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Cowboys In Her Pocket: A Romance Menage Western Contemporary (Cowboys Online Book 2)

Page 5

by Jan Springer

  JJ hadn’t done anything to better herself. Hadn’t felt the need to take part in any prison programs. Nothing had interested her. She’d figured her life had been over as she’d sat in her claustrophobic prison cell watching shows on a 12-inch black-and-white tv or reading magazines and books. The only times she was allowed out of her cell was for laundry or kitchen duty, exercise time, or times to eat.

  She pushed aside her feeling sorry for herself moment and concentrated on Blue and Dan.

  “What do you need me to do?” she asked Blue. She needed to keep occupied, to feel useful, or she’d go nuts.

  “I’d appreciate some of your delicious coffee and a couple of brownies, if you made any?” Dan mumbled. His eyes were closed but he was grinning.

  Damn, but he knew her so well. Knew that she would be worried and that she would bake his favorites for when he came home. And he was finally home.

  A huge chunk of relief pierced JJ’s anxiety. Dan was hungry. That had to be a good sign. Well, at least she could cook up a storm for him. She wasn’t as useless as she was feeling.

  “Coming right up,” she replied.

  She hurried into the adjoining kitchen where Rafe had retreated and was pouring some boiling water into a basin. He was frowning and in the way the muscles in his jaw were spasming, he was really pissed off.

  “Who did this to him?” she asked as he nudged in beside him. She kept her voice low as a violent anger raged. She would tear apart anyone who hurt her men. In the past, JJ’s anger had led her to kill her stepfather. Now, with her anger soaring during her closet stay thinking there was an intruder and with what had happened to Dan, she was experiencing a similar feeling of rage. It scared her to feel like she might lose control.

  Rafe shook his head. “I don’t know. Dan didn’t see him.”

  Damn! From a nearby cupboard, JJ grabbed a new bar of soap, unwrapped it and set it on the tray beside the basin with water.

  “I’ll get some washcloths,” she said. But Rafe shook his head.

  “I’ll get them. You just get Dan his coffee and brownies. Hopefully, that will keep his mind off what happened. At least for a few minutes.”

  Rafe winked at her and he hurried away.

  “I wouldn’t mind some coffee,” Brady growled in a low voice as he joined JJ in the kitchen. Concern etched his face as he gazed at her. He touched her elbow with a gentleness that almost unraveled her. His brow was furrowed and it was then she realized how badly she was shaking.

  “Are you okay?” he asked with a gentleness that almost unraveled her into a bucket of tears.

  “I will be. When we find out who hurt him, they are dead,” she hissed.

  To her surprise, Brady grinned.

  “Uh oh, I see a she-bear coming out. You look hot when you’re mad.”

  Without waiting for her to answer, Brady left and hurried back to assist Blue with Dan. It was at times like these that JJ was glad the men had designed their ranch with an open concept living room, dining area and kitchen where everyone could see each other. And she could hear what was going on and watch everything while she collected the brownies, other goodies and made the coffee.

  Dan related to everyone how he’d had the feeling he was being watched as he’d checked on the Angus herd in the north pasture during his run. He’d heard the approaching storm and had decided to head back to the ranch on the trail with his four wheeler. But the winds had picked up and so many trees had fallen over the trail so’d started chainsawing through them. Before he knew it, he’d had to take refuge in the tent because of the rain. Then night had fallen and another storm had come, so he’d stayed in the tent for the night.

  In the morning when he’d tried the atv, it hadn’t started. He’d followed their rules by staying with the vehicle until help arrived. He moved his tent to a nearby clearing, built a small fire for warmth and was about to cook some of the dried eggs and bacon he had in his emergency kit, when something had hit him in the head and he’d lost consciousness.

  He hadn’t seen anything. Hadn’t heard anything out of the ordinary. Just that weird feeling that he hadn’t been alone.

  Dan’s head ached like a bitch as he relayed what had happened. Man, he’d never had such an attentive audience toward him. With the gentle way that Blue cleaned and stitched his wound, he wondered why she’d ever given up the nursing profession and stopped being a cop. She was a natural.

