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The Salvation War 2: Pantheocide

Page 25

by Slade, Stuart

  “And so?”

  “We must penetrate the Second Conspiracy and try to investigate it from the inside. I will do this myself, instead of seizing and interrogating any members of the Second Conspiracy we detect, I will try to ingratiate myself with them, suggest I share their aims and desires. That way, will with have sure information to act on.”

  “A wise plan, old friend, but one that is hazardous to you.” Michael paused as his Elohim herald came back and spoke quietly into his ear. “A hazard of which we now have proof. I regret to inform you that Almedha, daughter of Brychan, has died under interrogation.”

  “I gave no orders for further interrogation!” Lemuel was furious. “I ordered that she be detained, nothing more. Who was responsible for this?”

  “The guards claim that they were using their initiative to gain additional information. But, I would suggest that perhaps she was killed on the orders of others to shut her mouth. Your work will indeed be dangerous Lemuel, keep word of it strictly between ourselves and let none know of it.”

  White House Conference Room, White House, Washington D.C.

  “In California, the hunt for Uriel is now entering its second day. The Archangel Uriel is believed to have been badly wounded during his attack on Eucalyptus Hills and is now in hiding somewhere in the hills of Southern California. United States Volunteers and aircraft from numerous military bases in the area are combing the area in their effort to find Uriel. Local law enforcement officials say that they have numerous leads on his location and believe that he will be found shortly.

  “On the international scene, Thai troops of the Human Expeditionary Army have entered Moulmein and isolated the southern half of Myanmar from the main body of the country to the North. Spokesmen at HEA Headquarters state that the Myanmar leadership was inspired to open this war by Heavenly intervention and that the successful course of the campaign represents humanity's first successful counter-strike against... “

  “Is that true?” President Obama glanced around the conference room for an answer.

  “Even if it isn't, it is.” Defense Secretary Warner noted the confusion on Obama's face. “Regardless of what the truth of the matter is, that has to be the interpretation we put on it. Most of the countries of the world have put the best of their armies into the HEA and left their own countries very vulnerable. That's an open temptation for the few countries that haven't joined in to exploit the situation. So, we have to make it clear that any attack on any country that's part of the HEA will be met by a response from the full force of that Army, otherwise countries will pull their contributions out and the whole war effort will fall apart. Which may be why we're seeing these threatened attacks of course. Not that we expect many, the only ones that seem pending other than this border war are a North Korean attack on South Korea and a Venezuelan assault on Honduras. The latter seems fairly remote at this time while North Korean behavior is odd, there's lots of movement and activity in the North but none of it means very much. Units move south, then east, then west, then back north before repeating the whole procedure.”

  “Just what is going on John?”

  “We think, and this is an assessment General Petraeus shares, that Yahweh is trying to keep us penned up on Earth and chasing our own tails down here. That may mean he intends to build up a new army and invade in due course, or perhaps he hopes we'll get so frustrated we'll give up. Either way, he wants us down here, not up there. Can't say I blame him for that of course.”

  “Janet, the attack on Eucalyptus Hills, what's the latest news there?”

  “The death toll is currently reported as being twelve dead from Uriel's attack plus three more on the ground caused by missile fragments.”

  “Twelve? Is that all? Doctor Surlethe, what's the scientific cut on this?”

  “We can confirm the twelve Sir. Eucalyptus Hills has a population of 9,500 so if we'd seen the same mortality as at El Paso, we would have expected some 75 dead. Uriel scored much less than that so we can count that as a success for our defenses. Also, the pattern of death is interesting. Eucalyptus Hills was a very useful target from our point of view. It is a homogenous community, mostly relatively wealthy young families in their early-mid thirties. This eliminates wealth and age as variables so it gives us a good handle on what Uriel is actually capable of doing. That shows us a useful pattern, all twelve dead were people who lived alone. People who were in even small communities, their families for example or who took in people trapped outside when the sirens went off, survived.”

  “The power of love?” The voice was derisive.

  “In a way, yes. Their stories are all the same, they felt an invasion of their minds, trying to shut off their ability to breath and their hearts to keep beating. They fought it, refused to accept death and mostly they won. We think the shielding provided by lining houses with metal foil and wearing tinfoil beanies bought them enough time to understand that the attack was underway and resist. In the past, people hadn't had that protection and they simply died before realizing they were being attacked. Having said all that, the communal aspect of resistance does appear very important. Having their families, friends, pets, other people around them gave them the encouragement and determination to keep fighting. Any military officer will tell you that soldiers in groups fight much better than troops on their own. But, I think this realization goes a long, long way back, right to our earliest folk memories. How many stories are there of a community threatened by a terrible enemy but who survived because everybody gathered in a single place and supported each other? Stories like that are a standard part of every country's mythology. We're prepared to bet those are folk memories of Uriel attacks that failed.

