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0597092001436358459 eveline vine

Page 8

by Unknown

  I rolled my eyes. Sure, Paulie. That really helped.

  I stalked back inside to find Zane's whistle he used to use whilst 'training' us. I walked right up to the pile on, unaffected by their brutal show of violence (I did grow up with nine brothers remember) as I blew the whistle loudly. They froze, their heads looking around in alarm as if expecting big brother Zane to be hiding behind a bush or something. Seeing only me, they slowly got to their feet and started checking their injuries.

  "What's up lil E?" Jake asked with a big grin.

  "I need someone to carry my suitcase down the stairs and a lift to the airport," I said softly, then added hesitantly, "Please."

  "I'll get it!" the triplets shouted, pushing and shoving each other as they raced inside.

  "I'll give you a lift Evie," Paul said, wiping the blood from his lower lip with a sheepish expression.

  I smiled at him in amusement and went to hug my mother goodbye.


  It felt good to be back at the university I realised as I walked down the hall to my room. I couldn’t wait to get back to my room and savour some peace and quiet before Candy returned tomorrow. When I reached my door though, I found Fredi and Briar sitting against it, arguing. They looked up at my approach and grinned. I stopped short. Their smiles looked positively evil and I shook slightly in worry.

  “Evie!” they shouted, jumping to their feet and running to hug me.

  “We’ve been waiting for you to get back,” Fredi said with a smug smile, “We’ve been back for two weeks!”

  “You have?” I asked curiously.

  “Yes!” Briar answered enthusiastically, “You missed the Camel Cup! It was awesome! My camel won!”

  The Camel Cup was an annual event and was pretty much a horse race…only with camels, and it was a lot less posh.

  “Er…awesome,” I whispered, a little overwhelmed by their exuberance.

  Fredi laughed loudly, “You should’ve seen Stone’s face when his camel sat down in the middle of the race!”

  Briar joined in with the laughter, clutching at her belly. I shuddered as I pictured the harsh expression he would’ve worn. Camels were unpredictable, stubborn creatures and it wasn’t uncommon for one to give up part-way through the race.

  Fredi abruptly stopped laughing and eyed my outfit with disdain. “You need to get changed,” she commanded, pulling me inside my room.

  “Why?” I asked worriedly as Briar started flipping through my closet.

  “Because the band is playing at the uni club tonight,” Briar answered, frowning at the clothes she pulled out.

  I opened my mouth to tell them no, but Fredi skewered me with a look. “Don’t even argue. I want you to see us play.”

  I sighed and nodded, not bothering to argue because a small part of me was curious about the band.

  Briar huffed in frustration. “This won’t do,” she said firmly, “Fredi, go and get me something from your wardrobe. Evie has nothing appropriate.”

  Fredi grinned and raced out of the room.

  “No, wait!” I cried in alarm, but neither girl heeded me.

  That’s how I found myself being dragged through a dark courtyard on our way to the club, stumbling a little in the red high heels and trying to pull down the hem of the black leather skirt I was wearing. The skirt probably reached mid-thigh on Fredi, but with my long legs, it was considerably higher. The long-sleeved white shirt I was wearing was tight and thin, revealing my purple push-up bra even without the plunging V of its neckline. It wasn’t doing much to keep me warm either. I shivered against the frigidness of the late July night and cursed my lack of a jacket. My loose hair whipped across my face in the strong breeze and I longed to tie it back in a pony-tail.

  My phone rang just as the club appeared in sight and I searched through my small bag for my phone. I frowned at the name on the screen, before accepting the call.

  “Hello?” I asked softly, aware that Briar and Fredi had stopped to wait for me and were listening intently.

  “Hiya Evie!” my older brother Logan greeted me, “I tried ringing you at home, but Mike said you were here already.”

  “I got back this afternoon,” I mumbled, unsure as to why he was calling me. Logan and I had never been close and I’d only seen him once since I’d moved here. I was pretty sure it had been an apology visit after Cooper had told him off.

  “You should have called me to meet you at the airport,” he said sternly.

  I blinked, lost for words.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled, unable to think of a better response.

  “Whatever,” he brushed it off, “What are you doing tonight? Wanna come over?”

