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Doughnuts and Disaster

Page 4

by C A Phipps

  Ethan shook his head. “There’s always at least one question I forget to ask when you’re around. Since you didn’t see them, we’ll discuss it later when you give your statements.”

  Suzy smirked over the implication that Maddie’s presence confused Ethan’s thinking, and Maddie led the way back to the cabin, not sure if she should be pleased or bothered by this supposed ability.

  Chapter Five

  Back in the relative safety of the cabin, which they’d reached in record time, Rob checked each room and the surrounding area and left them to it. Angel began to pace while the others got ready to leave.

  “Could Brad’s imminent arrival and the murder be connected?” she eventually asked.

  Maddie was packing alongside Laura and Suzy, and the question made her pause. She’d been wondering that very thing and knew Ethan would undoubtedly have considered it. The only reason Maddie hadn’t voiced it was due to Angel’s attitude at seeing Brad again. She wasn’t sure that her friend didn’t still harbor romantic notions for her ex-husband and the possibility bothered Maddie very much.

  “It is odd that Brad knew Magnus. More than knew him if they were still best friends. Now he’s dead, and this happens the day before your meeting.”

  Angel blew a strand of blonde hair from her face. “Brad might be many things, but I can’t believe he’s capable of murder.”

  Suzy frowned. “Really? I never imagined after what he did to you that you would find it in your heart to stick up for him.”

  Out of all of them, Suzy had been the angriest about Brad’s treatment of his wife, and it was clear she hadn’t relented. Not that Maddie blamed her. Angel had at times been distraught, which obviously affected them all as they saw her pain yet felt powerless to help her when she refused to leave him.

  Suzy was a champion of the downtrodden and went the extra mile to help any of her students who were in trouble. Serving on the town council, she ensured that the homeless and needy were taken care of to the best of her ability, using her talents as the chief coordinator of funds and resources.

  Angel grimaced. “I have many thoughts about what he did to me over the years we were married—although I only occasionally let my mind go there—but I forgave him so long ago, and I don’t dwell on any of that negativity. What would be the point? I’d never have gone on to own my salon or have the fun life I have if I had wallowed in self-pity or let his words continue to define me. I did that for far too long.” She squared her shoulders.

  Maddie hugged her. “I’m not sure how much he deserves your loyalty, but if you think he does, then we’ll sort this out. Ethan wants our statements later, so we better get back to town.”

  Suzy nodded. “I can’t imagine we’d feel safe here tonight, even if we hadn’t been instructed to go by Ethan, but I don’t know how we’ll sleep wherever we are, with a killer on the loose.”

  “You said he’d gone, Maddie.” Laura bit her lip, and a small bead of blood popped up on it.

  Despite knowing they were all scared, Maddie had to be honest. “I heard someone running away and a car. There may have been more than one person at the scene. Ethan and Rob will find out when they do a search in and around the cabin.”

  She had unconsciously crossed the room to look out the windows and Suzy joined her.

  “I’m guessing you’d rather stay and take a good look around for yourself, in case the Sheriff and his Deputy miss something?”

  Suzy’s voice was quiet, and Maddie understood that her friend was only half-joking. They knew each other so well that there was no point in denying it.

  “Yes and no. Giving in to fear doesn’t sit well with me.”

  She’d always faced her fears head-on as Grandad taught her to do. Without his guidance when she was young, she knew that her younger self would never have moved to New York City all alone. Being abandoned by her mother, and prior to that a father she never knew, had made her clingy with her grandparents for the first few years of living with them. Which was also probably why her circle of friends were more like family.

  Suzy grimaced. “Being safe would sit better with me. Just saying.”

  Laura made an anguished sound as if she didn’t know how she’d gotten into this situation, which was enough for Maddie to pull herself together. They couldn’t stay, Ethan would be mad, plus, she didn’t want to contribute to her friends being scared or in any potential danger if she could possibly help it. However, it was her family’s cabin, and she couldn’t leave it messy.

