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Long Road Home

Page 4

by Kate Stacy

  They got exactly what they deserved—nothing.

  We’re only a few minutes from her apartment now, but I really don’t want the night to be over. I try to think of a way to see her again before I head back out on the road.

  Before I come up with anything, I hear Hailee gasp.

  “Oh my god!”

  I quickly follow her line of sight. “Fuck!”


  I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

  Flashing lights.

  People rushing around, while others stand motionless.

  The smoke billowing from the building.

  The entire apartment building is on fire.

  My apartment building is in flames.

  “Please tell me that’s not your building.”

  I can’t speak. I think maybe I’m in shock, but I can’t seem to form words on my lips. Drake parks the truck before rushing around to my side as I’m opening the door. He helps me down and cups both of my cheeks to make me look at him.

  “Hailee, is that your building?”

  I breath out a quiet, “Yes.”

  It’s all I can manage before I burst into tears.

  “Holy shit.”

  My head is in a haze from the tequila and I can’t focus through my tears. I look around at all of the people, recognizing several of my neighbors.

  Some people are shouting, others are crying, but all I can hear are the sirens. I stand motionless, watching the firefighters try to control the fire.

  There’s nothing else I can do.

  Luckily, Drake seems to be thinking more clearly than I am. He grabs my hand, telling me to follow him. We get closer to the building, stopping at the first group of people. My elderly neighbor is among the group and hurries over when she sees me.

  “Oh, Hailee! Thank God you’re alright!” She pulls me into a hug. “As soon as the alarms started going off, I knocked on your door. I didn’t think you were home, but everything happened so fast that I couldn’t be sure. Where’s Elijah?!”

  Before I even have a chance to respond, Drake tells her that he’s with my parents and he’s safe.

  Thinking about what could have happened if we’d been home tonight, the thought of my son being hurt, makes me really lose it. I throw my arms around Drake’s midsection, crying harder. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around me.

  “Shhh. It’s okay, baby. You’re safe—he’s safe.”

  I nod my head into his chest but don’t try to speak. I struggle to concentrate on Drake’s conversation with my neighbor.

  “Did everyone get out?”

  “As far as we know. Hailee is one of the few that were unaccounted for, but I think that’s everyone now. Might be a good idea to let the fire chief know you’re here and safe.”

  “We’ll head over there to let him know. I’m glad everyone is safe.”

  I focus on Drake’s strong hands rubbing up and down my back. It’s calming.

  “Me, too. Things are replaceable, people aren’t.”


  Our things.


  I’ve lost everything.

  I try to focus on the positive, like my neighbor, but it’s almost impossible for me right now. I’m thankful that everyone is safe, and it doesn’t seem like anyone was hurt, but my mind is stuck on the fact that I just lost everything I own.

  Drake loosens his hold on me and looks down at me.

  “I’m gonna go over and talk to the fire chief. You wanna come with me or stay here?”

  “With you, please.”

  He nods before sliding his hand down my arm to take my hand. “C’mon darlin’.”

  I don’t miss the tingles I feel at the touch of his fingertips on my skin.

  We head toward the fire truck where we see the fire chief talking to a few police officers. Drake waits for him to notice us standing there, not wanting to interrupt. After a few minutes, he nods as the officers walk away and he comes over to us.

  “What can I do for you?”

  I think Drake realizes that I’m not much use for conversation right now, so he gives the fire chief my name and explains, “She lives here, but wasn’t home. We just wanted y’all to know that she and her son are both safe and accounted for.”

  “That’s great. I believe she’s the last resident to check in. Thank you.”

  “Not a problem at all. Everyone is safe then?”

  “Yes. Everyone got out and there were no serious injuries. That’s almost unheard of from a residential fire this large, but we’re thankful.”

  “I can’t even imagine.”

  “You don’t want to, son. Trust me. My guys have the fire under control, but the building is a complete loss. I’m sorry.” He looks to me with a sympathetic frown.

  I finally find my voice. “Thank you for the information.”

  I pull away from Drake and start walking back toward his truck. I need to be anywhere but here.

  I hear him tell the fire chief to stay safe before he follows.

  “Hailee, wait!”

  I stop walking. I wrap my arms around myself, looking down at the ground. I still have tears streaming down my face. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never been so devastated.

  He puts his arms around me again, lowering his head close to my ear before speaking, “I know you’re upset, but there’s nothing to be done tonight. Where do you want to go? You can sleep at my house, or I can take you back to Jax—”

  “No. Thank you, but no. I need my son.”

  He brushes his lips against my temple. “Whatever you want.”

  “It’s just...I know he’s safe. He was nowhere near that fire, but I can’t settle without seeing him.” The words come out in a rush.

  “It’s alright, sweetheart. I get it.” He squeezes me tighter for a second before letting me go. “Let’s get you home.”


  I no longer have a home.


  I’ve never seen someone look so broken and defeated.

  She is devastated, rightfully so, but I’m glad I was with her tonight to comfort her. The only thing she wants right now is her little boy, so I’m going to take her to him.

