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Holiday Treasure (Billionaire Bachelors - Book 10)

Page 7

by Melody Anne

  When she came back into Tanner’s apartment, she found him nailing a couple of boards onto the bottom of the tree, and she watched as the muscles in his shoulders flexed with the swinging of the hammer before he stood and propped the tree up on its makeshift stand.

  “I didn’t take you for the kind of man who could handle a hammer and nails,” she told him. She set down the tree stand she’d grabbed — too late! — and then placed her packages on the kitchen counter. Next, she found a frying pan, put it on the heat, and poured in two tablespoons of oil to it with one kernel. When the kernel popped, she added half a cup of popcorn and waited for the party in the pan to happen. “Hey, Tanner, can you grab a big bowl?”

  He went over to the cupboard and took down the bowl. “I prefer not to be categorized. There are a lot of things I can do that would shock you.” His wink had her blood stirring.

  “I’ll just bet there are,” she said. She certainly couldn’t compete with his level of flirting, but she wasn’t going to just stand there in shock all night, either.

  “I’d be glad to show you,” he offered. And once again, he was suddenly far too close.

  “Why don’t I take the lead and show you how to make popcorn strands?” She gave a nervous laugh and pushed him back, her hand nearly sizzling when it made contact with his rock-hard chest.

  “I have much better ideas on what would be fun,” he said, boxing her in against the counter.


  But her reasonable side kicked in before she could do something rash, and she brushed past him. Tearing open the bag of cranberries, she put them in a bowl, then grabbed the bag with string and large sewing needles in it.

  “Make yourself useful and thread a couple of needles,” she said before moving back to the counter and picking up her glass of wine. It really was good, and right now, she needed it.

  The sound of the corn popping served as a distraction, and once the large bowl was filled with the puffed kernels, the two of them moved into his living room and began making decorations from opposite sides of his couch.

  “Why is your stay in these apartments temporary?” she asked as she began slipping popcorn onto her string. “Isn’t that what you said?”

  He watched for a moment and then began imitating her, alternating between popcorn and cranberries.

  “It’s a long, boring story,” he finally answered.

  “I don’t mind listening. I have a few long, boring stories of my own if you want to hear,” she said with a brittle laugh. She didn’t really mean that. It wasn’t as if this man would want to hear anything about her. In reality she was pretty boring, or so she thought.

  “Let’s just say I was…dared,” he told her, forcing a smile.

  “You were dared to live here?”

  “Sort of,” he said with a sigh. “My family is…complicated. I have three brothers and a sister, and we all kind of…well…went our separate ways. So my dad stepped in and decided we needed projects to do.” Tanner stopped cold, unwilling to elaborate.

  “I’m thoroughly confused right now. What does your living here and your father giving you projects have to do with anything?”

  “Hey. Don’t stop working on the Christmas tree ornaments,” he told her, and she began stringing her goodies again. “I don’t know how to explain it other than to say that he decided we were all a little spoiled and wanted to see us doing something different with our lives.”

  “Are you spoiled?”

  Tanner laughed as his eyes met hers, and Kyla couldn’t figure out how to get the dang popcorn on her string. She felt like he was holding her prisoner with his gaze, and the reality was that she didn’t want to be freed.

  His expression changed. He set down his own length of string, scooted closer to her, and, gently removing the string she was working on from her fingers, he raised a hand and cupping her cheek.

  “You make me feel, Kyla,” he whispered, and then he leaned in and caressed her lips with his.

  She forgot all about her question to him, or the fact that he hadn’t answered it.

  Kyla couldn’t breathe as his hand moved back and he let his fingers drift through her hair. She knew she should stop this, but she didn’t know why. When he tugged her closer and lifted her onto his lap, she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck and lean in against his solid body. “You make me forget,” she murmured.

  And he did. He made her forget it all.

  “I want you to forget anything other than me,” he said before closing what little gap was left between them and kissing her with so much heat, she was sure she’d see scorch marks on his couch.

  When his hands traveled beneath the hem of her shirt and up the naked skin of her back, she knew she had to decide what she was going to do next. It was too soon for this, and he was a stranger. She wasn’t ready to make love to him.

  Pulling back, she looked into his eyes and nearly changed her mind. So much fire burned in his gaze. That heat was for her, and only her, at least at this moment.

  “I think we should finish the decorations,” she said lamely. Was he going to just end up disgusted with her and ask her to leave? That wouldn’t shock her.

  His hand was still up the back of her shirt and he paused in the act of caressing her skin. His eyes still burned into hers. “Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked, leaning forward and nipping her bottom lip, making heat travel straight to her core.

  “No,” she admitted. “But it’s what I need to do.”

  “Okay, then.” With that, he bent forward and gave her one more small, chaste kiss, and then he slid to the other end of the couch and picked his string back up. When she sat there speechless and dazed, he looked up. “If you continue looking at me like that, I will listen to your eyes and not your mouth,” he warned her.

  Her eyes widened and for just the briefest of moments she wished he would take control away from her. But she knew she couldn’t think like that. With shaky hands she picked up her yarn and began stringing popcorn and cranberries again. It was a mindless task, and she needed that now.

