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Star Wars - The Han Solo Trilogy - Rebel Dawn

Page 33

by A. C. Crispin

  I dont want to die either, Skkot. But I sure as blazes dont want the Empire to win. I dont want good people massacred, or taken as slaves, or taxed until they cant feed their families or live a decent life. Or just murdered by some Imperial Moff who woke up cranky that morning.

  Skkot smiled slightly at her turn of phrase. So its okay that were not going to get out of here, right, Skkot? Its okay that were going to go down doing our jobs, because they- she jerked her chin at their dead comrades, did theirs. We cant let them down, right?

  Right, Commander, Skkot said. Bria hugged him tight, with a small, sad smile, and he returned it. Hed stopped shaking.

  Just then, Joaan, keeping lookout, called, Theyre moving out there.

  Bria rolled aside, pushing Skkot toward his position She looked quickly between two pieces of rubble, and without taking her eyes off the opening, issued orders. Joaan, you stay down at first and get your launcher ready. After the rest of us open up, try to duck out and nail that Floating Fortress. Got that? Yes, Commander?

  People, remember to change positions after shoot-ing, or theyll zero in on you with the repeating blasters. Everyone ready?

  Murmured affirmatives answered her. Picking up her borrowed blaster carbine, Bria checked the charge. Sighting down the barrel, she thought, Goodbye, Han ....

  Something moved in the breached wall. Bria took a deep breath Open fire!

  Tatooine is such a dump, Han thought, as he and Chewie made their way along the night-dark back streets. Jalus Nebl was so.right ....

  The two smugglers had arrived just hours ago. Han had decided that the only way to approach Jabba for more time to pay off the dumped load of spice was to talk to him in person. But things werent looking too promising. So far hed been unable to reach Jabba on the comm to request an audience. And back in Docking Bay 94 where the Falcon was berthed, hed encoun-tered that dumb Rodian, Greedo, nosing around. The fool had tried to shake Hah down for a payoff, implying that Jabbahad taken a bounty out on the Corellian.

  As if echoing Hans thoughts, Chewbacca observed quietly that word was out on the streets that the RodJan kid, Greedo, was hanging around in the company of a has-been bounty hunter, one Warhog Goa.

  Han snorted. Chewie, you know as well as I do that Jabba just sendin us a little message, hirin that dumb thug, Greedo. If Jabba really wanted me dead, hed hire somebody competent to do the job. Greedo so stupid he couldnt find his behind with both hands and laser-torch.

  Hrrrrrrnnnnnn... Chewbacca also had a low opin-ion of the Rodian.

  Han had a few spare credits, and hed decided to check out the local games of chance. Maybe he could win enough credits to make a substantial downpayment that would satisfy Jabba for the moment, then he could concentrate on scraping up the rest of the credits ....

  They walked into The Krayt Dragon Lounge, and stood looking around. Over in the corner, sure enough, there was a sabacc game in progress.

  As Han and Chewie approached, the Corellian looked more closely at one of the players, a slender man with red hair and regular features. Hey! Han ex-claimed. Small universe! How are you, Dash?

  Dash Rendar looked up, gave the Corellian a wary smile. Hey, Solo! Hey, Chewbacca! Long time no see. What this I hear about some caper on Ylesia?

  Han groaned aloud. Dash Rendar gestured to empty seats, and Han and Chewie took them. Deal me in, gentles, Han said, digging out a handful of credits. Chewie, you wanna play?

  The Wooki ee shook his head, and wandered off to the bar in search of liquid refreshment. Han glanced at Rendar. Hey, Dash, whered you hear about the Yle-sian raid? After the way people had treated him on Nar Shaddaa, it felt good to run into someone he knew who was still speaking to him.

  Oh, I ran into Zeen Afit and Katya MBuele last week, and they told me, Rendar said, dealing card-chips. They said their group of Rebels treated them square, but the ones you had thrown in with stiffed everyone. That true?

  Hah nodded. Yep. True. They stiffed me, too, but nobody will believe me. He scowled. But I aint lyin when I say it. Jabbas on the verge of takin out a real bounty on me, cause I cant pay him what I owe.

  Rendar shrugged. Tough luck, he said. Personally, I make it a policy never to get mixed up with those Rebel groups.

  Well, that always been my policy, too, Han said.

  But this seemed like such a sweet deal ....

  Yeah, Katya and Zeen were real happy, throwing credits around like they were bantha fodder, Rendar said.

  Theyd only been playing for a few minutes, and Han was losing, when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked down to see a little Chadra-Fan standing there. Huh?

  She squeaked at him, and Han frowned. He wasnt too good with her language.

  Kabe says there someone outside wants to see you, Rendar translated.

  Jabba/ Jabba finaUy got my messages and wants to see me, Han thought. He sent someone to bring me to him. Now I can talk to him, smooth things over....

  Han tossed in his card-chips and stood up, motioning to Chewie to finish off his drink. Okay, deal me out on this hand. I might be back later.

  With one hand on the grip of his blaster, Han and the Wookiee followed the street urchin out the back door, into the alley. They stood there for a second, looking around, but saw no one.

  Suddenly Chewie whirled. Rrrrrhhhhh!

  It5 a trap/Han realized at the same moment.

  The Corellian hand dropped to his weapon, but be-fore he could draw, he heard an all-too-familiar voice. Freeze, Solo. Drop the blaster. And tell the Wook that if he moves, youre both dead meat. Id like another Wook scalp for my collection.

  Chewie? Han spoke sharply to the snarling Wook-iee. Dont move! Slowly, Han drew his blaster, let it drop from his fingers into the dusty alley. Both of you turn around. Slowly. The Corellian and the Wookiee obeyed.