  But he didn’t question her. In the past, she’d always been evasive to his questions about her past, so he figured this time would be no different. She was a very private person and he respected that about her.

  Brady and Rafe hovered around him like a couple of clucking hens as they tucked pillows behind him and piled blankets on him. After Blue taped a protective patch over Dan’s stitches, Brady had smacked an ice pack across his aching forehead.

  JJ, though, worried him. She was quiet as she served coffee, homemade donuts and those chocolate chewy brownies he could never get enough of. Dan couldn’t wait to get her alone so he could reassure her that everything was going to be okay. He was surprised that she hadn’t had one of her anxiety attacks. Hell, circumstances were stressful, and that was usually when she could lose it.

  Although he hadn’t seen anyone, Brady and Rafe had done a good job convincing him someone could have belted him with a tree branch.

  “I think someone was lurking around the ranch the other day,” Dan blurted. It was time to tell them what had happened the other day.

  “What?” Brady asked with a severe frown.

  “What are you saying?” Rafe chimed in as he slowly put his coffee mug down on the table.

  Blue leaned in closer. Interest blazed in her blue eyes.

  JJ had retreated to the kitchen, where it appeared she was gathering ingredients to bake something yet again — probably another cake — despite it being almost midnight. He knew she baked when she was nervous. He figured it must be some sort of coping mechanism about her anxiety issues.

  “JJ thought she saw someone or something, and the day after I found a gum wrapper fluttering around just inside the treeline near the garden the morning I left. Any of you chew gum?” he asked.

  Everyone shook their heads.

  JJ came back around into the living room. She had a look of fury and betrayal.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Dan?”

  “I wasn’t sure what to make of it,” he admitted. “I figured it might have blown in off the lake from someone interior camping. You know, once or twice a year we see people canoeing. Maybe someone is around. I was going to tell you when I got back. I didn’t think it could be anything serious.”

  “What exactly did you see, JJ?” Brady asked. Brady’s brows had crunched together into a serious frown.

  Dan grimaced. Brady looked pissed off. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut?

  “I’m pretty sure I saw someone the other day while we…” JJ stalled and her cheeks went pink. “While we were tilling the garden.” Dan said coming to her rescue. He didn’t want her embarrassed in front of Blue.

  “The leftover cake was missing and I noticed some bear steaks were missing too. I told myself I must have misplaced them, but then I got the feeling someone had gone through my things in my bedroom too. My top drawer was open and my underwear had been moved around and I’m pretty sure someone was in the house but I hid in Dan’s closet with his gun—”


  “What the hell? In the house? And you had the gun?” Brady growled. “Why didn’t you say anything the minute we got back?”

  She shrank away from Brady’s anger. All Dan wanted to do was go to her and wrap his arms around her telling her that everything was okay. But he knew if he stood, he’d probably fall right over onto his face.

  Damn! He felt so helpless being dizzy.

  “I’m sorry,” JJ replied. Dan was impressed at how quickly she recuperated from her momentary fear of Brady. Her shoulders were now thrust back in defiance and her hands were knotted in a

  Dan grinned. She could give Brady as good as he gave. He liked that about her. She was a strong woman, despite her thinking otherwise.

  “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to come to you guys unless there was proof,” she snapped.

  Man, he liked the way her eyes sparked when she was mad.

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it, JJ,” Brady said. Slowly he shook his head in apparent disappointment and scrubbed a hand over his bristly chin. “You should have phoned me and told me what was going on. I knew something was up. I could hear it in your voice during our last phone conversation. Rafe too.”

  “It’s why we came back early,” Rafe replied. “Talk about him being a stick in the mud when he’s worried about you.”

  Brady rolled his eyes at Rafe.

  Dan grinned. He always enjoyed it when Rafe teased Brady.

  “Yeah, well, you sure as hell didn’t object when I said we needed to get back pronto,” Brady grumbled.

