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The First Timers

Page 21

by Hayden Ash

  Then, we stop playing tag and decide to sit by a beautiful creek nestled between trees with gorgeous pink cherry blossoms. Daniel decides to take a leak on a nearby tree. While he’s pissing, I see that one of his big dogs has his teeth around one of his smaller dogs and I scream “Oh My God, no!”

  And Daniel turns around quickly, nervous that something’s happened to me, and I see his penis which is erect and extremely large.

  At the instant I witness it, I cum so hard that my VR headset flies off.

  Back in reality, I open my eyes and look up seeing all of the daddies just watching me in awe.

  Matthew helps me up to my feet, hugs me, and kisses me.

  “Holy shit that looked intense!” Harley says. “Let me at that thing!”

  “Harley, I feel like you’re probably burying some fucked up shit inside… might not want to go down that road…”Ansel laughs.

  “Fuck you, Ansel!” Harley says, laughing too.

  “Thank you, daddy,” I tell Matthew. “That was…amazing.”

  He touches my face and wipes away a tear that’s slowly its crept its way down my cheek.

  “I love you, baby girl,” he tells me. “Your happiness is all that matters to me.”

  “I love you too, Daddy.”

  “So, have you had your fill of this place? Ready to head on a plane back home?”

  “Nope!” I say without hesitation. “I want to experience some more rooms!”

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  BOOK 19: Twinning With Daddy

  Joshua I

  “Why me?” I sigh, falling back on the bed.

  My wife, Pam, gets up, and I can see from her expression that she could care less why I’m so frustrated right now.

  “Stop whining, it’s really unattractive,” Pam says, shrilly.

  “You’re telling me you don’t want to have sex yet again…It’s been five months! What do you expect?” I complain.

  “Shut up,” Pam says, then exits the bedroom.

  As I stare up at the blank ceiling, I consider just how my marriage got this way. My business is currently valued at five twenty million dollars, I work out for four hours every single day, I’ve never cheated—not once in our twelve-year marriage, I buy her chocolates and roses for no reason at all, and I even write her poetry sometimes.

  And, yet, she doesn’t want to have sex with me, and when I try to get her in the mood, it’s like my very touch repulses her and makes her want to vomit on me.

  I promised myself that I would marry just once, and I really want to keep that promise. I’ve always believed in the saying that real love isn’t easy. But, I’m starting to wonder if that’s just an excuse to justify being with someone who clearly doesn’t love you anymore.

  I take my shirt off and start doing push-ups to clear my mind. The world always makes sense when I work out—there is nothing but the feel of the pressure I’m putting on my muscles—the burn hot and satisfying.

  After I finish my quick workout, I head down the hall to the guest bathroom that Pam has been making me use instead of the one connected to our bedroom, because apparently I’m too messy for her.

  I walk in to the bathroom and turn the knob to the hottest setting. Then, I pull my sweats down, and my dick shoots out. It’s fully erect and so stiff it’s purple. Shit, why is this happening again? Oh right, because I haven’t had sex in almost half a year.

  I grab on my shaft, noticing that it’s the thickest it’s ever been. I could cut diamonds with this thing.

  “Joshua!” Pam screams, knocking on the bathroom door.

  “You can come in babe!” I tell her.

  “I’d rather not,” she says. “Some applicants are going to be here in five minutes. I need you to entertain them for a while until I’m ready for them.”

  “Applicants for what?” I ask.

  “Are you serious?” She scolds me. “The babysitter position for Georgie.”

  “Oh, right,” I say, suddenly remembering. “Why can’t you interview them now? You’re all dressed up. You look great, actually!”

  “Look, just do it, ok?”

  “Pam, why the fuck do you have an attitude with me right now?” I ask, getting seriously frustrated with her.

  But, all I hear in response is the sound of her walking down the stairs.

  Kassy I


  “WHAT?!” Mom answer.

  Good, she’s agitated. I like when she’s agitated. She tends to be really prone to agreeing to things just to shut me up when she’s agitated.

  “Oh, nothing,” I say, and fall back in my seat in the back of the minivan.

  “God, I hate you, Kassy,” Mom says.

  “Aw, you don’t mean that, Mommy!” I giggle.

  I jump back up and wrap my arms tightly around her neck, disguising it as a hug but really just trying to terrify the hell out of her.

  Thinking I’m trying to choke her, Mom swerves the car and almost blasts through a guard rail.

  “Mom, pay attention to the road, oh my god you’re like the worst driver!” My twin sister, Massy says, looking up casually from her phone and then returning to it even as we start speeding towards certain death.

  Mom manages to pull the car back onto the road at just the last moment or, maybe, the second to last moment.

  “God, you girls are going to be the fucking death of me!” Mom says, so scared she’s crying.

  “Don’t swear, Mom, it’s not polite,” I tell her.

  “Shut up, Kassy,” Mom says. “Remind me why I’m driving my nineteen-year-old daughters to a babysitting interview? I know you two have licenses.”

  “Kassy lost hers for speeding too many times,” Massy mutters.

