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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

Page 6

by Reese Madison

  I crossed my arms over my chest and backed up, “I… no. Drake, if you tell me you’re moving me in here I’m going to run like hell.”

  He dropped my bags and chased me to the end of the driveway where he tossed me over his shoulder and marched me right back up and into the house after grabbing my bags with his free hand.

  I punched him in the left ass cheek. “Put me down!!” I think I just punched a pumpkin. Ow.

  He walked through the house turning on lights as he went before tossing my ass in the middle of a very large bed.

  “Hey!! Be nice!” I scolded him looking around. “Damn. This is nice. What did you do? Buy a model home already furnished?” I was kidding, but he gave me a thumb up before dropping my bags on the floor by the closet.

  “Nice. I’m still not moving in with you.”

  He opened the closet and took a bag off the top shelf. I tried to get away when I saw what he had in his hand, but he caught my ankle and slapped the cuff around my wrist easily.

  “What the fuck??” I asked as he slapped the other one around his wrist.

  He held our linked wrists in the air between us and clenched his jaw as he waited for me to read his mind.

  “What if I have to poop??” I gave the cuffs a good tug.

  He pulled me from the room and down the hall towards what turned out to be his office. A minute later he was showing me a piece of paper.

  You are mine. You WILL stay here. Stop testing my patience!

  I smacked him in the chest with the paper, “No, and no!! You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. If Daniel goes ballistic, which he’s probably planning right now, and the club gets involved, I’ll never forgive myself. He’s dangerous. A man without morals is the most dangerous kind. He’s an expert liar. He kills without flinching, or remorse. I can’t live with myself if anything happens to you.”

  He ripped another note off the steno pad a moment later. You. Are. Mine. Not his. If you leave, I will follow and bring you home. This is your home now.

  I took a deep breath letting it out slowly before I spoke, “I can’t be yours. He’ll kill me, then you. Or maybe you, then me. He’ll probably make me watch. I’m sorry Drake. I’ve been a mess the better part of the last two years. I’m finally coming up for air enough to enjoy my time with the girls. You’re asking me to toss that out like it wasn’t the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life, aside from walking away from my girls the day I left.”

  He nodded and wiped the tears from my cheeks with his thumb before kissing both sides and pulling me carefully into the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  He leaned over and turned on the shower before turning back to unlock the cuffs.

  “How do you know I won’t run?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me in challenge.

  I sighed, again. This breathing is becoming a chore with him around. “Right, you’d hunt me down and drag me back. I have to work tonight, at the club. Remember?”

  He nodded and tugged on the hem of my shirt.

  “I’ll wait, thanks.”

  He rolled a low growl around in the depths of his throat before grabbing the shirt hem again using it to reel me back in as I tried to back up. I pushed him away and took over undressing when he started on my jeans. “You don’t lay one hand on me or I’ll kick and scream so loud you’ll want to get rid of me.” I threatened checking the water.

  He put his hands up palms out in a declaration of peace. I watched as he stripped down to nothing and stepped in the shower behind me. The man has an unbelievable body. There isn’t a gym on earth that could create muscles like his.

  “Yeah. Well. You better behave. I can’t believe this is happening to me.” I leaned back to wet my hair. “Shit. I don’t have any conditioner.” My hair tangles badly without conditioner.

  Drake held up a bottle of expensive Aveda conditioner and tugged on his own long hair.

  “Ah, well, you have good taste. I’m going to need to go by my place for clean clothes and my car.”

  Drake seemed to be ignoring me, except for his body, which reacted to being naked together in the shower. Despite the rather large bridge between us he kept his hands to himself, unless by accident.

  Another sort of bond seemed to form in our first shower together. A new level of trust on my part, and an intimacy on his. I get the feeling he didn’t shower with his sexual partners very often. I can picture him getting what he wants, maybe giving her what she wants, then showering alone, and going home alone.

  We dried and dressed like we’d done it a hundred times together. I reminded him I needed a ride home to change into something suitable for work a little while later.

  He showed me a note: What you’re wearing is fine. I’ll take you to work. Give me the keys to your house and car.

  “Drake. Dammit.” Where do I start??

  He held out his hand settling into a stance that means he can wait all day if I make him.

  I dug the keys out of my purse and slapped them into his palm. “Fine, but I’m not getting back on that damn bike!!”

  He touched my chin and missed my lips to press a kiss to my cheek because I turned away at the last minute.

  “Don’t butter me up with your kisses.”

  He took my hand and dragged me over to the kitchen where he pulled a set of keys to the truck in the garage off the hook.

  He slid a piece of junk mail over and wrote: You can drive. I have emails to deal with. Let’s go. He pointed towards the garage with the pen.

  I closed my hand around the keys, “Only because I want to drive your truck.” I caved and headed for the door at the end of the hall.

  Drake took my purse as I climbed in the truck. I thought it was weird that he kept it until he dug inside for my phone.

  I hit the garage door opener until the right door opened, started the truck, and backed out. I adjusted everything to suit me, then dialed the club’s address into the GPS since I have no idea where we are.

