Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series Page 13

by Reese Madison

  “Sorry Red.” Drake apologized looking none-to-happy about it.

  “Fuck your sorry’s. This isn’t one of your third world countries where you get to play God. When you fuck up here, you fuck with the club. Your family. We welcomed you Drake, don’t make us regret it. No more killing, or I’ll open up a can of Whoop Ass on you so big you’ll wish you were somebody’s bitch in prison. Do we understand each other?”

  Red is one of very few female members. It’s not because she’s a girl, but because the club is predominantly made up of protective men who don’t like putting women at risk when it’s time to pick up a gun and defend the club. There are a ton of sister clubs, so it’s not like a competition to become a female member of Exiles. To be honest most of the girls put their hands up a say, “No way, fuck that!”

  Drake nodded, “Yes ma’am.” Red is like Salina, only red, and getting meaner. She’s suffered a couple miscarriages the last two years. She’s been channeling that anger resulting in an increasingly mean protective streak when it comes to the club.

  Slider is the President. Salina is his queen. Red is her right hand, and best friend. Slider’s VP is Goat. Goat is too young to be a VP, and completely off his fucking nut. Everyone loves Goat. He’s the one guy you can go to no matter what and he’ll make it all right again. Maybe that’s why he’s VP.

  I spent the next day hugging, holding, and playing with Ashley. I’m too banged up to do much, but it was nice to have the time to explain to her about going home to her grandparents. I don’t want her afraid of them. Daniel might have been a sick fucker, but his parents have no idea how bad he really was, therefore I know they’re not as bad.

  I see the love they have for all their grandkids, and I know they only want the best for the girls. They can only go by what Daniel has told them. Lies. Lies I had to waste my precious day with Ashley warning her about. Warning her to ignore the lies because Mommy will set it right the first chance she gets.

  I also talked to Georgia, who assured me my rights, as their mother would get me my girls back. She warned me that Daniel’s disappearance is going to stir up the authorities for a while. Without a body things will eventually wind down, but until then everyone needs to focus on keeping Ashley out of the crossfire.

  I wrote a very nice long letter to Daniel’s parents explaining my side of everything. I was barely able to finish it before the car arrived to take my baby girl to her destination on the California coast. Drake was smart enough to take pictures of it before I handed it over. You just never know.

  With Ashley on her way to her grandparents, and Red and Salina on their way home, Drake and I were left alone once more.

  “I need to do something. My life is in everyone else’s hands but mine. It’s making me crazy.” I complained packing a bag to get back in that damn truck. I used to like that truck, now I’m sick of it.

  “We have to let the club handle this Cherry.”

  “I hate that nickname.” I’m being a bitch, I know. I can’t help it.

  “Cherry. Cherry. Cherry.” Drake teased taking my hand so I’d look up at him. “We won’t be gone long, or that far away. We need to be patient if we’re going to find Rebecca. Trust me, I want nothing more than to go in guns blazing and force those people to tell us where she is, but that will not help anyone, especially our girls.”

  “I know all that. I still want to punch you in the fucking nose, but I can’t!!” I showed him my hand that was almost crushed in the accident.

  He gave me a small sweet smile, “Want to fuck my brains out instead?”

  I broke. Temper gone. That smile, those eyes, and his blunt question got the better of me. I smiled knowing no matter how bad things get Drake will always be there to ground me. To protect me to matter what. To make me laugh no matter what. “Jerk.”

  “On a good day.” He folded me into a gentle hug. I’m a walking bruise. Even if I were in the mood for sex, it would probably hurt like hell.

  “Let’s get going. I made an appointment with a doctor in Santa Fe at four.”

  “You did??”

  “You took a big hit in that trunk baby. Two weeks of pure hell wondering if you’d wake up? You’re damn right I’m taking you to a doctor.”

  “Ugh. Just when I was starting to cheer up.”

  Despite our good intentions to do things right Daniel’s parents refused to tell anyone where Rebecca is. I got to talk to Ashley on the phone once a day for about twenty minutes or so. They always listened in. At least they’re taking good care of her.

  The Amber Alert was dropped, but the cops haven’t dropped shit. Edgar and Marie, Daniel’s parents, have put no effort into getting them to stop looking for me.

  Evidently just because you decide not to prosecute someone doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. The police still want to talk to me about my daughter’s kidnapping. Being laid up in the hospital they know it wasn’t me, so they’re demanding to know who had taken Ashley, and how as soon as I woke up she was instantly returned to her family.

  Drake and I have been holed up in a hotel just outside Santa Fe for over a week. Right now I’m on the phone with Georgia trying to figure out our next move.

  “They’re my girls. I shouldn’t have to fight this hard to get them back!”

  “I know, but you signed them away in the divorce. Right now that’s you’re biggest enemy. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have filed for full custody too. We have a court date next week. That means you have to come in and face the cops.”

  “Oh fuck me. Can’t I just run away to Alaska or something?”

  “No more running. Are you well enough to spend a night or two in jail?”

  “I’ll live. Drake is going to shit purple flying bricks.”