  Everything felt awkward for only a few more minutes and then Kyla found herself laughing as Tanner joked with her, often getting up and brushing against her, but not reaching in for a kiss again.

  Once the popcorn and the cranberry strands were done, she brought out some white paper and taught him how to make snowflakes. The pizza arrived, and their time together couldn’t have been better as her stomach filled with pizza, Christmas goodies, and wine.

  When they looked at their finished project, she was overflowing with pride. It was a childish tree filled with strings of popcorn, cranberries, and paper snowflakes, and it was also the most wonderful thing she’d seen in a long, long while.

  “Thank you, Kyla. I haven’t enjoyed decorating a tree in years,” Tanner confessed quietly.

  Kyla turned toward him, assuming that he was just joking, but he was staring at the Christmas tree in awe, as if surprised he’d had a part in making a thing like that happen. She was feeling rather surprised herself. This stranger, this man who most likely wouldn’t be in her life very long at all, was making her feel emotions that were changing her universe. He was making her forget her sadness, if only for a moment in time.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said. But she was barely able to focus on the tree instead of on him.

  And Tanner made it impossible. He was now looking straight at her, and she couldn’t help but return the favor when she felt the burning of those amazing eyes. And she suddenly found herself on the verge of tears and in desperate need of retreat.

  He noticed, of course.

  “What’s the matter, Kyla?”

  “I should really get going. It’s late.” She knew she was running, but she didn’t care.

  Tanner was instantly in front of her face. “Why are you always in such a hurry to leave as soon as the temperature rises a few degrees or we begin to talk about emotions?” He wrapped his arms behind her back and tugged he
r against his chest — the beautiful chest she’d been hyperventilating over earlier.

  “Because I know what’s happening, Tanner.” She couldn’t help but give him an honest answer.

  “And what is that?”

  “You want me in your bed.” Why not put it out there? Why not get the focus off her emotions? That was more like it.

  “Yes, I do.” It was hardly an earth-shaking admission.

  “Well, then, you should know that it isn’t going to happen,” she said, her voice slightly breathless.

  “Challenge accepted,” he told her with a smile, pushing his hips against hers and letting her feel the effect she had on him.

  Her blood heated, her body softened, and her knees grew weak. She was so lucky to b sitting down. This man’s voice was seductive and his body was hard. She could see why he was so confident in succeeding with her. At least she didn’t feel on the verge of tears anymore.

  “Take it any way you want, Tanner, just as long as you know it’s never going to happen,” she said, and she twisted out of his arms. If she decided to play games with this man, he’d be the only winner.

  “Mmm, I’d love to take you any way I want. I have lots of ways I’ve been planning on taking you.”

  Gosh, he was making her melt. To be desired by such a god of a man was quite the esteem builder. Would it really be so bad to allow herself some pleasure, just a little measure of it? No, it wouldn’t. The way she’d feel the next morning was what she dreaded. She’d never been one of those women who could give her body freely. There had to be something beyond simple sensation — there had to be emotions involved that didn’t come down to unmitigated lust.

  Leaning back into him, she initiated a kiss for the first time, allowing herself to savor him for several moments. She could feel that he was surprised, but he didn’t waste any time in pulling her even more closely against him as he ravished her mouth.

  When she felt herself falling over the edge of sanity, she pushed off against his chest.

  “I just wanted another taste,” she said, then tugged against his hold.

  Why was she disappointed when he let her go without a struggle? This was what she wanted, she reminded herself.

  “Have a great night, Tanner,” she said steadily. And she walked to his door and opened it.

  He followed her outside and watched while she unlocked her door and went inside.

  The last thing she saw before firmly shutting the door between them was his unblinking eyes. He was sending her a clear message: This is in no way finished.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Are you ready for work?”

  Kyla stood in her doorway, trying to wipe the sleep from her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s time for work. We’re going to the same place, so why not go together?”

  Tanner was standing in her doorway and looking far too handsome and much too perky for so early in the morning. Granted, it was nine in the morning, but still, she’d been up late, so that equaled too early to be so happy while standing in her doorway. Working two jobs this holiday season had seemed like a good idea at the time, but not when it meant she was giving up sleep, blessed sleep, for just a few extra dollars.

  “I’m not ready,” she told him.

  “That’s all right. I’ll wait.” Then, before she even invited him in, he pushed past the door and waltzed into her apartment.

  Kyla stood there for a moment longer as she surveyed her raggedy space with utter embarrassment. Sure, she’d done the best she could on her tight budget, but the furniture was secondhand and there weren’t many decorations to speak of. Plain and drab.

  He looked out of place in her apartment, though he was residing in the same building. Somehow she knew he didn’t belong there, though. She wasn’t sure how; his clothes weren’t that out of the ordinary. But he clearly wasn’t the type of man who lived in a low-end complex like this one — no. He was the type who lived in a sky-rise and looked down upon the city. She didn’t know that for sure, but it was just the way he carried himself. An air about him, perhaps.

  “I…um…I guess, have a seat,” she finally muttered as she tugged on her shirt and shuffled past him in her fluffy slippers.

