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Brukr (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 8)

Page 14

by Celia Kyle

  Brukr delved past her lips and gathered her flavors, exploring her mouth, and moaning with every sensuous slide of her tongue against his. He gathered her close, one hand on her lower back and the other… He cupped the round globe of her ass, giving her a gentle squeeze. Her entire body was soft to the touch, rounded and welcoming, and he could not wait to have her spread beneath him.

  He would take his time, explore her, taste and tease her, and then sink into her welcoming heat. And she would welcome him. The scent of her need teased his nose. The sweet musk called to him, and his dragon urged him to answer her silent invitation. He delved between her lips once more, groaning as her innate taste glided over his taste buds.

  Hannah writhed against him, her hips rocking back and forth. The friction forced his cock to harden further, and if she did not cease, he would spill himself. He squeezed her ass, urging her to cease, but the tightening only seemed to spur her on—arouse her further. She whimpered and pulled on his shoulders, tugging him closer and deepening their kiss, and he allowed himself to become lost for a moment.

  He gave himself permission to let his hand wander. He traced the crevice between her ass cheeks, the dark part of her hidden beneath layers of soft xina. He slid his digits along that valley, following it further and further south. The heat of her pussy warmed his fingers, further proving his fiery need.

  He ached to peel the fabric away, to reveal her sensuous body to his gaze. His cock throbbed, urging him to fulfill his wish. But he would not.

  Hannah curled her fingers and dug her blunted nails into his upper back, scraping his skin as she lifted one leg and propped it on his hip. She opened herself to him, giving him greater access to her tempting heat. It allowed him to continue his exploration, to follow that valley to her center.

  Her center that was slick with evidence of her desire. Hot and wet, a need that matched his own. He encouraged her leg a little higher and notched his cock against her slit. He swallowed her cry, savoring the sound of his pleasure when he rocked his hips. He gifted her with a delicious friction that he savored as well, giving them both bliss with the small movements.

  Yes, now was the time to claim her. Now was the time to tie them together so no other could—

  “Warrior Brukr, War Master Taulan has requested your presence.” Penelope interrupted them.

  Which meant their shared passion had to end. But perhaps one more roll of his hips and then—

  “Warrior Brukr, War Master Taulan demands your presence.” Penelope’s feminine tone hardened.

  —he’d stop. Or maybe two. Two sounded—

  “Brukr.” That was the War Master’s voice. “Cease and escort Hannah joi Brukr to bay rvu. Immediately.”

  Now, he had no choice. He wrenched his mouth from Hannah’s, pulling his head away when she might have captured his lips once again.

  “Hannah,” he rasped between his heavy panting.

  She whimpered and pulled.

  “We must cease, Hannah. Taulan—”

  “Don’t want Taulan,” she murmured. “You.”

  Her passion-infused words pleased him, but he did not have a choice. “We must. The War Master requests my,” he swallowed hard, sudden unease joining his riotous emotions, “our presence in shuttle bay rvu.”

  She whined but stopped attempting to draw him back into lovemaking. Thank Syh because he did not know how much longer he could have resisted her. “Why?”

  “I do not know.” He gently encouraged her to lower her leg and then worked on her arms, peeling them from his neck before he stepped away. “But we must go to him.”

  The craving in her eyes slowly faded, and she fluttered her lashes as she shook her head, banishing what remained. “Shuttle bay…” She swallowed hard, unease replacing her recent desire. “Do you think he’s sending me back—”

  “I would never allow it. Ever.”

  “Brukr, by the stars if you do not—” Taulan’s growl interrupted once more.

  “Understood, War Master. We will be there shortly.” He growled out the words. His dragon roared at the War Master’s tone. Did the male not know who Brukr was? He was Brukr joi Hannah Carr, previously sen Zak’lu, favored by the emperor. If he thought—

  Brukr mentally sighed and pushed the beast away. It knew just as well as Brukr did that the favor was undeserved. Smoke filled his thoughts. The animal did not care. It merely disliked being interrupted when they were moments from claiming Hannah.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and then another as he fought for some semblance of control—a control that did not arrive because every inhale brought him more of Hannah’s delicious scent. He was damned by Syh. He did not know what he did to earn Syh’s wrath, but… The skies hated him.

