feet away from them.

  “Get off of her,” Rob growled. Toby and Josh were standing on either side of him, all three of them naked. She whimpered, realizing for the first time that she was shaking uncontrollably. Rob glanced at her when she’d made the terrified sound and then focused on Jack again as he crouched down. “I won’t tell you again.”

  When Jack looked down at her and tried lowering himself, she heard a screeching hiss and then was jostled as a lion knocked Jack off her. She scrambled to her feet, grabbing what was left of her pants to protect her modesty as two other lions cornered her, but they were not watching her. They were watching the two other cats fight. She figured Jack had turned once Rob attacked and the others were his brothers, protecting her in case Jack got free from Rob.


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