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Page 3

by Lexi Post

  He stood on the front porch of his shop. Had he been waiting for her? He wore an old black bomber jacket and blue jeans. His blue-and-black flannel shirt complemented the whole mountain-man look. He was off-limits, a business associate, too local for a one-night stand and too kind to risk a relationship with. She had to control herself this time.

  As she stepped from her car, he approached. She sensed the tension in his strides.

  “I wasn’t sure you were going to come.”

  He’d been worried she wouldn’t return? Her heart melted and she had to clear her throat. “I’m sorry, Craig kept me longer than I expected. Do you have the sketches?”

  He linked his arm with hers and started to walk her around the shop. “Yeah, they’re up at the house.”

  His touch, despite their respective coats, had her heartbeat increasing and her body tingling, anticipating his next demand. She pulled away from him. “You don’t have them here?”

  He faced her, the ever-present grin on his face. “No, I didn’t know what time you would arrive, so I left them in the house. Is that a problem?”

  Bea glanced back at her car. The possibility of going into his house again shot pure fear as well as need racing through her veins. There was something about his humble talent and appreciation for nature that had her heart skipping. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she craved having sex with him. No, she couldn’t trust herself in his house. “I can wait in my car while you get them.”

  He raised his eyebrow and stared at her. “Why? You have much better shoes for walking in the woods today and you know it’s not far. Besides, it’s snowing and I don’t like the thought of you sitting in your car by yourself.”

  She glanced beyond his dark-green eyes to see it had indeed started snowing, heavily. Damn, she was doomed. A little place inside her jumped for joy and she squelched it. “Fine, but let’s make this quick. I don’t want to be driving in this if it gets too deep.”

  “Right.” He grabbed her hand and they started walking for the house.

  The warmth of his palm seeped through her glove despite the fact he’d been outside with his coat unzipped. “Aren’t you cold?”

  He chuckled. “Cold? It’s only thirty degrees out. We had below-zero temperatures this winter. How did you ever survive?”

  She shrugged. “I have an automatic car starter to make it toasty before I get in. Other than that, I stay inside as much as possible.”

  He gave her hand a squeeze. “You live up here, but don’t go outside to enjoy the winter activities?”

  She shook her head in response but slowed as they approached the house, awed by the sight of the snow falling into the valley.

  He let her go, allowing her to look her fill.

  She sighed. “It’s truly magnificent.”

  He smiled. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  She tore her gaze from nature’s beauty to look into his eyes and found appreciation there.

  He took her hand again. “Wait ’til you see it from inside.”

  She followed him into the basement where they both took off their outerwear, then went upstairs. She walked to the great windows. The barren trees already sported a coating of white, but the snow appeared to fall strictly in the valley and not from the sky since the cloud cover and snow were the same color.

  She sensed him step behind her before his words brushed her ear. “It’s breathtaking, isn’t it?”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice as shivers ran down her arms and across her chest, sensitizing her breasts. That this rough man could appreciate the natural beauty was endearing and so sexy.

  He remained behind her, not touching, but she was fully aware of him. He wanted her to be aware. Her muscles tightened as her body prepared itself for complete capitulation. She swallowed the groan that threatened to slip from her throat and stepped away. “So, where are the sketches?”

  He didn’t hide his disappointment fast enough, and she steeled herself against the need to give in to him. He picked up a small pile of paper from the living room and brought it to the table. As they sat, she couldn’t help but remember the kiss they shared and her gaze riveted to his lips.

  They moved. “If you keep looking at me that way, I’m going to have to kiss you.”

  She jumped as if slapped and brought her gaze to his. Desire, pure and simple, shone in his eyes. Her body started a slow burn as moisture swelled her pussy and her nipples strained toward him. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. In fact, I’d rather you weren’t.”

  She was in his house on business, but her brain refused to focus because all her blood had rushed to the juncture of her thighs. She licked her lips, trying to hold on to her sanity, but she wanted to touch him so much that deep inside she ached.

  A man could only take so much and Bea’s expression far exceeded Zach’s breaking point. “All right, that’s it.”

  He reached across the table with both hands and brought her face to his. Her quick breath brushed across his lips, so when she didn’t pull away, he kissed her. She moaned as he pressured her to open for him, and he swooped his tongue inside to stroke hers. She tasted like fresh honey. Her citrusy scent enveloped him. He wove his hands through her hair, bringing her closer. When her tongue pushed between his lips, he growled in hunger.

  She tugged away and he let her go, cursing himself for ruining the moment.

  She bent her head and stared at the pile of sketches.

  Zach silently demanded she meet his gaze, but she didn’t. Staring at her swollen lips, he repositioned himself in his seat to make his growing cock more comfortable, if that were possible. It throbbed with wanting, its tip already moist and ready to conquer. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to concentrate on his drawings and spread them out before her. “I designed a number of variations on the theme we talked about the other day.”

  Her flush faded as she focused on his work.

  “Here is the basic premise with the state flower and forsythia thrown in.” He pointed to the sketch on her left.