  “Which is why you’re going to come to the club first. Turner and I are here. Don’t say anything to Drake, other than you need to go back for the court appearance. We’ll have the guys hold him back when you leave.”

  “No. I can’t do that to him. For one thing I can’t lie to him.” I looked right at my man who is eyeing me suspiciously now.

  “Sitting right there, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t change anything. I have a better idea.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “Daniel and I have a son. Long story short I gave him away the year Daniel went to Greece without me. We’d had a wicked fight, to punish me he left. Anyway, tell the Moore’s I’ll trade the two girls for the boy.” It was my last card, but it had to be played. “They also have to talk to the cops. Tell them the kidnapping was all a misunderstanding. I don’t come off the information until both girls are in my arms, and the cops have officially backed off.”

  “You have a son???” Drake asked looking floored.

  “I take it you didn’t tell him.”

  “I had no intention of telling anyone, now it seems I have to in order to get my girls back.” I complained.

  Georgia sighed, “I’ll present the offer to them this evening. Keep your phone handy.”

  “Thanks Georgia.”

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  I closed my eyes to brace myself for the wrath of Drake.

  “Anything else I should know about Cherry?” He asked dryly.

  I shook my head still hiding behind my eyelids.

  “I’m going to give you a pass on this one. This one only. If there’s anything else you’re not telling me, or anything you’ve lied to me about, I need to know right now.”

  I put my hand up palm out, “I can’t deal with you right now. I have to make contact with my son’s adoptive parents, and figure out how to tell my girls they have a brother. A brother I lied to them about too. I love you Drake, but lying to you is nothing compared to how bad I feel for having lied to my girls. I’ve probably broken a sacred trust by playing this card.”

  “No more secrets. I can’t help you if you’re going to lie and keep things from me. I love you too. Now get over here and give me a hug.” He took my wrist and folded me
into a gentle hug. I’ve healed a good bit over the last week, but I’m still sore and stiff.


  It took another week before everything was arranged properly. The cops have closed the case, finally, and the adoptive parents have gone from freaking out, to anger, to agreeing my son, Spencer, should know his whole family, especially since his father is dead. They don’t know the sort of man he was, let’s hope it stays that way.

  Rebecca is being flown back from Scotland. Fucking Daniel, figures he’d pick someplace cold like his heart. At least it’s a cold dead heart now. She knows her father has passed away, and doesn’t seem to care. All she wanted to know was when she could come home, and if I’d let her go back to the school. Evidently despite the circumstances she’s made some really good friends there.

  If I can afford it I’ll send her back to Scotland in a week or so, maybe next semester. She was so excited on the phone to tell me how nice and welcoming everyone was. I couldn’t tell her no when she asked if she’d be coming back.

  I just need to see her face and know she’s okay for myself. Plus she was ripped away from Ashley in the worst possible way. I want them to say a proper temporary ‘see you later’, not an ugly crying ‘goodbye’.

  Celeste met us at the courthouse where we’ll be exchanging custody. She took all the kids into a separate room to meet without us adults screwing it all up with our fighting.

  And fighting is exactly what we did.

  Daniels’ mother is furious, and in mourning, so she’s letting me have it. “How dare you keep a father from his son?? How dare you keep him from his grandparents!! You are nothing but a sniveling, conniving little bitch. Always have been, always will be.”

  Drake slapped his hand down on the table so hard everyone jumped, “I have a strict no hitting policy when it does to women, but if you insult my wife one more time I’m going to amend it with the back of my hand across your face.”

  Edgar ran his hand over his mouth hiding a smile. I’ve always sensed he didn’t approve of his wife’s, tantrums? Bitchiness? Whatever you want to call it, the woman is an asshole. “Can we just sign these papers and get out of here. We only get today with our grandson before his adoptive parents take him back to Idaho.”

  “Idaho.” The grumpy bitch complained. “You just chucked our grandson aside like an old potato.” She shook her head as she penned her name on the forms.

  “I was protecting him from the animal you raised.” I ground back feeling my own restraint wavering. My fingernails are digging into my palms so hard it hurts.

  “Bullshit. My son was a saint. You poisoned him when you trapped him into marrying you by getting pregnant.” She slid the forms to her husband.

  “What?? I didn’t get pregnant until after we were married.”

  “That’s not what he told me. My son would never lie to me. I’m his mother.” She replied arrogantly.

  “You are one disillusioned bitch, you know that??” I got up kicking my chair to the wall behind me. Before I informed her she wouldn’t be seeing the girls again if I could help it I bit my tongue and looked at Georgia. “I’ve signed everything I need to sign. Can you file those for me? I think I should leave before this gets ugly.”

  “Yes, but don’t go in to see the kids yet. Let’s wait for the okay from Celeste.”

  “No problem.” I slid past Drake who is already holding the door for me.

  Celeste came out of the daycare room with a smile for me, “Hey, you look great. Good to see you again.” She gave me a warm sisterly hug. Sisters hug harder. For the first time since I woke up somebody hugged me for real. I’m going to make sure I get a real hug from Drake later. He’s the one I really need to stop treating me like a delicate flower.

  “Thanks, you too. How are the kids?”

