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Curvaceous Heart

Page 16

by Terri Pray

  “I’m so proud of you.” Alan closed the door behind him, locking the world out as they both kicked off their shoes in his living room. “You didn’t lose your cool, not even with the shit my dad pulled on you. Which I am sorry for. He had no right to talk to you that way.”

  “Some people don’t think before opening their mouths.”

  “And some like to sit in the background, like whoever it is that persuaded Bill and Charlie to take things one step too far on that damn blogger. It’s just a pity they wouldn’t tell us who was behind it.”

  “Give it time, we’ll find out who else is involved.”

  “Of that I have no doubt. Somehow, with you at my side, I feel as though I can take on the world.”

  That’s what she needed to hear.

  Sue walked fully into the room before she turned to face him. “Thank you, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to go through with it. But then I remembered that I had nothing to fear. I had the power, not them. Just as I do with you.”

  She watched as he blinked, staring at her. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re submissive to me.”

  “Yes, but I haven’t submitted to you.”

  “Yet.” She tried not to smile.

  “That might take some time.”

  “No, I don’t think so, Alan. You see you want to submit to me, we just need to decide if we’re both ready to do this, knowing we’re going to be learning along the way, that we will make mistakes, and that we’ll both end up apologizing to each other for them.” She hadn’t removed her coat and now slipped her hand into the pocket, pulling out the small red paper bag.

  “Sue, are you sure about this?”

  “Is it what you want?”

  “Well, yes. It’s just that everything I’ve read about this says we should wait.” He frowned, looking at the bag. “It’s not that I don’t want to submit to you, but I don’t want to rush into this either.”

  “I’m not asking you to fully submit to me, Alan. I’m asking you take a consideration collar from me.” Had she remembered the term correctly? She’d done a little research on the various types of collars that could exist in a D/s relationship, and this one had sounded ideal.

  “Do you know what one is?” Alan peered at the bag.

  Her jaw clenched and she took a slow breath, trying to calm down. He wasn’t attacking her, he was questioning. Okay, that she could handle.

  “Yes, I do. Alan, please sit down for a minute.” She nodded towards the couch.

  Alan slipped off his coat and settled down, not on the couch itself, but the floor. “Perhaps you should sit down as well, then?” He tapped the cushions above his head.

  Alan at her feet?

  A soft shiver ran through her body at the thought of it, and before she could change her mind Sue curled up on the sofa above him, her coat tossed over the back. This felt right, on so many levels that she couldn’t even begin to describe it.

  “I’m not questioning your idea, Sue. I just need to know what you think a consideration collar is. In case -- well, in case I’ve heard something different.”

  A polite way of saying that he wasn’t sure if she’d done the research or not, or had been deceived by someone online.

  “As I understand it a dominant offers a collar of consideration to a submissive as a mark of intention, or desire, to look into a further relationship with the submissive. It’s something beyond casual dates, conversation, or play. It marks to the two involved, and others, that we’re forming a potentially serious relationship.” Sue frowned. She’d had all this memorized but now it sounded cold. “I want you in my life, Alan. You’ve said you want me in your life.”

  “I do.”

  “And you want to explore being submissive to me, correct?”

  “Yes, I do.” Alan leaned against her legs. “More than anything I’ve wanted before.”

  “A consideration collar allows us to do that. It’s not you submitting to me, it’s an agreement between the two of us to explore this.” She reached down, running her fingers through his hair. This felt so right, Alan sitting at her feet. He belonged there.

  “You looked this up?”

  “Yes, a place called Steel Dawn.” Had she remembered the name of the site? She’d looked over so many in the last day or so that some of them were little more than a blur in her memory.

  Alan nodded, falling silent as he remained leaning against her legs.

  Was he going to refuse her offer? Her other hand clenched around the small bag. Had she gone too far in buying this, getting it ready in the few hours she had been able to steal that morning? Maybe he’d ask for more time before entering into this type of arrangement.

  Just as long as he didn’t turn down the idea fully.

  “You’ve thought about this a lot, then?”

  “Ever since you submitted to me for that spanking.” Her belly tightened at the memory. “You’ve taught me something about myself. I do have a need to be dominant, but I’ve also learned something else. I don’t want to dominate just anyone, it’s you I want to own, to guide, and to learn with.”

  Alan shifted away from her legs, turning around until he faced her. Without a word he slowly moved onto his knees, tucking his heels under his ass, his back straight, shoulders rolling until he lifted his chin up, looking her directly in the eyes.

  “I know we both have a lot to learn, Ma’am, but I would be honored to learn more about my desires, this need to submit, with you.”

  “Then you’re willing to accept a collar of consideration from me?” Her heart threatened to lodge in her throat.

  “Yes, I am.”

  Sue’s hand shook, though she tried to keep her nerves under control. “I bought something for you, in case you decided to do this with me. I just hope you’ll accept it from me.”

  His gaze flickered to the bag in her hands then lifted back up to her face. There was a soft tremor in his voice as he spoke; tears glimmered in his eyes, threatening to spill down his cheeks. “Ma’am, I would be honored to accept any gift you’d choose to bestow on me, but knowing this is to mark our entrance into this world together, it would mean all the more.”

