Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series

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Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series Page 14

by Reese Madison

  “I can think of three people off the top of my head that would be happy to have the girls for the night. All three of them have my blessing.” The girls are well known around the club now. In fact I now have two little biker chicks demanding their own cuts so they can be like Red. I’d be blessed to have my girls grow up strong-willed and beautiful. Joe obviously loves his wife. I hope my girls find that kind of love one day too.

  “Salina’s barbecue is tomorrow. We’ll see if they’re okay for a sleepover. I don’t want to pressure them Cherry. They just got here, and Rebecca will be going to that boarding school she likes next year… I hate to start the sleepovers already when we have so little time with her anyway.”

  “Spoken like a true father. We have video chat you know. That’s how she keeps up with her friends there now.”

  “Yeah but I can’t hug her, or catch her making faces at me behind my back.” He complained.

  “She makes faces at you?”

  “Yeah. It’s a game we play. I’m not directing it, just playing along. I stick my tongue out at her and laugh. She blushes and runs away. It’s funny. I think she’s testing me to see if I’ll get mad at her like her fath… Daniel did.” He deduced.

  “Sounds about right.” I picked up the wine bottle to take with me so I don’t have to get up for a refill.

  “Now, back to my original question. When are we getting married?” He asked again stealing kisses off my neck as I tried to walk past him to the living room.

  “Joe did that. He was like a dog with a bone.” Red complained pushing Rebecca on the swing while I pushed Ashley on the one next to her.

  Joe and some of the other guys built this giant playground when they started trying for kids. Now Slider is talking about moving the club to a larger piece of property further up under Superstition Mountain. So far it’s just talk. It’s going to be a chore to move this club. I swear it has roots in the soil here that could bust through caliche.

  “I just want to breathe for a minute first. I want to marry him, and I told him as much, but he’s a pushy fucker.” I laughed.

  Georgia lifted her wine glass, “With Turner as the ring leader of pushy fuckers.” She covered her mouth. “Sorry girls.”

  “It’s okay, they know the rules when it comes to appropriate language. My parenting techniques have had to make some adjustments over the years. I wish I hadn’t had to, but they’re good girls, a little cussing with the appropriate company is the least of my worries. They know the rules, don’t you pumpkin?” I rubbed Ashley’s hair before sending her back up in the air.

  “Mom!! Don’t mess up my hair!!”

  “Yes ma’am.” I laughed and tickled her when she came back.

  Salina is on the other side opposite Georgia closer to where Rebecca is swinging. “I hear you need a sitter tonight.”

  “We talked about it. I was going to play it by ear since it’s last minute and all.”

  “Right. Last minute.” She accused giving me the knowing look. I stuck my tongue out at her. She stuck hers out back at me making us both laugh. “Well, it just so happens I know a certain niece of mine is having a birthday party this afternoon that will lead into a slumber party. It’s all girls, ages seven to eleven-ish. I’m going be chaperoning, so you’ll have one familiar face. Maybe two, I think you’ve met some of the kids here before, right?” She asked the girls for their input.

  Ashley nodded eagerly. Rebecca went into a full detailed report on who she met, their names, and what grade they were in. She’s going to be a lawyer like Georgia.

  “Good, then it’s settled. We leave at four. Did you guys pack overnight bags?”

  They tripped over themselves jumping off the swings to show auntie Salina what Mommy made them pack. I think my face cracked I was so happy.

  Red flicked a tear off my cheek. “Those better be happy tears.”

  “For once, yeah, they are. I feel guilty though.”

  “Guilty? For what?”

  “Spencer should be here.”

  “Then bring him here. Have him come visit for Christmas. Summers suck, you should go see him that time of year, but Christmas, or around then, is nice. Invite the parents too. Maybe they’ll like it and move here.” She elbowed me knowing she’s dreaming.

  “Your optimism is almost sickening.”

