Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series Page 12

by Reese Madison

  He dropped his hands and grabbed the back of my thighs sliding me up so he could punish me with his kiss. I kissed him back with everything I had. If it wasn’t for Joe punching Drake in the arm we might have done it right up against the truck in the middle of the gas station parking lot.

  “You did what??” I looked at Joe like he just sprouted a second head.

  He shrugged, “Bugged your pussy.” Evidently the lipstick knife Slider gave me to hide in my girlie parts also has a GPS tracker in it.

  Goat ran his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh. “Fucking technology. Alright, Operation Pussy Tracking is now under way.”

  “Goat.” Drake scolded him like he would a younger brother.

  He sat back putting his hands up in the air then pointed to Joe, “Hey, he’s the one bugging pussies.”

  “Can we focus here guys?” I asked too worried about my kids to bother with the pussy bugging jokes. “Daniel is going to want me and Drake to follow him somewhere. Probably his private hangar at the airport. If he’s leaving the country you can bet he’s bringing a bunch of shit with him. Valuable shit, like stolen art and all kinds of paper bonds. Heavy stuff. He’s probably only allowed for me and Ashley, or just Drake, not all three.”

  “Can we get in the hangar before he gets there?” Drake asked the president of the San Diego chapter, Mad Mariners.

  “We can, but if he doesn’t go there that leaves us severely under manned for wherever he does take her.”

  “Him. She’s not going.” Drake told everyone. “I’ll go wherever he wants alone.”

  “You can’t Drake. If he’s decided he wants me instead of you, then he’ll kill you the second you get out of the truck.” I informed him.

  “She’s right.” Joe chimed in. “He could leave easier by boat.”

  “We can’t cover every harbor.” The president dude said.

  “I’m going to be on Sherry’s tail tracking her with this.” He held up the device. “Goat is going to stay on Drake.” Joe slid Drake a small box. “Take those now. One is a stronger larger short-term tracker, the other a slow release, but it’s weaker. If you want the long term one to last longer, throw it up and clean it off.”

  Drake swallowed both pills without water. “Give her two pills.” He thumbed to me.

  “Can’t, there’s only two, and before you shove your finger down your throat, I’m under Slider’s orders to shove them up your ass if I have to.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Joe continued ignoring Drake’s rude remark, “I’m sending two guys to the house after this meeting to scope out this house. I want one man on every main road around this house. The child is first priority. You all have your assignments. Let’s roll.”

  “My wife is second priority.”

  “No, she’s not Drake.” Joe smacked his shoulder as everyone stood, “Come with me, we need to have a talk.”

  Drake looked at me, “Go to the truck, and don’t fucking think about running away.”

  “You have the keys.” I walked past him to the truck.

  Daniel called me at eleven and told us to meet him at his house first, then follow him to where we’d be making the exchange. He sounded more excited about the idea of having me alone during his departure from the country. My stomach churned at the idea of all the horrible things he can do to me during a long international flight.

  The drive over to Daniel’s seemed to take forever. Will this day ever end?? And what’s going to be the end result? Will I ever be free of this monster? Ugh.

  “You okay?”

  “No. I’m so sick of this shit. If I get a chance I’m killing him. Even if I go to prison for life it’ll be worth it for my girls to have peace.”

  “If you don’t stop talking like that I’m going to pull over, spank your ass, then make love to you in this damn truck instead of a bed like we should for our first time.” He complained stopping at the end of the driveway.

  I looked around, and then at the man I love. “If you get Ashley I want you to promise me you’ll get her as far away from Daniel as possible. If you lose me, find Rebecca. Whatever happens I want my two girls back together. Before you yell at me, just humor me and promise you’ll get my girls back together one way or another.”

  He nodded, “I’m going to get all three of my girls back together, and one way or another get this asshole off all our backs.” He leaned in and kissed me solid before he put the truck back in gear and turned up into the driveway.

  Daniel made us walk up to the door before he came out to join us on the porch. “Nice to see some people can still follow orders.”

  “Where’s Ashley?” Drake demanded.