  “Come, Hannah. We must leave.” He enfolded her hand in his, his grip firm yet light. “Penelope, end program.”

  “Acknowledged.” The scene—Hannah’s true shape—melted away like tinkling grains of sand from Tampa’s shores. It left behind a bland room, a large space empty and waiting for the next request, one that he and Hannah would not issue.


  “Come shaa freem.” He tugged. “Let us go see why Taulan feels the need to die this day.”

  “Die?” A hint of teasing lingered in her voice.

  “Yes, die,” he growled and led her down one passage and then another. The shuttle bay was not a far walk, and the quicker they arrived, the quicker they could leave. “I read that human males die of blue bahlls. Preor experience a similar sensation, but we kill the male that caused such a condition.”

  They traveled left then right, and shuttle bay rvu came into sight. He stomped to the identipad and slammed his thumb on the smooth screen. As the panel slid aside, he glanced at his mate. Her face remained flushed with passion and Brukr growled. He did not like that others would see her in such a state. As Hannah’s mate, her sex-fueled beauty was his and his alone. “Taulan will die today.”

  “Perhaps tomorrow, Brukr. I am busy. I must replace the furnishings in Lorrasyh and Shanas’ room again. They find joy in attempting to burn one another. The only result of their actions is a destroyed nursery.” Taulan’s words drew Brukr’s attention.

  He swung his gaze to the large shuttle bay and focused on the male—males—in the center of the open space. War Master Taulan stood on the left, Triem, Radoo, and Argan just behind their superior.

  And facing Taulan was a male Brukr hoped to never meet again.

  “Eric?” Hannah’s grip loosened, and she moved as if to pull free of his hold.

  “Hannah…” He did not wish to release her. Not when her goal was to reach the human Eric.

  “I’m fine.” She shook her head and glanced at Brukr. “It’s fine. He’s not going to hurt me. Not with you here.”

  Brukr grunted. He did not like the word “fine.” He also did not like that his mate knew how to “feed his ego.” He often heard Elle say the same about her mate Ivoth when she did not know Brukr stood near. He wondered if he should tell the other warrior of his mate’s subtle manipulation. At the time, he had decided not. Now that he was on the receiving end of such treatment… He would inform Ivoth the next moment they spoke.

  “Then let us see what the human Eric wishes before I order him ejected into space.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  He shrugged. “Technically, he would be returned to Earth. Eventually.”

  “C’mon.” She tugged, but this time it was not to be freed but to drag him forward. “Let’s see what he wants.”

  The male explained what he wished—loudly—before they even reached the small group. “Hannah, get on the shuttle. We’re leaving. Now.” Eric then turned his glare on the War Master. “And as soon as we’re back on Earth, I’m petitioning the government for sanctions against the Preor. Your people can’t just—”

  Brukr’s quintet advanced in a single choreographed movement. The three males stepped in front of Taulan, each sliding a war blade free of the sheaths strapped betw
een their wings. Triem and Radoo spread their wings to further block the War Master while Argan physically stood in front of Taulan. As for the blades, they formed a pattern familiar to Brukr—one that when executed would decapitate a male.

  In Brukr’s case all the years ago, it’d nearly decapitated him. He did not believe the human Eric was skilled—or fast—enough to avoid death should the warriors act further.

  While the males protected Taulan, Brukr stepped around Hannah and blocked her from the male’s view. Unfortunately, he could not silence her.

  Human females—mates—had “minds of their own” as Ivoth often said. Until that moment, Brukr had not understood the warrior’s complaint.

  “Eric, threatening the Preor isn’t exactly the smartest thing to do while, you know, standing on a Preor ship,” Hannah drawled, and Brukr sighed.