  “I thought she got the DMV to forgive that?”

  “No, she got them to forgive the crashing into a moving cop car incident,”

  “Oh, right…” Mom says. “What about yours, Massy? I know for a fact you have yours because you drove yourself to your father’s house last weekend.”

  “I have it,” she says, still not looking up from her phone. “I just didn’t feel driving, so I told you before we left the house that I left it at Dad’s house because I knew you were too pussy to call him up and ask him to drop it off for me in time for the interview.”

  “Delightful…delightful daughters I have!” Mom screams.

  A few minutes later, Mom turns onto a side road and up to a large black gate. A guy asks us who we’re here to see and Mom says some random guy’s name and he lets us through the gate.

  We pass through the gate and drive towards what has to be like twenty mansions! My eyes widen so fucking wide—I’ve never even lived in a place with more than one more floor.

  I look at the people taking walks like they’ve got nowhere they have to be, which is amazing to me because it’s the middle of a Wednesday!

  They look so happy and alive. I’m used to seeing people who look like they’re one losing scratcher away from shooting themselves in the face.

  “Is this Heaven, Mom? Have we died?” I ask.

  “Don’t be fooled, Kassy, these people are all on a shit ton of antidepressants. They need to pop a pill just to find the motivation to get out of bed,” Mom says.

  “Where can I get some?” I ask her.

  “Shut up, Kassy,” Mom says as she parks the car in front of one of the mansions. “Ok, girls, listen up. I need you to try…I mean really try to be on your best behavior and trick these people into thinking that you’re actually well-behaved, mature young women. You really need the money, and I really need the break from you two or I promise you I will slash my own wrists. Do we all understand each other?”

  “Perfectly, Mommy!” I say, kissing her on the cheek.

  Massy I

  Kassy flies out of the minivan and starts doing cartwheels up to the door.
br />   My sister likes to make people think she’s got the mind of a fucking fourteen-year-old, but if they really knew how intelligent and calculating she really is, then they would probably have her committed.

  I don’t know why she likes to pretend she’s silly and stupid. I guess it’s because she’s never been that even when she was fourteen years old that she’s obsessed with experiencing what it’s like.

  While my mother and sister wait at the door for whoever is going to interview us for a job that a twelve year could do, I hang back and wait—observing my surroundings.

  Everything looks so beautiful, pristine, and perfect. It’s honestly like an oil painting of Paradise, and I cannot wait to wreck it.

  As I’m doing a deep scan, I see some weird rumbling. It’s coming from over to the right of me, underneath some large rosebushes that are lining the side of the mansion.

  “Hey guys, look! I think it must be a fox or something…” I tell Mom and Kassy.

  “Shut up, Massy,” Mom says.

  “Yeah, there usually needs to be a forest nearby for there to be foxes you stupid cunt!” Kassy adds.


  I step toward the bushes to get a better look and prove to those bitches that it really is a fox because it’s too big a rustling to be a squirrel or a possum. And when I get close enough, I can see what’s causing the rustling: a woman is on her knees sucking off another woman’s strap-on. The standing woman grips the back of the kneeling woman’s head as if she’s actually able to feel something. I’ve never understood what exactly the point is of something like this. Is it really that satisfying to simulate something you can’t do? I mean, what is your point of reference? Is it a power thing? Seems really unnecessary, and maybe even painful, and, eventually, I might try it.

  I double back to the minivan and observe that there’s a pick-up truck parked a little bit down the road that almost definitely belongs to the woman getting fake-head, and I decide to step over there to check it out, because why the hell not? Who knows, maybe she has some more sex toys back there I can steal!

  “Massy! Get out of there! What in the God damn shit do you think you’re doing?!” Mom asks me as discreetly as she possibly can given that she’s about fifteen feet away from me.

  I lunge myself into the trunk—my head and my ass see-sawing as I try to move things around in search of goodies. But, alas, I see nothing particularly kinky. Damn it…

  As I start heading back to Mom and Kassy, I see the door finally open and out walks the seriously hottest fucking man I’ve ever seen in my nineteen-year-old life!

  My jaw literally drops. His looks are so chiseled and dominant. And, he’s so big. Shit, like probably six-six, six-seven?

  His arms look like they’re filled with boulders and underneath his sweater you can tell he’s rocking the exact opposite of a dad-bod—a god-damn male fitness model-bod. I lick my lips, salivating. Shit, I want to eat whipped cream off of his huge pecs and lick malt chocolate sauce, which is totally a real thing, right off his abs.

  Then, I look down even further and instantly cream my fucking panties when I see how humongous his bulge is down there.

  Kassy looks at me, appearing just as hot and bothered as I do, maybe even more, and I know we’re both thinking exactly the same thing.

  Mom catches the way my sister and I are looking at one another and she glares at both of us with a red rage that means that if we act on what we’re both thinking then she will drag us out by our ponytails and kick our fucking asses in front of all these rich people.

  This is going to be really fun.

