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Runaway Heart

Page 5

by Scarlet Day

  “There’s more.” The look on Jaxson’s face as he spoke was ominous. He hesitated again.

  “Out with it.” Jaren’s impatiently growled demand left no room for argument.

  “Their princess is missing. Princess Karinna.” Jaxson looked at Kari. Jaren followed his gaze.

  “She can’t be. Their princess was on the dais when we left the hall. She was wearing white. Kari was wearing red. How could it be her?” Jaren’s mind refused to accept the possibility. It was not possible.

  “She matches the description.” Jaxson’s soft pronouncement felt like a dagger to Jaren’s heart, and his beast growled threateningly.

  “I will not take her back, Jaxson.” Jaren’s stare bore into his brother with determination. “I cannot.”

  “I know, brother. I know.” Jaxson hung his head and left his brother to continue watching over his mate.

  Jaren stared at his sha-lia. He knew his brother would not have brought him the news if he were not certain of its accuracy. He could not understand how his mate could be the same female that stood on the dais during the coronation. There had only been minutes between the time they left the hall and when they first saw Kari. She could not have had time to leave the dais, change her clothes, and then make her way to the docking bay. There was no possible way she could have been in two places at the same time. Could she?

  He hoped she would wake up soon. He needed answers, and the sooner he got them the better. If she really was the Montorean princess, he still could not take her back to Montore. Even if she were not his mate, he had sworn to protect her. He had seen the treatment she could expect to receive at the hands of her father, and he could not return her to that. Even though her father’s chosen mate for her had been eliminated, Jaren was sure he would find another just as abusive.

  But she was his mate, the light that would complete his heart and soothe his mind. For him, there would never be another. His fate had been irrevocably entwined with hers.

  Jaren knew that refusal to return a princess was a risky and highly dangerous decision. But he also understood the importance of having a sha-lia. Jaren sighed, his heart heavy. Finding his true mate was supposed to ensure that the transition from his father was a smooth one. Instead, he very well could be delivering pandemonium to their doorstep.

  * * * *

  Kari didn’t want to wake up, though she wasn’t really sure why. She felt like something bad had happened—something she would have to face if she opened her eyes. She floated in a half-waking, half-dream state for a while. Images and thoughts came to her while she floated in that in-between world. A face rose in her mind. Jaren. She remembered Jaren. She remembered how it felt to have his skin pressed to hers. His blue eyes rose in her mind, the way they glowed when he looked at her. He made her feel beautiful. She wondered what it would be like to stay with him forever, but something told her that wasn’t possible. She had no claim on him, though she was beginning to suspect that her heart had already committed itself. She wondered where he was now. He had left to go somewhere. A space station? Yes, that was it. He had left the ship to go buy something on the space station. That must have been before the explosion. Before…

  “No!” Kari’s eyes flew open, and she bolted upright on the medical bed, her arms flying out in front of her in a defensive position.

  Jaren jumped out of his chair and wrapped her in his arms in one fluid motion. “Sha-lia, I’m here. Nothing will harm you.”

  “Bores…” She looked frantically around the med bay, expecting to find danger.

  “He’s gone, love. He’s been dealt with. He can never hurt you again.” Her frantic breathing didn’t slow down.

  “What happened?” She looked to Jaren, her fear still crashing through her. “How did he find me? Who else was with him?”

  “He was alone. We detected no one else.” Jaren felt her body relax slightly at his assurances.

  “Tell me what happened.” Jaren did not reply, and she turned to look at him, noting the hesitancy in his eyes.


  “There will be time to discuss this later. For now, I need to know how you feel.” Kari didn’t miss the evasiveness of his answer, but decided to let it go for now, so long as he would eventually fill her in later.

  She took a few moments to test her arm, happy that it was only slightly sore. She touched her face and realized that there was no pain there at all. She had a slight soreness in the back of her head. Other than that, she felt pretty good.

  “I’m okay. Much better than I thought I’d be.”

