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Box Set #5: Nemesis: [The 4 book 5th adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 18

by Robert Iannone

  “The Tree . . . it said ‘underneath the celestial lair’. Celestial is another word for Divine.”

  “And that’s another big ‘click’ as one more piece of the puzzle falls into place,” said Egg with a little bit of pride. Her team was good.

  “So, all we have to do is destroy the remaining towers and we win, right?”

  “Sorry, Tee’ka. I think that within the city limits, the Divine Ones are close enough to the machine that they don’t need the towers.”


  “Hey, that’s my word.”


  The Crypt, Po’s Room

  Ziz flew in the open window and perched on the sill. Jax’x surveyed the room through the bird’s eyes to be sure she wasn’t observed . . . by Po. If the girl didn’t see her, maybe the Absolutes wouldn’t either.

  Satisfied that her friend was still asleep, she had Ziz glide down and deposit the note on the pillow . . . placed so it would be the first thing Po would see upon wakening. Once done, she had Ziz make a ‘bee-line’ to the window and out. Mission accomplished.

  After the note was deciphered, it would read, “The Sisters think that your moves are being monitored. When you were disciplined, Grassy Knoll probably planted a device on you. Don’t look for it . . . it will only give us away. She probably believes that the Sisters are Divine Ones. Let’s make sure she continues to believe that. When you see me, say nothing about our venture. Use coded notes. Find a time when you are away from The Crypt and can visit the Sisters for two hours . . . then let me know. Be careful.”

  That about covered it all.

  Unfortunately, a coded note will give away as much information to the enemy as to its recipient . . . if it’s decoded.


  After hearing the snippet of conversation, Grassy Knoll decided that Pond Ripple had to be monitored continuously. The obvious choice to do this was Lightning Flash, her most trusted lieutenant.

  The Divine used a device that her Absolute had conjured . . . to observe, listen and record everything that Po did. She was in an office that was adjacent to her ‘boss’ doing just that. It was very early and she had to fight drowsiness to watch the boring display of the young girl sleeping. The red robe with the device was hanging on a hook off to one side of the bed . . . and that was the view that she had.

  “WHAT?” The exclamation was a spontaneous response to seeing a mechanical bird fly into the room and deposit a slip of paper then fly off. Lightning Flash was a trusted assistant because of her loyalty . . . and her intelligence. Making a ‘lightning’ quick decision, she retrieved the note with a thought. The paper disappeared from the viewing screen and reappeared on the Divine’s desk. She scanned it but frowned at the contents. It appeared to be a recipe of some sort for eggs. It was obviously a code . . . but one she could not immediately decipher.

  Again, she gave the situation some thought and again reached a quick decision. She conjured up a duplicate of the note and sent it back to Pond Ripple’s pillow. She saw it materialize on her device.

  Satisfied, she summoned an assistant. “Please wake our Mistress. Tell her I have urgent news.”

  “But . . . but it’s so very early. Are you sure?”

  “If I were not sure, would I ask you to do it?”

  “Of course not. My apology,” said the young man as he scampered off.


  Grassy Knoll entered the office five minutes later. If she was miffed at being awaken at this hour, she did not show it. She trusted Lightning Flash and the girl’s judgment.

  “What has happened?”

  “A mechanical bird flew into her room and deposited this note. I sent a duplicate back.”

  The Absolute picked it up and scanned the contents. Like her assistant, she frowned. “A recipe for eggs?”

  “So it would appear. It is obviously a coded message.”

  “Have you deciphered it?”

  “I’ve given copies to three others. They work on it as we speak.”

  “Excellent. Let me know the second they . . .” but she was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Enter,” she called.

  “Pardon, Mistress but we believe we’ve deciphered the note. The code was fairly simple,” and he handed her another slip of paper. He didn’t wait for a response; he just bowed and left – closing the door behind him.

  Grassy Knoll read the note . . . then reread it. She handed it to Lightning Flash who did the same.