  “Not far.” He looked around us as his goons closed in. “I still haven’t decided which one of you I want to take on my long vacation. I’m thinking punishing my wife for her indiscretions sounds a lot better than slowly killing a Colson brother in exchange for a very large sum of money. I bet I could drain your club dry before they gave up looking for you.”

  “Fuck you Daniel. Take me and leave him alone. Give him Ashley first, then I’ll go with you. No fight, no argument.”

  Daniel raised his eyebrow at me. “Oh really? You’d hand over your precious baby child to a stranger?”

  “He’s not a stranger, and yes. I won’t let you do to her what you did to Rebecca. You scarred her for life.”

  He got a wicked knowing grin I wanted to hit with a shovel. “Ah yes, I remember that night very well.”

  Drake drew his fist back just before about eight guns cocked all around us.

  “We’ll follow you to where Ashley is. Let Drake take her, and I’ll go with you.” I’m trying to get Daniel to focus.

  “NO!!” Drake grabbed my wrist like a vice. “Where she goes, I go.”

  “I can’t take all three of you.” Daniel stepped back motioning to one of the big bald headed goons. “Put a gun to her head. If he doesn’t let go by the count of three, blow her head off. I can leave the kid and take him. She’s useless to me now anyway after this scumbag as fucked her.”

  “We haven’t gotten that far Daniel.” I tried to pull my wrist free. “Let go Drake.”

  “Fuck no.”

  Daniel stepped back running his finger over his lower lip as he studied us, “Got him to fall for your slutty little ass, didn’t you?”

  I tried to break free of Drake’s grip again, “It doesn’t mean anything. Give him Ashley. You never wanted her anyway, and with Rebecca in boarding school, I’m all yours.” My life is going to be hell, but if it keeps my girls safe and happy, fuck it. My life has been fucked up from the beginning. Why should things change now?

  “I swear to God Cherry, if you say one more word I’m going to tie you to the truck.” Drake ground out.

  Daniel bit like a catfish on a juicy night crawler. Yes, I like fishing. It’s peaceful, and the girls loved it. It’s been so long. I vowed in the back of my mind to do that with them as soon as we are together again.

  “Shoot him. Take her.”

  “NOOO!!!” I screamed as the bullet ripped through Drake’ shoulder. He lost his grip on my wrist and fell hard to the porch floor, then rolled down the four steps to land with a thump I’ll never forget as long as I live.

  I ran after him and dropped to my knees begging Drake to talk to me.

  He’s breathing, but he’s going down.

  Someone grabbed me from behind jerking me off his bleeding body. A sharp pain to the back of my head is the last thing I remember.


  The sound of gunfire rivaled my headache making me groan in complaint as I woke up. “Ow.”


  “Ashley?? Where are we?” It’s dark. I can barely make out her face in front of mine.

  “Mommy, I wanna go home. With you. Don’t make me go back to Daddy’s.” She begged.

  “I won’t. You can come home with me and that big safe guy Drake. Remember him? Remember how much fun you guys had?” I’m in a panic to figure ou
t where the fuck we are.

  “I wish he was here now.”

  “Me too baby. Me too.” Suddenly the car hit something jolting us hard in the trunk. I wrapped my body around Ashley’s as fast as I could so the impact didn’t hurt her, but I hurt. Bad. And it’s hot against my back, like heat from a fire.

  “Mommy!!! Mommy!!!”

  Something cracked loud and hard before hands came down on my baby girl and me. I screamed for her as they took her away. Blackness. Another prison.

  I can hear voices, but I can’t focus. They sound far away, and blurred. Blurred sound. Blurred brain. Focus. It took a lot of effort. Effort I don’t have the strength to keep up.

  Suddenly I recognize the beeps. The smells. The tube down my throat. I’ve been here before. Panic ripped through me as I tore the tube free causing myself unbearable pain.

  “Cherry!!” Drake’s voice.

  I stilled. He’s alive. Or are we dead?

  I tried to look for him. “Re… As…” Ow.