  My mouth dropped open in shock and Briar raised an eyebrow in question. I knew she wouldn’t let me ditch them, but I didn’t want to turn down Logan when he’d made the effort to call me.

  “Hold on a second,” I told him, covering the mouth piece and looking hesitantly between Fredi and Briar.

  “Do you guys mind if we meet someone there?” I asked quietly. They gaped at me.

  “Sure,” Fredi said, recovering first, “That’s cool.”

  “Um, you still there?” I whispered into the phone.

  “Yeah,” Logan replied, “You coming over or not?”

  “I-I’m already going out,” I replied, “Would you…would you like to meet us at the uni club?”

  He was silent for so long that I thought he had hung up.

  “Logan?” I whispered tentatively.

  “Sorry,” he said with a laugh, “I thought you said you were going to the uni club.”

  “I did. I am,” I mumbled.

  He laughed for a few more seconds. “Well alright then,” he replied, “I’m actually driving past it now. I’m on my way home from work. I’ll do a U-y at the lights and meet you in there.”

  He hung up before I could tell him off for talking whilst driving.

  I put my phone back in my bag and looked up to find Briar and Fredi smiling.

  “He’s meeting us there,” I said, pushing past them carefully and continuing the walk toward the club. They hurriedly caught up to me, just as the bouncer stamped my arm with an underage brand. I hesitated in the entrance foyer, knowing that Logan would probably enter soon and that he’d find me more easily if I waited here.

  “I’ll wait here with Evie,” Briar said to Fredi, “You’d better meet up with the band.”

  Fredi nodded and gave my ass a slap as she walked past. “See you in there, girls!” she called, sashaying into the club in her tight leather pants and backless green top.

  “So when’s this guy going to get here?” Briar asked me, watching my face intently.

  “He should be here now,” I answered, turning to look at the line outside.

  Logan was two people away from the bouncer and he gave me a big grin and a wave when he saw me.

  “Wow,” Briar breathed beside me. I rolled my eyes at her and looked back at my brother with a frown. I hoped he was still with that girlfriend...Logan was a chick-magnet and I was not looking forward to the attention. I eyed him critically as he passed his ID over. He was one of my shorter brothers, standing at 5’11” like Cooper and Paul. His muscular body was still covered by his crisp Flying Doctor pilot uniform, though he’d left his hat in the car, revealing the number two cut of his black hair. His blue eyes sparkled as he moved closer, close enough that I could see the small smattering of freckles over his tanned nose (much like mine) and his shadow beard.

  “You’ve put on weight,” he said with a grin, eyeing my body from heels to chest. He suddenly frowned as he stared at my thin shirt.

  Here we go, I thought, expecting the protective older (or younger in the triplets’ case) speech about my slutty outfit. But I’d forgotten Logan wasn’t like the others. Like Cooper, he wasn’t overbearing and pushy. Instead of being cool, sensible and easygoing like Cooper though, he was relaxed and carefree, holding his own set of rules and code of behaviour.

  “Are you cold?�
� he asked me with concern, “You still don’t have much meat and that shirt is thinner than paper.”

  “I’m fine,” I whispered. Briar nudged me in the side.

  “Oh,” I said nervously, “This is my friend Briar. Bri, this is my older brother Logan.”

  “Your brother?” she murmured, a grin growing on her face.

  I nodded, knowing she and Fredi had thought differently from the phone call.

  Logan eyed her appreciatively. “Nice to meet you,” he said with a naughty grin.

  “She’s my age,” I whispered quietly to my twenty-five year old brother. He waved me away with his hand.

  Briar fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously, “My, you’re even sexier than the triplets!”

  Logan’s grin widened. “You’ve met our little brothers?” he asked curiously.

  Bri shook her head. “Just saw a picture.”

  Logan nodded and turned back to me with a frown. “Has Cooper called you yet?” he asked, “He called me earlier, wanting to know when your flight got in. That’s how I knew you were due back today.”

  Briar’s eyes snapped to my face, a strange light dancing in them. “Is Cooper a brother too?” she asked.

