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One Hot Night

Page 3

by West, Megan

  Her hands raced over his torso admiring how it looked and felt. He licked his lips and reached out to take her hand, gripping it so tightly it was painful and leading her over to his bedroom. Right away, he tossed her onto the bed. He hooked his fingers under the waistband of her panties and pulled them down, throwing them on the floor behind him.

  He grabbed both her wrists and yanked her up to kiss her as he thrust forward. His dick pushed into her stomach.

  “Get on all fours,” he ordered before letting go of her wrists and stepping back. Her skin burned as she glanced at the red indentions on her wrists left over from his grip. She did as he ordered and immediately leaned forward so that her face was level with his big, hard dick.

  “Go,” he said. Marisa nodded and gave a playful flick of her tongue to the tip of his dick. He stifled a small grunt. Her mouth opened and in one swift motion she took in the entire length of his rock hard cock to the hilt. She bobbed her head up and down as she pressed her tongue firmly against his shaft and sucked. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked hard, forcing a small thrust of his hips as she did. Then she ran her tongue in a circle around the head of his dick before easing her mouth back down his shaft. Kurt grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled his dick out of her mouth with a loud POP that filled the room. Marisa quickly wiped the wetness from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand.

  She got on her knees only so he could immediately shove her onto her back. He leaned over her and pushed his finger into her hot, wet opening. She moaned louder and louder as he eased a second finger inside and worked them in and out of her wet lips. His fingers hooked upward inside her and applied pressure, making her squirm in pleasure beneath him.

  He pulled his fingers out and ordered her on all fours again only this time he wanted her ass facing him. Marisa gulped and paused for a second before doing as he said. She felt his heavy hand land on one of her ass cheeks with a loud smack. Her body lurched forward form the pain. He spanked her again, even harder, causing her to cry out. It was painful and the first time she had ever experienced it, but she didn’t want him to stop. There was something about it that she liked. He spanked her again and again, harder each time until hot tears sprang out of her eyes and her arms collapsed beneath her. As her sobs filled the room, she felt his hands gently rubbing and kneading her ass. He ran a hand straight up her back and then gave her a gentle massage on top of her head.

  “It’s okay,” he said softly, something that came as a shock to her. She turned around to look at him. “Do you want to stop?”

  “No.” She sat up immediately and crawled up to him, placing her hands on his shoulders and giving him a deep kiss. “No,” she whispered against his lips before kissing him again as her hand slid down his stomach and wrapped around his manhood. She stroked it and thought it would feel amazing inside of her. “Don’t stop,” she said against his lips as she gripped him harder. Her hips rocked back and forth as her pussy rubbed up against his leg, wetness smearing along his thigh.

  Kurt smiled in satisfaction. “Alright,” he said softly before grabbing the back of her head roughly and smashing forcing lips against hers. He let go and threw her back on the bed. He pushed her legs wide open and positioned his body over her, firmly grabbing the base of his cock and pushing his hips forward. Marisa held her breath when the head of his dick made contact with her wet entrance. She whimpered desperately as she wiggled her ass against him, trying to coax him inside. That was all he needed before slamming the entire length into her. She cried out loudly, one of her hands came down to slam on the surface of the bed in a frantic clench.

  “Fuck!” she cried out. Kurt grunted and slammed into her again before thrusting his hips back and forth at a moderate pace. The rhythmic slapping of his hips against her ass filled the room. They both moaned at how good it felt. She arched her back and pressed her pussy against him. Without warning he pulled out of her entirely before rubbing her clit. Marisa moaned and writhed beneath him before he slammed his cock into her yet again. She cried out and clenched her hands against the sheets. He rolled and rocked his hips back and forth a bit faster this time, penetrating her deep with each stroke.

  His position shifted so that it angled his shaft differently as he pushed it back inside. He hit a sensitive spot that made her to cry out loud, but this time in pure pleasure. His hips went faster and faster, making sure to hit the same spot each time. As soon as Marisa started rocking her hips up and down to match his rhythm, he pushed down on them with so much force she was sure she would end up with bruises.

  He was in complete control as he kept thrusting faster and faster, going as deep as he could each time, sending her into a stream of endless moans until her entire body tensed up as the orgasm quaked through her. Her muscles clenched around his cock and he was jerking his hips uncontrollably like a fierce animal.

  “Oh fuck,” he grunted. He pulled out of her and moved up her body just in time for his juices to shoot out of him and land on her breasts. She reached up and stroked his cock for a couple more minutes after he came, making him moan loudly and shut his eyes from the intense pleasure.

  “Clean up,” he finally commanded. Marisa leaned up and licked his dick clean. He ran his fingers through her hair and smiled. “Good job,” he said.

  The following afternoon, there was a knock at her door. “It’s open,” she called out knowing it was Carla.