  She appeared to study it, but he wasn’t sure she actually saw it. Good. He hoped she had a hard time concentrating because he sure as hell did. All he could think about was how smooth her skin felt. How much he wanted to cover her curvaceous body with his and sink his cock deep inside her pussy.

  He counted to ten and moved another drawing in front of her. “This one brings out the wildlife, so the focus is on the beaver and the woodpecker, but I’ve also thrown in the Monarch butterfly, wooly caterpillar and a raccoon. On this third sketch, I’ve kept everything in life-size proportion, but had to leave off the insects because the chainsaw can’t do that type of detail.”

  She perked up. “That’s the one. It’s perfect. And I just know Sharon will love it.” She looked up at him, her eyes shining with excitement.

  He grinned. People’s reactions to his work still surprised him. He was just a logger and it amazed him to find someone like her energized by what he did for fun. Did she know her eyes sparkled when she was happy? “You’re sure?”

  She peered at the sketch again. “Oh yes, absolutely. Can you really do this with a chainsaw?”

  He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “You doubt I can?”

  She flushed. “No, I mean a chainsaw appears to be a bit unwieldy for such small detail.”

  “Actually, a chainsaw is an amazing machine if you respect it. In comparison to the trees it can fell, it’s a small tool, yet it brings down giants in the forest. Don’t get me wrong, it can be a pain in the���uh. Jamming, not starting and kicking away can occur, which is frustrating as hell and dangerous. But if you take care of it, watch where you put it to work and prepare for the worst at all times, you can accomplish a lot.”

  Bea focused on every word he uttered. Her absolute attention caused a warmth to spread through his chest that he had experienced only a couple times before. He leaned forward. “Some people see it as a loud, cumbersome mac
hine. Many lifetime loggers curse it. But my father taught me to respect it. If you ignore its look and sound, you can use it as finely as a paintbrush, though I admit I haven’t achieved that level yet.”

  Bea touched his arm. The connection sent blood racing to his groin, but she appeared innocent in her enthusiasm. “You may call yourself a logger, but you’re an artist at heart. When did you start logging?”

  He placed his hand on hers, needing to feel her bare skin. “I was nine. That’s when my father first took me to the sites. I wasn’t allowed to do much at first. Frankly, I was too small, but as I grew, he allowed me more responsibilities.”

  She sat back, pulling her hand from his hold. He resisted the urge to take it back. She cocked her head. “How old were you when you took down your first tree?”

  He smirked. “Let’s put it this way, I was too young for it to be legal.”

  Her face flushed. She had to be as affected by their mutual attraction as he was.

  He pushed back his chair and rose. “I have a photo of me with that tree. It’s not that impressive because the tree is down, but I remember how tall it was.”

  He walked into the living room to the corner between the fireplace and great windows where a small photo in a black frame hung on the log wall. He pointed. “That’s me and my first pine.”

  She moved closer. “You look maybe fourteen. That tree is huge. It doesn’t even fit in the photo.”

  Zach stepped up behind her and pointed to another small person in the left corner of the picture. “That’s Josh, my best friend. He’s a doctor at a research hospital here in New Hampshire. He only did logging during his summer breaks from school.”

  His breath whispered past her ear and he witnessed a tiny shiver flow down her skin.

  She turned, boxed in by his body. “Why, um, did you stop?”

  He gazed into her eyes and saw caution mixed with desire, but he let her see his naked need for her. “I was made an offer I couldn’t refuse.”


  He had to touch her or go insane. Lifting his hand, he moved her silky hair off her shoulder before cupping her neck. Every inch of his body tightened with anticipation, his cock no exception. He bent his head forward, holding in check his raw desire. “I can’t refuse the invitation of your lips either, Bea.”

  She caught her breath and her mouth opened.

  As his lips touched hers, she reached her arms up to twine around his neck. Her hold set his body on fire. He wanted to consume her. He enveloped her in his arms, pulling her against him. A heady sensation coursed through him as he played his lips over hers, his teeth nibbling, his tongue invading.

  She wiggled, fitted herself to him, her breasts crushing against his chest, burning him.

  He moved his hand to behind her head, tilting it so he could taste the side of her neck while his other found her ass and pulled her pelvis tight against his granite-hard cock.

  She sighed in surrender and played with the hair at the back of his neck, caressing him.

  He bent her backward, licking his way down between her breasts. He could see hard nipples through her blouse and bra as they anxiously waited for his attention. His blood pounded at the sight, straining his control. He murmured against her chest. “Beatrice, I want you.”

  Bea’s brain kicked into gear at Zach’s words. She wanted him too, but not for just a night. Her pleasurable heat turned frosty. How could that be? She didn’t even know him, but her heart already named him hers. She pushed against his chest to break his embrace.

  He let her go.

  She staggered back, her knees shaky, her breaths coming fast. “I’m sorry if you got the wrong idea,” she rasped.

  He stared at her quizzically. “What idea would that be? That you’re as attracted to me as I am to you? That this,” he motioned with his hand pointing between them, “is great?”

  She shook her head, trying not to look at the large bulge in his jeans. “I-I don’t know. It’s too fast.”

  He stared into her eyes. “You mean too hot, don’t you?”

  She gulped as his words sent fire racing through her veins. She nodded.

