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Lover Wanted: A Billionaire Boss Romance

Page 13

by Rylee Swann

  And then I experience some of the most intense, thrilling, and excruciatingly detailed foreplay of my life. I lose count of the number of times I mini-orgasm, and I find myself relaxing into Scott’s gentle, unhurried touch.

  “Scott, I need you to fuck me now, please,” I beg him, but he just smiles and swallows my words with his mouth, his hand gently cupping my sex, holding in the heat but not touching me.

  “You made me wait for so long, baby, so now it’s my turn,” he says.

  I think I’m burning.

  I think I’ll spontaneously combust.

  I buck my hips up into him, showing him what I desperately need, but nothing works. Scott is determined and is a slow, considerate, detailed lover.

  I wonder if it’s possible to die of foreplay.

  He pauses the action to roll on a condom and tears of joy spring to my eyes. We’re closing in on the prize now.

  Scott doesn’t taste my sex, but I don’t miss it. He doesn’t ask me to take him into my mouth, and I don’t miss that either.

  This is all different and new, and I’m reveling in it, and when he hovers over me, lining up with my entrance, I’m so ready I think I’ll burst with his first touch.

  Slowly, so slowly, he pushes into me, and I greedily eat him up. Raising my hips to devour him, I try to force him to thrust into me harder, the way I’m used to, the way I love it. But he stops and looks down at me with a smile. “Let me do this, Kim,” he says in a harsh, controlled whisper. “Let me lead the way.” He continues to ease into me inch by maddening inch.

  Once he’s completely encased in me, he pauses to give me time to adjust to his size, his girth, and how he stretches me. I’m panting and running my hands along the sharp curves and valleys of his exquisitely sculpted body when he starts to slowly pump. Again, I raise my hips to meet his thrusts, and again, he stops until I stop, lowering his body onto me, crushing me under his weight.

  His thrusts are slow and measured, and I realize he’s building a fire inside me that increases in size with each thrust. I find myself no longer wanting the heated, crazed, animal fucking that I’m used to, and I slowly start to match Scott’s movements, and we become a glorious symphony of eroticism. Sex has never lasted so long or been so delightfully exhausting. I’m learning under Scott’s expert tutelage, of waiting, of stretching and lengthening, of living through every single second, of experiencing every little nuance. When we both feel my walls starting to clench around his cock, my impending orgasm blooming, he urges me on with sweet words and further exquisite thrusts and touches that excite me to a mind-blowing climax.

  As I shudder and cry out, grabbing hold of him for dear life, he grows taut and gasps, and we come together. It is a long time before the aftershocks finally release me. And it is longer still until I can catch my breath.

  Scott has collapsed beside me and absently plays with my hair, half petting, half fondling, as he too takes the time to come back to earth.

  It takes some time for the realization to sink in.

  Did we just come together?

  The very first time we have sex?

  Who is this guy?

  My mind is blown.


  Jenn looks at me with a curious expression. “But didn’t you tell me that you and Michael came together the first time?”

  “Well, yeah, but… that was different.” We’re sitting in the bar and have a quick moment alone. Gina and Lisa have gone to the bathroom, and Sandra is at the bar getting us all another round. I’m still shocked that I found it so good to see them again. We all squealed like teenagers, hugged each other, apologized for not keeping in touch. Then the serious drinking and catching up commenced. I realize now that Jenn has been dying to get me alone all night.

  “Oh, yeah, Pond? How?” She pierces me with a critical look.

  I can’t help laughing. One too many White Russians is the likely cause. “I don’t know.”

  Jenn smiles and relents. “Do you have a picture of Adonis?” I shake my head, and she sighs. “Then how will I ever know if he’s more glorious than Michael? Because, Pond, you have to know that Michael is glorious.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  I must get all dreamy looking or something because Jenn laughs and hugs me. “You are so into him, girl.”

  “No, it’s not like that. He’s my boss.”

  Jenn makes a dismissive gesture with her hand. “I’d say there are extenuating circumstances in this so-called boss employee relationship. Besides, I already told you how hot he is for you.”