  Sue opened the bag, pulling out the heavy silver bracelet. Solid links with a small space for engraving. “I hope this works in the place of a collar. I wanted something you could wear that wouldn’t look out of place on you.”

  His eyes lit up.

  “I had them engrave it with Sue’s Alan.” She’d spent so long trying to figure out just what she could have them put on the bracelet. “I wanted something that said you were mine, if you accepted this, but nothing that would cause problems for you at work.”

  He nodded, swallowing hard. His voice choked, barely more than a whisper. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Yes, or no, it’s all I need to hear.”

  His smile almost split his face. “Yes. Yes, a thousand times, yes.”

  “Your hand.” Why was it so hard not to cry right now? There was a lump in her throat, one that threatened to close off her ability to speak. “Which wrist do you want to wear this on?”

  Alan lifted up his left wrist.

  Silently she fastened the bracelet about his wrist, fumbling with the clasp as both of them trembled. Her fingers didn’t want to work and what should have been a simple operation took close to five minutes before she finally managed to fasten it on his wrist.

  “Thank you, Ma’am.” His eyes glittered. “I don’t have the words for what this means to me.”

  Neither did she.

  Slowly she slipped off the couch, resting her hands on his chest. Heat blossomed between her thighs, her sex aching with the need for his touch, but there was something else, a need to dominate, to take control, to lead him into a sweaty, burning cry of passion.

  It was just a step, a small one, and one of many to come, but they’d take it together.

  He nodded, leaning back as he uncurled his legs from kneeling and settled back onto his left hip.

  “Don’t move, unless I tell you to.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” His cock thickened beneath his pants, a low groan forming at the back of his throat as Sue leaned down and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. It wouldn’t be easy to strip him without his assistance, but she could always order him to move just enough to help her.

  His shoes, just like hers, had already been kicked off. It was one less thing to worry about.

  She slipped her hands under the now open shirt, teasing her fingers across his chest, his nipples small, tight, hard little buds under her caress. Sue sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, her own nipples puckered, pressing against her bra cups as she looked down at Alan. Did he know just how much this meant to her? His trust? His love?

  She traced a long, slow path down his belly, watching him shiver beneath her touch. His lips parted in a soft whimper, his hips rolling long before she undid his belt, sliding it free of his pants.

  “Please,” he moaned.

  “Stay still, don’t move, remember? You wouldn’t want this to end up with a spanking and then with you forced to stand in the corner of the room, unable to touch me whilst I played with myself.” She leaned down, letting her fingers brush lightly over the throbbing outline of his cock, her lips capturing one small nipple for little more than a heartbeat.

  “Evil woman.” He gasped, arching up into her touch.

  “Yes, and you love me for it.” She grabbed his erection through his pants, squeezing gently.

  Alan almost arched up from the floor.

  “Careful, I could almost come right now, Ma’am.”

  “But you won’t. You won’t come until I give you permission, will you.” Her grasp tightened just a little more on his cock.

  “No, Ma’am. I won’t.” His eyes burned with a hunger he struggled to control.

  Sue nodded and released her grip. She’d never known a man who desired her as much as Alan did. There was nothing hidden in his gaze, no deceit in how he acted towards her. He truly did want her, not just as a girlfriend, or an easy lay, but in all ways. She only had to look at the bracelet now fastened about his wrist to push away any doubts.

  She blinked back the tears that threatened to cloud her vision.

  Her fingers closed on his zipper, but even that light touch was enough to send a fresh shiver of delight through his body. Did he wonder what she would do next, if she’d even allow him permission to come when the time was right?

  Tempting thought, but he hadn’t done anything wrong and that would be a punishment. Besides, with what she had in mind it would be impossible for him not to come sooner or later.

  Slowly but surely she slipped his pants down around his hips, pushing them to his thighs, then lower, leaning closer as she eased them along. Heat radiated from his groin, his cock still trapped beneath his briefs, his thighs teased by the soft touches of her hair. He wanted more; she knew that even without his speaking.

  “Watch me,” she whispered, as she stood up and took a stepped back from him. “I don’t want you to take your eyes off me.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  She nodded, looking down at him as she began to unbutton her blouse, sliding it slowly from her shoulders until it pooled about her ankles on the floor. He groaned, watching her as she traced her breasts through the bra, teasing her fingers over her nipples until she felt them throb, aching for his touch, his lips, his tongue playing over her coral tips.

  It would have been so very easy to tell him to get up, finish stripping her and make love to her until she passed out, but she needed to take control, keep control, and learn just how far she could rule her own body.

  To be a master you must first master yourself, so the same must ring true for a Mistress, even one taking their first steps into this lifestyle. If I am to be everything he needs me to be, everything I know I want to be, then I have to stay in control.

  She slid her fingers down her waist, scooting them into the band of her jeans. “Do you want to see more, my slut?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. Please, yes!” His hands clenched into tight fists. His pulse throbbed in his temples, hips lifting from the floor as he struggled to keep control of his body. His cock surged against his briefs, a small damp spot growing across the head of his taut erection.

