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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

Page 2

by Reese Madison

  She fought me at first, but not for long. Her surrender was complete. Too complete. She wants me to take my fill and stop. So I did. I can read her body language like a book.

  Her forehead touched mine before I lifted her off my lap. “I have to go for a while now. You’ll scare my girls, so stay back. Okay?”

  I lifted my left eyebrow unsure she should be alone.

  Her hand came up to palm my cheek as those beautiful green eyes studied mine, “I only get this once every three months. Please. Please. Please, don’t ruin it for us. I love my babies. If it’s an explanation you want, fine, but it has to wait.”

  I nodded. Okay. I’ll stay back, but I’m not taking my eyes off her for a second. I tapped her chest in the same spot from last night.

  She nodded, “You say that now, but you don’t know how fucked up I really am.” She unstrapped her bags and gave me one last look over her shoulder before heading up the walkway to the house.

  I nodded to the cab driver waiting to take the girls wherever they want to go. He better take care of my girl. He nodded back admiring my bike more than acknowledging me.

  I’ve never wanted kids of my own, at least not until that fantasy snuck up on me last night, but watching Sherry with her girls is changing my mind. Even if she doesn’t want more kids, with me, I could watch her with these two little girls of hers all day.

  She’s their big sister, best friend, and mother; all wrapped up in a perfect little sexy package. What kind of asshole gives up a woman and mother like this?

  I decided to find out. Later. I sent a text to Joe so he can get started looking and gather information for me. He called me an idiot asshole before giving me an ETA on the info. He’s such an asshole, which is probably why we’ve always had a quiet understanding. I wouldn’t say we’re close, or even friends, but we understand each other perfectly.

  Joe, Turner, and I are probably more alike than some of the other brothers. Mack isn’t quite as nice as Sawyer and Fletcher, but then again those two are kind of goofy. Good men, ones I wouldn’t recommend going up against, but they flaunt their sense of humors almost as much as Wrangler does. Wrangler just looks meaner doing it. That kid ain’t right. Crazy bastard loves his wife only slightly more than he loves cakes.

  Speaking of sweets, I’d like to cover that little cherry, my Sherry, with warm melted dark chocolate. She tastes like she was meant for me. There’s no distinct flavor, it’s just plain Sherry. Although plain isn’t the word. She tastes like home. Somewhere you long to go back to every minute of every day.

  After dinner and some shopping she took the girls via the cab to a decent hotel about two blocks from the beach. Yes, I’m stalking her, again. I waited until they had plenty of time to check in before I checked in. Knowing kids like I do, those girls will want to swim before bed.

  Sure enough I found them all by the pool an hour later.

  Sherry looked up and dropped her jaw before laughing and shaking her head. “I should be surprised, but I’m not.”

  I sat down on a metal chair and picked up her hand in mine as I looked over the courtyard and watched the girls swim competitive laps.

  Sherry didn’t try too hard to pull free at first. In fact, she gave up as soon as the eldest daughter popped her head up and looked over. Sherry waved with her free hand so the girl knew she was okay.” She smiled as she ground out between clenched teeth, “I thought I told you to back off.”

  I handed her the spare key to my room in the envelope where the guy behind the counter had written the room number.

  “No. I’m staying with my girls.” She pushed it back.

  This time I was smart and stole the pen and paper from the room. I passed her a note that read, Just so you know I’m here, and where to find me if you need to, or want to.

  “Why are you here?”

  I took the pad back and wrote: My communication skills are limited at the moment. Can this wait?

  She read and nodded. “Fine. I’m not sure what to make of you though.” She confessed trying to take her hand away again.

  I gently squeezed so she knew I wasn’t through holding it yet.

  Her youngest daughter, looking to be about five years old, came up soaking wet and pointed to the soda machine, “Coke.”

  “No Coke. You can share one with your sister tomorrow.” Sherry replied reasonably.

  She stomped her little foot and repeated, “Coke.”

  “I said no.”

  The temper tantrum began. “Coke Mommy! Coke now! I want a Coke! Gimme Coke now!! Daddy gives me Cokes all the time!!”

