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Star Wars - The Han Solo Trilogy - Rebel Dawn

Page 31

by A. C. Crispin

  Han. . . I am sorry. I will always love you. Always. There has never been anyone but you, and there never will be. Im sorry....

  Paol encircled her shoulders with his arm, and said to Hah. I left you one box and your dolly, Solo. Id ad-vise you not to waste time here. The charges are set to go off in thirty minutes.

  Slowly, Paol backed out the door, keeping his blaster trained on Han and Chewie. The Rebels beside the shuttle kept the Corellian and the Wookiee covered.

  Han stood there in silence as the Rebel shuttle took off.

  When it was gone, he drew a deep, ragged breath, and it hurt. Another, and it hurt, too. His eyes stung, but he bit his lip until the pain allowed him to gain con-trol. Chewie, he said, this has been a great day, you know that?

  Chewie made a sympathetic, mournful sound. Well, we have to get moving, Han said. Tell you what, keep an eye on the time, and trot through the compound. Maybe they dropped some vials of glitter-stim or something. Ill scour Teroenzas living quarters. I think he had some valuables in there. Meet me back here in seventeen minutes, pal.


  The Wookiee took off.

  Han scoured the treasure room and Teroenza apament, finding a few odds and ends, an d a sobbing Ganar Tos. Han looked at the old humanoid coldly. You are lucky you never married her, he said. Get outta here, Tos. This building is gonna blow in fifteen minutes.

  The ancient Zisian scuttled out the door like a bug.

  Han snorted in disgust and ransacked the apartment.

  When he carried a sack of minor collectibles out to the Falcon, Han looked around for Chewie. Hurry up furball, he thought.

  He went inside the ship to warm her up, and then heard Chewies roar, demanding that Han come out and see what hed found!

  Han heart leaped. A box of glitterstim vials!

  He raced out of the ship, only to stop short in confu-sion. Chewbacca stood there with a group of big-eyed, ragged children, hollow-cheeked and scared. He held the littlest tyke in his arms. The other eight looked to be between the ages of four and twelve.

  Han stared. What? Where in blazes did they come from?

  Chewbacca explained that hed been scavenging amid the deserted buildings, when hed heard sobbing down in a cellar at the back of the dorms. These chil-dren had apparently been born to some of the Pilgrims, and forgotten by their Exultation-addicted parents in the aftermath of the raid.

  All the children were human, and Han guessed they were Corellian. He groaned aloud. Chewie! You were supposed to find somethin valuable!

  Chewbacca indignantly pointed out that children were valuable. Only if we sell the little darlings as slaves, Han snarled.

  Chewie upper lip drew back, and he snarled, too.

  Han raised his hands. Okay, okay, I was just kidding! You know Id never deal in slaves! But what are we gonna do with them?

  Chewbacca pointed out that since the buildings were going to blow up in less than five minutes, now was not a good time to argue about the best course of action.

  Han scowled. Okay, kids. Get on board. Cmon, cmon. I can rustle up some emergency rations I suppose ....

  Two minutes later, the Falcon took off, and Hah circled once around the Colony. Below him, the build-ings blossomed one by one into giant fireballs. After a few hours, there would be nothing left but charred, slagged remains to be re-conquered by the jungle ....

  Durga, Lord of Besadii, stared down at the Ylesian nightside through the viewport of his yacht in disbelief. Infernoes blossomed, clearly visible from space. The former sites of the colonies were marked by massive forest fires, whipped by the ever-present winds.

  There were survivors, Durga knew that. The Nova Force troopers whod surrendered... old Ganar Tos. Theyd contacted Durga aboard his yacht from a few portable comm units theyd salvaged. The moment the Hutt yacht achieved orbit, there they were, yammering to be rescued. But of the factories and warehouses... nothing was left except burning rubble.

  Gone... Durga couldnt believe it. Between one day and the next-in a matter of hours .... Gone. All gone.

  Durga drew a deep breath and thought about the call hed received only minutes ago from Prince Xizor. A pleasant, reassuring call, reminding Durga that he still owed Black Sun credits, but that in the wake of this disaster, Xizor would be happy to work out payment arrangements. The Black Sun leader had hinted that hed be pleased to help Besadii rebuild the Ylesian enterprise.

  No, thought Durga. Not again...