  Twenty minutes. Scottsdale? Drake doesn’t strike me as a Scottsdale kind of guy. I glanced at him a few times in case he found fault with my actions. He wasn’t even paying attention. In fact, he’s had my phone long enough.

  I stopped before pulling onto the main road, checked to make sure nobody was behind us, then asked, “What are you doing?”

  He put his finger up meaning he would be right with me. I almost started going again, but he put the phone back under my nose.

  The text message read, I could get used to being driven around.

  “Oh, now he’s a funny man. Ha ha.” I shoved the phone back in my purse and took my foot off the brake. “What did you do to my phone?”

  He’s ignoring me again to deal with his emails, or whatever he’s doing on his own phone now. I didn’t warrant his attention again until I pulled into the club and parked. Then he just put his finger up to tell me to wait, and hopped out to come around and get my door for me. Chivalry is not lost on this man. That’s a welcome change.

  I turned only to get lifted out of my seat and gently set on my feet. I looked up to say something, but his mouth came down on mine too hard and too fast. Next thing I know he’s lifting me back up and wrapping my ankles around his back.

  He set my back to the cool metal of the quad cab’s door and moved his kisses down my neck.

  “Drake. People are watching us.”

  He groaned and sucked hard on the base of my neck just above my collarbone.

  “Ow!!” I smacked the back of his head, “Drake!! What the hell was that for??”

  He leaned back with a devilish twinkle in his eyes.

  I tilted my head studying this suddenly immature gesture from a perfectly mature man. “Did you just mark me?”

  He raised one eyebrow as if to say “Who me?”

  “Yeah you.” I pushed him back so he’d let me down. “I’m going to work. Try not to stalk me tonight. I don’t think Red is going to put up with you demanding y attention all night

  He took the truck keys I was still miraculously clutching.

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Nice truck, I like it.” I leaned into the truck for my purse only to get a playful smack on the ass for my effort. After giving him a scolding look I said goodbye and headed to the bar. Sometimes that’s all you can do, especially when you’re late for work.

  * * *

  Women have too much shit. Sherry might be poor, but she’s no different than any other woman. I realize a lot of the more expensive stuff probably came with her when she left her previously privileged life, but good God. What did she do, carry every piece of clothing with her on her back when she left? Why only clothes? This place is devoid of everything else it seems like.

  She’ll have whatever she wants now. I’ll see to that. She can continue to work at the bar because that’s family. I know the guys will treat her with respect, especially after I kissed and marked her under their noses. There’s only one thing that moves faster than a desert wildfire, and that’s a biker with a rumor of a Colson with an old lady.

  Not that I mind. This is one rumor I want spread quickly, and vastly. She’s mine, and only mine. I’ll share her with her daughters, but that’s it. This Daniel guy has got to go.

  I dropped off the boxes I packed, and the few pieces of furniture at my place after paying her asshole of a landlord two months rent. Now I know why she was cussing in Italian last Saturday morning. The man is drunken slob who just wanted money. He asked if I was paying Sherry to sleep with me. It was everything I could do not to punch his fat sweaty face.

  Back at the club my little Cherry rolled her eyes and lost the battle with her smile when she saw me take my usual seat.

  It didn’t take her long to work her way over. “Welcome back. Where have you been hiding?”

  I tossed her the truck keys with my spare house keys attached.

  She fumbled because she’s holding her pen and paper combo in one hand. She held them up studying them. “You want me to drive you home?”

  I came prepared with a fresh notebook, this one is a little bigger than the last couple. This paper trail is getting old.

  Those are your keys to our house, and your truck. Yes you’re driving me home, at the end of your shift. Are you going to feed me? Or let me starve over here alone in this corner?

  She leaned over giving me a nice view of those creamy white breasts. “Tell me what you were up to first.” She caught me enjoying the view and stood back up.

  I wrote, You’re moved in. Landlord all set. You live with me now. Can I get a beer?

  She sighed and shook her head, “Unbelievable, yet believable. I’ll be back.” She took a couple orders on her way to put mine in, then disappeared into the kitchen.

  * * *

  “He moved me in with him!!” I almost yelled to Red who is exchanging one casserole dish for another in one of the ovens.

  Her laugh was not amusing to me. “Must run in the family. Except Joe moved in with me the first night I met him. You should consider yourself lucky he didn’t do it last week.”

  “He took me to San Diego to see the girls, then proceeded to pay for everything, and join us for our visit. My girls fucking love him now!! What do I tell them when he’s not there next time??”

  Red gave me a scolding look, “Didn’t you just tell me he moved you in with him tonight?”


  “Then you’re as good as married to the man. I know you’ve only worked here for a couple years, but you should know, when a Colson sinks his teeth into the right woman, he’s not letting go for anything.”

  I showed her my love bite as she handed me a glass of wine. “Do you see this??”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Here, have a drink and calm down. Then take this to your old man when you’re done.” She prepared a huge chunk of lasagna on a large oval plate. Afterwards she topped it off with garlic bread and shred some cheese over the entire plate.

  “Now I’m hungry.” I laughed taking the plate in exchange for the now empty wine glass.

  “Why don’t you sit with him and eat. Take a break. There’s not much going on tonight.”