  “Hey,” her friend said tiredly as she dropped down onto the couch beside her. “So did you actually end up doing anything with that guy?”

  “His name was Kurt and yes, I did.” Marisa bit her lip and smirked. “It was new and a lot of fun.” She giggled and leaned back on the couch. She hadn’t felt this good in a long time.

  “Well, you certainly did allow yourself to be stupid,” Carla laughed.

  “Oh yeah. And it was worth it,” Marisa giggled. For the first time in a long time, she felt okay.

  She was going to be okay.

  The End

  For all works by Megan West, visit the-

  Megan West Author Page on Amazon

  *First Free Bonus Story *

  Jennifer waited in the exam room impatiently. She shivered in the silly paper gown she had been given. They always kept the rooms too cold. She hoped the doctor would show up soon before she lost her nerve. The dreams she was having lately were incredibly disturbing, and she really wanted a medical professional’s opinion. Even though her doctor was only a general practitioner and her dreams fell outside his line of expertise, he’d hopefully be able to offer some sort of guidance.

  It was late. She was the last appointment of the day and the receptionist had gone home while Jennifer was still waiting to be called in. The nurse who had escorted her back was anxious about how far behind they were running.

  Jennifer hoped it wouldn’t be too much longer before the doctor arrived. She’d been seeing Dr. Granger ever since she turned eighteen. He was a kindly old man and it was only because she was so familiar with him that she even contemplated asking her embarrassing questions.

  A knock thudded against the door before it swung open. A man who appeared to be a doctor, though certainly not Dr. Granger, walked in. Jennifer clutched the thin paper robe tighter around her neck.

  “Who are you?” she asked, nervously.

  “Dr. Franklin,” he said in a kind, cultured voice. “Sorry for the long wait and last minute change. Dr. Granger was called away unexpectedly and asked me to fill in for him. If you prefer your regular doctor, we can reschedule.”

  Jennifer swallowed and clutched the robe tighter. She really wanted to get everything over with. But, on the other hand, could she actually talk to a doctor who looked like he stepped out of a movie screen? He was a good thirty years younger than Dr. Granger, had a full head of midnight black hair, and ice blue eyes.

  In a word, he was gorgeous.

  While she was thinking about it, there was another knock on the door and the nurse came in. She went up to Dr. Franklin wringing
her hands.

  “I’m really very sorry, but I have to go now. My mother can’t wait any longer for her medication.”

  The doctor sighed, but gave the agitated nurse a kind smile. “I understand. Thank you for staying as long as you did. It was a tough day for all of us.”

  Looking very relieved, the nurse flashed Jennifer an apologetic smile and rushed from the room. When Dr. Franklin turned back to her he threw up his hands.

  “Well, that settles that then. Without a nurse you’ll need to reschedule. I’m so very sorry for the inconvenience.” He opened her file and started to jot down a note.

  Jennifer felt her heart race and her face heat from blushing. One of the things that had made her uncomfortable about talking about her issues with a doctor was knowing the nurse would be listening. She pictured them all gossiping about her afterward. This was her chance to talk to a doctor without another set of ears.

  “Could I just do the appointment without the nurse?” she asked nervously.

  Dr. Franklin raised his eyebrows, looking concerned. “Are you sure you’d be comfortable with that? The nurse is here for you. Most women prefer to have someone else present during exams.”

  Shrugging, she looked at her feet, shy about meeting his beautiful blue eyes. “I’m fine without her. I mean, I like having just the doctor.”

  “Hmm, it’s certainly not protocol. But since you’ve waited all this time and are already undressed, it seems awful to turn you away. If you’re certain you’re comfortable without her being here, we can continue,” he said, his voice more definite as he talked his way through it. “Only if you’re sure though?” he continued. “After all, you and I have never met before.”

  Jennifer’s mind was racing. She had decided a temporary doctor was even better to speak to about her dreams. She’d probably never see him again after all so didn’t have to be embarrassed every time she had an appointment.

  Finally looking him in the eye, she said, “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Okay then. Let’s get started.”

  He opened her file and looked at the data the nurse had already collected. “Your blood pressure, temperature, and weight all look great. I see you eat well. That’s good. Hmm, we’re doing a pap smear? You want to do that still tonight?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I want to get it all over with.”

  Giving her an understanding smile, he placed the file on the counter. “I can certainly see that.”

  He walked closer to her and patted the head of the exam table she sat on. “You can go ahead and lie down.”

  Jennifer swiveled around and reclined onto the padded table. The doctor extended the stirrups and pushed the removable end into the hidden compartment beneath. When she placed her feet in the stirrups, he came around to her side.

  “I usually start with the breast exam. Okay?”

  Nodding, she tried to force herself to relax. She wasn’t at all worried about being alone with him or even having him touch her. It was the anticipation of having something important to say but fearing the reaction. Just thinking about her questions was turning her on. She felt her nipples harden, making her blush.