  “How much more?” She traced the tip of her tongue over her lips.

  “All of it, please, Ma’am. I want to see all of you.”

  “And what if I stop?”

  HHe He

  He groaned, closing his eyes for a moment before he forced them open once more. “It would be your choice, Ma’am.”

  Butterflies swirled around her stomach. Her choice. Would she ever get used to that idea?

  Yes, in time she would.

  Sue edged her feet apart, slipping her pants down her thighs before she stepped out of them slowly. Could he see the damp patch on her panties, or feel the heat she knew now radiated from her sex? Even if he didn’t she knew he sensed it, hungered for her, but he would watch, wait, and hope that she would be merciful.

  And for that, if nothing else, she loved him.

  “Maybe I should just straddle you now, you with your briefs on, me in my underwear, and ride you. I know I could come that way.” She licked slowly over her lips. “You, on the other hand, wouldn’t be allowed to. Perhaps that would bring it home to you just who is in charge?”

  Alan shuddered, his hips rolling, back arched as he struggled to keep control of his willful body. “Ma’am, have mercy, please. You’re in charge, your will rules here.”

  Restraints, she needed to buy restraints.

  She hooked her thumbs in her panties, sliding them slowly down her legs, knowing full well his gaze was now locked on her exposed mons. How far could she take it before it was too much? Before his hunger took control of his body and they both regretted it?

  Not being honest, what about my hunger? I need him just as much as he needs me.

  He groaned as she walked over to him, wearing just her bra, and straddled him. One foot on either side of his hips.

  Her inner walls rippled, her appetite gnawed its way upwards from her feet, setting her nerve endings on edge, threatening to burn into her core. Teasing him, touching him, it had all added to her own hunger, and now she looked down on Alan like a woman who had been denied food for days.

  Just a little more, she could push this further, she had to. She had the strength, even though she wanted to strip him down and feel his thick cock press her tight walls apart.

  She moaned softly, rolling her hips, tracing her hands down over her belly before one delved between her thighs, parting her sex lips for a brief moment.

  That was all it took.

  Alan cried out in despair and lust combined, his cock straining against his briefs, struggling to find a way free as he was left clawing at the floor beneath him. “Ma’am. Please!”

  She lowered down onto her knees, straddling him fully, her sex so close to his now. Without another word she tugged his briefs down just enough to let his shaft free, suppressing a soft moan herself when it sprang, erect and throbbing, against her pussy. She rocked against it, not letting him slip within her hungry walls, teasing her clit on his shaft.

  The smooth skin rubbed over her tiny nub, urging her on with each slow roll of her hips. Cream coated her lower lips, ready, willing, and eager to take him deep within, but she’d surrendered herself to the slow, sensual dance across his hips, their shared hunger teased into a ravenous need.

  With a low groan she lifted up just enough to feel the head of his cock now slide over her labia, and pressed one hand against his chest. His heartbeat vibrated through his body, rapid, hungry, matching the glaze in his eyes.

  “Now?” she whispered.

  “Now,” he pleaded.

  He cried out, arching his hips as she eased down onto his thick cock, taking it an inch at a time into her heated core. Her walls shuddered in a long spasm about his erection, her breath catching in the back of her throat once she settled down ful
ly across his hips, resting her ass back on his thighs. For a moment neither of them moved, each content for the moment to ride the waves of delight that they now endured.

  She took a slow breath, looking down at him. This is where she belonged, with Alan at her feet, under her body, his focus on her pleasure, their shared life together. She wouldn’t allow that power to go to her head. No, she made that promise to herself now. She’d never become one of the heartless, cold women she had read about and had, for a time, wanted to be. Now she knew there was something more to being a dominant, even a new one.

  There was love.

  And there was Alan.

  There was the desire they shared, the need to control and be controlled. Their mutual dreams of dominance, submission, pleasure, and perhaps pain.

  What else did she need?

  She groaned, her hips dancing slowly on his cock.

  “Please, Ma’am. I want to see all of you.” His words came in a series of quick gasps, sweat building across his brow and chest.

  Sue nodded, her thighs tensing as she balanced herself fully. Her eyes locked with his as she moved her hands behind her back, slowly unhooking her bra. Her nipples ached with the need to be touched, they throbbed and stood out as crinkled coral pips on her soft breasts. She waited, holding the bra in place, her hands locked behind her back, arched, daring him to touch, to break the rules, to rip the bra from her body.

  He groaned beneath her, hips rolling, each sensual sway pressed his cock against her walls, urging her to move with him. Her thighs tensed, her belly grew taut, each breath slipped free from her body with a low moan of delight and still she needed more.

  She shuddered, arching, lifting half off his cock as she struggled to regain control of her body. She wanted to give in to the pace he set, to surrender to the bliss he offered, but it wasn’t time. She had to keep control here. He trusted her to remain in charge of not just him, but her own body, to show him that she would guide him deeper into the realms of pleasure.

  Slowly, her arms trembling, she slid her bra away from her breasts, baring them to his view as he let out a long, slow, hungry moan of sheer pleasure.

  “So full and delicious.”


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