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Wolf Warrior 02 The Solarian Raven

Page 6

by Rae Monet

  * * * *

  Richard rode through the night, not stopping for rest, not breaking to water his horse, not halting for any reason. Caine seemed as single-mindedly determined to find Megan at whatever the cost, even if it was his own death by fatigue. When Richard was convinced they could travel no more, Caine halted. His neck stretched, his nose rising into the air. He let out a long, tortuous howl.

  Richard heart raced with anticipation.


  Had Caine found her?

  Caine surged forward. Richard jammed his heels into Greystar's flanks and raced after Caine before the brave wolf left them far behind.

  They came upon a clearing in the woods and Caine jumped to a large boulder lodged into the dirt-ridden ground. Richard flew off Greystar, not even bothering to tether him, and followed Caine's lead.

  When he approached the boulder, he skidded to a stop. Was that blood spotting the ground and the boulder? His heart pounding, he crouched down low and touched the dirt. His fingers came up covered with a moist redness. He bent his head, and smelled the tinge of iron. Caine lifted his head and howled.

  "Oh God."

  Caine's head was tipped, as if he were listening to something. Richard turned his head in the same direction and heard a humming, a small weeping noise coming from the trees that surrounded the clearing. Then he noticed that the line of blood led toward the trees.

  He jumped to his feet and ran to the trees. He smelled the water and heard the rush of its flow before he saw the stream. Caine was already in front of him. As he rounded the last tree, he saw her ... naked and kneeling.


  Megan's head turned around. “Richard,” she whispered from her bloodless, almost blue lips.

  He rushed forward.

  Her bloodied hands raised. “Stop, please,” she pleaded.

  Richard stopped immediately, confused by her command, yet ready to abide by it. He eased down to a crouch, signaling with his hand for Caine to cease his rush toward Megan.

  As his skilled eyes and healer's heart inspected her body assessing each wound, he waited from her next signal. He noticed the blood on her inner thighs and his heart swiftly sank.

  He dropped his eyes so she wouldn't notice the rage when he thought of what actions had caused the blood to flow at that particular place. His features schooled, he raised his eyes again.

  Megan's body was trembling. As if she was too weak to hold it up any more, her hand dropped next to her body. Blood oozed from the many cuts on her body, the slash marks on her back swelling almost black. He knew her pride. He had to convince her to let him tend her.

  "Megan,” he pleaded, “I am a healer by vocation. Let me help you. I have seen injuries much worse. You must trust me, I am a skilled healer.” Richard thought by revealing himself she might give in and let him treat her.

  "So that is why you do not like to touch others,” she said. “It is because you feel their pain."

  That she thought of him in the midst of her ordeal made Richard's heart clench. He nodded, amazed at her ability to hone in on exactly what was on his mind. Almost as if she were Solarian herself, she seemed to share a mind connection with him.

  "I can help you, my beauty,” he said, deliberately using his pet name in hopes that it would calm her.

  "Never call me that again, never,never ,” she screamed. The outburst seemed to sap her energy, and she sagged.

  "Megan, Megan, calm, it is all right, I am sorry...” Richard used his voice to quiet her. He remembered her telling him how much she loved his voice and the cadence of his speech. He eased closer as she slumped toward the ground.

  "I am here, Megan. I can help you. Let me help you. Let me...” He let his voice trail off as she groaned and her body slowly eased down to the rocky soil.

  "I am here. It is Richard. It is me. Hear me. Let me help you.” On his hands and knees, he crawled closer.

  He watched her eyes close briefly at his soothing voice. She called out his name with a sob. “Richard, there is too much pain in me. I beg you dinna touch me."

  "All will be well. It will be fine, trust me.” He edged just a bit closer and watched her eyes close completely. He wasn't sure if she was unconscious or sleeping. He suspected the first.

  Richard took a deep breath then finally laid his hands on her face. What he felt had him grunting in pain, “Noooooo ... oh, Megan.” Richard's head fell back as he absorbed the damage. It had been forever since he felt this way. He tasted his own blood as he bit his lip to keep from crying out as her many layers of injuries flooded from her body into his.