  I start to shake my head in denial, but she continues. “We have to compare, girl! Call Scott right now and make him send you a selfie. Come on, come on,” she urges.

  I shake my head. “I don’t have his phone number.”

  She frowns. “You don’t. Really? Why not?”

  I think for a minute. Shouldn’t I have Scott’s phone number? “I don’t know,” I finally answer, chewing my bottom lip.

  “That’s weird. Don’t you think it’s weird? What about Michael? Did he tell you yet why he doesn’t believe in love?”

  “No,” I say and gulp down some of my White Russian.

  “Girl, you got ninety-nine problems.” She laughs and wags a finger at me. “You just have to ask him.”

  “Ask who what?” Sandra says as she fills my hand with a fresh drink.

  Jenn grins mischievously. “Well, you’ll never believe—”

  “Don’t you dare,” I hiss.

  “Oh come on,” Jenn says then turns to Sandra. “Our little Kim Pond is fucking two guys at the same time, and they are both drop dead gorgeous.”

  My face turns beet red. I can feel the heat in my cheeks.

  “Oh my god! Seriously?” Sandra squeals.

  I drop my face in my hands. “Wait, no. It’s not like that.”

  Jenn’s evil grin widens. “No? Then go ahead and tell her what it is like.”

  I flash a murderous look her way. “Yeah, well. Okay, it is like that.” Sandra laughs and demands all the details, and I’m suddenly spilling all sorts of girly gossip to her, Gina, and Lisa, who have returned from the bathroom.

  It’s well over an hour later when Jenn and I find ourselves alone again for a few minutes. “So, you said you had some news for me? Better tell me now before I kill you for telling them about Scott and Michael,” I threaten, but my teasing tone gives me away.

  “Oh my god! I almost forgot,” Jenn exclaims and reaches for my hands. She holds them tenderly but with a firm grip like she’s afraid I might run away or something.

  My curiosity is definitely piqued. “So spill,” I demand of her.

  She giggles, and I gape at her. She’s nervous and licks her lips before diving in. “Okay, so it’s like this. I told Tony about when I watched.” She bursts into another wave of giggles, and I just stare at her.

  “You what?” I don’t believe what she’s just admitted to. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because we love each other and don’t keep secrets.” She smiles. “Plus, his birthday is coming up.”

  Oh. Shit.

  “Yeah, he wants to watch.”

  I drop my face onto my arms, moaning in abject horror. I finally look up and shake my head at her grin. “He seriously wants to watch Michael and me?”

  Jenn nearly spits out the sip she’d just taken of her drink. “Oh, hell, no, Pond!” She laughs. “You and me. He wants to watch you and me.”

  My face grows numb and my brain shuts down. “Oh.”

  I don’t know what else to say. Jenn licks her lips nervously before giggling again, and I wonder for just a second — for only a brief, fleeting second — what her lips would feel like against mine.


  No judging.

  She just put the idea in my head.

  “Jenn, I—”

  “It’s just an idea. Don’t go getting your panties in a bunch. It would be a birthday present for him. I experimented a little in college, and he’s alwa
ys wanted to see me get it on with another girl. He’s like obsessed with the idea. He even said he’d pay.” She laughs again. “He makes a damned good living, and I told him you weren’t cheap.”

  Me, kissing a girl, licking a girl, making a girl come? “Okay,” I blurt out then slap my hand over my mouth.

  Her eyes grow wide. “Okay? Did you just agree?”

  I press my fingers to my temples. “Yeah, I think I just did. Fuck it, Jenn. I never experimented so now’s a good a time as any to cross this off my bucket list. And fuck. I didn’t even know I had a bucket list.”

  We laugh uncontrollably until the others rejoin us and the conversation shifts to something safer.


  Michael’s cell phone rings and I scramble for it. It’s been five days since my period ended and I took myself off the clock. While it’s been nice to concentrate on Scott and whatever is going on there, I still need to pay the bills.

  “Hi, Michael,” I say into the phone.

  “Kim, I’ve scheduled a performance for tomorrow night. This one will be a little different from what you’re used to.” I’m curious but don’t say anything, and Michael continues. I’ve learned that he doesn’t much care for interruptions. “It’s a strip tease.”