  Without another word, Jaren picked her up off the med table and carried her from the medical room, keeping her cradled tightly to his chest as he made his way back to his quarters.

  “I can walk, you know.” Jaren just smirked and continued walking.

  Once in his quarters, he deposited her gently on the bed and went to the food dispenser. After pushing some buttons and collecting a bowl full of something steaming hot and a spoon, he returned to the bed and settled himself next to her. Much to Kari’s chagrin, he began spoon-feeding her the tasty stew.

  “I can feed myself, you know.”

  He smirked again as he lifted another spoonful to her lips. “No talking. Just eating.”

  She really was hungry, and the stew really was good, so Kari let him have his way. For now. She wasn’t used to being pampered, even if she was a princess. A former princess, she amended. She was just an anonymous runaway now. She was going to have to do something about finding an alternate identity. She would also need to find some way to support herself, but she had no idea where to start.

  Jaren had referred to himself as a warrior. That must mean that he was part of a military, right? And military needed people to cook and clean for them. She had spent plenty of time helping out in the palace kitchens. Maybe Jaren could help her get a job. She could settle in to a normal, low-profile life, and her father would never find her. She thought that sounded like a pretty good plan.

  “So…” She looked at him expectantly. Jaren set the empty bowl on the floor and took her hands in his. He twined their fingers together, and he turned so that they faced each other.

  “My sha-lia.” Jaren’s voice was soft and seemed tinged with something that made Kari’s stomach clench with dread. “You are Karinna, Princess of Montore, are you not?”

  Kari felt like the bottom just dropped out of her world. Her mouth went dry, and she began to tremble, her entire body shaking. Jaren held her gaze, and his breath, while he waited for her answer.

  “How did you know?” The words were barely a whisper.

  Jaren closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then looked again into Kari’s eyes. “The man who attacked you—you were pledged to be his wife.” It wasn’t a question, but Kari nodded anyway. She searched for the accusatory glare from him that she expected, but all she saw was sorrow reflected back at her.

  “I’m sorry I had to lie to you,” Kari rushed. “I don’t want you to get hurt for helping me. Just please don’t take me back. I’m begging you, if you will just–just—” Tears sprang to her eyes and she choked the words out. “Just drop me off somewhere. I’ll–I’ll be…” The words were coming in gasps, as the tears finally fell from her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

  Jaren dragged her onto his lap and wrapped her in his strong arms while rocking her like a child. “Hush, silly little female. I am not taking you back to Montore, and I will certainly not drop you off anywhere. You are coming home with me.” He kissed her hair as he rocked her and waited for her sobs to subside.

  It took a few moments for Jaren’s words to register.

  “You’re–you’re—taking me—home with you?” Her words were halting as she hiccupped them out.

  Jaren chuckled softly against her hair. “That is usually the customary course of action when a male takes a mate.”

  “M–m–mate?” Kari’s voice came out as a squeak.

  “Yes, Karinna.” Jaren kissed her forehead and sig
hed. “Mmmm, my Karinna. Your name is beautiful, you know.” He pulled back to look at her. “You are my sha-lia, Karinna. I knew the moment I first looked into your eyes. You are mine, and I will never let you go.”

  “What does that mean? Sha-lia?”

  Jaren cocked his head as he studied her. “It is an ancient word from my homeworld. It means light of my heart. You are my shining light now, Karinna.”

  Kari’s heart swelled at his words. Never in her life had she felt so wanted. Whether she really could spend her life with this man was something she would have to figure out later, but for now she just wanted to forget about everything else.

  She looked up at him shyly, not quite certain how to ask him for what she wanted. “Um…Can you…you know…make me feel like you did before?”

  Jaren’s mouth turned up in the sexiest grin Kari had ever seen. “Oh, I think we can do better than that.”

  Jaren lowered his head, and his lips brushed hers, gently at first, but with a growing urgency. She didn’t hesitate to part her lips and allow him entrance. Kari ran her hands over his broad chest and down to his waist, where she grabbed the hem of his shirt to tug it upward impatiently.