  “It’s okay, Laura. We’re definitely going, so let’s get the car packed and tidy up. It won’t take long.”

  Laura gave her a grateful look as Suzy hefted as much as she could and hauled it out to the car with Laura’s help. While Maddie packed the food back into the cooler, Angel wandered around the house.

  “Lost something?”

  Angel lifted a cushion on one of the chairs. “I can’t find my phone. I know I brought it.”

  “It’s probably in that large case of yours.”

  Angel gave a small smile. “You’re probably right. I’ll check when we get back.”

  With that, Maddie slung her backpack onto her shoulders, and they headed out to the car pulling the wheeled cooler between then.

  The drive back to town was far more subdued than the drive to the cabin had been. Maddie even turning the radio down a little. All four of them had eyes on the countryside, and it wasn’t until they hit the main road that Maddie relaxed her tight shoulders and sat further back in her seat. Suzy’s vigil continued, while in the back seat, Laura and Angel held hands and looked straight ahead, lost in their own thoughts as they provided comfort for one another.

  Maddie’s mind turned to what she had heard and seen. She wondered if she’d actually heard one person, or more, running from the scene.

  This pensive but alert atmosphere continued until they pulled up outside Gran’s cottage. A red streak flew down the path and meowed loudly outside Maddie’s door. Despite the somber mood, she couldn’t help smiling as he leaped onto her lap the minute she opened the door. She nuzzled his neck, and his tongue rasped her cheek in a fond hello.

  They wrestled the cooler and Suzy’s backpack, since she’d be leaving in her own car, from the trunk up onto the porch. Before they could reach for the door, Gran appeared.

  “Thank goodness you’re back! You took your sweet time. Ethan called to tell me what happened. I’ve been worried ever since.”

  She grabbed Maddie into a bear hug, holding it together as her staunch English heritage dictated. Gran then hugged the other three just as fiercely.

  “Sorry. We’d already unpacked, so it took a little time to clean up and load Honey,” Maddie explained.

  “Bless the four of you, but you should have left everything there. Your safety is far more important than some food and clothes.”

  Gran’s pursed lips were the only indication of her annoyance and Maddie saw her point. It had probably been silly, yet it had felt logical at the time. They were safe now, however. Her Gran’s cottage could calm her more than any place on earth, and as they poured into the dining room and took seats at the old oak table, they emitted various sounds of relief. Home—there was no better feeling.

  “Now, tell me everything,” Gran called from the kitchen as she put the kettle on and brought milk and sugar to the table which already held their personal tea sets.

  Maddie’s cup and saucer were decorated with delicate pink roses, yellow daffodils for Angel, Suzy’s had white orchids with pink centers, Laura the blue wisteria, and finally lilacs, her favorite flower, for Gran.

  She brought them a plate of fresh shortbread, the obvious results of how she’d occupied herself while waiting for them— something Maddie would also have done in her shoes.

  Maddie inhaled her freshly poured tea, strong the way she liked it, and closed her eyes for a moment to reflect on what had happened and how best to relay it without causing Gran too much stress.

  Under the table, Big Red l
ay at her feet. Or, more correctly, on

  Chapter Six

  “It was unbelievable, and yet I can see the body every time I close my eyes,” Suzy blurted.

  “Start at the beginning, please,” Gran instructed her as she took her seat at the head of the table.

  Maddie was methodical in everything she did, which included storytelling. They would all have their take on the events, and she was prepared to wait her turn, but Suzy, along with the others looked to Maddie and the conversation stalled.

  Maddie sat up straighter and, as systematically as she could, she told Gran of their eventful morning, including the call from Brad and his relationship with the murder victim. Apart from nods and the odd murmur of agreement, the Girlz added little along the way.

  “Hmmm. I don’t like your involvement with this, Angel. I remember only too well the twin’s father and his inability or lack of desire to corral his sons once his wife passed away. Brad, at least tried to be a good student and husband, but Caleb always ran with a dangerous crowd. He also tried to involve Brad when he could.” Gran bristled at the idea of one of her Girlz in harm’s way.