  She laughed like a real friend would and smacked the back of my shoulder, “Here comes your Colson. I’m gonna go find mine.”

  I looked over and sure enough Drake is headed my way. Red said something to him on her way past that earned her a weird look. I’m sure I don’t want to know.

  He smiled focusing back on me as he took my hands in his. “Well?”

  “If you ask me when we’re getting married again I’m going to punch you in the nose.” I always say that, but of course I never would. He’s too damn gorgeous to mar with a puffy nose. I doubt I could hit him hard enough to leave a bruise. The man is a brute.

  “Well, at least I got you thinking about it. No, I mean about tonight. Did Salina tell you about her niece’s birthday party?”

  “Yup, the girls are ready to go now.” I nodded to where things are being unpacked and repacked by the fancy Cadillac Crossover.

  “Good. We haven’t had quality alone time in what seems like forever.” He draped his arm around my shoulders and turned us to slowly walk towards the, truck? Car? What do you call this thing?

  “Should I take them to the party? Or let Salina?”

  “Salina can take them in your car. I rode separate, remember?” Drake likes to ride to the club. Not every single time, but if we’re planning to hang out for a while he prefers to take his bike. This way the guys can drool over his old 70-something Harley. He told me what it was, but once he launched into details my mind wandered, making me promptly forget.

  “No way, I hate your seat. I’m never doing that again.”

  “Which is why Wingnut is putting a new seat on for me. You’re cramping my style woman.” He teased sneaking a feel of my left boob before the girls saw our approach and turned their attention on us.

  I stopped in the middle of the living room and listened to the deafening silence. “It’s too quiet.” With two little girls in the house most of the time it’s only quiet when we’re sleeping.

  “Weird how that happens. When I was on leave a few years ago the same thing happened to me. I bought this house and rebuilt the bike to keep from drowning in the quiet.”

  “Why did you buy such a big house? Did you want a family back then?”

  He turned on the stereo to something soft and jazzy. It’s amazing how well he reads me. I hope we never lose this silent communication between us. “No, a family hadn’t crossed my mind. I’m just a big guy, figured I should have a big house.”

  I chuckled at his logic, “Makes sense.”

  “You look nervous.” He took my hand and sat me on the couch to get my shoes off.

  “Maybe a little. I’m not sure what to do anymore. I don’t want to disappoint you. Then in the back of my mind I keep shoving away the fear of an unwanted flashback freaking me out.” I have to be honest with him from the start if this is going to work. Celeste told me that a few times over the past weeks during our sessions. Holding back is not going to help me get past my fears.

  “We have all night. One step at a time. I’ll be watching you very closely sweetheart, if you start to get lost on me, I’ll reel you back in. All you have to do is trust me, and try to relax.” He set my shoes aside and joined me to take his boots off.

  “Make sure your phone is on in case the girls need us.” Us. I said us. It’s always been me. Interesting.

  “Already done. I’m going to set one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom.” He declared taking my hand so I’d stand with him.

  “Why both places?”

  “So I can hear from any room in the house.”

  I’m confused, and told him so with a look.

  “Do you have any idea how many fantasies a guy can have in t
hree weeks? I’ve mentally fucked you all over this house. Now I plan to indulge in those fantasies.” He warned playfully. “Starting in the bedroom. I want you sprawled out with need on those crazy soft white sheets.”

  I’m giggling uncontrollably. So much for sultry and sexy. Poor Drake is stuck with giddy and giggly.

  He doesn’t seem to mind as he sits on the bed and pulls me between his knees as if we’re going to chat, except he picked up the hem of my shirt. “How are you feeling?” His tone tells me he means my leftover injuries from the accident.

  “Just the usual sore shoulder and right here where my liver took a hit. Everything else is okay. I think a good stretch will do me good.” I flirted.

  He bounced his eyebrows, “I do love to work up a good sweat.” He pulled my shirt slowly up over my head. My shoulder is still stiff, and only moves a certain way, so it was a slow removal process.