  He shared a look with Taulan and saw a hint of pity in the War Master’s expression. It was a look that told him this would be a normal event as a mated male.

  Soft fingers teased Brukr’s wing skin, and he fought to suppress the sudden wave of desire that shot through him. She should not touch his wings—at all—unless they were alone. He would recommend they be within their quarters, but he had viewed vids that made him believe sharing passion on Tampa’s beaches would be an enjoyable experience.

  Hannah’s touch disappeared as quickly as it’d come, and then she stood in front of him, no longer protected by his body.

  “Hannah…” he growled a warning. “I cannot protect you if you do not—”

  “Calm down. I just need to convince him to leave and this won’t have to escalate further.” She raised her eyebrows. “Please? He needs to know that I won’t be Earth’s problem anymore. Just let me try to explain before anyone gets hurt.”

  Brukr would have liked to escalate the situation until the human Eric no longer tainted Preor air. The quickest method was to shoot him out of an airlock. He believed the War Master would agree. As for pain…

  “If we eject him into space, it would not hurt. He would die before his nerves registered pain. Would you like me to order…”

  Hannah narrowed her eyes, and he decided she would not like him to issue such an order.

  Damn the skies.

  He did not attempt to stop her as she approached the human Eric.

  Which, he soon realized, was a mistake.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A dull throb formed behind her eyes, a headache threatening to swarm. Hannah took a deep breath and sought calm, fighting to reduce the tension and stop the pain before it started. Nice and slow, deep and easy…

  “Hannah, get on the shuttle.”

  Of course, Eric had to ruin her attempt.

  Instead of addressing his demand, she pasted a wide smile on her face and continued her approach. “Eric, I’m so surprised to see you.”

  “Get. On. The. Shuttle.” His face reddened, features shifting to form a dark snarl, and pure fury filled his eyes.

  “If you had comm’d, I would have met you when you arrived.”

  His anger deepened and took on a cold edge she’d only witnessed once before. One of her early gen mods hadn’t turned out the way the doctor promised, and Eric had been… displeased.

  “Hannah…” His tone held a warning, a threat that made him sound more like a father furious with his child rather than a handler intent on keeping her safe.

  “I’m not returning to Earth. I’m staying here.”

  Eric tensed, hands forming tight fists, and she sensed the increased tension from the warriors nearby—all the warriors. Even Taulan joined Triem, Radoo, and Argan by drawing his weapon.

  Each Preor was ready to run Eric through. So not good.

  “With the Preor,” he spat the words.

  “With my mate.” She gestured at Brukr. “Brukr claimed me in my condo. We’re mates.”

  “You can’t—” Her handler pushed those words past gritted teeth. “You can’t be his mate.”

  “I am,” she countered. She kept her tone soft and light, conversational when she would have preferred yelling, but yelling would just agitate the warriors, which would end in blood. A lot of it. And only Eric’s. “I’m having my Pol Mutation cured by their healers—”

  “Your gen mods will disappear. Do you think he’ll want you then?”

  It was a worry—a source of panic that should have sent her curling in on herself with anxiety. But it didn’t. Not now. Not after the senchamber.

  “I know he does.” She softened her voice. “You’ve taken such good care of me over the years, but you don’t have to worry about me anymore.” She tipped her head toward Brukr and flashed Eric a teasing smile. “That’s his job now.”

  Except Eric didn’t relax with her. He remained tense and on edge, dark eyes darting around the shuttle bay as if he looked for… something.

  “Brukr is an honorable warrior and a good male. Once I’m cured, we’ll have a good life together.” She paused, entreating him with her eyes. “Be happy for me. Please.”

  Eric shook his head. “I can’t.” He shook it even harder. “This is wrong. This isn’t supposed to happen.”

  “Look, I know this is unexpected. It’s a shock, and I’m sorry for that, but it was a shock for me too.” Hannah reached out for him, slowly wrapping her hand around his tight fist. She lifted it and cradled it between both her hands. “But c’mon. This is one less person you have to babysit and watch over.” She squeezed his hand. “This is right.”