  “I have Ashley. I mean, she’s here, just not in this room. She’s in daycare. Oh God Cherry. You scared the living shit out of me.”


  “We’re going to find her. I promise. Daniel can’t stand in our way anymore. Oh baby girl, I thought we’d lost you.”

  “Ash… I ne…” I need my girls.

  “Red, go get Ashley. Salina, can you check in with Joe?”

  I felt suddenly weak, but I have to know. “Da…” This shit hurts. Note to self; stop ripping the fucking tubes out.

  “He’s dead baby. He died when the car you were in hit the tree. I’m sorry. I wanted to torture him so we’d find Rebecca faster, but he died on impact. The bullet in his brain didn’t help.” I’ll have to ask about that one later.

  I inhaled a sharp pain, “The fuck?” Then I remember Drake being shot on the front porch of my old house. “Are you… okay?”

  “I’m fine. Went right through. You’re pretty banged up though baby. You took some burns to your back, and some internal injuries. I’m afraid you’re going to have to suffer me waiting on you for a change.”

  I closed my eyes grateful he’s okay. Grateful Ashley is okay. Darkness took me as I vowed to find my eldest girl and put them back together where they belong.

  Next time I found consciousness it was to answer a bunch of fucking questions.

  “Do you have any discomfort?” The white coat with a clipboard asked me.

  “Yes. I hurt like fuck. Where is my daughter?”

  “Ma’am, if you’ll just answer my questions-

  I sat up and looked right at Drake who is seated at the foot of my bed as if waiting for this. “Where is she?”

  He just looked at me. Silent communication. Has he reverted? No. I see it. He’s telling me to be quiet and play along by not saying a word.

  I looked back to the doctor. “I feel fine. Get me the fuck out of here.”

  “Answer my questions and I will.” This little pip-squeak is relentless.

  I threw the sheet and flimsy blanket off and ripped the IV out, “Fuck!! When will I learn??” That shit hurts. I hate hospitals. They cause more pain than they fix. Not really, but sometimes. Oh hell I’m pissed fuck hospitals.

  “Ma’am! Please get back in bed!”

  I stumbled into Drake’s arms. “Get me out of here. Now.”

  “I’m her husband. I already signed the no fault release, or AMA paperwork, as it seems they have an acronym for everything. Can you get me her scripts so I can get her out of your hair?”

  “Alright, but only because she’s borderline abusive.”

  “If you were in her shoes you would be too.”

  My shoes? What? I don’t have shoes. I’m dizzy.

  “Whoa babe.” Drake scooped me up. “Thanks doc.”

  “She’s going to need a follow up with her regular doctor…” The man’s voice trailed off as Drake carried me from the room and down the hall.

  I hid my face in his neck. “I love you. How are you? I saw you get shot.”

  “I’m fine. We have bigger problems.”

  I lifted my head to look for his face, “What happened?”

  “Sal and Red kidnapped Ashley to keep your ex-husband’s family from legally taking her away. Evidently Daniel gave them partial custody when he took it away from you in the divorce.”

  “Sal and Red have Ashley??”

  “Yes, she’s safe, but there’s an Amber Alert out on Ashley.”

  “Oh fuck.”


  Once he got me settled in his truck and on the road I asked, “What happened to us? Was Ashley hurt?”

  “She was shook up, had a couple bruises, but nothing major. You took the brunt of the hit. It’s been two weeks honey. Two weeks of pure hell waiting for you to wake up so I could breathe again.” He sounded like he was in a hurry.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Ashley is kind of freaking out. I need to get you to her right away before she hurts herself screaming and crying.”

  “Phone. Put her on the phone. Ow fuck.” I think I have broken ribs.

  “Here honey, call the last number on my received list. We have them on pre-paids until this is settled.”

  “Thank you.” I dialed and was surprised when Red answered on the first ring. “Drake? Did you get her?”

  “It’s me. Put Ashley on.”

  “Ashley!! It’s your mom on the phone! Come here and talk to her! Please!!” Red begged.