  He took my hands in his instead of going after my bra next and pulled me close enough to sink his face right down in the valley of the girls. His tongue made me giggle again.

  “What are you doing?” I raked my fingers through his hair after taking the ponytail holder out and tossing it to the floor.

  He leaned back looking at me with playful blue eyes that have darkened now with need. I haven’t seen them quite like this since before the accident. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Oh yeah.” He reached around to my back and unfastened my bra before helping it to the floor. “I think about you all the time. It’s distracting to say the least.”

  “You fantasize about sex with me, that’s different than just thinking about someone.” I argued helping him out of his t-shirt.

  “I do a good bit of both.” He stood and kicked out of his jeans leaving his boxers on. I slid out of my jeans and climbed on the bed where he joined me a good old fashion make-out position.

  I paused to take in the view and the feel of his body melded against mine. Underwear to underwear I feel young and frisky. My hands are wandering his body memorizing every dip and curve of muscle. For a warrior he has surprisingly soft skin.

  He lowered his head to touch his nose to mine, “I want to hold you like this every night for the rest of my life.”

  “I want you to hold me like this every night for the rest of my life.” I lifted my lips and stole a kiss from his. “We’ll get married soon, I promise.”

  That was all he needed to send him in search of more. A lingering kiss that led to heavy petting and panting, was soon followed by a need for each other that successfully blocked out the rest of the world. Finally it’s just the two of us. No interruptions, no sneaking around.

  Flashbacks long forgotten I all but clawed this man to get him inside me. For once it feels right. It feels better than good. I arched up taking him as far as I could as I dug my fingernails into his hips.

  He lifted up and looked down into my eyes. His eyes are lost in lust as he asks breathlessly, “Ready?”

  I nodded. Finally, there’s nothing between us preventing the last phase of a bond that started with one look from him. A look I thought would hold me for many lonely nights.

  His mouth came down to take possession of mine as his body moved to claim me completely. A few perfect strokes had me clamping and exploding as he slid in, out, almost too far, back in, slow. Oh God I love the way he feels.

  I finally forced myself to capture his face and tell him to give himself to me. My words made him buck and lose his grip on barely contained self-control. “Oh SHIT!!” The echoes of the explosion raked his body making mine wrap around him to comfort and ease his fall.


  “What’s this all about?” I walked into the bar thinking I’d hang out, maybe see if Red was cooking something I could fix Drake and the kids one night. They’re outside burning off pent up energy from school on the playground. With the entire club fenced in and under armed guard, I don’t worry about leaving them outside. Besides, the guys can see them from the garage, and know to keep one eye open for a wandering kid. The guys on guard tend to walk over and join recess. I make them put their guns away first.

  Not that I really have to tell them to put the guns away, but it makes me feel like a better parent for vocalizing it. An affiliate of the club known for helping abused children stops in twice a week to check up on the girls.

  Even though Daniel is dead the girls have had an underlying fear that one of their father’s goons will come after them. I’m not sure why they think this, but the club for abused children President told me it’s possible Daniel threatened them with his goons enough times it put a deep-rooted sense of fear in the girls.

  Everything is a work in progress these days, but it’s work heading in the right direction. No more of this one step forward two steps back crap. I have a real family now. Real friends, not the ones I was forced to befriend due to my status as Daniel’s wife and mother of his children.

  My new friends and family might be a little crazy, and look a little scary, but I can’t imagine my life without these wonderful people. People that are up to something…

  Red handed me a glass of champagne, “This is your bachelorette party. Joe and Wrangler dragged Drake off about an hour ago. They’re going for a day ride to celebrate his bachelor party.” She explained. “Goat wanted strippers, but Drake wasn’t interested and told them to keep their party. They decided a ride was more up his alley.”

  “They decided correctly.” I tapped my glass to hers. “We haven’t set a date yet though. I don’t even have a ring.” I showed her my finger as proof. Drake’s grandfather’s masonry ring is on a chain around my neck.