  Angel gave her a small smile. “It can’t be helped, Gran. The police want to ask all of us questions, but it’s me they’ll be grilling about Brad and his brother, even if I don’t have a clue as to what’s really going on.”

  “It’s true. We were accidentally in the wrong place at the wrong time. Speaking of which, what are we going to do about this meeting Monday?” Maddie asked.

  Angel put a hand over Maddie’s where she was tapping the table.

  “You mean, what am I going to do? It’s better if I go alone.”

  Laura gasped. “Surely now you won’t go at all?”

  Angel shrugged. “I said I would.”

  “But he might have killed someone.” Laura’s voice was shrill. “He could kill you.”

  She may not have known Angel as long as the rest of them but she loved her as much, and Laura’s fear was contagious. Suzy, Gran, and Maddie were nodding in agreement, but Angel wouldn’t hear of backing down.

  “Like I said back at the cabin. I don’t think Brad did it.”

  The simplicity of her statement rocked Maddie, who was none too sure about the wisdom of putting so much trust in the man.

  “Angel, I understand your reluctance to believe the worst, but you don’t really know him anymore. He was often a bad egg back then. Maybe this is where it’s led him?” Gran said reasonably.

  “I’ll just have to see for myself.” Angel clasped her hands together.

  She was stubborn. Heck, all the Girlz could be, but Maddie was afraid that this was going to get her best friend hurt. Looking around the group, she didn’t even have to pose the question when Suzy nodded. Laura got it too and also nodded, although she seemed dangerously close to fainting.

  Noting Laura’s paler-than-usual skin and wide eyes, Maddie poured her more tea, adding a couple of teaspoons of sugar.

  Turning back to Angel she stated gently but firmly, “If you’re going to insist on doing this, then we’re going to be there with you and to heck with what Brad wants.”

  Angel shook her head. “No way. This is something I must do, and I won’t allow you three to put yourselves in potential danger.”

  Maddie eyed her over the rim of her cup. “I thought you were convinced there wasn’t any danger. And we aren’t asking permission.”

  Gran sighed. “I can see the four of you mean business, but what if Brad comes to the meeting armed?”

  Angel’s mouth pulled down in what was for her an unusual state since she was usually smiling.

  “I think that’s unlikely, but I won’t bet my friends’ lives on it.”

  Maddie tutted. “You aren’t betting on anything. We’re in this together, and when we explain to Ethan, he’ll make sure we’re all kept safe.”

  Angel shook her head. “I know that sounds like it should work, but what about Brad wanting to meet me alone? If you all scare him off, then we’ll never find out the truth.”

  Maddie had overlooked that detail, and she chewed her lip for a moment until she had a solution. “Laura and Suzy can stay nearby, and you and I can do the face to face meeting. Brad knows me, and I can’t imagine he’d be surprised that you’d invite me for moral support.”

  Gran sniffed. “What I don’t understand is why he would warn you that he was coming to town. Wrongly or rightly, Maple Falls people don’t forget when one of their own gets hurt, and his reception would barely be luke-warm. If he just wanted to speak to you, he could have done that anywhere.”

  “He knows that Maple Falls is my home. Brad probably looked me up on the internet. I’m not hard to find, and he’ll understand that now I have my own business I can’t leave town for a catch-up even if I wanted to. However this goes, whatever his motives, I guess I need to prove to him that he can’t intimidate me ever again. I set that idea in motion when I decided to split from him, and I’m even more determined now. I’ve worked too hard to just walk away from the salon because I’m too scared to deal with him.”

  Laura took her hand from the table and squeezed it between her own. “And, you shouldn’t have to. We’ll do whatever’s needed to keep you safe and stop him from interfering in your life.”

  Angel began to protest but took one look at her friends and thought better of it. “You don’t have to, and I’m pretty sure we’re imagining things, but thanks. I’ll tell Brad that Maddie will come to the meeting.”

  Now it was decided, they all took big breaths.