  He’d come at a perfect time. She was wearing an old pair of sweats and a ten-year-old T-shirt, her preferred sleeping attire. Sleeping was about comfort, not fashion. But she’d hardly been expecting her incredibly hot neighbor to show up before she’d even managed to climb out from her bed.

  Rushing into her bedroom, she gathered clothes, then snuck into the only bathroom in the apartment and turned the shower on as hot as the dang thing would go. It felt strange to take a shower while knowing Tanner was virtually on the other side of the door. Yep, her apartment was that minuscule.

  As the water cascaded down her body, her nipples tightened and a shiver ran through her. What would she do if he strode into the room, drew open the shower curtain without a qualm, then climbed inside with her and pinned her to the wall?

  She’d probably attack him, that’s what she would do. And why? She didn’t know this man, had only had a few conversations with him. She’d never even had a date with the guy. Well, the tree trimming could count as a date if she wanted it to.

  The two of them had shared food, wine, and laughter. Oh, and a few hot kisses — she couldn’t forget those. But he hadn’t asked her out or anything. She’d just shown up with a tree on a whim and then they’d ended up spending the evening together.

  Why couldn’t she be one of those bold women who just went after what they wanted? Once she emerged from the shower, she wiped the fog off the mirror and analyzed her reflection. She wasn’t the most beautiful of women, but she also wasn’t exactly ugly.

  She took care of her body, and her skin. She didn’t spend hours in front of the mirror, but she occasionally liked to fix her hair up nicely and spritz on some perfume. Why did some couples make their relationships seem so easy, while people like her seemed so lost in this whole mess?

  Maybe it came down to confidence. Maybe she needed to just forget about what the world expected. Maybe she should just go after what she wanted. The problem with that, though, was that she didn’t know what she wanted. At least she hadn’t known what it was for the last two years.

  All she knew for sure was that Tanner was the first man in ages who had set off a spark inside of her, and she wanted to see where that spark might lead. But she wasn’t sure she’d ever have the courage to admit that to him.

  With a long-suffering sigh, she pushed away from the mirror and got dressed. She would have to face this man at some point soon. She couldn’t hide in her bathroom forever, though the idea wasn’t unappealing right now.

  When she finally opened the door, a pleasant smell drifted toward her and she followed her nose to the tiny kitchen. She was in shock when she found Tanner standing at her stove with a towel tucked into the front of his jeans and a spatula in hand.

  “Hope you’re hungry, ’cause I sure am,” he said as he flipped a piece of French toast in the frying pan.

  “You’re cooking?” she said stupidly. Obviously he was.

  “I didn’t think you would mind. I brought over the stuff from my place, so you’re not out any food.”

  “You brought food over?”

  “Are you going to repeat everything I say? With only minor variations, of course.” He stopped what he was doing and turned to face her.


  “Yeah, yeah, I’m a master chef and you’re impressed,” he said with a big grin.

  She paused for another moment before an answering grin broke out on her face. “I actually am impressed,” she said before pulling down two plates from her cupboard and setting them at her little table.

  “Wow. Didn’t expect you to admit that,” he told her with a cheesy smile.

  “I call it how I see it.” Kyla’s confusion was evaporating, though she wasn’t sure why. She placed the syrup and butter on the table and waite
d for him to bring the food over.

  Why was she spending so much time analyzing this? Hadn’t he said he wouldn’t be at these apartments very long? Didn’t that mean that she really had nothing to risk by flirting with him, by just enjoying his company?

  Even if she did end up getting a little attached to the man, he would leave just as quickly as he’d appeared in her life. She didn’t yet know if she was willing to sleep with him, but a bit of harmless banter didn’t hurt anyone, right?

  She took her first bite and then had to gush. “Oh my goodness, this is great. How did you come up with it?”

  “This French toast is a sworn secret. There’s no way I could divulge the recipe.”

  “I have ways of making you talk, Tanner.”

  “By all means, make me,” he said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

  “This stuff is good enough that I just might try.” She didn’t even know who she was as she continued flirting with Tanner so shamelessly. She also didn’t care. It just felt right.

  The two of them finished their meal, and then she insisted on washing the few dishes involved before they left her apartment.

  When they entered the street and began strolling along, Kyla was a little bit afraid at the comfortableness she now felt with Tanner. This was certainly a routine she could get used to. When his hand reached for hers and she accepted the twining of their fingers, her heart started to flutter.

  Maybe now was the time to worry about getting attached to him. She could certainly feel something when she was with this man, something much more potent than she wanted to admit to.

  But for now, she didn’t have the time to worry about it. Maybe she would tomorrow. Or maybe the day after tomorrow.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Yeah, you’ve got that something…

  That was it! He must be in a freaking time slip, thrown back decades to a silly period when even four grown men sang stupid songs about holding hands.

  The whole thing was just weird. He’d started to walk Kyla to and from the mall over the past few days — what if she was followed again? That was a good excuse, wasn’t it? And each day, dammit, he took her fingers with his, and his thumb rubbed against her satin skin, and he felt as if he never wanted to let go. What in the hell was he thinking?


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