  “We’ll find you some rings. You’re getting married here on Sunday after church. The real church, not that church.” She thumbed to the conference room where the guys meet in private.

  “We are?? Do I get a say in this?”

  Salina walked up and touched her glass to mine, “Nope. I already bought the girl’s dresses.”

  I almost choked, “Oh my God. Where do I find a dress in a week??”

  “I have one you can borrow.” Every married woman in the bar offered. That made us all laugh getting the party started. My girls came in to join the festivities when they got thirsty. I made another mental note to memorize this day. I’ve never had an all girl’s party thrown in my honor. Daniel had scoffed at my so-called friends when they’d bring it up. Therefore I had made a thousand excuses not to ever go to one. His wrath was not worth any party.

  Drake and a few other guys joined us after a while. We ended up having a huge buffet dinner there that night. One so big it put my girls in food comas. They were out cold all the way home, and right up until we tucked them in.

  Rebecca is too heavy for me to carry, so Drake ends up tucking her in first when we carry them to bed. Tonight she woke up and hugged him hard. “I’m glad you’re gonna marry Mommy.”

  “Me too baby girl. Me too. I’m especially happy to have two beautiful daughters in the deal.” He kissed the top of her head, wiped her tears, and his, then tucked her in. “Goodnight angel.”

  “Night Daddy.”

  I almost choked on my own tears and had to rush through kissing Ashley goodnight to make room for Drake to get his goodnight kiss from her. By the time I made it over to Rebecca she was out cold, but I kissed her hair anyway. Thank you sweet girl. She will probably have no idea how much her complete acceptance of Drake means to me. Hell, I didn’t know until it happened how important it was.

  We closed their door almost all the way. They like it cracked, so do I. It took me a couple deep breaths to control my emotions. “So. Sunday at one work for you?”

  “Damn straight. I want you to think about changing the girl’s names too. Think about it.” He emphasized before I got worked up. “Hyphenate if you don’t want to upset the grandparents.”

  “I’ll give it some thought. Keep in mind they’re a little young to make a decision like that,
or understand it.”

  “Just think about it.” He reminded me before backing me to a dark corner in the kitchen. “I think we missed a spot.” Meaning the counter. He’s on some kind of guy mission to mark his house with my ass prints.

  “What if the girls get up for water?”

  “I’ll be quick.” He teased. He might be quick in here, but he’ll make up for it in the bedroom shortly afterwards.

  Drake has been trying to get me to let the girls take the busses to school, but Ashley’s too young, and if I’m taking one I might as well take the other. Besides, I like our mornings.

  Drake complains when I leave until I get back, then he makes it his life goal to keep me in bed until I have to get Ashley from preschool at noon. We come home for a couple hours until it’s time to get Rebecca from her school, which means Ashley has Drake to herself. I’m trying to see what classes I need to take to get a teaching job, so I spend that time on the computer.

  Two or three nights a week I work the bar. Drake keeps the girls entertained. I always leave them dinner. About once a week they all come up and eat with me while I’m working. It couldn’t be a more perfect routine.

  Technology can be great in many ways. It can also suck in many ways. Like now. My girls told their grandparents Mommy was getting remarried on Tuesday. They told my son on Wednesday, and by Thursday night I’m being beckoned to Rebecca’s room to talk to my son via live video chat.

  It still freaks me out how much he looks like Daniel. I forced a smile at the younger version of my nightmare from a previous life. “Hey there. Everything okay?”

  “Were you going to invite your only son to your wedding??” He’s mad. Great. That same look his father got, even the same tone. Oh this sucks my left tit.

  “I didn’t think you would be interested in coming to a wedding, especially mine.”

  “Yeah well, you should have thought.” And there it is. The hint of me. The pout. The guilt trip, the look in his eyes. It seems my son has a little of me in him after all.


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