  For one thing, the Rebels had carried away thou-sands of Pilgrims, and Xizor intelligence indicated that they seemed to have found a cure for the Exultation addiction. With that many Pilgrims telling the truth about Ylesia, it would be hard to gain new recruits.

  And the tlanda Til High Priest whom Zier had re-cruited had taken one horrified look at the planet, and flatly refused to have anything to do with the whole scheme.

  No, Durga thought. Ill try something else next time. And there would be a next time, of course. Hed find another way to make Besadii richer than ever. And if he, Durga, had to serve Prince Xizor, well, then, he would rise to the top of Black Sun.

  His immediate goal was to become a Vigo. And after that... perhaps hed challenge Xizor himself. Or even the Emperor. Durga knew he was clever, and he fig-ured he was just as capable of ruling Imperial space as anyone ....

  Durga glanced down at his one souvenir from this di-sastrous day. A long, blood-smeared horn. At least Aruk has been avenged, he thought. May he rest in peace ....

  The Hutt lord keyed his intercom and his pilot re-sponded immediately. Arrange for pickup of those mercenary troops, Durga instructed. And set course for Nal Hutta. Im done here. Take us home.

  Yes, Your Excellency, the pilot responded.

  Durga settled back and sighed. Picking up Teroenzas horn, he stroked it thoughtfully, and began planning for the future ....

  Han Solo and Chewbacca were still arguing about what to do with the Corellian orphans when they came out of hyperspace six hours later, and their comm sys-tem began to beep, signaling an incoming message.

  Chewie insisted that they must take the children back to CoreIlia, so they could be cared for by family. Han protested the waste of fuel and time. Dump em in a spaceport on any civilized world, and someone11 take care of era, he argued.

  Chewbacca commented that as a father himself, he felt their only course was to take the children back to CoreIlia.

  Han glared at the Wookiee as he activated the comm to receive the incoming message. Jabba the Huttg im-age materialized atop the control panel. Han, my boy! Hello, Jabba, Han said. Whatg happening? Jabba frowned slightly at the Corellians lackluster greeting, then the Hutt lord forgot his displeasure. Han, congratulations to you! The raid was a complete success! I am very pleased!

  Great, said Hah, grimly. Is that why you made an interstellar call?

  Oh... no, Han, Jabba chuckled. I have a load of spice I want you to pick up from Moruth Doole on Kessel. Bring it to me immediately on Tatooine, under-stand? The deal is arranged, the spice is paid for. Okay, Jabba, Han said. My usual cut?

  Certainly, certainly, Jabba boomed. And perhaps a nice bonus for quick delivery. Im on my way, Jabba.

  Fine, Hah my boy. Jabba peered at the Corellian thoughtfully. And, Han. . . get some rest afterward. You look a bit haggard, if you dont mind my saying so.

  Right, Jabba, Han said. Will do.

  He broke the connection and scowled. Great. A load of whiny kids, and I gotta take em with me on a Run. Maybe I oughta consider gettin out of the smug-gling business, Chewie.

  Chewbaccas only comment was that while they were on Kessel, they needed to pick up some traladon milk and flatbread for sandwiches. Hah groaned aloud ....

  Twelve hours later, with the load of spice safely se-cured in the below-decks smuggling compartments, Han eased the Falcon up from Kessel. Leaving Chewie to pass out food to the children, Han headed toward the Maw, checking his course. Suddenly a light flashed on his control board, and he re
alized that an Imperial customs ship was bearing down on him! Chewie! Get up here! he shouted, and began pouring on speed.

  Moments later, the Wooldee was in the cockpit. Strap those blasted kids in! Hah shouted. Then get up here! Weve got two Imps on our tail, and its gonna be a rough ride!


  Han sent the Falcon hurtling along, faster even than the day hed raced Salla. As Chewie slipped into the co-pilots seat, Hah heard a muffled squeak behind him, and glanced back to see a wide-eyed urchin staring at the Maw. What are you doing up here? Han snapped. Great, just what I need! A snivelin kid! Watching, the little boy said.

  Arent you scared? Han grunted, flipping the Fal-con up on her side to avoid a wash of ionized gas from one of the black hole clusters. The Imp vessel shot at him, but it was a clean miss.

  Great[ Gettin shot at with these kids here]

  No, sir! the kid chirped. This is neat! Can you go faster?

  Glad you like it, muttered Han. Kid, Im sure gonna try....