  “The Sisters think that your moves are being monitored. When you were disciplined, Grassy Knoll probably planted a device on you. Don’t look for it . . . it will only give us away. She probably believes that the Sisters are Divine Ones. Let’s make sure she continues to believe that. When you see me, say nothing about our venture. Use coded notes. Find a time when you are away from The Crypt and can visit the Sisters for two hours . . . then let me know. Be careful.”

  The Divine gave the note back to her mistress without comment.

  “By the blessings of the Holy Hex, this is serendipitous. A conspiracy from within, using forces from without. I could not have asked for a better opening to bring my plans to fruition.”

  “What would you have me do? Arresting Pond Ripple would only give us away. We have the advantage of surprise.”

  “We do indeed. I think our first order of business is to capture one of these Sisters. We need to evaluate the threat. And then . . . we need to punish her. Severely. Perhaps that will flush out her compatriots if they are inclined to attempt a rescue.”

  “I will see to it.”

  Chapter 9 – Point of No Return

  The Library

  “You’re up early.”

  “Oh, good morning, Jagged Peak. I didn’t know you were there.”

  “Sorry if I startled you. Can I make you some breakfast?”

  “I have so much work to . . . but, sure. I guess I can spare a few minutes.”

  “The usual?”

  “Um . . . I think I would like some eggs this morning. Just for a change of pace.”

  “Of course. How would you like them prepared?”

  “Scrambled,” she said immediately then giggled.

  He smiled warmly. “Well, you’re in a good mood. It’s not often that the mention of scrambled eggs will make someone laugh.”

  “Forgive me for acting like a little girl. I must be tired . . . I didn’t sleep all that well.”

  “I, for one, like the little girl Jax’x. So innocent and joyful.”

  “Maybe not as innocent as you’d think.” As soon as she said it, she wanted to take the words back. No use in arousing the young man’s suspicions.

  Peak just smiled, then with a slight nod of his head, he conjured up a table - set with two plates of eggs and mugs of hot coffee . . . well, not coffee like we know it, but close enough. “Please,” he said gallantly as he pulled out a chair for her to sit upon.

  “Thank you.” She sat then pointed to the other chair, giving him permission to join her.

  “Jax’x, do you know what a cone of silence is?”

  That was an unusual topic of conversation. “I have heard of it. It’s when a Divine One engulfs a person or persons within a field that ensures that any conversation cannot be overheard.”

  “Correct.” He then raised a finger and such a field formed around the table and the two occupants. “Now you are experiencing it firsthand.”

  This was strange . . . but she wasn’t frightened just curious. “Is there something personal you wish to discuss?” She was hoping he wasn’t about to get romantic. That could only end badly . . . and she did want to maintain their friendship for Po’s sake.

  “Can I ask, what do you think of me?”

  Oh well, best to tackle this head on with honesty. “I think you’re intelligent, handsome and excellent company. But, I’m in love with Jay’gar . . . even if he’s been taken away from me. I know in my heart I’ll get him back. I’m prepared to wait till time itself runs out for that to happen. I’m so

  The young man politely stared at his companion . . . but as her words began to sink in, his expression turned from confusion to embarrassment. He began to blush furiously. “Oh, no. No, no . . . I wasn’t trying to find out if you had a personal interest in me. No, no . . . I’m sorry if you misunderstood. You’re very attractive, very desirable . . . but I have no romantic feelings for you.” Now he was scarlet. “I mean, I would if I didn’t care for someone else. Really. I mean, I would be honored if you felt that way about me, but . . .” but he stopped. The hole he had just dug was so deep, he was smart enough to realize there was no gallant way out of it.

  Just to make it worse, if that was even possible (which it was), Jax’x burst out laughing. The poor Divine One wanted to teleport away but that would only postpone the conversation. The only thing he could do was to sit, squirm and wait for the girl to regain her composure.

  It only took about thirty seconds . . . but to Peak it lasted about a month and a half. “I’m sorry, but the look on your face and your sad attempt to be gallant were unexpected. You’re usually so smooth and sophisticated.”