  “What?” I tried to hold it in, really I did. Thankfully, Michael laughs instead of becoming annoyed.

  “Relax. The strip tease is for me. The chair in the room will be empty, remember?”

  I blow out a long breath, grateful for the reminder. “Okay.”

  “The voyeur wants the full effect. Black leather and lace bustier, matching panties, garter belt, stockings. The works. He didn’t specify shoes so I’ll leave that up to you. And before you start complaining, get the receipts. You’ll be reimbursed. My question to you is can you get all this in time for a ten o’clock performance tomorrow night?”

  “What makes you think I don’t already have an outfit like this?” I ask in what I hope is a sexy, coy tone.

  “It doesn’t matter if you do,” he says, not taking the bait. “Buy new, and you get to keep it. Am I giving you enough time? If not, I can push back on the voyeur.”

  I chew my lip. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Be certain, Kim, or I’ll reschedule. This is business. You can’t call me a couple of hours before show time to tell me you couldn’t find everything.”

  “I have all day today and tomorrow. I’ll have everything. Text me the address?”

  I can hear the smile in Michael’s voice when he replies. He loves it when I get all business like. “The hotel is in Brooklyn, not too far from Jack’s place. Text is on its way. I’ll see you at eight-thirty tomorrow night. And don’t worry about the lack of shows recently. For a show like this one, the voyeur is paying substantially more so it all evens out.”

  “Thanks, Michael. I’m looking forward to it.” Of course, I am. Silly little exhibitionist that I’ve become.

  As soon as we hang up, I’m racing to my landline phone and dialing Jenn.

  Tony answers.

  How awkward.

  “Hey, Tony. It’s Kim. Is Jenn there?” I ask, hoping he isn’t into small talk.

  He chuckles darkly. I never understood that description. Until now. Now I get it.

  “Well, hello there yourself, Kim.” He says my name like it’s a sexual act and I shudder, but all in all, I know Tony is an okay guy.

  “Oh, shut up, Tony!” I say with a laugh. “Put Jenn on.”

  He laughs again, and it’s a more normal sounding laugh. Thank goodness I was right and he was just teasing me.

  “Hold on a sec. I’ll get her.”

  “Pond, how the hell are ya!” Jenn practically screams into the phone.

  “Are you trying to make me deaf?” I laugh. “Listen, I have to go shopping for sexy, kinky lingerie. Are you doing anything today?”

  She laughs, and I know what she’s thinking, and she’s right, of course.

  “Can I watch too?” she asks in a teasing voice.

  “Oh my god, Jenn.” I draw out her name into a whine, and she laughs even harder.

  “Calm down. Of course I’ll go shopping with you. Wouldn’t miss it.”

  We meet at Victoria’s Secret but I learn something very quickly. They have beautiful lingerie, but it’s nowhere near kinky enough for your average BDSM aficionado.

  “Got any ideas where we should go next?” I ask Jenn after trying on yet another bustier that isn’t quite right.

  “I don’t know. Kinks R Us?”

  I laugh. “I so wish there was really a store like that right now.”

  “Okay, let’s see what the Internet has to say.” Jenn pulls out her iPhone and starts tapping away at the keys. “Oh my fucking god, you don’t want to see what comes up in a search for kinky lingerie.” She laughs, shaking her head, and tries again. “Okay, I think we’re onto something now, Pond. The Broadway Mall in Hicksville and Sunrise Mall in Massapequa both have a Frederick’s of Hollywood.”

  “Perfect. Let’s go.”

  The rest of the day is a blur of kink, kink, coffee, more kink and, yes, kink. I think I have burn marks on my skin from all the trying on I do. And how Jenn manages to buy more stuff than me is a mystery for the ages.

  But I’m happy for her. She’s going to get her kink on with Tony. And I just know he’ll appreciate it. He might even chuckle darkly at her.

  “Damn, Pond, just damn. You look sexy as all hell. Michael’s going to be the one who forgets someone is watching this time.”