  “I can do both. Thanks Red. Sorry to bounce off you.” Meaning I was using her as a soundboard more than looking for advice.

  “Anytime. Hey listen, according to Joe, Drake is a saint in wolf’s clothing. He doesn’t know what happened to silence him, but he did say it must have been pretty fucked up to take down a man like Drake. Give him a chance. Maybe he can help you out from under your ex.”

  “Thanks Red.” I didn’t want to take the time to tell her the idea of doing that scared the living shit out of me.


  “You drive, I’m tired.” I held the keys out for him to take when he opened the driver’s door for me.

  He took the keys and walked me around to the passenger door. Before he closed it he took an envelope out of his inside jacket pocket and set it on my lap.

  I opened it while he came around and got in to drive us home. Since it’s dark I used the map light to read:

  While moving you I found your checkbook and deposited $14,000 in your account. I’ll do more later, but I know I can gift that much tax-free. Don’t blow a gasket, I’m not paying you, I’m taking care of you, as I fully intend to marry you when you don’t need dragging down the aisle.

  I looked up, “Have you lost your fucking mind??”

  He shrugged and nodded for me to continue reading.

  I’ll give you until tomorrow to quit the other two jobs. Tell them a family emergency came up. We’re going to get your kids away from Daniel. I found your divorce papers and sent them by courier to my lawyer’s office. Well, P.O. Box, she travels a lot. We should have a plan of action in a couple weeks. Until then I want you to cut me a little slack. You’re not the only one with demons here. XO—D.

  The next items in the envelope confused me as much as the letter. One item is what looks like a hotel room key. Just in case I’m wrong I had to ask, “What’s this?”

  He looked over and motioned for me turn it over. That’s when I noticed the sticky note attached to it. If I die, take to bank.

  “That’s morbid.” I set it on the letter and took out the next card. It’s a black American Express with a similar note. Added you on the acct. Say you work for this Co. “But I don’t work for this company Right?”

  He put his hand out wavering between yes and no.

  “Great. More mysteries.” I dumped the last item into my hand. “What’s this?” I held up a man’s ring.

  He showed me his finger where the tan line resides.

  “It’s yours?” I tried it on my middle finger and decided it’s going to have to be a necklace charm, if I wear it.

  He motioned for me to continue.

  “Your father’s?”

  He shook his head and made a lateral move with his fingers.

  “Your mother’s?”

  He nodded and did the continue thing again.

  “Mother’s fathers?”

  Thumbs up.

  “We’re getting good at this.” I tried to get a better look at the ring. “Looks like a masonry ring?”

  He gave me the thumbs up again.

  “Cool.” I slid it on my right middle finger and made a fist. “I’m going to need a necklace to put it on. Not that you need to buy one, I have one, I just have to unpack it now that you’ve packed everything up moving me in with you.”

  He picked up my pile and slid the items into my purse before unbuckling my seatbelt and beckoning me over. I shoved my purse to the floor and slid over under his arm.

  After inspecting his fingers with mine for a few minutes I looked up, “You’re fucking everything up.”

  He hugged me tight and pressed his lips to the top of my head for a moment.

  I put my ear back against his shoulder. “I bet I know how to make you talk.” My brain was bored and decided to wander for a while during my shift. Tuesday nights at the bar aren’t real exciting.r />
  He tapped his thumb against my arm for me to continue.

  “It’s pretty simple actually. Although one day I’ll have to share all the different ways I thought of first. That was fun.”

  He tapped my arm again.

  “Oh hold your horses. I guess you could say a lot of it depends on how bad you want my clothes off.”

  He swerved a little, then cupped my chin so I have to look up at him.

  I smiled because he’s kind of cute when he’s floored. “Maybe I’ll have you talking again sooner than later.”

  He groaned and shifted in his seat trying to focus on driving.

  “Okay, I’ll stop torturing you. Here’s the deal. For every different word you say to me, you get to take off a piece of my clothing. The second word, two. The third word, three. The bummer for you is, the clock starts over at noon every day.” I still love my games. In a way I’m testing him. If he laughs me off it will change how this plays out. I don’t want another stick in the mud.

  He nodded and picked up my hand to kiss my palm and seal the deal.

  Just to make sure I asked, “Deal?”

  He lifted his thumb for me to see.

  * * *

  So my girl likes games. Interesting. I’ve played plenty of board games, outdoor games, card games, but not strip Get Out of Your Funk. I have to admit her technique might work. I want her sweet naked body wrapped around me more than I want another orphanage.

  Orphanages have been my passion for over a decade. Now I have a new passion, and she’s a stubborn little brunette with a smile I’d kill for. Her eyes are so bright green they almost look fake. They change with her mood. When she’s mad they turn from to a darker green. When I kiss her they turn to an even darker green. When she comes they deepen even more. But when she smiles and laughs they lighten with flecks of gold that seem to appear like the stars at twilight.

  She fits perfectly under my arm. I wonder if she’ll let me touch her tonight. We should talk more, well, communicate more. I need to know if she has any health problems I need to be aware of. If she has any family besides her girls. The questions pile on the more I think.


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