  “There was no need to laugh at my discomfiture,” but he smiled brightly when he said it. Obviously, he now found it as amusing as Jax’x.

  “So, you’re handsome and I’m beautiful. We’re both smart and delightful company. I’m in love, but not with you. You’re in love, but not with me. Does that about sum it up?”

  “Technically, I said you were attractive not beautiful . . . but let’s not quibble over semantics”. His face was beaming – enjoying the repartee.

  She smiled back. “So, who’s the lucky girl?”

  “Lucky girl?”

  “The one that you’re in love with”. She said it pleasantly but she felt incredibly disappointed. There went her matchmaking for Po.

  “I lied.”


  “Having someone I love. It was the first thing that came to mind. You’re probably aware that we, Divine Ones, are discouraged from finding our own partners. When the time is right, we’re assigned a mate.”

  “I know and I think that is awful. It’s not natural.”

  “Why are you smiling?”

  She hadn’t realized she was doing that. But, since he had no one, maybe she could get him and her friend interested in each other. Her gut feeling was that she should try honesty again. “I’m smiling because I was hoping I could get you and Po . . . I mean Pond Ripple . . . interested in each other. Romantically.” What the heck, in for a penny, in for a pound.

  Jagged Peak just stared.

  “Don’t you think she’s cute?”

  “Jax’x, I just told you we aren’t allowed to fall in love with whomever we want.”

  Time to keep pushing. “What if there were no such stupid rules?”

  He was about to protest that there were and that wasn’t about to change . . . when he remembered why he had placed the cone of silence around them in the first place. “If there was no such rule, I would be physically attracted to Pond Ripple. However, that’s not love, is it? I would need to know what kind of person she was. How she thought? If she laughs. Is that stupid? Am I being a dimwitted male by expecting more of a person?’

  “Oh my, no. You sound like . . . no offense, but you sound like one of us. One of the ungifted. You even sound like Po.”

  “Why do you call her that? Po?”

  “It’s a term of friendship. It’s my name for my friend. Does that offend you?”

  “No. I like the idea. If we were friends, what would you call me?” Only the tips of his ears blushed.

  “Let’s see. Jagged Peak . . . how about the first two letters of each name. So I would call you Jape.”

  “That’s insulting. Doesn’t that mean joke?”

  “Absolutely . . . it will be our little joke on the rest of the Divine Ones.”

  He smiled yet again. “Then, I like it. As for Pond . . . I mean Po, I will find the time to talk to her. For you.”

  “No, for you . . . and her.”

  “For the three of us, then.”

  “Acceptable,” and she instinctively reached out and squeezed his hand. The gesture was so unexpected that he began to pull back.

  “It’s a sign of friendship” she explained.

  He put his hand back. “There’s much to get used to.” He squeezed her hand in return.

  “Now, tell me why we’re in this cone?”

  “You’re intelligent and perceptive and clever. You tell me.”

  “A test?”

  “Not really. I will tell you regardless.”

  “Fair enough. Let me see . . . you don’t wish to be heard – presumably by other Divine Ones. It’s not about a personal interest in me. Hmmm . . .” Then she stopped and looked intently at her new friend. “Are you bothered by the way . . .” she groped at how to phrase her thought, “. . . by the way this world has evolved?”

  He showed no emotion unless you were perceptive enough to see the glimmer in his eyes. “Explain.”

  But now a chill of doubt passed through her. She didn’t really know Jape. It was possible he was setting her up to espouse treason. To trap her into revealing her plans. She wished Egg were here . . . to see if she got her magical goose bumps. “I’m sorry, I really have no idea,” she lied.


  The Crypt – Po’s Room

  She awoke . . . with the feeling like she was being watched. Sitting up, she looked around the room but realized she was alone. Yawning hugely, her hand stretched out and touched the note that she hadn’t seen.

  Before picking it up, she stared at it . . . as if to be certain it wouldn’t attack her. Satisfied it was only sheet of parchment, she grabbed it and scanned the contents. Hmmm . . . a recipe for eggs.