  You can do this.

  He spoke to himself as he moaned, trying to overcome the initial shock of her agony and attempting to localize her injuries so he could treat them.

  "Ahhhhh, damnation,” Richard cursed as his heart began to speed up while his mind listed her injuries. Broken finger, deep cuts on her back, a contusion on her head, other deep cuts on every limb and all over her body. He stopped for a moment, feeling the tearing and cuts inside her. As he absorbed the shock of his last discovery, his eyes filled with tears.

  Her captor had violated her intimately. This was an injury Richard would be unable to treat. It was one that would cause her anguish far beyond his understanding of healing. That wound would require a healing of her mind. Richard gently ran his hands over the injuries he had identified. To treat those he needed his healer's bag, which was on Greystar.

  He tenderly lifted Megan's battered body into his arms. Her head lolled back over his muscular arm, her beautiful red hair, coated with dirt and mud, cascaded over his arm to fall loosely at his side.

  He sucked in a breath at the bruises branding her neck and running down to her beautifully delicate shoulders. He held her closer to his chest, grimacing as she groaned. Her moan prompted him to hurry to his horse.

  A quarter of an hour later, Richard had used every skill he had to repair enough of the damage that had been wrought on her body so that she could at the very least travel. She had stirred once as he splinted her finger.

  Opening her eyes, she had insisted he not return her to her father. Despite his continued protests, she had been firm in her resolve. He promised he would not return her to the McKinneys. Then she had promptly slipped back into an unconscious state.

  Richard was glad. She was much better off not knowing how terribly injured she really was. Sleep and time were the best healers of all.

  Finding a high spot, Richard gently wrapped Megan in a blanket. He cradled Megan in front of him and slipped onto Greystar. He had to get her to a safe place to heal and the only place he knew of close enough was his own home.

  The Realm of Solaria.

  "We are returning home, Caine,” he commanded. “Lead the way."

  Caine barked sharply. He trotted off in the direction of Solaria, the place Richard had dreaded returning to since he had left over a year ago.

  Chapter Six

  Serena lifted her head from sharpening her blade. Her senses came alive. The tall muscular man next to her stiffened, alerted at her movements. He seemed as attuned to the situation as she. Roan placed his hand on her shoulder, his ice blue eyes making contact with the light green of hers.

  "Richard.” His deep voice confirmed both of their suspicions. Serena nodded her head, yet she continued to frown.

  "Something is not well.” She stored her blade and they moved to their dwelling, donning various battle gear. Serena wrapped a leather gauntlet on her wrist and pulled a protective vest over her leather halter. The man's actions mimicked hers. “Roan,” Serena's eyes met her husband's, “stay please, he has asked only for me."


  She looked saddened by her announcement; however, Roan dipped his head in acquiescence, not questioning her command. His large hand encircling her delicate neck, he bent forward and touched his lips to hers."A'Don ar Cuideachd-ne ,” he gently chanted against her lips. His hand dropped and they locked arms, hers slender, his muscular. “Be careful, wife,�
� he cautioned. Serena's free arm encircled his shoulder.

  "Always, my husband.” She smiled against his lips. They released each other and she launched herself onto her sturdy steed. Roan's chest swelled with admiration for his woman. She was a true Wolf Warrior, his wife. A born fighter, but she was all woman to him, lover, wife, and mother. He raised his hand in salutation and she raised hers in response, then she galloped away, intent on finding Richard.

  * * * *

  Richard spotted Serena riding toward him. She had responded to his call for help. But the seriousness of the situation dampened the joy he felt viewing his twin sister. She rode up next to him. Her smile was like the sun.

  "Richard,” she cried out in joy as she raised her hand in the traditional Solarian greeting.

  Then her gaze fell upon the bruised and bleeding woman in his arms, and her hand dropped to her side. “Richard, what..."