  Sherry impressed me like no other woman I’ve ever met and sat back like nothing was wrong to calmly inform her, “I know, that’s why you’re a spoiled little shit. Now go play with your sister or it’s time to go to bed.”

  The little girl tried a screaming crying fit. Sherry simply pointed out that if she didn’t stop soon the people staring at her would get them kicked out, and they’d have to sleep on the streets with the hobos. I found this incredibly amusing. I know how kids can be, and it’s nice to see my Cherry can handle hers, and herself with a confidence I admire.

  The little girl pouted, flicker her off, and walked right back over to the pool to play like nothing happened. Maybe she shouldn’t have called her daughter a little shit, but when the little girl flicked her off I assumed that was just the way they were with each other. Cherry said her life was a mess, maybe this one of those messes she hasn’t gotten around to cleaning up yet.

  I squeezed her hand so she’d look at me, then gave her my best questioning look.

  She shrugged, “I was worse than that at her age. Trust me, I’ve seen it all.” She looked back at the girls in the water. “Her father spoils her horribly. Rebecca isn’t so bad, but Ashley is getting really bad. He only does it to piss me off. It’s not like he spends any time with his own daughters, hell he didn’t even want them. I wish I had more time with them.” She made that last part sound like a last wish.

  I stood enough to move my chair over so I can pull her hand up and kiss the back of it with what I hope is a reassuring gesture. I’m not good at consoling people. I can wield a gun to protect her, even wield a hammer to build protection, but I’m not comforting.

  “Thanks.” She squeezed back. “You know, in a way, if you never spoke again, you might make the perfect boyfriend. I can just pretend you’re saying all the right things.” She’s teasing me.

  I managed what was supposed to be a growl, but came out like more of a groan.

  “Oh come on. You know I’m kidding. Maybe you should go before Ashley gives me another dirty look.”

  I shook my head unwilling to let go just yet.

  Sherry sunk into her seat a little more, “I wish I knew what you wanted.”

  I squeezed her hand until she looked at me, then I pointed at her.

  She rolled her eyes before looking for the girls again, “I don’t do one night stands, and you’re not the kind of man who wants an instant family. Walk away Monkey, just walk away.”

  I took pen to paper then tossed the pad in her lap.

  She picked it up, “No, I don’t know you well enough to say that.” She tossed it back, “But I don’t have the time, or the inclination, to find out.” This time she ripped her hand free. “I need you to leave now Monk.”

  I wrote my real name on the pad and tossed it in her lap before taking my leave and my temper back to my room. Women.


  “Drake. What kind of name is that??” I set the pad of paper aside and pocketed the envelope with his key and room number. My eldest daughter Rebecca picked up a towel as she approached.

  She stood in front of me to dry her hair, “Who was that guy?”

  “Just a friend who happens to be in town at the same time. Having fun?”

  “Bullshit. I saw you holding hands. Who is he?” She’s almost twelve years old, I shouldn’t be surprised by her attitude. The language is a venting tool I let go when we’re alone. In publi
c she gets reprimanded like any other child should.

  Despite that I need to scold her for something. “Watch your language.”

  “Is he staying here? Are you sleeping with him? Because if you are Daddy will kill you.” She informed me as if I didn’t already know that.

  “Stop worrying. I told him to go home, and that I wasn’t interested.”

  “It’s not that I want you to be unhappy Mommy, I just don’t want Daddy to…” She looked down hugging the towel around her.

  I pulled her in for a wet hug. “I know honey. Don’t worry. I won’t risk my life. I promise nothing will take me away from our visits.”

  “Daddy says you’ve been gone long enough. He kicked Lorraine out. He wants you to come home. I don’t want you to come home Mommy!!” Normally this would upset a mother, but she’s seen what her father has done to me. The beatings. The public humiliation. The constant degradation. The list goes on and on. Being forced to watch someone you love being abused is just as bad as being abused in my book. If not worse.