  “So, assuming Uriel survives or is replaced by another Archangel with similar powers, our defenses should include gathering people into the largest possible groups and not leaving anybody alone. Bring the pets in as well, its interesting to note that pets that were brought in survived this attack, those left outside did not. One woman even claims that her dog helped her fight off Uriel. Might be true too, she was alone in her house apart from that dog. But, we need to build community shelters, heavily protected with metal shielding and large enough for people to gather together.”

  “Assuming Uriel lives. John, how is the hunt going?”

  “The news broadcast has it right for once. We're still hunting and we know that Uriel is badly hurt. The ground troops found the spot where he came down, there's a dent in the soil where he landed and there's burned flesh and skin debris in the area. We think that the radars on the Normandy hurt him as much as the missiles, they effectively micro-waved him in mid-air. Those designation beams are powerful, they only warm an aircraft up a bit, that's how they detect stealth aircraft, warm them up and spot them on thermal viewers, but against unshielded flesh? Very nasty. Anyway, he ducked missiles over El Paso, but he couldn’t duck a high-energy beam. Incidentally, we don’t give much for his reproductive chances after that.

  “Other than that, we're still searching. He's dragged himself off somewhere and he's hiding. The DIMO(N) net doesn’t report any portals forming so we think he's still out there. We can assume he's recovering, our experience is that daemons and angels don’t die of wounds. If they're not killed outright by damage that overwhelms them, they recover. So he's out there and he's getting better.”

  “Doctor Surlethe?”

  “I concur Mister President, we have to find him before he regenerates. But, I find that information about high energy beam effects very interesting. Perhaps we're not using the right weapons against Uriel.”

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Throne Room, The Ultimate Temple, Eternal City, Heaven

  The Seraphim and Cherubim, along with all the other strange creatures that kept Yahweh amused, were developing a conditioned reflex. As soon as they saw Michael-Lan approaching to give his report on the progress of the war against the humans, they dived for cover. As he entered the Holiest of Holies, the badly-chipped marble of the temple
walls suggested that the Master Mason had given up on repairing the damage from previous reports and was now just contenting himself with fixing the bits Yahweh could see. In the dim glow that filled the throne room, that wasn't very much.

  In front of him, the One Above All Others sat staring moodily at the seven great, gold lamps, watching the clouds of scented smoke hang in thick, hazy clouds. He still hadn't recovered from the shock of Wuffles death and he had vetoed sending the Scarlet Beast and his rider to further vex the humans. Michael-Lan had been annoyed and surprised by that. He had planned on getting rid of them both that way. The humans would oblige him, he didn’t doubt that for a moment. They were killing off his enemies and rivals quite nicely and Yahweh was becoming steadily more isolated. He needed to get the veto reversed, that was one of his objectives today.

  Michael-Lan took his accustomed position in the middle of the lamps and knelt down on both knees, prostrating himself and pressing his flawless lips to the cold, dark jade floor. The ceaseless chant of “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being”, quieted, and then died to whispers. In the gloom, Michael-Lan saw their eyes shifting around trying to find the nearest cover from the inevitable explosion. In the faces of the 24 members of the Eternal Choir, Michael-Lan could see the malicious enjoyment that warred with fear at the prospect of the events to come. Good for you boys Michael thought, I'll try and live up to your expectations. Now, let the good times roll.

  From the white throne, the voice of Yahweh thundered: “Michael-Lan, my general, what news do you bring me? Do the humans still defy my will?”

  Of course they do, meadow-muffin. The serious question is how much longer you will defy theirs. “They cower in fear at our righteous wrath, Lord Above All Others, but still they remain recalcitrant. Humans blaspheme the Your Peerless Name.”Very inventively if I may say so “and they have evicted You from their places of learning and from their government offices. In all their cities and towns, from all their public places, and even from each person's home You have been cast out. No longer do they give glory to You, and they continue to do their evil deeds. Putting it bluntly, Father of All, they have decided that they do not want You. Your own Holy Church has disowned you and curse your name as a usurper who has replaced the One True God.”

  It was an all-time record, Michael-Lan had never got continuing thunderclaps and technicolor lightning this early in a meeting before. Marble fragments sprayed from the walls and lashed across the room. Michael-Lan glanced across to the traditional position of the Master mason and saw why the throne room hadn't been fully repaired. The mason had built himself a quite well-designed bunker in one corner. As Michael watched, a stick with a white flag on the end rose from behind the walls and waved backwards and forwards. The movement attracted the attention of a pair of Seraphim who abandoned their cover behind a table and fled to the bunker. They vanished behind the walls, then were unceremoniously thrown out. Fortunately for them, the storm of fragments was dying down and they escaped with only a few serious wounds.

  “What of Uriel-Lan? Has he redeemed his earlier failures?” The voice boomed across the still-roiling clouds that surrounded the Great Throne.

  “He has carried out another attack, on a small town outside the city of San Diego. It was a hard battle, so I understand, and the humans fought well. They used their cruellest weapons and they drove him off. It must be said that Uriel is also believed to have fought bravely before being forced to retreat. There are reports that he is badly injured and the humans still hunt him with their beasts and machines. If they catch him, it will go hard for him. Forgiveness and mercy are not human characteristics.” Sorry, little humans, that libels you I know. So sue me. Michael hesitated for a moment, acutely conscious of all the lawsuits that were piling up over “Acts of God”. On second thoughts, please don't. I can't afford it. And in truth, your forgiveness and mercy exceeds the divine by far.