  Joshua II

  I walk the mother and her two daughters, Kassy and Massy, I believe, into our living room and invite them to take a seat. I tell them my wife gets off a last-minute business call that she, unfortunately, could not reschedule, and they don’t seem to mind and just look around the room like they’re in a museum.

  The mother seems nice, pleasant enough, but I can tell that she’s trying really hard to be what she thinks we consider “well-mannered” not speaking unless spoken to, keeping her hands on her knees, laughing at jokes of mine that aren’t at all funny.

  The daughters, well, I really hate the fact that they’re both so fucking gorgeous—flawless in a way that’s a little spooky at first, just like life-sized dolls that actually live. They both have really petite bodies that are immaculate, unblemished and, I sense, completely untouched.

  Even though they are identical, one of them, Kassy, I think, has a different effect on me than her sister. It’s something magnetic. And, I can sense she feels the same way about me by the way her eyes instantly go wherever I do in the room. There’s something so familiar, so precious, and so real about her that I try not to make eye contact with her, because I want to be a good husband even if Pam isn’t exactly the kindest wife these days.

  I grab a pitcher of lemonade out of the refrigerator. As I’m pouring the first glass, I see a slender arms wrap around me, and then, another one wraps around me. The girl behind me squeezes my waist with all her strength, which isn’t much, and then starts mock-humping me—pumping her little hips on the backs of my legs because she’s not tall enough to reach my ass.

  I turn around, instantly she loses balance and she falls off of me. Then, without thinking, I just decide to grab her roughly by the shoulders.

  “What are you doing?!” I ask angrily.

  “What’s wrong, Daddy? She’s not hot enough for you?” The other daughter, Massy, asks.

  Then, Massy puts her arms around my waist just the same way that Kassy did.

  “What about me? Am I hot enough for you, Daddy?” She asks.

  “No, Daddy, pick me. I’m the hotter one, aren’t I, Daddy?” Kassy asks.

  “Please, girls, get off of me,” I say, resisting.

  I want them, of course, but I’m trying like hell to hold onto my failing marriage, and this isn’t going to help at all.

  “Joshua?” Pam asks, appearing suddenly in the doorway.

  I look back at her, terrified that she’s seen me in a compromising position with these two young women. But, as I look around me, the girls are no longer anywhere to be seen.

  “The Mom said you were getting them lemonade. What the hell is taking so long?” She asks, icily.

  “I, um, I need to go lie down. I’m sorry,” I tell her.

  Kassy II

  “So, they’ve never babysat before?” This woman, I don’t know, Pam, I guess, asks Mom.

  “No, but they watch their nephews all the time,” Mom lies. One time we were allowed to babysit our nephew, Louie, and we accidentally lit his little hat on fire. We managed to get it off before it burned him alive, but now we’re not even allowed to see Baby Louie let alone watch him, while his parents are away.

  “I see. Well, it would be nice if someone…a little more objective could speak to their experience, but I suppose that’ll just have to do,” Pam says.

  I yawn—big and exaggerated—stretching my arms high in the air just to piss this lady off. I notice that as my arms reach back behind my head and my boobs push out, this creepy woman starts eye-fucking them. Gross. I occasionally fantasize about the occasional older lady, but they definitely do not look anything like her.

  “Um, well, next we should talk about what the girls’ ideal availability would be…” Pam says. I think. I’m not really paying attention anymore.

  I hear the sound of a shower starting upstairs. Moments later, I see steam slowly trail down the staircase. I look over at Massy who, I can tell, is thinking exactly what I’m thinking. But, I’m not going to let her beat me to it. I’ll beat her if she tries.

  “Excuse me!” I say—interrupting Pam’s prattling on about whatever the fuck. “I need to use the bathroom. May I use yours?”

  “I suppose,” Pam says. “Just down the hall over there.”

  “Thank you ever so much!” I say, doing a little curtsey for her.

n, I go down the hall and, predictably I’m sure to my sister, sneak up the stairs to follow wherever the trail of steam leads me.

  I wink over at Massy and she winks back at me because she knows it’s about to go down.

  Joshua III

  I lean back, letting the hot, clear water swim through my beard, down my pecs and abs, and all the way down to my penis, which, unfortunately, is painfully stiff like I took a megadose of Cialis.

  The sunlight enters through the large nearby window and joins the water, creating a sort of hot-cool-swirl effect, which feels incredible. I know that I should probably close the shower curtain because my entire body is on full display to anyone passing the house, but the water just feels to good to move.

  I grab some soap and scrub my penis with it. I accidentally split the bar into two parts by the strength of my pulsating erection. It actually feel’s pretty good to put my penis into something even if it is just a bar of soap. The feeling of entering something and the sensation of it clamping around my dick in response—now such a rare experience for me.

  Then, I hear the sound of a tiny footstep land just behind me and turn around to see one of the twins, Kassy, in the shower naked with me. She’s got her hands behind her back, her breasts protruding up at me.

  “Thought you might need this…” she says, revealing that she’s been holding a loofah behind her back. “You’ll need this if you want to get in the pores!”

  “You need to get out of here, now!” I growl at her.


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