  "I will explain all later. For now I must get Megan to a comfortable place."

  She nodded and rode next to him as they walked the horses toward Richard's home, using an easy gait to keep from jarring the fragile female he carried. It was killing him to have to rein in the horse when he wanted to get her to a safe place so badly.

  "Are you well?” Serena asked, watching Richard's weary countenance.

  "I am well, Serena, it is good to see you.” Richard's fatigue was evident.

  "And the girl, what happened?"

  "I should have known you would not wait. She was seized against her will. I assume this action was a form of retaliation between warring clans. She was gravely injured. She is my...” he paused, radiating a pain that silently told his sister more than mere words, “friend, Megan,” he finished.

  * * * *

  Serena sensed this small broken woman was much more than a friend to Richard. She felt his possessiveness toward the injured woman and knew at that moment, Richard would give his life for her.

  "How long has she been unconscious?” Serena's gaze strayed to the red-haired woman. Even with the various cuts and bruises on her body, Serena could see she was a beauty. Against Richard's strong body, the woman appeared frail, as if she could be broken with a simple flick of his wrist.

  "The entire trip, a good part of the day and night, thank the Gods.” He tilted his head toward Megan. “She is running a fever, she has a broken rib, several serious lacerations, a head wound, broken finger, strained wrist, and...” He slowly ran his free hand down the face pressed against his chest. Then his eyes met Serena's and what Serena sensed made her grimace. As if he could not say it out loud, he told her the last injury with his mind.

  "Oh, Richard.” Serena's eyes fell to Megan. She cringed, imagining what the woman would be feeling when she woke.

  "I know.” The horses slowed to maneuver a sharp bend in the trail, and Richard pressed his lips gently to the girl's forehead. “I know,” he whispered.

  His head came up. “I can heal all the wounds except that one. I was hoping you might be able to help her. I know it is forbidden to bring outsiders into the Realm, but I trust her and she refused to let me take her home."

  "Do you know why?” Serena asked, leading Richard though the tangle of woods toward their settlement.

  "She was not clear. It must have to do with why her kidnappers took her. I suspect she doesn't want to perpetuate this inter-clan warring.” He sighed. “It would be just like her, wanting to save others from pain."

  She experienced the reverence in his voice. She ached for him and for the beautiful red-haired woman in his arms.

  The rest of the ride was made in silence, almost a tribute of respect for the injured woman and what they both knew she must endure to heal. When they reached the village, the Solarians were waiting, ready to celebrate Richard's homecoming. But their expressions of happiness turned sober as they saw the limp and bleeding woman in Richard's arms.

  Richard nodded at Serena's husband, Roan, and the male child dribbling on Roan's chest. Briefly Richard smiled at Serena to acknowledge the nephew he had never seen. When he'd left the Realm directly following Serena and Roan's wedding, she was just newly pregnant.

  Richard followed Serena as she directed him to a newly constructed room of their small hutched cottage. As if they'd known they were going to have guests.

  Richard tenderly lowered Megan onto the bed. Dropping down next to her, he pulled his healer's bag from around his neck.

  "Serena, if I tell you what I need, can you please have one of our people gather some herbs for me?” Pulling out a salve and a cloth from his bag, Richard quickly worked on healing the smaller injuries he had been unable to mend in his urgency to bring Megan to a safe place. Despite his long absence from his vocation, his hands were efficient and practiced.

  He told Serena what he needed, also asking for additional bandages. Before she left, she reminded him that another healer resided in the village. He shook his head, indicating he did not want anyone else working on Megan.

  * * * *

  The splint on Megan's hand and wrist that Richard had crafted for the journey was holding up well. He tightened the bindings so her broken finger would be protected should she move. While he cleaned and stitched her wounds, Megan stirred. Richard knotted a stitch and lifted her lids to check her reactions, but Megan's eyes fluttered shut. Richard was glad.

  "Sleep,” he whispered. “Sleep and heal."

  Serena returned at one point with the items he had requested. He set her to the task of boiling water for a tea he planned on giving Megan to reduce her fever.