  Boba Fett stood there, in the dim recesses of the backstreet. Hah knew that he was a dead man. Jabba mustve decided to hire a real bounty hunter to make sure the job got done right. Han tensed, but Fett didnt fire. Instead his artificially filtered voice reached the Corellian. Relax, Solo. Im not here for a bounty. Hah didnt relax, only watched in wonderment as Fett tossed Kabe a credit. The urchin scampered for-ward and caught it, then vanished into the dimness, chittering happily.

  Youre not here for a bounty? Han said.

  Hhhhhuuuhhhh? echoed Chewie, as amazed as his partner.

  Jabba told Greedo there was a bounty on you, Fett said. But he just using that idiot to keep you on your toes. A reminder that he serious about you paying up. If Jabba really wanted you dead, you know who hed hire.

  Yeah, Han said. YOU got a point. He hesitated.

  So... why are you here?

  I landed an hour ago, Fett said. I made someone a promise, and I always keep my word.

  Han frowned. What are you talking about, Fett? She dead, Boba Fett said. I promised her a while back that if she died, Id tell her father, so he wouldnt spend his life wondering what had happened to her. But she never got around to telling me his name. So I de-cided to tell you, so you can send Tharen a message. Dead? Han whispered, through stiff lips. Bria?


  Hah felt as though hed been gut-punched. Chewie made a soft sound of sympathy, and put a hairy hand on his friend shoulder. Hah stood there for a long mo-ment, trying to deal with all the conflicting emotions. Grief was uppermost in his mind. Grief and regret ....

  Dead, he repeated, dully. How did you find out? I have access to Imperial datanets. Bria Tharen died thirty-six hours ago. The Imperials have a confirmed ID on her body. Her squadron was playing rear guard dur-ing some intelligence operation.

  Han swallowed. Dont tell me she died rier nothing/ Did they attain their objective?

  I dont know, the mechanical voice said. Someone has to tell her father, Solo. I gave her my word... and I always keep my word.

  Han nodded dully. Ill do it, he said. Renn Tharen knows me. This is gonna hit him hard .... He swal-lowed, and it hurt his chest. Chewie whined softly.

>   Good, Fett said, and the bounty hunter took a step back into the shadows. A moment later, Hall and Chexvie were alone. Slowly, the Corellian reached down and retrieved his blaster. Memories of Bria assailed him ....

  Did you think of me, honey? he wondered. I hope it was quick and painless ....

  Hang steps came slowly as he and Chewbacca turned and walked to the mouth of the alley, and then turned onto the street. He had to find someone whod let him use a comm unit... he had a very important message to send ....

  The next day, Han made his way through the baking streets of Mos Eisley spaceport, wishing hed worn a short-sleeved shirt instead of his grimy white one with his battered old black pilot vest. Within ten min-utes of being out on the street, he had three different sentients come up to him, each with a warning that Greedo was out looking for him.

  Hah nodded, thanked each of the informants, flipped each of them a decicred. I[ never hurt to have good contacts ....

  The midday glare was painful to human eyes, and Han squinted as he walked. There are a lot of Imp stormtroopers out, he thought, watching several squads trot by. Wonder why?

  The sight of the blaster rifles they carried made him think of Fett and last night. After leaving the bounty hunter, Han had found a bar owner whod allowed the Corellian to use his comm unit, in return for a couple of credits.

  The Corellian had carefully recorded a message to Renn Tharen. It had been hard to know what to say. In the end, hed settled for Sir, this is Han Solo. I know you remember me. I have some bad news for you, sir. Bria is dead. She died bravely, though. You can be proud of her. She didnt want you to always wonder, so she asked someone to give you the message. Sir, Im sorry.... I know she loved you. Hah Solo out ....

  Han took a deep breath, and said his own, silent, farewell to Bria Tharen. Rest in peace, Bria, he thought. Goodbye, babe ....

  He reminded himself that Bria was part of the past. There was no use dwelling on painful memories. I have to concentrate on the present ....

  Today he needed to see Jabba, that was for sure. And he had to find some work, Any work ....

  He knew that Chewie was probably over at Chal-muns Cantina. Chalmun was some kind of distant rela-tive of Chewies, along with half of Kashyyyk ....

  Han headed over to Chalmuns. Even at this midday hour, Chalmun was bound to be jumping. Han could hear the jizz band tootling away as he approached the entrance.

  Inside, it was dim, and comparatively cool. Han took a deep breath, scenting intoxicants from a dozen worlds. He walked down the steps, nodding at Wuher, the sour, ugly bartender. Wuher jerked his head to his right, and Han reflexively looked over that way. Chew-bacca was heading purposefully toward him.

  The Wookiee was plainly excited and pleased about something. He stopped Han by the entrance and con-ferred with his partner in low-voiced grunts and moans.

  Han tilted his head sideways, and peered past the Wookiee at two humans who were standing at the bar. A charter? he said. Well, hey, that better than noth-ing! Good work, Chewie! Is that them? That old guy in the Jawa robe, and that kid in the moisture farmer outfit?

  Chewie nodded, commenting that even though the old man looked harmless, hed dealt effectively with Doctor Evazan and Ponda Baba just moments before-and used a most unusual weapon to do it.

  Hah frowned, impressed. Pulled a lightsaber, you say? Huh. I didnt know anyone still had them. Okay, Ill work out the details with the old guy and the kid. You take em over to that empty booth and Ill join you in a second.

  Han paused for a moment to check out Chalmun as Chewbacca ushered their prospective customers over to the corner table. Good. No sign of Greedo ....

  Then he started across the crowded cantina, where Chewie, the old man, and the boy sat waiting ....





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