  Jaren laughed quietly as he pulled her hands back and raised himself up to stand beside the bed. “Patience, love,” he reminded her.

  Kari watched as Jaren pulled the shirt over his head with one motion, revealing the hard flesh beneath. Her eyes drank in the contours of his chest and the chiseled ripples of his abdomen. His skin was tanned and smooth, with no hair on his chest. He kicked off his boots and shoved them aside. She watched with fascination and anticipation as his hands unfastened his pants and pushed them over his hips.

  Kari’s eyes went wide and her mouth fell open in shock as she saw the size of his rigid cock. A nervous giggle escaped her. She knew where that thing was supposed to go, and there was no way it was ever going to fit! She swallowed her apprehension and watched as the rest of his lean, muscular legs were revealed. He was gorgeous. Every perfect inch of him was gorgeous.

  Jaren took her by the hands and slowly pulled her to her feet. He kept his eyes focused on hers as he reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. His hands went to her waist and pushed her pants down to her ankles, using his foot to move them away when she stepped out of them. His glowing eyes were mesmerizing. She felt like she could sink into their depths and be lost forever. He was looking back at her with an intensity she had never seen before.

  His gaze hungrily roamed her body, his breath becoming shallow. No one had ever looked at Kari like this. The thought flickered through her mind that she should feel embarrassed. Even though he had already seen her nude body when he had pleasured her, this time was different. He had been fully clothed then. This was so much…more. They were bared completely to each other, and she had no desire to cover herself or hide her body from his ravenous gaze. The raw desire on Jaren’s face and the burning passion in his eyes made her feel more needed than she had ever felt. The knowledge that he wanted her so desperately, that the sight of her body was so appealing to him, caused every insult that her father had ever made about her being worthless to melt away into nothingness.

  Jaren walked her backward until the back of her knees hit the bed, causing her to sit down. He moved with her, adjusting them so they were farther up on the bed, then he placed his hand over her heart.

  “Karinna, my sha-lia. I want to make love to you so badly.” His words sent shivers of anticipation all over her bare skin.

  He settled himself between her thighs, resting his weight on his arms. His mouth descended on hers with a renewed hunger. Kari wrapped her hands around Jaren’s broad shoulders to explore the muscles, letting her fingers glide over his back. His chest pressed down onto hers, his body sliding up and down over hers to create a delicious friction against her sensitive nipples. Kari slung one of her legs over his hip, wanting to feel closer to him. He groaned into her mouth and pressed his lower body closer to hers, letting his hard shaft rub against her slick crotch. He drew back slightly to look into her eyes and moved his hand down between their heated bodies to guide his swollen tip to her opening. Kari closed her eyes as she felt pressure.

  “Look at me, sha-lia.” Kari opened her eyes and stared into glowing blue as he inched into her.

  * * * *

  Jaren fought the instinct to drive into her hard. He watched the wonder in her eyes as her untried walls stretched to take his cock. When he reached the thin barrier marking her innocence, he stopped. Lifting his weight on one arm and reaching his other hand between their bodies, he gently rubbed her sensitive clit with his fingers. He needed to make this as painless as possible for her. Kari’s breaths came hard and fast, and she pushed off the bed with her leg, trying to get more pressure. Jaren could feel her climax building as her walls started to convulse. Just before she went over the edge, Jaren pushed into her, breaking her barrier. Her body froze at the sharp pain, and she cried out, but he immediately stroked her clit again, and the pain was forgotten as her orgasm broke over her.

  Jaren rode the sensation with her, slowly inching his way inside her tight walls. When he had seated himself fully, he paused, giving her a minute to adjust to the feel of him. He loved the feeling of being buried deep within her. It was better than any sexual encounter he had ever had. As her breathing calmed, he began to slowly withdraw from her. She protested at the emptiness, but he grinned smugly as he reversed course and filled her again.