  "Can you lend a bed gown so I can replace her shift? It will only bring forth bad memories."

  Serena returned in a few short moments with a light linen gown. Richard reached out to take the gown and he gently pulled Serena to kneel on the floor next to him.

  "I need you to help me with something.” Richard's voice was gruff and he wouldn't make eye contact with her.

  "I will do what ever you ask of me, you know that."

  "I need you to wash and examine her...” Richard's voice broke as he placed a warm cloth into her hand.

  "You are a healer,” Serena said. “This is not new to you. You have delivered many babies. Why do you balk at this?"

  He bent forward and very softly kissed Megan.

  "I cannot. She would not want it as such.” Richard's voice was laced with agony. Serena placed her hand on his shoulder.

  "I understand, brother. Please wait outside.” She released his shoulder and jerked her head toward the door.

  "You will call me if she awakens?"

  "I will call you. Now, please.” She nodded toward the door again. He reluctantly dragged his feet toward the door.

  Richard tried to wait patiently, yet his anxiety would not let him. He paced back and forth, crossing his arms in front of him. Realizing the rapid movement was not calming, he stopped and leaned against the cottage. As he contemplated Megan's ordeal, his eyes burned and his hands fisted.

  A large callused hand dropped onto his shoulder. His head jerked up and he turned to see Roan next to him.

  "I remember another time when it was you endeavoring to calm me. She will be well in your care. She will mend, this I am sure of."

  The battle-scarred hand of Serena's enormous husband squeezed Richard's shoulder.

  "Yes, Roan, I remember that time well. Serena's near death and your need to blame yourself.” Richard gazed at his brother-in-law with deep respect. This man who was gentle enough to comfort Richard in his time of need was also fierce enough to destroy an entire army if needed. He could scare a troupe of wolf trackers with one severe look and a few threatening words.

  Although Richard was no small man, Roan towered over his large frame by several inches. Roan made eye contact with Richard, his second hand coming up to rest on Richard's other shoulder. He then used his mind sense to speak to Richard.

  All will be well.

  Richard tried to absorb Roan's words of wisdom, to convince himself that Megan would be all right.<
br />
  "Come meet your nephew.” Roan slapped Richard's arm and drew him away from the cottage toward a group of small children toddling around, their mothers lingering close at hand.

  Richard took in the home he'd been away from for so long. The green of the pines greeted him, their sharp scent permeating the air. He inhaled the aroma. He'd missed the smells of the pines and the sun, the sights of children playing and mothers talking, and the sounds of children's laughter.

  He wished he were at home for another reason besides the one that had brought him there. A reason not so dire.

  Roan scooped one of the teetering babies into his arms, throwing him up into the air. As the child screamed in glee, Richard smiled. Roan hoisted the child back into his arms. Turning to Richard he smiled with pride.

  "This is my son, your nephew, Roanin.” The child innocently reached his arms out to Richard.

  Richard immediately felt the child's mind sense—strong. Unconsciously Roanin projected his happiness with life, so infectious Richard broke out of his worried state. He reached forward to take Roanin into his arms. He cradled the child, smiling into his gurgling face as the infant touched Richard's chin and ran his tiny hands along his gruff, unshaven face, making an innocent game out of it.

  Richard thought about Megan and the possibility that she could be pregnant by her attacker's cruelty. His smile disappeared, replaced by a frown. He handed Roanin back to Roan.

  "He is wonderful. I am very happy for Serena and you."

  Roan sent Roanin back to his nanny while he wrapped a large arm around Richard's shoulder. “You care for this girl, Megan, very much, do you not?"

  "Very much."

  "Then be there for her. She will heal but she will need your help.” Roan drew him back toward the cottage. “Serena and I will help while we are here,” he promised.

  "Thank you. I know I should not have brought her here, yet..."

  Roan squeezed his shoulder in sympathy. “You did right, have no worries. I know you trust Megan or you would not have shared Solaria with her."


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