  He poured on the speed, skimming past the first of the black hole clusters. Their velocity made everything blur, almost as though they were going into hyperspace. Han had never gone so fast in the Falcon. Whooooo! he shouted, as they narrowly missed being pulled in by a black holes gravity well.

  Whooooo! echoed the kid behind him.

  Hah began laughing like a maniac as they hurtled along. Like that, eh, kid? Watch me outrun these Im-perid slugs!

  Go! yelled the child. Faster, Captain Solo! Whats your name, kid? Han asked as they came around the last curve of the Maws terrible gravity wells, sheering so close that the engines strained in protest. Kryss Pteska, sir.

  And you like to go fast, eh?



  Han threaded his way into the Pit, zipping along, and avoiding the hurtling asteroids by the seat of his pants. He realized that he was gaining on the Imp. The cus-toms ship was barely visible now ....

  If I can get just a little farther ahead...

  Sweat gathered on Hans forehead and ran down to sting his eyes, but he never eased up on his speed. The Imperial ship was far behind him now. Han ducked and dodged asteroids, and realized he was nearing the edge of the Pit.

  Great, he grunted. All we gotta do is get outta here, and then make the jump to lightspeed ....

  Chewie suddenly started whining and gesturing fran-tically at the board. Han looked at his instruments and groaned aloud. Oh, blast! Three Imps out there on the perimeter of the Pit! What else could they be doin but waitin for us! And one ofem is a big sucker!

  Hans mind raced. Chewie, we aint gonna be able to outrun these Imps, Han said. And were out-gunned. But weve lost that guy on our tail, at least for the moment. I think if we can get far enough ahead, we should go ahead and dump the load just inside the Pit- the way you did that time with Colonel Quirt on that other Run. After theyve searched the Falcon to their hearts cont ent, we come back and retrieve the cargo. Whaddaya say?

  Chewie was in full agreement. Okay, take over. We gotta do this real fast, Han said. Heres the coordinates.


  Leaving the Wookiee to head for the coordinates hed selected, Han raced back to the passageway with the secret compartments, with Kryss in hot pursuit. You kids, give me a hand here, he said, getting out coils of wire. Several of the children assembled and stood there, staring at him. Whatre your names? Han said.

  Cathea, sir, said a young girl of perhaps twelve or thirteen, with a long blond braid of hair. Ill help. Im Tym, said a small boy.

  Im Aeron, said a dark-haired child. Ill help!

  Good, Hah grunted, heaving up the deckplates.

  Help me get these barrels carried into the starboard

  airlock, and well wire em together.

  Within two minutes, the spice was ready to be jetti-soned. Han shooed the kids out of the airlock, then closed it firmly behind them. He ignored the standard depressurization procedures, and, using the manual override, forced the outer doors to slide wide apart- blowing the spice barrels out into the void.

  Chewie! he yelled. Jettisoned! Log these coordi-nates!

  With luck, Han should be able to track the spices progress and find it again after a little searching. The barrels themselves were made of an alloy that would show up on his sensors if he got close enough.

  It was the best he could do, under the circum-stances.

  Han ran back up to the cockpit, and raced back along his course, so hed emerge from the Pit approximately where theyd be expecting him to. As he headed out of the Pit, the hnp customs ship came hurtling up from behind him. Hah looked at Chewie. That was close.

  Hans corem unit began signaling, and he activated it. Unidentified ship, prepare to be boarded, an angry voice said, just as Hah felt the Falcon seized by a tractor beam. This is the Imperial light cruiser Assessor. Offer no resistance and you will not be harmed.

  Han sat there, with the kids clustering around him in the cockpit, watching as the Falcon was drawn toward the big Imperial ship. Kids, let me do the talkin, he said.

  Moments after docking, the Imperials were at the Falcons airlock, demanding to be admitted. Hah sighed and got up to let them in, with a trail of children tagging along behind him.

  The Imperial captain himself was part of the heavily armed boarding party. Captain Tybert Capucot, the balding man with the supercilious air said, looking at Han as though he were a particularly unappetizing sight. Captain Solo, you stand in suspicion of smug-gling spice from Kessel. I am authorized to search your ship.

  Han waved at the interior. Search away, he said. I got nothin to hide.

  Capucot sniffed and managed to stare down his nose at Han-even though the Imperial officer was several centimeters shorter than the Corellian.

