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The Golden Lands, Volume 5

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by Dominic Sceski


  The Golden Lands, Volume 5: Kiilda

  Copyright 2016 Dominic Sceski

  Illustrations Copyright 2016 Clare Sceski

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  Character Profile: FRANCES BEZNAR

  Age: 14

  Race: Femina

  Height: 5’2

  Eye Color: Brown

  Hair Color: Honey-brown

  It has always existed.

  Stories are no longer necessary. I have seen It with mine own eyes. It is not like a normal creature…in fact, I do not think It to be a creature, and for that reason I believe that this thing is something eternal—uncreated. It does not eat. It does not sleep. It doesn’t express emotion. The patterns It exhibits are so bizarre, we don’t know if they are patterns at all. And despite how It can be defeated, It always comes back. And It is always different.

  Other Survivors have told me of how It performed, and none of their writings completely match what I have discovered thus far. There are similarities, especially regarding the appearance of the demon. But it is impossible to gather any concrete information about the beast. It does not speak. It cannot be questioned. I don’t know if It even thinks. Certainly, however, It seems to learn; It seems to know and understand. It has such power, such power I’ve never seen before. The other Survivors speak of Its power in a likewise manner. There is something supernatural about this beast—thus I call It a “demon”. And It possesses a strange power. I don’t know if we can ever hope to understand It.

  Kiilda…the demon is not human. It lacks both personhood and personality. But, at the same time, the only way I can describe the creature…I struggle even to write this with reason, or proof other than my instincts…

  There is something godly about Kiilda.

  Wherever I try to find refuge within the alien world, Kiilda knows whither I rest my head. Each day, no matter what I do, I always wake in a different place. Things are decided for me; while within this world, I am not in control of things I would be while within the Golden Lands. And I can only assume that it is Kiilda that is responsible for the incoherency of the subworld that nearly drives me insane.

  And beyond these bizarre abilities of the demon, there is another. Kiilda possesses the ability to make even Its opponents a reflection of him; cold, lifeless, entrapped in stone. And I speak not in metaphors. Be warned, whosoever would endeavor to challenge the demon. Should Its blade cut you, your skin will slowly turn to stone…stone, even as Its skin is stone.

  There is only one remedy that I and the other Survivors have found. It is a stream, or a river, filled with life-giving water. It is the only thing that can cleanse one’s skin of the stone-infection. Though it is never in the same place, every Survivor has found this stream. It is the only thing that enabled us to survive. It gave us power. It gave us strength. And it granted us aid from “him”.

  Yes, even as Kiilda controls the subworld, still “he” is present. Find the stream, you who would challenge Kiilda, and be aided by the warrior that wins every battle.

  For if you don’t, it is a stone casket that awaits you—a stone casket fashioned from your own infected skin.


  ~Jack Onendson, the Survivor



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