  I get her back into the truck, making sure she’s buckled in. After I climb in, I get her parents’ address. Thankfully I know where it is because she’s not very responsive right now. It helps that I know this town like the back of my hand; it hasn’t changed much over the years.

  I know she’s not in the mood to talk, so I don’t try.

  I’m focused on the road, but I keep glancing at her. She’s resting her head against the window with her eyes closed.

  This girl. I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling right now.

  From our conversation earlier tonight, I know that she works hard for everything she has. Elijah’s father doesn’t help at all, not even child support. She works, takes classes online to get her degree, and gets no outside help.

  She just lost everything she’s worked so hard for.

  Christ. Hasn’t she been through enough?

  It only takes about ten minutes to get to her parents’ place. They live in a smaller apartment community across town. I put the truck in park before looking over at Hailee. Her eyes are still closed, but I don’t think she’s asleep.

  I reach over, put my hand on her thigh and give it a gentle squeeze. “We’re here, baby.”

  She opens her eyes, turning her head slowly to look at me. “Thank you...for everything.” Her voice is quiet, broken.

  “Anytime. I mean that.”

  She’s about to speak, but her phone chimes with a text. “Shit! It’s probably Mads. I should have texted her by now.”

  Her fingers move rapidly across the screen. It’s not two seconds later before my phone rings. Jax, of course. I know they’re probably worried since we left their place over an hour ago, so I answer, “Hey, Jax.”

  “Are y’all alright? Mads is getting worried.”

  I look beside m
e to see that Hailee is still texting Madalyn. I’m sure she’s already telling her what happened, but I let Jaxson know anyway.

  “As much as we can be.” I sigh. “Sorry man, didn’t mean to worry you, but we got to Hailee’s place and the entire building was in flames.”

  “Are you fucking serious?!”

  “I wish I wasn’t. Everyone made it out, but the building is gone.”

  “Holy shit.” He pauses, obviously stunned. “How’s she holding up?”

  “Okay for now. Still in shock, I think. She’s texting Mads right now. We just got over here to her parents’ apartment. She’s eager to get her son in her arms. Emotions are running high.” I glance to see she’s still texting, but I know she can hear my conversation.

  “I bet. Fuck...I can’t believe this.”

  “It’s been one hell of a night. I’m gonna get her inside to her boy. I’ll call y’all in the morning and we’ll figure some shit out.”

  “Absolutely. Give Hails a hug for me, please. This is the last goddamn thing that she needed right now.”

  “No one ever needs something like this, but I will. Later, bro.”

  I slide my phone back in my pocket as I look at Hailee again. She’s not texting anymore. She’s staring blankly at her parents’ door.

  It kills me to see her like this.

  “Let me see your phone, sweetheart.”

  I reach over, slowly pulling it from her hand. She doesn’t stop me, so I put my details in her contacts before passing it back to her. “I put my number in there for you. I’ll be around for at least a few more days. I want you to call me if you need anything.”

  She acknowledges my words with a short nod but doesn’t speak.

  “Let’s get you inside to your little man.” I get out, walking around to help her out. She’s already got her keys in her hand as we walk to the door. She unlocks it but turns to me before turning the knob.

  “Thank you...seriously.”

  I give her a warm smile. “I’m here if you need me. Any time, day or night.”

  She puts her hands on my shoulders, using them to stretch up and kiss my cheek. “Goodnight Drake.”

  “Night, baby. Make sure to lock that door.”

  I stand there, waiting until she’s inside and I hear the lock click.

  I sure as hell hope she’s okay for the night. I don’t want to leave her, but at least I know she’s not alone.

  There’s nothing I can do for tonight, so I walk back to my truck and get in. I watch the apartment for another minute before pulling out, heading towards home.

  It’s been a long fuckin’ night, and I know it’s gonna be an early morning tomorrow. I’m determined to find a way to help Hailee. I’ll do whatever I can for her.

  I refuse to give up or walk away.


  There isn’t enough caffeine in the world today.

  It’s too damn early. I don’t think I ever actually went to sleep last night. I spent the night snuggled up with Elijah on my parents’ couch.

  When I came in, my mom was shocked to see me—to say the least. I assume I looked like a hot mess because she immediately bombarded me with questions.

  After telling her about the fire and crying on her shoulder, she told me that we would figure things out and tried to make me feel better in that way that only moms can. No matter what she did, I didn’t feel comforted. Not at all like I did when Drake had his arms around me.

  I don’t even want to think about what that means right now.

  I can’t go there.

  We’re all sitting around their living room now. No one’s saying much, but I’ve been using my phone to look for available apartments.

  Not that I can find any.

  Hell, I couldn’t afford it even if I could find one.

  I need to feel like I’m doing something.

  Elijah is distracted by toys, thankfully, but I don’t know how much longer I can take the worried looks from my parents.

  Of course, my dad offered for us to stay here, but they live in a one-bedroom. It would work, but only for a very short time. I know Jaxson and Madalyn would let us stay there, but I really hate imposing on people and feeling like a burden. It’s not like I have any other options.