  “Okay, guys, quit bickering,” Blue interjected. “Honestly, I don’t know how JJ puts up with three guys. I get that you men had a long day and are cranky, so I suggest you turn in. JJ, you too. I’m sure you can bake your cake in the morning. The three of you didn’t get much sleep last night with what I…um…that storm.”

  Dan noted Blue’s sudden hesitation and her cheeks went red. He also noticed that Brady, Rafe and JJ were gazing at her with curiosity.

  Hmm, interesting. Why hadn’t they gotten enough sleep last night? He knew it had been stormy. Hell, it had taken all his energy to crawl back to his tent after he’d regained consciousness. But why the red cheeks over a storm? And Blue looking all shy suddenly. Hell, she had never acted shy before.

  “We’ll take shifts keeping an eye on Dan,” Blue said as she avoided eye contact with everyone. “He’s had a concussion. For the next twenty-four hours, we need to wake him every few hours and ask him questions to make sure he’s okay. I can take the first shift. I’m not tired. Someone can spell me in say, five hours.”

  “I can,” JJ quickly volunteered. Heaven only knew that she wouldn’t get much sleep with all that had happened.

  “Don’t forget to bake that cake. How about baking it for breakfast?” Dan chuckled from the couch.

  “You’ll get a proper breakfast first,” JJ clucked and grinned at his frown.

  “And a slice of cake after breakfast,” she added and loved the way he smiled at her. So sexy and proud that he’d won a slice of cake.

  Thankfully, Dan was already looking a wee bit better. Gratitude for Blue being here washed over JJ. Sure, the guys knew first aid and such, but having a qualified professional around made all the difference.

  “Hey what about me? I like cake too,” Brady grinned. He stood and grabbed the coffee cups and plates placing them on the platter.

  “And me,” Rafe added as he stood and stretched. Muscles bulged in his arms and JJ wished Blue wasn’t around, so she could ask Rafe to hug her. Heck, she wanted all her men to hug her and make love to her.

  “You’ll all have a piece only after you eat a nutritious breakfast,” JJ said with a firmness that conveyed to her men that when it came to food she was firmly in charge.

  JJ didn’t miss the odd questioning look on Blue’s face. Oh dear, in the way Blue had suddenly blushed before, she was getting the idea that Blue might have heard them or maybe even seen the three of them down here having sex early this morning.

  It would certainly explain how Blue had acted first thing this morning when she’d come downstairs. A little nervous. Distracted. Avoiding eye contact, just like she was doing now.

  JJ believed Blue had been disturbed by the storm and hadn’t slept much and that’s why she’d been a bit off, but as the day progressed Blue had returned to acting her normal self.

  She hoped that Blue didn’t get any inkling of what truly went on beneath this roof. The last thing she wanted was for gossip to circulate that she was sleeping with not only with one of her bosses, but all three of them.

  After agreeing that Rafe and Brady would do a quick check on the cows and the secure the outbuildings, the two guys hurried outdoors. In the meantime, JJ supplied some pillows and blankets for Blue, who nestled on the armchair beside where Dan lay on the couch. Then she cleaned up the dishes before meeting Rafe and Brady at the bottom of the stairs half an hour later.

  Both men were quiet and solemn as they ascended the stairs with her. When they reached her bedroom Brady asked her if she would feel better spending the night with either of them tonight.

  She would have, but with Blue being in the house and the guys and herself needing sleep, she knew if she climbed into bed with one or both of them, sleep would be hard to come by.

  JJ shook her head.

  “I’m fine. See you in the morning.”

  Before she could slip into her room, Brady grabbed her by the elbow, stopping her cold. His eyes flashed with an edge of anger, but there was also a tender softness.

  “I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier, JJ. It’s just—”

  “He gets that way when he cares,” Rafe interrupted with a firm glare. “Now let the woman go so she can get some sleep.”

  Brady nodded. But she could tell by his anxious gaze that Brady wanted to discuss this matter some more. Thankfully, Rafe smacked Brady’s ass and Brady chased Rafe down the hall. Rafe laughed wildly as he slammed the door shut with a bang before Brady could catch him.