  “Doing great actually. Spencer is telling them all about his home and fishing in Idaho. The girls are interrupting with tales of their own. You’ve got some great kids there. They’re all going to be just fine. The less we make of this the better.”

  “The whole solution based therapy again?”

  “More like moving on and not dwelling on the past because it won’t do anyone any good. Spencer doesn’t have the nightmares the girls have. He’s going to be great for their recovery. I see no remorse, just relief, when I talk about their father. Spencer might need some questions answered as he gets older, but right now he just thinks his father died in a car accident.”

  “It was a car accident, at least that’s not a lie.” It was a bad joke on my part. “Sorry. I just had it out with that old bat in there, so I’m punchy.”

  “I have the perfect solution for that.” Drake interjected.

  We all looked at him, “You do?”

  “Yup.” He pulled a set of keys from his inside jacket pocket and tossed them to me.

  I looked down, “Why am I holding Corvette keys?”

  “That’s yours. I traded the truck for a crossover for you and the girls, but that’s yours for when you don’t need to taxi them around.” He explained easily.

  “Why would you buy me a Corvette?”

  “Because a sexy woman deserves a sexy car. I have my bike, now you have your car. All this,” He motioned to the paperwork in Georgia’s hand and she joined us, “isn’t over by a long shot. We’re going to be very busy getting everyone settled over the next year or so. You should have something fun to blow off steam and make you feel like the sexy confident woman I love. That’s all.”

  Turner elbowed Georgia.

  Georgia laughed and shook her head, “Yes dear, it helps that he got a kick-ass deal on the car.”

  “Do you read his mind or what?”

  “Something like that. Let’s go see the kids and get out of here.” She looked around with clear disdain for the courthouse. I get the feeling they’ve been here a few too many times.

  Spencer is the spitting image of Daniel. That’s going to take some getting used to. I didn’t petition for any kind of custody away from his adoptive parents. They want to keep him full time, and he wants to stay. That’s all I need.

  He asked if I would bring the girls to visit him a couple times a year. Drake confirmed it would be at least twice a year. I got a tentative hug from my ten-year-old son I never knew. Not since he was in my belly. It hurt knowing I’ll never be the mother his adoptive mother is, but I’m trying to focus on the good, and be grateful he has had her in his life.

  The girls will be going to see their grandparents once a month during the school year, and for a solid month in the summers. I can live with that. Edgar even offered to send his private jet to pick them up once a month so they wouldn’t get tired of the six hour drive both ways and stop coming out.

  Things are starting to look up. For the first time in almost thirteen years I feel happy and whole again. Maybe a little too whole. I’m overflowing if you want the truth.

  The place I used to work has now become my second home. I still work a few shifts a week, but not for the money. I like working with Red at the bar. Now that I’m not overloaded with debt and drama I can have some fun and smile for real at the customers.

  Drake has been excruciatingly patient with me physically. It’s infuriating to be turned down night after night because he’s afraid he’s going to break me.

  Two weeks after our day in court I had the girls enrolled in school. Rebecca decided to stay until the next semester starts.

  I’m hoping she changes her mind and stays here with us permanently. I’ll be sad if she goes, but her happiness is more important. She’s been through more in her short life than most adults have gone through their entire lives. I’d put a crown on her head and set her up as a princess in a castle if I could.

  Dropping them off the first day felt like I was leading them into a new life. Which I am, but it’s more than that. It’s a new beginning. One without fear, lies, contempt, and anger. One where they can feel safe, and safe in the knowledge that I’m safe.

  Drake is absolutely wonderful
with my girls. I can see now why he was drawn to build orphanages for living. Not that he makes a living at it, his money comes from an old investment made while he was young and being paid to protect a village from rebels.

  The girls love him. Ashley thinks he’s a tree to be climbed at all times. Rebecca is just happy he’s good to Ashley and me. The crossover he got me was a little over the top, just like the car, but then again it suits him. Drake is a little over the top in every way.

  It’s Friday movie night making it our three-week anniversary since moving into Drake’s house as a family. Ashley asked if she could call him Daddy now before we even got in the door. He of course told her yes, and that we were his family now.

  I’ll never forget his kind words that day. Drake is one of the sweetest people you will ever know, but you can’t tell unless he thinks you’re not looking while playing with the girls, or flirting in private with me. Something he hasn’t done lately because he knows I’ll jump him.

  The girls are situated on the floor with more blankets and pillows than I even knew we had. Drake is making more popcorn while I pour a glass of wine. “So. When do you want to get married?”

  “Drake.” I felt my eyes roll up and shook my head. “I’m just now catching my breath. Besides, shouldn’t we sleep together first. Make sure we’re compatible in bed.” I teased earning a playful smack to my ass.

  To which I squealed pretending it stung a little. “Hey!!”

  “We sleep together every night, and I don’t think we have a problem in the physical compatibility department.” He scolded me with his tone.

  “I wouldn’t know it’s been so long since you’ve touched me.” I complained earning a surprised look that made me smile. I like this new expression on him, it’s cute. Makes him look young and innocent. Baffled like he doesn’t know too many of the world’s ugly truths.

  “We’re going to need a babysitter.”


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