  Around one in the morning I got antsy and decided to get some air. I checked to make sure the girls were asleep then turned and opened the door only to jump clean out of my skin. Monk, excuse me, Drake, is waiting there with his arms folded over his chest with his ass leaned up against the railing.

  I gave him my best scolding a child look and pulled the door closed quietly behind me, “You scared the living shit out of me.”

  As usual he just watches me as if I can read his mind.

  “How long have you been standing here like this?” I looked around then took the joint from my jacket pocket.

  He showed me his giant leather watch and tapped on what I’m assuming means since ten. That would be shortly after I brought the girls back up to the room for baths and bed. Of course we watched a movie and did each other’s hair for two hours before I tucked them in. Hey, I get three days every three months if I’m lucky. Yes, they can stay up as late as I want them to.

  I offered him a hit off the joint, which surprisingly he took. “What if I slept all night and never came out?” I asked taking the joint back as he blew out a hit.

  He touched the side of my head, then his, then where his heart lies somewhere in his chest.

  “You don’t know me any better than I know you.”

  He put his finger under my chin causing our eyes to meet. That blue is amazing, especially against the contrasting dark brown hair.

  “Why don’t you just say it? I can’t read your mind.”

  He took his finger away and brought out a fresh notebook and pen to write, I’m trying. It’s stuck. Doc says it’s a form of shock, should wear off when I chill the fuck out. Sorry.

  “Well, at least I know why you won’t talk to me. Now I want to know why you’re here.” I pushed the paper back to him.

  * * *

  I thought for a moment, then wrote, I don’t know. Not seeing you for four days didn’t set well. I almost wrote that I miss holding her like I had all day yesterday. That I want her lips back on mine so bad I ache from head to toe.

  “I have two kids and a violently jealous ex-husband. He’s probably got goons watching us right now.” She complained handing me the joint.

  I took it and pointed to the car where they sat in the parking lot below.

  She threw up her hands and turned to give them her back. “I hate him.”

  I scribbled and held up the paper to show her.

  Her smile surprised me, “No, I don’t want you to kill him. I’m saving that pleasure for a day I can really claim self defense.” She took the joint back.

  Has he hurt you?

  She took the pad away trading me for the last hit of the joint. “No more questions. I want you to go home. I’ll rent a car to get home Monday night or Tuesday morning. I haven’t decided yet.”

  It felt like I was punched in the chest. I reacted without thinking. Next thing I know I’m pinning her back to the door, grabbing the backs of her thighs to lock onto my hips and biting her jaw.

  “Drake. You can’t. Oh God. He’s going to kill me.” She breathed. “Oh fuck it.” Then she kissed me back.

  * * *

  What am I doing??!! I pushed him so hard he almost dropped me. I’d forgotten my ankles were locked behind his back. “Stop. Shit. Please Monk. We can’t do this.”

  “Drake.” He ground out as his fingertips dug in to my jaw holding me firmly as he got in my face. Those damnable blue eyes froze time. “Mine.” It took a great deal of effort for him to get that out. Suddenly he looks drained. His grip went slack, but he didn’t let go.

  “Go lay down. We’ll talk again on Tuesday. Okay?”

  He shook his head.

  I watched as he went downstairs to the ground level and crossed the parking lot. My heart clogged my throat as Drake suddenly ripped open the driver’s door, and quickly disarmed both men before pulling their limp bodies from the car and putting them in the trunk. Then he got in and took off leaving me blinking at fading taillights.

  It wasn’t until he’d been gone for a good thirty seconds before I realized what just happened. Reba McEntire was wrong. That’s two bodies that will never be found.

  I ran back inside, visually cleared the room of boogiemen, and curled up with my girls. Rebecca always ends up in the middle because she spoons Ashley, then I join them and spoon Rebecca.

  We woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. “Hello??”

  “Good morning ma’am. Breakfast is waiting outside your room. When you finish he says he’ll meet you there.” A young man’s voice informed me.

  “Who will meet me where?” I sat up rubbing my eyes and hunting for a light switch.