  “Have you spoken to Detective Jones?” Suzy asked casually.

  Angels’ cheeks pinked. “Whatever for?”

  “He’s clever and could be a great help. Plus, he likes you a lot.” Suzy gave her a cheeky smile.

  “Don’t be silly, when did I have time to tell him? He’s an important man, who’s been out of town with Ethan.” Angel produced an air of indifference.



  “Oh, all right. Anyhow, how’s this going to work with us not knowing exactly where Brad is?”

  Maddie had been thinking hard about this while they’d been talking. “When he comes to town, if he’s not already here, we keep an eye on him, and Angel doesn’t go anywhere without one of us.”

  “Is he really so bad, Angel?”

  Maddie was surprised by Laura’s question. Angel and Laura had gotten close while Maddie was in New York City and she’d assumed that Angel would have told Laura about her past.

  Angel folded her arms. “He hurt me in plenty of ways I’d rather not discuss today, but it was hard to leave him, especially when he was being sweet, which he always was after the event. I did love him in the early years, and I tried to keep that in mind until I realized that love isn’t enough when someone doesn’t want to, or isn’t capable of, changing their bad habits.”

  She smiled despite her concerns. “I don’t know if what’s happened is part of why Brad wants to see me, or what it is he wants from me, but I need to find out, and I’m grateful for everyone’s help. I admit to being a little nervous, despite what I’ve said.”

  Suzy leaned back in her chair. “Don’t give it another thought. The Girlz stick together, right?”

  Angel nodded, her eyes glistening.

  “Bullies come in all shapes and sizes.” Laura studied her clenched hands.

  If anyone understood this, it was Laura. Her mother, in particular, had been brutal in the way she’d forced her to do things that had made her miserable. Like running for mayor and being in the public eye. With her self-confidence at zero, it had taken the love and support she’d found in Maple Falls to develop the ability to say no and mean it.

  Maddie was proud of her and the others because no one got through life unscathed.

  Suzy put her principal’s hat on. “Okay, now that we know our roles, how’s this going to look for the time he’s here? Do we know how long that will be?”

  Angel shrugged. “I have
no idea. Maybe Monday he’ll tell me.”

  Maddie tilted her head, visualizing a list of things she’d already considered.

  “While Angels’ working, I figure she’s safe enough. That leaves night time when she’s in her apartment above the salon or if she wants to go out anywhere.”

  “What if he’s here for some time? I can’t ask you to give up on your lives like that.”

  “You’re not asking, Angel, we’re offering. Big difference and you’d do the same for any of us, wouldn’t you?”

  “I would, but . . .”

  “No buts.” Maddie wouldn’t consider them and knew the others felt the same way.

  “I could move in with you?” Laura offered.

  “Well, that’s an excellent idea,” Gran gave her seal of approval, straightening her apron as if that was all there was to it.

  “You wouldn’t mind being on your own?” Angel was unsure.

  “Sweetheart, I’ve been on my own for years, managing quite happily. Having Laura live with me these past few months has been lovely, and she can come back when you don’t need her, but I won’t fall apart because of this.”

  Gran was the most pragmatic person in town, and Maddie was delighted by the idea that Angel would have someone around twenty-four seven. Angel was tough and although she’d hid her fear well, if she was indeed slightly worried, then there was every reason to think this necessary.

  They cleared the tea things and had a light lunch since no one was in a rush to get home. They picked at the food, but it was just something to do.

  “How about some cards?” Gran went to her dresser and pulled out a pack, bringing it back to the table.

  It had been a long time since the four of them had spent this kind of quality time together that didn’t revolve around baking, and Maddie had hopes that it would take their minds off giving their statements.

  They played half-heartedly for the remainder of the afternoon while Gran returned to the kitchen to cook dinner, shooing them away as one-by-one they offered her assistance. Feeding people was her way of dealing with this situation, and she was no doubt using the time to pick apart everything she’d heard and find a way to change Angel’s mind. Maddie was trying to do the same.


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