  I don’t even have clothes. I took a shower when I woke up and had to borrow sweatpants and a t-shirt from my dad. The clothes I wore last night reeked of smoke and ash. That smell is never coming out. I threw them away. I don’t want the reminder of last night.

  I’m lost in my scattered thoughts when I hear a knock on the door.

  My mom leaves the room to go answer it, but not before giving me another sad smile. I turn my attention to my little boy because he’s the only good thing right now. He’s stacking blocks and knocking them down, so I slide off the couch onto the floor to play with him.

  I barely notice the muffled conversation my mom is having with whoever is at the door.

  I hear the front door shut a few minutes later, assuming whoever was there has gone. I’m still playing with Elijah, so I don’t realize anyone has entered the room.

  I hear my dad clear his throat, so I look up at him to see him smile and tilt his head towards the entryway behind me. “He’s not here for me.”

  Confused, I turn to see Drake standing there with his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. He’s wearing a ball cap again, his head tilted down toward me. “Hey, darlin’.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  I can’t believe he’s standing in my parents’ living room right now.

  “Well, I brought breakfast. I wanted to see how you were doing and if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  I’m craning my neck to look up at him from the floor, so I grab Elijah, standing up with him on my hip. I don’t get a chance to speak before I see a block fly toward Drake, hitting him in the stomach.


  “Elijah! That’s not nice. We don’t throw toys, baby boy.” I look from my son to Drake. “I’m so sorry! Elijah, tell mama’s friend that you’re sorry.”

  He pokes out his bottom lip out in a pout. “Sowwie.”

  Drake chuckles. “It’s okay little man. You must be Elijah.”

  Elijah isn’t sure what to think yet, so he just stares.

  “Alright buddy,” he reaches out to take Elijah from me, “I brought something yummy for breakfast. Wanna go see what it is?”

  Elijah doesn’t hesitate to jump into his waiting arms. “Bites! I eat!”

  I still can’t believe he’s here.

  Another chuckle rumbles out of Drake as he turns to walk toward the kitchen. He stops after realizing that I haven't’ moved. “Coming, darlin’?”

  I lower my head, silently following him to the kitchen.

  Mom has already pulled out some plates and has one waiting for Elijah. Drake sits down at the table with Elijah on his lap and my mom puts the plate in front of him. Elijah claps his hands, bouncing when he sees the chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles. “Do-dos!”

  I smile and shake my head.

  Of course, he brought donuts.

  We all laugh at Elijah’s cuteness. He’s been calling them ‘do-dos’ since before he could say the actual word. Now it’s just his thing.

  “Mmm. That looks delicious baby boy. Can mama have a bite?” I bend down, pretending to take his donut.

  “No mama!” He giggles, pulling it away from me. “Dis mine!”

  There’s an entire box of donuts on the table, but I don’t want one.

  I don’t think I could stomach food right now.

  I’m still upset from the events of last night and now that Drake is here in my parents’ apartment, I’m suddenly nervous.

  I sit in the chair next to Drake and offer to take Elijah.

  “Nah, we’re good here, aren’t we little man?”

  “Yesh!” Elijah says through a mouthful of frosting and sprinkles.

  Drake polishes off three donuts quickly, before licking the leftover frosting f
rom his fingertips. He catches me watching him, giving me a wink and a knowing smile.

  Damn it.

  I need to focus on my situation.

  I shouldn’t be thinking dirty thoughts about his mouth and fingers right now.

  “So,” he says, “I talked to Jax a little bit ago. He and Madalyn are on their way with your car. I was gonna offer to take you out there to get it but Mads said she wanted to come to check on you.”

  “Thank you...for at least thinking of offering.”

  “Not a problem. I told you last night that I’m here for absolutely anything you need. I meant it.”

  I blush at his words before looking away.

  I don’t know what’s gotten into me this morning. I mean, I’m happy the mood in the apartment has improved since his arrival, but I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous around a guy before. I know I’ve never physically reacted like this and had dirty thoughts—at the completely wrong time—about someone so soon.

  I know the tequila had a lot to do with me being so open and friendly last night, but I’m usually not still so shy and awkward after spending hours talking to someone.

  It’s ridiculous to be this nervous. Ridiculous that I want more.


  I don’t miss the blush that spreads across her cheeks.

  I wonder what she’s thinking.

  It’s impossible not to flirt with her. I love watching her reactions.

  We seem to be watching each other, but my attention goes back to Elijah when I feel him shift his weight. He reaches out for Hailee, pushing himself off my lap and onto hers.

  The kid’s a mess. His hands are covered in chocolate and sprinkles, both of which are now all over the front of Hailee’s shirt.

  My gaze drops to her chest. There are two gooey, chocolatey handprints. One on each breast.

  Fuck me.

  I hold back a groan.

  I was trying to avoid the fact that she’s not wearing anything under that thin t-shirt. I noticed when I first saw her—of course I fucking noticed, but I’ve been trying to ignore it.


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