  Before Brady could turn around and come back down the hallway to go downstairs to his room, JJ took that moment to slip quietly into her room, closing the door behind her. She didn’t lock it. She never did. She knew she’d be safe with her men home. She also knew it was going to be a long night of worry for Dan.

  * * * * *

  “Are they always like that?” Blue asked as Dan watched her settle into her armchair. He knew why she’d picked that spot. From her perch, she could keep an eye on the living room windows as well as watch Dan. Not that he was anticipating any problems. He was actually feeling better after having two cups of coffee and four brownies. No use in telling Blue about his progress. She was kind of like JJ, a strict, no-arguments type of girl.

  “Like what?” Dan feigned ignorance.

  “So rowdy. And so…loving…with JJ.”

  Blue suddenly clammed up, but Dan didn’t miss the rosy cheeks that suddenly bloomed again.

  “I sense you want to say something else?” he prodded.

  Despite the pain thumping into his brain, he enjoyed how she shifted uneasily. She shook her head and her hands knitted tightly in the blanket she’d tossed over herself, despite it being pretty warm in here. He should tell her to turn on the ceiling fans, but he was suddenly feeling sleepy. He usually felt that way after a late-night coffee, despite the caffeine rolling through his veins or maybe this time he was a bit more tired because of the added bonus of having his head bashed in this morning.

  But Dan knew what Blue was thinking. She thought something was going on between JJ and either Brady or Rafe. He wondered if she could even guess it was much more. He doubted JJ had told her anything. It wasn’t something a woman would go bragging about. Besides, they barely knew each other.

  “How’s your daughter?” he asked, hoping to change the subject.

  Blue brightened immediately.

  “Ivy is absolutely the most beautiful baby girl in the world. And she’s grown so much since you last saw her.”

  Dan laughed. “Considering she was born five months ago. You should bring her by.”

  Blue shook her head.

  “She’s still too young. When she’s older. Lord knows I don’t want her to become a bush pilot like her mom. If I take her flying too much, she’ll catch the flying bug.”

  Dan caught a shot of sadness simmering in her eyes.

  “Why wouldn’t you want her to be a bush pilot? We need more of them up here. It’s such an important job. We rely a lot on North Country Air to deliver our mail and other things we need.”

“And it’s a very dangerous job, too. You never know if you’ll run into bad weather or engine trouble and if you do, there’s not too many safe places to make a landing.”

  “Yeah, but people get killed just walking across the road or driving to work in the cities,” Dan said and then he yawned.

  Blue frowned. “True, but I was thinking of giving up being in the air for long periods of time and putting down roots like you guys did. Starting my own ranch is what I’ve been thinking about for so long. I was wondering if maybe I could pick your brains maybe some time. Give me pointers?”

  “Sure, no problem. I know of a few abandoned ranches that are up for sale. It’s not an easy life. Plenty of people head up here with grand hopes and realize you really have your work cut out just to survive. But you know that with being a flyer. When you’re ready, just give us the word and we can sit down and help you get started. I know the place just north of us, on the next lake, has been up for sale for years. Although it is a hundred miles away. So maybe an hour, give or take, depending on your speed from here to there.”

  Blue smiled. “I’d like that. I really would like to try a ranch maybe with sheep.”

  Dan laughed. “Sheep?”

  She frowned. “What? Not good?”

  “Hell, I’m not familiar with sheep. Lamb chops on the supper table sounds delicious. Not to mention all that wool you can get from them. You’d need to research which breed can handle the cold winters up north here.” He couldn’t stop himself from yawning again.

  Man, he really was tired.

  “Okay, I’ll do that.”

  “My sister, Jenna, runs Cowboys Online, in case you need some help. She can get you a cowboy or two to help around your ranch.”

  “Sounds good,” Blue said with a nod and a smile. He noticed her cheeks redden again. Wow, this was interesting. He’d never seen her blush so many times in one day.

  “Are you sleepy?” she asked softly.

  Dan nodded and sunk his aching head into the cozy pillow.

  Blue switched off the lamp on the nearest table and the room plunged into darkness. It took him a minute before his eyes adjusted to the moonlight that splashed in through the windows.


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