  “She wants to know who and where. Hold on, he’s writing. It says, you just figured it out. And now he’s gone. Oh my. That’s one scary dude. Sorry ma’am, he didn’t leave a name.”

  “That’s Monkey. Thank you.” I hung up and went to get the service cart outside. The girls couldn’t believe their luck. Pancakes with strawberries and blueberries, more whipped cream than should be legal, and so much bacon I thought I was going to oink.

  Underneath the coffee pot sat four season ticket cards to both San Diego Zoo, and the other Safari Park. “Where did he get these??”

  The girls studied the cards then squealed with delight. “Can we keep these Mommy?? Huh huh?”

  “I don’t think so honey. I’m guessing my new friend has a friend, and borrowed them for us to use today.” I hope.

  Ashley counted out the cards, “There’s four. Who’s coming with us? Daddy? I don’t wanna go if it’s Daddy.” She informed me emphatically.

  “It’s not Daddy Ashley, it’s that guy from the pool last night.” Rebecca leaned over like I couldn’t hear, “Mom kissed him outside the room last night.”

  “What?? I did… not. Shit. Were you spying on me Rebecca Anne??” I threw my napkin over her head. “Don’t go saying anything about that to your father. It was just an accident. I didn’t mean to kiss him.” Well, it was. Sort of.

  “I’m sorry Mommy. I know you’re lonely.” That had me spinning around because it came from my youngest, which is five.

  “Why would you say I’m lonely?” Hiding my concern in my voice didn’t work as well as I’d hoped.

  She pointed to Rebecca, “Sissy says you cry at night.”

  “I have night allergies.” I lied going to my knees to hug my littlest munchkin. “I’m fine sweetie. I live for these precious days with you girls. Let’s not worry about Mommy being lonely. If anything, I’m far from lonely. I have a lot of friends at the bar where I work.”

  “Those are customers Mom, they don’t count.” Rebecca informed me in her newfound adult tone.

  “Sure they do. After a while they grow on you like weeds.” I tickled Ashley’s sides hoping to make light of all this so it doesn’t put a dark cloud over our day.

  “Is that where you met that guy?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t make him a ba
d guy.”

  “He’s scary looking.” Ashley giggled and blushed. Drake has that effect on women. I’ve seen almost every single girl in the bar blush trying to get his attention. He’s oblivious to anyone but me, or so it seems.

  “So are you in the mornings! Now go brush your teeth.” I playfully smacked her butt and went back to sit with Becka to battle over the best pieces of bacon.

  A cab driver knocked on our door an hour later to tell us he was paid up for the day, and was told to take us wherever we wanted. At first I suspected my ex of being a control freak again, then I saw Drake sitting on his bike in the parking lot below a few spaces away from where the cab is parked. If it were my ex behind this, Drake wouldn’t be sitting there waiting for us.

  The cab dropped us off in front of the zoo. Drake had to park his bike, but caught up fairly quickly.

  I wasn’t sure how to handle this as he took my hand in his. “Okay, Rebecca, this is Mr… . wait, what is your last name?” I looked up at him for confirmation. I think he’s a Colson, but I haven’t found the time to ask for sure.

  He shook his head.

  “Great. Rebecca, Ashley, this is Drake, a friend of mine who doesn’t have the use of his voice right now, so he can’t talk. I want you to be nice, he’s the one that got us these tickets.” I warned them to be on their best behavior and gave them each their ticket to hand over at the entrance.

  Rebecca grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, “Mom, you know Daddy is watching us, right?”

  “I don’t know if he is or not sweetie. Can we just try to have a good day? I don’t want to think about your father today.” I begged her.

  “How much longer before we can move in with you?” She hugged me hard.

  Ashley joined in almost toppling us. “I wanna go see the monkeys!!”

  I laughed scooping her up in my arms as I stood. “Okay little monkey. Let’s go find us some animals.”

  Having Drake in tow made for a very interesting day. The girls were running to and fro having the times of their lives. We’ve been here a hundred times, so it’s familiar territory. We don’t need a map, but still like to pretend we’re lost on a safari by reading it wrong every time.


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