  Eric wasn’t as skilled or as trained as the Preor, but that didn’t mean he was slow. He still had speed—speed that surprised her and held her immobile for a moment. Speed that had him changing her from gentle captor to firmly captive. He flipped his forearm in a circle, breaking her hold with ease and enveloping her wrist with his larger hand.

  “No. It’s not.” He yanked her closer and lowered his head, dark eyes boring into hers. The glare, the hatred… the pure, cold fury chilled her to her soul. “This is not right.”

  The soft whisper of metal on katoth followed Eric’s words, and she wondered who’d unsheathed their second war blades. Probably all of them. They didn’t take the manhandling of women very well.

  Or, at all.

  “Eric, I know this is a shock…” she soothed, hoping to calm him and end this without bloodshed.

  “A shock?” He snorted and curled his lip. “A shock that you’re suddenly flying off with some alien?” He tightened his grip, and she knew he’d soon snap her wrist if he didn’t let up.

  “Please…” It was her turn to speak through clenched teeth.

  “Please, what?” he sneered.

  “Just calm down. Let’s talk—”

  “Talk? You’re serious.” He barked out a rueful chuckle, head thrown back with his fake laugh. “You’re fucking serious.” He shook his head. “There is no talking, Hannah. You’re coming back with me. Period. I didn’t scrimp and save… I didn’t work this hard for you to walk away now.” He uncurled his other fist and lifted his hand, his fingers gentle while he ghosted them down her nose and across her cheeks. “You’re almost perfect now. One more gen mod and you would have been done.” He traced her lips. “Utter perfection.”

  “I don’t understand.” She kept the words low and soft, not wanting to enrage him with snapped demands.

  “You do.” His gaze softened, the harsh lines not quite so deep. “I know you do.” He searched her face with his intent stare, eyes following the same path as his hand. “You have to. I did it all for you—for us.”

  No, she didn’t understand—wasn’t sure she wanted to—but Hannah needed to know the meaning of his ramblings. “Explain it to me.”

  “You were so delicate when we met, do you remember? You were seventeen and so scared.”

  Hannah nodded. She did remember. She’d been caught in a violent crowd, and Eric had been the one to drag her out.

  “And I knew then. I knew what had to happen—what would happen.”

  “What?” Sh
e dropped her voice to match his.

  “I had to make you mine.”

  “Eric, I’m mated to Brukr. You and I have never had—”

  “No.” He jerked his head away from hers, straightening while that enraged glare fell back into place. “You’re not his. You’re mine. I didn’t create you to lose you.”

  It wouldn’t take much more for him to snap her wrist. Not much at all.

  Movement to her left reminded her they had an audience. It reminded Eric as well. “Get back!” He dragged her away from the five warriors. “Don’t come any closer.”

  She needed for him to focus less on the males intent on running him through with a sword and more on her. “How did you create me?”

  “The gen mods, how do you think?” he snapped at her and then returned his attention to the warriors. “I made you. You’re perfect, and now you want to undo everything.”

  A scrape of metal on metal came a split-second before Eric spun her around. Now she had her back against his front, a forearm across her throat, and the tip of a sharp dagger just beneath her chin.

  “I won’t let that happen.” Eric’s voice filled her ear, the harsh words edged in madness. “The government abandoned you at eighteen, but I didn’t. I took care of you, didn’t I? I made you beautiful. I kept you safe.”

  His words tripped over themselves as they left his mouth, one rolling into the next, but her mind managed to pick them apart. She let them slide through her head and finally the truth dawned on her.

  “You’re not my handler,” she whispered. “The government stopped helping me, but you didn’t say anything. You kept…”

  “I kept you safe.” He pricked the underside of her jaw with his blade and she jerked away from the pain. “I made you beautiful.”

  The truth pounded in her mind, a steady pulse that matched the beat of her heart. He’d manipulated her. He’d taken over her life and turned her into someone else. He’d…


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