  “He is defeated yet may still live?” Yahweh's voice echoed concern.

  “That is correct, Oh Lord Of All.”

  “I would see him here. I would seek his explanation of his failures at first hand Michael-Lan. Arrange for his location and rescue. At once.”

  Oh damn. “Your wish is my command Oh Lord Above All. Now, once again, may I bring to your attention the need to strike at the center of the Human spirit. I mean of course the City of Jerusalem. It would be a good target for the Scarlet Beast and for Dumah.” And it would give the Israelis something to shoot at. I've always wondered how good they really are

  “Jerusalem. Yes that will strike at their hearts and souls.” Yahweh paused for a moment, thinking of the sad fate of Wuffles and Michael could swear that he saw him brush a tear from one eye. “But make sure that both Fluffy and Dumah know what they must do and ensure that they take care. Now what of the Bowls of Wrath? Is the Fourth Bowl poured yet?”

  “Not yet, Lord of All, the time is not yet ripe.” Meaning neither I nor Belial have come up with a solution to that particular problem. Belial really is a great disappointment. “But I have news, the hurricane season is starting again on Earth, we can lash them with Your Divine Wrath once more.”

  “Let it be so. And get Uriel here.”

  The Montmartre Club, Heaven

  “It really is most inconsiderate of him Raffie. He just won’t die.”

  “Perhaps the humans are less powerful than you believe.”

  Michael-Lan shook his head. “They're deadly all right. They're like the asp, very pretty to look at until they spread their hoods and sink their teeth into you. Then you die. Raffie, don't ever underestimate humans, Satan did and the mistake killed him. Yahweh's doing it and its costing him everything he has. Uriel's been really lucky so far, that's all. Plus the fact he's the most powerful enemy the humans have ever faced. But, they'll get him if we don’t rescue him.”

  “Who are you going to send?” Raphael was hoping desperately he wouldn't hear the word ‘you’.”

  Michael-Lan was thinking that over. Instinctively, he would like to have sent a crew that were on his ‘to be disposed of’ list but that wouldn’t do. He was acutely aware of the fact that, in the great game he was playing, he was his own most powerful piece. “I'll do this myself.”

  Raphael relaxed so obviously that it made Michael-Lan grin. Then he waved at the stage. “The new girl is doing well up there.”

  “Maion? Yes she is working out well. She was sulky and uncooperative at first but Charmeine-Lan put her in with some of our less gentle clients when she was behaving badly and with the kinder ones when she was conducting herself properly. She got the message soon enough, enthusiasm and cooperation got her a better class of playmate, and she comported herself accordingly.” Michael watched as Maion swung herself around the pole in the center of the stage, letting the feathers on the trailing edge of her left wing brush the audience sitting closest to her. She lifted one leg, wrapped it around her pole and started to slide down it. When she reached the bottom, she arched backwards, then straightened up. During the process, she dropped another part of her robe to the cheers of the crowd. “Yes she is doing well.”

  “Michael-Lan, what do you plan to do about Lemuel? He's getting closer.”

  “He is, isn’t he. What do you suggest I do?”

  “Kill him.”

  Michael-Lan shook his head. “Bad move Raffie. Think about it. At the moment, the investigation he is officially running is actually helping us and he is the best person we could have in that job. The other investigation, the one that could lead to us, is private, or at least tightly confined. Now, if he dies, the first investigation gets disrupted and remember, we have rivals out there. People will look into his files, they'll find out about his second investigation and that'll make it all official. We'll be the subject of a real League of the Holy Court hunt and that will mean serious prob
lems for us all. So Lemuel lives. What we will do is send him down a blind alley, one where he can find all sorts of interesting things that are utterly unimportant.” Michael-Lan thought for a second. “Of course, the other option is to bring him into our little club here. Get him on our side. Human pleasures are seductive and having the best investigator in the League of the Holy Court working for us will be very useful indeed.”


  “Of course, but the rewards would be great. Ah, Maion's finished her dance.” Up on the stage, the blonde angel was nude and knelt before the audience, sweeping her wings over to cover her head. An Erelim rose from his table close by the stage and took her hand, bringing her to his table. Michael waved unobtrusively and Charmeine-Lan came over to join him.

  “Raffie, you know Charmeine-Lan, don’t you? She runs the girls who work here. Charmeine, we were just commenting on how well Maion seems to have settled in.

  Charmeine-Lan thought for a second. “She was difficult at first but aren’t they all? Her addiction helps of course, if she goes short, she gets very cooperative very fast. But, once she'd settled in, everything worked out. In addition to her heroin, I've been keeping her on some other stuff, just to take the edge off so to speak. But she's worked out some very good variations on the reverential dances she'd been taught. I think she'll make it just fine.”


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