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Lone Star Romance Collection

Page 15

by Cathy Marie Hake

  “I don’t know,” Patience answered. “I think Doc said something about the infection not coming until days later, something about not being cleaned out after you removed the quills.” She shrugged.

  His stomach chose that moment to growl. “I feel like I’ve not eaten in days!” Lee said with a laugh.

  “You haven’t eaten in days!” Patience informed him. “Three days to be exact!”

  Lee’s brows shot up in disbelief. “Three days? Aw, man! I’ve got to get out of here and down to the office! I’ve got a hearing I’ve got to get ready for. And I promised Miss Susannah that I’d escort her to the church social….” He struggled to get out of the bed but wasn’t having much luck.

  “You missed it.”

  Lee’s head snapped up and his brows lowered in a frown. “Huh?”

  Patience looked at the man and wondered why she was even trying to get his attention. The man was so dense. And it hurt more than she thought it would to know that he was interested in the schoolteacher. “I said that you missed it. The church social was last night,” she explained, with just a little hint of satisfaction.

  He groaned but kept up the effort until he was sitting up in bed with his feet on the floor. “Oh well. I still need to get to the office.”

  Patience walked around the bed and stood in front of him. She put her hands on her slim hips and glared at him. “You are not going to go anywhere! Billy Aaron has been running things and doing just fine. Nothing much ever happens, anyway. So you just get back in that bed and rest!” she ordered firmly.

  For a moment, Lee could do nothing but stare at her. Mercy, she was a fussy package of goods! Never would he have believed that mousy, little Patience Primrose could be so bossy. And she hadn’t batted her lashes once since she’d been talking to him. He didn’t know whether to be irritated at her boldness or applaud her for being so gutsy.

  Instead, he just gave in and fell back into the bed. Lord knew he was tired. And having to deal with this woman just made him more tired.

  She smiled with obvious satisfaction. “Mama will bring your broth shortly.” She walked to the bed table and took the worn Bible from the drawer. “Why don’t I read something to you while we wait?”

  Lee eyed her warily and thought that there was something fishy about the gleam in her eyes. But it was the Bible—how deceptive could she be?

  Without waiting for his answer, Patience pulled up a chair and opened up the Bible. “Okay, let’s see. I’ll just begin where I left off reading this morning.” She glanced at Lee, then back to the page, and began, “Song of Solomon 4:3: ‘Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks. Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury, whereon …’ ”

  “Stop!” Lee quickly interjected, seeing where the Scripture was heading. Patience looked at him, a question in her expression. “Uh … I think I’d just rather rest, if ya don’t mind.”

  Patience smiled an innocent smile that Lee didn’t believe for a minute! “Well okay, Sheriff. If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure,” he said quickly. Was it him, or was it getting warm in the room?

  She shrugged as if fighting to keep back a grin. “I just find the Song of Solomon so romantic, don’t you?” she asked sweetly.

  “Uh … I guess so,” he muttered uneasily, very uncomfortable with the subject.

  He may be irritated with her, but at least she’d gotten his notice. It was quite an experience to have Leander Cutler’s full attention. In chapter four of Miss Hadley’s book, it stated, “To procure the young man’s notice, you must first make certain that he knows who you are! Engaging him in witty and clever conversations is vital in this delicate process.”

  Well, the sheriff may not be bowled over by her attempt at witty conversation, but he definitely knew she was alive!

  At that moment, Prudence came into the room, carrying a wooden tray laden with a bowl of delicious-smelling broth.

  Lee wasted no time in spooning the warm liquid into his mouth. He was so hungry, but he had a feeling that the broth wasn’t going to fill the void. By the time he was through, his strength was drained; and he was grateful when Prudence took the tray and both she and Patience left the room.

  Carefully, he scooted down to lie flat. He thoughtfully fingered the bandage at his waist. He really should have taken care of this when it’d happened. He knew that porcupine needles could make him sick if the wounds became infected; he just didn’t realize how sick.

  He was sorry, too, that it had made him miss that church social. He’d been interested in the new schoolteacher, Susannah Butler, ever since she’d arrived just two months ago. They’d spoken a few times at church, and he’d finally gotten enough nerve to ask her to the social. He’d felt lucky that she’d agreed to go with him. He knew that, because she was so pretty, there’d been many eligible men who had shown her interest. Her hair was a glorious auburn that she kept knotted at her nape, while little curls fell all about her face. Her skin was pale and dusted with a coating of very light freckles that danced across her nose and cheekbones. When she looked at him with those blue-green eyes of hers, it could knock the breath right out of him! He’d figured that she would already have a date, but amazingly she said yes to him. Now he wondered if she’d gone with someone else.

  He hoped not. He figured that it was getting time for him to marry and have a family. Miss Butler would make the perfect wife.

  Patience sat at the sturdy wooden table, absently running a finger along the wood grains.

  She looked up when her mother sat down beside her. Prudence wore a worried expression, and Patience had a feeling that she wanted to talk to her. She felt suddenly confused—her mother dictated, but never communicated openly and certainly never worried.

  “What’s wrong, Mama?” Patience asked warily.