  The captain beckoned a scanning crew into the ship. Search every millimeter, he ordered. I want that spice.

  Han shrugged and stepped aside.

  The Imperials searched . . . and searched . . . and searched some more. Han and Chewie winced as they heard crashes from the lounge and the aft cargo com-partment. Hey! Hah protested, Im just an honest trader! Im an Imperial citizen, you cant trash my ship like this!

  Honest trader, Capucot sneered. If you werent running spice, then what were you doing?

  Han thought fast. I was... uh... well, I was takin these kids back to CoreIlia, he said. You see, there was this big rescue operation on a slave world, and... uh... well, these kids got left behind. So I brought em with me.

  The captain glared at Han. CoreIlia is that way, he said, icily, pointing aft.

  Hah shrugged. I had to stop off and buy food.

  Didnt I, kids?

  Yes! lisped little Tym. We was hungry! Captain Solo saved us!

  Captain Solo risked his life for us, said Cathea, twirling her long braid. Hes a hero.

  He saved us, Aeron said. We was gonna get blowed up.

  Little Kryss came over and took Hans hand, stood

  looking up at the Imperial Captain. Captain Solo is the

  best pilot in the whole galaxy. He sure can outrun those

  Imperial sl---

  Han managed to put his hand over the boys mouth just in time. Heh, he chuckled, grinning weakly. Kids. They say the craziest things. You a family man, Captain?

  Capucot was not amused.

  Finally the scanning crew returned, not looking pleased. Sir, we found nothing. We made a thorough search, Captain.

  Tybert Capucotg face reddened. He stood there, searching for words, then met Hans gaze. Very well, he said. Our brave hero Captain Solo claims that he was taking these children to CoreIlia. Such a noble act deserves an Imperial escort. Set your course for CoreI-lia, Captain. We will escort you there.

  Han opened his mouth,then closed it again. With an effort, he nodded. Sure. Letg go.

  It took him the best part of a day to reach his home-world. Han raged at the delay in collecting his spice. He knew that if anything happened to it, that Jabba would not be lenient. Busi
ness was business, and Hutts did not know the meaning of mercy ....

  When he reached CoreIlia, he found that the Imps had broadcast his arrival ahead of them, and there was a media blitz waiting for them. Han and Chewie were congratulated, hailed as heroes, and only the fact that Hah had already won the Corellian bloodstripe kept the grateful government of his homeworld from awarding him one.

  Han was in a panic to get back to the Pit and his dropped load of spice. Finally he was able to say good-bye to the children-who actually were pretty good kids, he was forced to concede-and head back out, a free citizen.

  The Corellian made best possible speed back to the Pit, and to the coordinates where hed dropped the load of raw glitterstim. He spent the next four hours comb-ing the outer edge of the asteroid field, becoming more and more frantic. Its got to be here! he exclaimed to Chexvie.

  But it wasnt.

  Han searched for another two hours, using the aux-iliary sensor units in the lounge to augment the ones in the cockpit. Suddenly he was interrupted by a roar from Chewbacca in the cockpit. Im comin! he yelled, rac-ing forward.

  Chexvie pointed to the sensors showing two blips converging on them rapidly. Han checked the ship IDs and then swore bitterly, smacking his forehead with his hand. Great! More Imps! Thats all I need! Why me?

  He dropped into the pilots seat and reversed course, heading back into the Pit. Chewbacca growled an in-quiry, wanting to know why they were running when they had no spice on board anyway.

  Dont you get it? Hah snarled as he increased speed until the asteroids zipped past them in a blur. They mustve found the spice we dumped, and they know what we were searchin for! You know Capucot didnt believe us . . . hes behind this! These slugs will arrest us on suspicion of smuggling and impound the Falcon! Well never get her back! He made a hard turn to port to avoid an asteroid the size of an Imp destroyer.

  Besides . . he added, I dont want em trashin the ship again searching her. We just got done cleanin up the mess Capucot and his boys made.

  Together, Han and Chewie sent the Falcon streaking back through the Pit, toward the Maw. His pursuers were two Imperial tariff ships, and they followed him with reckless determination.

  Hans hands moved over his controls like a man pos-sessed as they skimmed and flipped their way through the treacherous asteroid field. Chewie was howling aloud with terror at the chances his partner was taking. Shut up, fuzzface! Hah yelled. I gotta concentrate!


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