  Obviously a note from Jax’x or possibly from the Sisters.

  She looked around again to be sure she wasn’t being watched. Strangely, she felt the hackles on her neck stand up. Getting out of bed, she skipped to the bathroom and closed the door . . . just for a little more privacy.

  Since her cape was still hanging up outside, she inadvertently achieved her purpose.

  Without a pad of paper and a stylus, she had to convert the code in her head. It was simple but still took her a good ten minutes. To be certain she had it right, she did it all again

  Then her hackles went back up.


  The Library

  “Jax’x, you have nothing to fear from me. In fact, I have more to fear from you.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m about to reveal some things about myself that would place me in great jeopardy with my Absolute. Forest Green has little tolerance for disloyalty.”

  “Then please don’t tell me. Not because I would willingly do anything to harm you . . . but your kind can exert a great deal of pressure to get what they want. My Jay’gar does come to mind.”

  “If I can help you get him back, would that change your mind?”

  “Don’t you dare toy with my emotions like that.” She stood up and made to leave.

  “I’m not toying with you. Please, sit down and let’s talk.”

  Reluctantly, she did as she was asked. “Talk and I’ll listen.”

  “Fair enough. As you know, when children reach the age of puberty, their X’s will change to Hex’s if they are gifted. At that point their parents give them to the Order. I’m sure you’ve heard rumors about what happens to them . . . to me . . . at that point. We’re put through six years of intensive training. And six years of thought altering conditioning. We are changed to think, feel, react like Divine Ones. Our connection to our past lives, and to our families, is completely severed. If we were to encounter our parents afterward, we would not be so much as inclined to wish them good day. They are like strangers to us.”

  “It’s disgusting.”

  “Yes, it is. But sometimes the conditioning isn’t effective. Sometimes we keep our past selves. Hidden from view, of cours
e, but there none the less.”

  “And that is you?”

  “Yes. I still love my parents. My brother. My crazy aunt, not so much,” and he smiled.

  She couldn’t help it and she smiled too. “So what does this have to do with me?”

  “I’ve heard some of Forest Green’s most trusted advisors talk about some kind of conspiracy. Something about non-gifted rising up to overthrow the order of things. I didn’t think anything of it. I assumed it was just paranoia or some stupid power play. Then I was assigned to you. I’ve watched you closely – because that is my job but also because you’re easy to look at.”

  “What does that mean – easy to look at?”

  “Attractive – for a non-gifted. Well, attractive for a woman.”

  “I thought I didn’t appeal to you in that way?”

  “I’m loath to admit that men are like that. They can’t help but look at beauty.”

  “Well, I’m flattered, I guess. So what does that have to do with anything?”

  “As part of my job, I’ve read everything that you have. I have to say . . . you read a lot.”

  “Go on.”

  “What you said before was right. I don’t like the way this world evolved. I don’t like the way children are made to forget their families. I don’t like the fact that I can’t choose who to love. I don’t like the fact that because I have this gift, I should be considered superior to those who don’t. I want to change it.”

  “What has that to do with me?” she asked – but held her breath.

  “From what I gleaned from those overheard conversations, coupled with the volumes you were most interested in, I think you and Pond, I mean Po, are planning something – something magnificent. I want to help. I want to be part of it. Will you let me?”

  Jax’x sat there dazed. If Jagged Peak knew what was going on, who else did? What was confusing was that his Absolute was Forest Green . . . according to Po, Grassy Knoll’s mortal enemy. If Knoll had planted the listening device on Po, why would she share that information with Green?

  It didn’t’ make sense. She would love to have another ally in the upcoming fight, but she just wasn’t comfortable with Jagged Peak. They’d known each other for only a short time. Granted, he had been very un-Divine like. In truth, he was surprisingly similar to her beloved Jay’gar. She would talk to Egg tonight and get her advice before taking any action. For now, the best course of action was to stall for time.


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