  He took a deep breath and jammed his hands into his front pockets. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But it’s not something we can ignore.”

  His gaze changed from polite to possessive. “I want you, Beatrice Rappaccini. I want you naked in my bed. Once you’re there I want to taste you, smell you, feel you and pump into you until I lose myself.”

  At his words, Bea’s legs turned to slush and she sank into the nearest chair.

  He hunkered down in front of her and took her hands. “Bea, is there any reason why we shouldn’t get together?”

  Oh, was there. But none she could tell him. He wouldn’t believe her if she did. Her last long-term relationship back in high school ended with her boyfriend in a coma. Despite his eventual recovery, she still carried a pile of guilt around with her. As much as she wanted Zach, she couldn’t be happy with one night. This wasn’t about her need to cleanse the toxins she produced. This was about the idea of having one special man in her life. The only obstacle standing in her way was her deadly body.

  Zach dropped her hands. “What is it? You hesitated for too long.” He stood abruptly. “Are you already seeing someone?”

  She jerked her head up, surprised by the anger in his tone. “No, I’m not. It’s complicated.”

  He walked away from her and stood behind the other couch. “Why do people always have to make things complicated? This is simple human nature, two adults who are attracted to each other. What’s so complicated about that?”

  She straightened her shoulders. “First, I’m supposed to be here on business. I don’t think it appropriate to kiss a vendor on company time. Second, I don’t know anything about you except that you can create amazing statues with a chainsaw and you used to be a logger from Maine. I like to know a lot more about a person before I have sex with him.”

  How little she knew about her one-night stands stabbed at her conscience, but she ignored it.

  He grinned and came around to sit on the couch perpendicular to her chair. He took her hand again. “If those are your only concerns, I can work with that. You’re being very reasonable and I’m being impatient. Forgive me. You’re so damn beautiful, it’s hard for me to control myself.”

  Heat rose in her cheeks and she looked down to see his big calloused hand holding hers. She wished it were so simple.

  He raised her chin with his other hand. “Bea, I’ll try to be patient if you’re willing to give it a chance.”

  She stared at him, this incredible man who her body and her heart seemed to crave. A man who would suffer if she gave in to her own needs, but she was weak. Her head nodded of its own accord while her mind screamed no.

  He leaned forward and brushed a featherlight kiss upon her lips.

  She wanted to cry at his tenderness and she silently cursed her deranged ancestor again for the poisonous nature he had inflicted on her, on so many Rappaccinis. “I better go.”

  He stood with her hand still in his. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  She let him help her up, wishing she could figure out some way for a relationship to work, but a deep-rooted fruitlessness settled deep in her stomach.

  He let go of her hand to cup her face in his palms. “You look as if you’re going to cry.”

  She put her hands on his chest. “No, I—oh no.”

  His brows drew together in concern and his hold tightened on her face. “What’s wrong?”

  She stared at the scene over his shoulder. “I don’t think I’m going anywhere now.”

  He turned toward the great windows, his arm coming around her, but he remained silent. He squeezed her waist.

  Outside the snow fell hard, and on his massive deck a foot of the beautiful white flakes announced her imprisonment. The Tamwick roads would be impassable. How could she stay in his house overnight without sleeping with him? “Maybe, it’s not as bad as it appea
rs. You must have gusts up here, right?”

  He raised his brow. “Study the snow. It’s falling straight down. There’s no way you’ll make it back to Meriden in your vehicle.”

  She stared at her silent jailer, unable to fault the large, white flakes defined against the dark grayness outside. He was right. In his home with the snow piling up, it was as if they were the only two people on Earth. But if that were the case, he would be dead within the week.

  She shook herself and the foreboding that flooded her body. They weren’t the only two people in the world. In fact, she needed to call Craig. “I better make a few calls. Let people know where I am.”

  He stepped away, the energy in his body palpable. “Sure, I’ll go downstairs and get wood for the fireplace. I’m thinking it’s going to be a cold one.”

  Zach gave her a reassuring smile that did everything but reassure her. Then he headed downstairs, leaving her body in jitters, her heart aching and her mind frantically searching for answers like a chickadee caught inside a house, desperate to find a way out and accomplishing nothing but harm to itself.

  Chapter Three

  Zach reached the basement and went straight for the door to look through its window. Flipping on the outside light, he grinned. The snow fell faster than an eighty-foot pine. It must be fate. To have a beautiful, passionate woman stuck with him for the entire night. He never believed in that “meant to be” garbage, but tonight he’d won the jackpot. Poker with his friends would never be the same.

  He switched off the spotlight and strode to the pile of logs in the corner. Heating with wood warmed a man three times. When he cut it down, hauled it in and burned it. He would add a fourth to that list, getting hot with a sexy woman on sheepskins in front of the fire. Yup, he could feel the heat already.

  He pulled four large logs from the pile. Balancing them, he trudged upstairs and dropped them into the wood box next to the fireplace. He paused to enjoy the view of the woman on the phone before heading back downstairs. She was hot for him. He could feel it. And the feeling was mutual. Hell, if she wanted to get to know him better, he’d tell her his life story.


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