  “Oh, Jaren!” He loved hearing his name on her lips as he slowly pushed his cock into her. He continued the slow movements, thrusting and retreating, until she began to beg.

  “Please, more!” Jaren began to thrust in earnest, moving with more urgency as he felt himself hurtling toward his own climax. He had already held himself back longer than he thought possible considering the tightness of her walls and the way they clenched around his cock. He rubbed her clit one last time and they both came hard, her walls contracting tightly around his shaft as his hot cum emptied into her.

  In that moment, Jaren felt his heart, his mind, and his life force join with hers, taking part of her into himself and sharing himself with her. They were now truly part of each other, and nothing could ever separate them. His beast roared its pleasure, knowing it would now be free. With shouts of joy, their shared climax permanently sealed the bond between them.

  * * *

  Chapter Nine

  Kari awoke with the feeling of a hand gliding softly over her skin, around her waist, and up to her breast. She grinned and snuggled backward into the warm body behind her, giggling softly when her bottom pressed up against a hard bulge. Jaren was insatiable. Based on the talks her mother had given her about sex, she had expected Jaren to fall asleep after the first time. Kari didn’t know if Jaren’s actions were normal for his people, but if this was normal, then the women on his planet must be exhausted all the time. Exhausted and very, very happy. After the third time the night before, she had told him she didn’t think she could take anymore. After the fourth time, she had begged for mercy. They both finally fell into a blissed-out heap after the fifth.

  Her mind was still having a hard time believing she could have a future with this incredible man, but her body and her heart were telling her mind to shut up. Maybe, just maybe, it would be possible to lead a quiet anonymous life with Jaren, away from her father’s eyes. She felt a small spark of hope ignite in her heart.

  Jaren nuzzled against her neck. “Good morning, my sha-lia.” He nibbled her ear and ran his tongue along the sensitive flesh behind it. “You taste so good, Karinna.”

  She twisted in his arms so that she could look into his eyes, while her hand strayed down his chest. He sucked in a sharp breath as she continued her journey over his abdomen and took his aroused cock in her hand. She marveled at the silky-smooth skin that covered his shaft and the way it seemed to heat under her hand. She had no idea how a man liked to be touched, but she was curious and wanted to explore. She moved her hand over h
is shaft to the base, drawing out a low growl from him. She froze, afraid she did something he didn’t like. She looked in his eyes and instead of disapproval, she saw yearning. Encouraged by his reaction, she stroked her hand back up his cock to the engorged head, running her thumb around the slit.

  “Ah, love, yes.” His voice was ragged with desire. She realized that she held power over this enormous warrior. The knowledge was a heady feeling and gave her more confidence. Jaren rolled over onto his back, giving Kari better access to him.

  The door chimed. Jaren let out a frustrated roar that echoed off the metal walls of the room. Throwing the blanket over Kari’s naked body, he bolted out of bed and stalked to the door, not bothering to clothe himself. He slammed his hand on the sensor pad by the door with such force that the wall shook.


  The man standing in the doorway was almost as big as Jaren. His eyes widened at seeing Jaren unclothed, and then he directed his eyes downward to stare at the floor. Kari assumed he didn’t want to be accused of ogling his superior officer’s naked mate. The man crossed his right arm across his chest, his fist closed. Kari guessed it was their version of a military salute.

  “My sincere apologies, My Lord. There is a communication from the king. Your presence is requested immediately.”

  Jaren looked at Kari with concern in his eyes before turning back to the other man. “I’ll be there momentarily.”

  “Yes, My Lord.” The man bowed formally at the waist before turning to leave, never once looking up. The door slid closed. Jaren stood motionless for a moment before walking over to the closet and quickly pulling on trousers and a shirt, along with his boots.

  “I need to go to the bridge. Please stay here, and I will return as soon as possible.” He stopped on his way to the door. Turning around, he strode to the bed and wrapped Kari in his arms. His lips possessed her mouth in a devastating kiss. When he broke the kiss and pulled back, his eyes were glowing.


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