  “I’m sorry for the cold,” the doctor said when he spread apart the paper robe.

  “Oh, uhm, it’s not that,” she blurted out and then wanted to snap her mouth shut when she realized what she’d said.

  He smiled and reached for her right breast, lightly rubbing around the nipple with his fingertips. Thankfully he didn’t ask what she meant by her comment.

  Despite the cold room, his hands were warm and felt lovely against her skin. Horrifyingly, she found herself responding to him, her pussy tingling with desire. Turning her head to look away, she tried to think about something else. But with his hands on her and all the crazy thoughts in her head, she couldn’t force her body to behave.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, finishing with the first breast.

  “Uhm, I’m sorry. I just have some questions I’d been needing to ask but they’re kind of embarrassing so…” she let her voice trail off, her eyes firmly on the ceiling tiles above.

  He walked around the head of the table and started to examine her left breast.

  “Ask me anything,” he said kindly. “And please don’t worry, I’m sure there’s nothing you can say that would shock me.”

  Reassured, she took a deep breath and decided to go for it. “I keep having all sorts of strange dreams. I’m with a man in them, but instead of everything being nice and romantic, it’s all rough and violent. He’s hitting me and forcing me to do things.”

  Dr. Franklin kept touching her breast while she spoke, slowly working his way around the soft mound, checking for lumps. She had never intended to talk about this stuff while the doctor was actually touching her and realized it was a huge mistake. Her back arched and she pressed into his hand before she even realized what she had done.

  His hands stopped moving, but stayed on her breast. “Jennifer? Can you look at me please?”

  His eyes were intense, concern written all over his face. “Are you being abused?” he asked.

  “Oh, no no!” she was quick to reassure him. “Absolutely not. The dreams. They’re good.”

  She had gotten the hardest part out and only maintained eye contact through sheer force of will.

  “Okay, good. I’m very glad to hear that,” He smiled.

  Jennifer let out a huge breath, feeling much better now. “So, yeah, I just wanted to know. Is this normal?”

  “What are the men forcing you to do?” he asked, still holding her breast in his hands.

  “They spank me,” she started. “And, uhm, other things. I, uh, it’s hard to describe without being crude.”

  Jennifer was relieved he was giving her his full attention and not rushing her. She didn’t want to risk offending him by speaking in an unladylike manner.

  “It’s okay. I can handle it, I promise. Tell me everything so I can see what your concerns are.”

  Thinking back to the dream she’d had the night before, she decided to just tell it in full and get it all out. She remembered it vividly since she had written it down as soon as she woke up.

  “So, last night, I dreamt I was with a guy somewhere, not sure where. I never saw his face. But he had come up to me and took off the dress I was wearing. Just swooped it right off me. Then he grabbed my breasts and squeezed them hard. It was weird because in the dream, he was talking to someone else, but was touching me. I don’t know, that part was kind of fuzzy.”

  “Do you remember being in pain during the dream?”

  “That’s the funny thing. He was really rough with me and it hurt, but in a strange way. Like, it felt good because it hurt. Does that make sense?” She shook her head, feeling like she must sound like an idiot.

  But Dr. Franklin was nodding. “Absolutely. Do you often participate in rough sex?”

  “No,” she said, “that’s the weird thing. I’ve never done that. The men I’ve been with have always been kind and gentle with me.”

  The doctor got a contemplative look on his face and started messaging her breast again while he thought. When he finished, instead of removing his hands and closing her robe like Dr. Granger always did, he cupped her breast with one hand placed the other on her stomach.

  “Do you mind if I try something?” he asked.

  “Anything,” she said. “I’d really like to figure this out.”

  “How does it feel when I do this?” he asked, lightly squeezing her firm, round flesh.

  “Fine,” she said. “Normal.”

  “Tell me more about your dream.”

  “Well, I think we were in some kind of public place. I remember hearing people talking. Maybe a bar? Anyway, he stuck his hand between my legs and just started playing with my, uhm…” It sounded ridiculous to say vulva when she was describing a sex act, but pussy seemed too far to the other extreme.

  He gave her an encouraging smile. “I think I know the part you mean. Here, yes?”

  The doctor slid his hand down her stomach and under where the robe was still together to softly cup her pussy in his hand. His touch was impersonal and clinical, but it sent such a rush of arousal through Jennifer, making her whimper in a quick gasp.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly.

  “Good. Go on, please.”

  Trying tremendously hard to hide how turned on she was, Jennifer continued with describing her dream. “So, yeah, uhm...he was still fondling my breasts really rough…” she groaned when suddenly Dr. Franklin squeezed her breast and pinched her nipple.

  “Like this?” he asked, his voice calm and measured like he was asking her how she liked her coffee.

  “Yes,” she gasped out. “And he shoved a finger in me, laughing when he realized how wet I was.”


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