  Prudence looked at her daughter strangely for a moment, as if she wanted to say something. Patience wished that she would. She wished that she could pour out her heart to her mother and then be given a comforting hug as she’d seen other mothers do with their daughters.

  But, as usual, Prudence did none of those things. The moment passed and Prudence shook her head. “Nothing,” she murmured, then turned toward the sink and began washing a pot.

  Patience sighed. If she didn’t talk about the feelings swirling around her, she’d just break down and never stop crying. Why was it so difficult for people to love her? Her mother didn’t show that she loved her, she didn’t have any friends who expressed such emotions, and the sheriff definitely didn’t love her and didn’t show any signs of starting!

  Sometimes she even wondered if God loved her. It seemed a selfish and silly thing to contemplate, but she found herself thinking it anyway. There were so many people who were smarter, more upstanding, and better looking than she was. Why would God bother with a plain, average country girl like herself?

  Then again, she thought, why would anyone?

  Chapter 3

  The next day, Lee felt a little more like himself and not nearly as tired as he had been the day before. His stomach still ached, but he was able to sit up on his own—thank God!—and needed no more help from Patience.

  It wasn’t that he was bothered yesterday when she’d helped him up. Why would that bother him? She was just an acquaintance. A distant acquaintance. One that just happened to help him out in his time of need. That was all.

  And he would have really believed that, except for the dreams….

  For goodness’ sake, he didn’t even want to think about them! They were ridiculous! In his dreams, Patience was so different. Pretty, even. And he’d been holding her hand and kissing her tenderly. She stood in his house as if she belonged there. Ridiculous!

  He really needed to concentrate on getting out of here and going home. That was the answer. And besides, he knew that she liked him; and he didn’t want her getting any wrong ideas!

  The only “idea” th
at Patience was getting was that if she wanted to get the sheriff to start thinking of her as serious courting material, she was going to have to work harder!

  Eagerly, she opened Emma Hadley’s book and turned to chapter five.

  Upon occasion one might encounter certain problems pertaining to the young man, himself. One problem might be if he has shown significant interest in another young woman. Miss Emma wants to assure you that, unless there has been an engagement announced, all hope is not lost!

  Study the young woman who has captured his regard. Perhaps she wears her hair a certain way or carries herself in a manner that is attractive to him. One can garner much insight on studying one’s rival….

  Thoughtfully, Patience bookmarked her page and closed the volume. “Studying one’s rival …” Hmm. Maybe if she learned what he liked about Susannah Butler, she could become more of what he wanted.

  Taking a fortified breath, she put the book down and started toward the sheriff’s room. She had work to do.

  When she entered the bedroom, she was surprised to see Lee sitting up. He looked up, scowled at her, then stood carefully.

  Patience merely folded her arms around her middle and sighed. Then she waited. Sure enough, he stumbled, rocked unsteadily on his feet, then plopped back down on the bed.

  She’d already watched him do this three times today!

  He glanced her way again and growled, “Don’t say it.”

  She put on an innocent face and raised her arms in a “surrender” position. “I didn’t say a word.”

  He let out a long, weary breath and sank back down onto his pillows. “I’ve got things to do. I don’t have time to be laid up like some invalid!”

  Patience made a show of smoothing her brown cotton skirt, then took the seat next to the bed. “Well, I have something that I think might cheer you up,” she said pleasantly. “I’ve asked Billy Aaron to stop by and fill you in on what’s been happening at work. He’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  Patience was rewarded with an unexpected smile. She found herself smiling back.

  Lee watched the smile transform her ordinary face into something quite … pretty, actually. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks bloomed with color.

  Not that he noticed such things, of course. He was just touched that she would think of inviting Billy over so that he could catch up on what he’d missed. There were several cases that had been worrying him since he’d awakened the day before. And talking to Billy would certainly ease his mind.

  He wondered if it would be impolite to ask about Miss Susannah. Taking another look at her face and how she was looking at him, he decided it would be. And it would probably hurt her feelings.

  “Well,” he said, breaking the moment, “I appreciate you asking Billy over.”

  She blushed at his acknowledgment and looked down at her hands. “I knew you were worried and …” She drifted off with a shrug.

  He looked around the room and racked his brain trying to think of something to say. “Uh … would you like to stay and visit with us when he arrives?”

  She looked at him quickly, and Lee saw a strange look pass over her features. “No!” she practically shouted, then took a deep breath. “I mean … no. I’m sure that you have outlaw and crime things to talk about, and it would only be a hindrance having a female in the room. And besides, I have somewhere I need to be.”

  He raised his eyebrows, wondering at her reaction. “Oh? Where are you going?”


  He scratched his head. “But you just said …”

  “I meant,” she interrupted, “that I have nowhere special to go. I’ve just got some things to do, is all. Is there anything else you want to ask me?” she demanded with exasperation.

  Women! Who could figure them out? She was making his head hurt. “All right, all right! I was just making conversation!” he said defensively.

  “Oh. Well …” She glanced at the clock on the wall, just beyond the tall bedpost. A knock sounded from the other room, and they could both hear Patience’s mother opening the front door.