  I smile and feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I’m standing in front of the dressing room mirror in what Jenn and I have decided is the perfect outfit for tomorrow night. Just the thought of wearing this for Michael makes my clit throb. I’m so glad that I’m wearing regular underwear now, otherwise this bustier contraption would be damaged goods. I laugh at my own little inside joke, but I nod, catching Jenn’s eyes in the mirror.

  “Talk to him tomorrow night, Pond. Find out what he’s thinking but be subtle. If I’m wrong, and I’m not, but if I am, I wouldn’t want you to lose your job over something I suggested.”

  “You think it should be Michael over Scott even with all I told you about Scott?”

  “No, not necessarily. I’m just saying that you gotta know one way or the other about Michael. You try to deny it, but I know you better. Michael is on your mind. A lot. This shit is getting deep, and I don’t want you to get hurt. That’s all.”


  I’m wearing a pink t-shirt and an old pair of denim shorts, and when I enter the hotel room, Michael raises an eyebrow.

  “Did you forget the dress code for tonight?” he says in that know-it-all tone of voice that makes me want to strangle him.

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” I hold up the overnight bag I’m carrying. “I have everything right here. Did you expect me to walk through the lobby dressed like some slutty dominatrix? Hmmm?” I ask as I head toward the bathroom to change.

  “I was teasing you. My, aren’t you a little touchy tonight?”

  I stick my tongue out. “There, I’m teasing you.” He laughs, and it is that deep bass sound that seems to rumble up from his chest and directly to my core. How does he do that?

  “Suddenly shy? Can’t change in front of me?”

  I smile a touch too sweetly at him. “I want you to get the full effect. It’s not the same if you watch me change into my slutty dominatrix outfit.”

  “Ah, I see.” His eyes start to burn with a smoldering intensity that does all sorts of things to my heart rate. I even find myself biting my lip before I turn and disappear into the bathroom.

  Once safely behind closed doors, I feel like I’ve just entered a Friends episode. The one with Ross and the leather pants. Any Friends fan would know which episode I’m talking about. If not, let me just say that getting into a slutty dominatrix outfit is not in any way, shape, or form easy to accomplish.

  I’m panting, for crying out loud.

  At l
east it’s all much easier to take off. If not, it’d be a piss poor show for the voyeur. I find that funny and laugh.

  “What are you doing in there?” Michael asks.

  “Oh my god, you can hear me?” I laugh harder while making the last adjustments to this medieval torture device. “Never you mind. Get ready. I’m coming out.”

  I take a deep breath, or I try to, realizing too late that I can barely breathe at all in this thing, and throw open the bathroom door. I peek out and see Michael sprawled on the chair the voyeur will sit in soon. He’s already stripped down to just his tight boxers. I bite my lip and Michael groans and adjusts his already hardening cock, never taking his eyes from me. He’s got that smoldering thing going again which sets off a fire deep in my belly.

  Then I step out of the bathroom and, well…

  Stumble, nearly fall, while waving my arms wildly as if that’ll do any good.

  I bump my shin on the dresser, but that, at least, helps me regain my balance.

  Michael can’t contain his laughter, and I just know my face has turned a bright red.

  “New shoes?” he asks much too innocently.

  “Yes, damn it, yes!” I reach down to rub my bruised shin and look up at him with an expression that is trying to be angry. It doesn’t work at all. It comes off as more of a pout which draws another groan from him. “I’ve never worn heels this high before. Damn stupid things!”

  “Then kick them off and come here. Right now.”

  I can’t move fast enough. The shoes go flying, and I go flying across the room to him. He pulls me down on to his lap, I’m splayed out on top of him and his cock is pressing right against my heat. My mouth drops open, and a little “ahhh” escapes.

  Michael’s hand tangles in my hair, pulling hard enough to send little shocks of pain through me as he forces my head back, lips and throat exposed to him. He sits up, thrusting his hard cock against the silk of my black thong, and takes possession of my mouth.

  He devours me.

  I’m taken aback. It’s been awhile since Michael and I have played without an audience, but it feels good. It feels… right, and I push forward, my hips grinding down on his cock to give my clit the friction it needs. His tongue drives into me, and I can’t breathe, my arms wrapping around him, pulling him into me as if trying to blend us into one single sex-maddened creature.


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