  A moment of shuffling later Ashley tear stricken voice replied, “Mommy??”

  “Right here honey. I’m on my way to you now. You’re safe with Red and Salina, okay? Don’t give them a hard time like mommy said to do if you get kidnapped. You’re not kidnapped. Those are Mommy’s friends. It’s okay to be nice to them.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes baby.” I sighed in relief. “How are you sweetheart? Did you get any boo-boos in the accident?”

  “I got a bump on my knee. It doesn’t hurt anymore though.”

  “Good. I’m very happy to hear that. Are you in your pj’s? It’s almost bed time huh?”

  “They ordered pizza, but I didn’t think I could eat it.”

  “You can eat it. Eat as much as you want. I don’t know when I’ll be there, but if you want a Sprite, you can have one.” Sprite doesn’t keep her up all night like Coke does.

  “I miss you Mommy.”

  “I miss you too baby. Do you want to do Mommy a big favor?”

  “Yes.” She sounded eager to help. Good. Keep her mind busy.

  “I want you to try and remember everything you and Rebecca have talked about lately. Maybe you heard Daniel talking about where he sent your sister. Even if it doesn’t seem important I want you to tell Red or Salina. I’m going ask them to write down what you say. Okay? Do you think you can talk to them for mommy?”

  “Why can’t I wait until you get here?”

  “Because I want you to remember while it’s still fresh in your head. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m so sorry sweetheart. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too mommy. Hurry up. Please?”

  “Hang on a second,” I looked at Drake, “How long before I see her?”

  “In the morning. We have about a six-hour drive ahead, and I need to clear the area before we go in. It’s possible we’re being followed too. Just say hopefully before lunch at the latest.”

  “You hear that?”


  “I’ll see you in the morning before lunch. Try to get some sleep so you’re rested for tomorrow. I want to see my girl healthy and smiling. Okay?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you too mommy.”

  “Go eat some pizza.” I can tell when my daughter is past something, and she’s past not having any pizza.

  I talked to Red for a few more minutes before we disconnected.

  “Ashley sounds better.” Drake noted.

nbsp; I can’t get comfortable. Everything hurts. I’ve been in pain like this before, but riding in the truck isn’t helping. “I feel sick.”

  “Want me to pull over?”

  “I just need to lay down.” I pushed the center console up and carefully put my head on his thigh. “I take it you don’t need me to drive.”

  “Tell me where it’s safe to put my arm.”

  I found his hand and held it where it didn’t hurt to fall fast asleep with the smell of my man in my nose, not that damn hospital.

  “Now what do we do? If we go back the cops will arrest you two and take Ashley straight to her grandparent’s house.” I asked looking to make sure she’s still on the swing.

  “I could kill the grandparents.” Drake said absently while taking peeks at my various wounds. Red lent me a pair of her sweat pants and matching shirt. The thick barrier is driving Drake to irritability.

  “No killing, and stop picking at me.” I complained swatting at him and making Salina smile.

  She pushed an envelope across the table to me. “You and Drake are going to go for a little early honeymoon. Ashley is going to go stay with her grandparents, providing, they drop the charges against you. As soon as they drop the charges Georgia will petition for full custody on your behalf. However, you’ll probably have to suffer letting them have partial custody to keep this from getting dragged through the courts forever.”

  I took the envelope. “I have to let her go live with them?”

  She nodded, “I’m afraid so. It’s that or you go on the run forever, and possibly never find Rebecca. I have a feeling they know where she is. They won’t hurt either of your girls, they promised.”

  “I know they won’t. Despite their flaws they do love their grandkids. Okay, but I get a solid day with Ashley first. Then I want the papers signed and filed within a week. The Amber Alert needs to be dropped immediately.”

  “I got all that written down.” Red looked up from her phone. If we’re patient and play this right, we should be okay. The only loose thread is the latest killings.” She shot Drake a dirty look. “It seems your extra-curricular activities have brought the feebs knocking on the door. Not that the kidnapping wasn’t enough, but you got them here first, making this all that much more difficult.”


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