  Patience hopped out of her chair. “Well, that will be Billy. Have a good visit.” She hurried toward the bedroom door.

  “Thanks. I will!” he called after her, but he wasn’t sure she’d heard him. What was wrong with the woman? And where was she going that made her not want to tell him? Not that it was any of his business. It just seemed strange that she was so reluctant to tell him.

  Then a thought hit him. What if she was meeting a man? Did Patience have a beau? He laughed under his breath at that thought. Of course not. It was clear as spring water that she was still interested in him. Meeting a man? Not likely!

  But then again—

  “Hey, buddy! Did you decide to join the livin’?” Billy Aaron asked cheerfully as he let himself into the bedroom.

  Lee greeted his friend and deputy, but his mind was only on half of the conversation.

  One question kept buzzing around his mind.

  What was Patience up to?

  Her mother would have said that she was up to no good! But that didn’t stop Patience from knocking on the door of her rival for Lee’s affection, Miss Susannah Butler.

  The door opened, and a very pretty, tall redhead appeared on the other side. Her dress was something out of those fashion magazines that Mrs. Hayes kept in her store. Made of light blue-green linen and trimmed in delicate lace, it fit her figure perfectly. The color even matched her eyes. Like most redheads, she had pale skin; and even her freckles added rather than took away from her beauty.

  She was everything that Patience wished that she could be—elegant, graceful, and beautiful.

  Holding back a sigh, Patience held out the pecan pie that she had brought with her. “Hello, Miss Butler. I’m Patience Primrose. I’ve not made your acquaintance since you’ve arrived in town, so I thought I’d come by and welcome you to Springton,” Patience recited with more enthusiasm than she felt.

  Susannah’s face lit up in a delighted smile. “Well, aren’t you the sweetest little ol’ thang!” she exclaimed in a soft Southern drawl that took Patience by surprise. “Is that delicious-smelling pie for me?”

  Bemused, Patience simply nodded her head. Susannah Butler was a Southern belle? Maybe that is the attraction….

  “Well, won’t you come in? I’ve been so busy with the school that I haven’t had time to meet many folks around here. Here let me take that,” she said as she took the pie from Patience’s hands and ushered her into the little house.

  Visiting with Susannah was an eye-opening experience for Patience. Never had she met a woman who could talk as much as she! In fact, Patience couldn’t remember saying more than fifteen words the whole thirty minutes that she visited.

  And she learned more about her than she ever thought she would in just one visit. She learned that Susannah was from Charleston and that she was Bobby Joe Aaron’s late wife’s sister. But most importantly, she learned that although Susannah was acquainted with Lee, she didn’t seem all that interested in him. Who she did seem more interested in and talked about in length was her brother-in-law, Bobby Joe.


  Patience did come to some theories about what attracted Lee to Susannah, though. It was quite simple, actually.

  He liked her Southern accent.

  So she’d just have to … get one.

  After Billy left, finding himself all alone, Lee took the time to really talk to God and thank Him for sparing his life. According to Doc, he was lucky that he didn’t get bit by one of those animals. If the creature had been infected with rabies, Lee might have even died from it.

  That really shook him up. Up until now, he’d thought of himself as pretty invincible. As a Texas Ranger and a lawman, he’d faced danger and life-threatening situations many times; but he’d never been affected as he was now. Suddenly he was looking over his life and was unsatisfied at what he saw. He knew since making a new commitment to Christ, he’d taken a step in the
right direction; but he still had some growing to do.

  He realized what he wanted was a family. A home, wife, and kids, and maybe a dog or two. Maybe it was because his best friend, Preacher Caleb Stone, had just gotten himself hitched. Whatever it was, he knew that he wanted it more than ever.

  The pretty face of Susannah Butler came to mind, and he wondered if she was the one for him. She certainly seemed perfect. He could look at her and listen to her talk for hours. But was that enough on which to base a relationship? He knew also that she was a Christian, and that was the most important thing.

  Quietly he bowed his head as he sat up in his bed and prayed. “Dear Lord, I pray that You show me the direction that You want me to go. If it’s Your will that I marry, I pray that You bring the right woman into my life, like You did for the preacher. I also want to thank You for sparing my life and making me realize just how precious life is. I pray that I may be a man after Your own heart, Lord. Thank You. In Your name I pray. Amen.”

  What did God have in store for his life? He couldn’t help but feel that whatever it was, it was going to happen soon. He didn’t know why he thought this, but he just knew.

  Patience, standing just outside of Lee’s bedroom door, leaned silently against the door frame and closed her eyes. He was praying for God to send him a wife!

  What would it be like to be loved by a man like Lee? A man who took time to talk to God and thank Him for his life. Such a man would never ignore the ones that he loved and never would he allow them to feel neglected or unloved. His wife would feel cherished and secure.

  She would just have to work harder. She must become someone that he would love. Someone like Susannah Butler.

  Someone … other than plain old Patience.

  Chapter 4

  Good mornin’, Sheriff,” a singsong voice sounded through his sleep-fogged brain. For some reason, a vision of Susannah Butler arose in his mind. It was the voice that made him think of her. It sounded strangely … Southern.


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