  Logan grinned. “Yep,” he answered for me, winking at her, “But he’s another little brother that doesn’t measure up to me.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Get over yourself,” I whispered.

  He and Briar laughed and we pushed our way into the packed club.


  I heard a familiar voice belting out a metal song and glanced up at the stage. Donny was behind the microphone, his gorgeous face contorted as he and Alec shouted out the chorus. Fredi looked hot behind her keyboard as she threw naughty smiles at her drooling male audience and I looked on in amazement at how smoothly Jamie’s hands moved over his base guitar. A heavy drum solo kicked in at the end of the chorus and my airway closed as I gazed at Stone. His shirt was off and his broad, muscled torso was slicked with sweat as he got right into the music. The look on his hard, masculine face was intense and I swallowed noisily as I watched the muscles jump in his arms.

  “What’s wrong sis?” Logan asked, shrugging off a clingy blonde he’d been talking to.

  “Nothing,” I muttered, blushing when I realised I’d been caught staring, “Let’s get a drink.”

  Logan chuckled. “Soft drink on me,” he taunted as he led me to the bar.

  By the time we were served, the band had finished playing, so Briar led us over to their table. I let my eyes run over each member, taking in their moods. Donny and Jamie were flirting with a couple of girls sitting at the table next to them and Fredi and Alec appeared to be having a debate of some sort. Stone was sipping his beer, leaning back in his chair, looking relaxed. His head turned and we locked gazes for a few moments, before his eyes drifted up to Logan. Something hardened in his features and I started to feel a bit uneasy about bringing another alpha male over to their table. Stone was assessing Logan with his eyes, as if trying to measure his worth.

  “Oh!” Fredi exclaimed as we reached them, “Is this the guy you said you were meeting?”

  The table fell silent and they all turned to look at me. I nodded nervously.

  “I’m Logan,” my brother said, eyeing Fredi’s clothing (or lack thereof) appreciatively.

  Stone placed his beer down with a clunk and Alec shot him a worried glance. Logan didn’t notice the tension though. He wrapped his arm around me, giving my shoulders a good squeeze.

  “These your friends Evie?” he asked me, his usually flirty face softening.

  I hesitated, unsure if everyone at the table could be considered my friend, but eventually nodded.

  “Good,” he responded, his smile widening, “I’m glad you’re making friends.”

  He turned his attention back to the table and smiled at them winningly, “My Lil’ E is very shy.”

  I blushed and hid my face in his shoulder. “Stop embarrassing me,” I grumbled into his shirt.

  Logan just laughed. “Do you guys mind if I steal her for a bit?” he asked my new friends, “I don’t get to see her very often these days.”

  And whose fault is that? I thought bitterly.

  Briar beamed at him. “Sure!” she agreed enthusiastically, sliding a glance toward Fredi, “We don’t mind.”

  Stone got up and left the table, pushing his way towards the bar.

  “C’mon Evie,” Logan said cheerfully, “You’ve gotta dance with me to keep away the grabby chicks.”

  I blanched and dug in my heels as he started to drag me onto the dance floor. He was much stronger than me though and I ended up slow dancing with my big brother in the middle of the loud club. We danced a few songs, before he dragged me outside so we could talk in the beer garden. He told me about work and I told him about university, my trip to Sydney, and my visit back home. He didn’t mention his mysterious girlfriend, and I didn’t dare ask.

  He left before midnight as he had to work in the morning, but he promised to call me soon and invite me over to his place. I nodded slowly in agreement, not sure what alien creature had abducted him and scrambled his brain. Something had to be going on if Logan wanted to hang out with his invisible little sister. I made my way back to the group, hoping they wouldn’t be too annoyed that I’d ditched them for nearly four hours.

  “Hi,” I whispered as I sat down next to Briar. They all started and looked around as if wondering how I’d snuck up on them. I was good at that. No one ever noticed me. No one except Stone, who was staring a hole through my forehead. I rubbed the spot self-consciously.

  Fredi leaned over and pinched me. “I thought you said you were single, miss,” she pretended to scold me with a smile.

  I frowned at her in confusion. “I am,” I said firmly.

  The group stared at me for a few moments, before Donny broke the silence with a laugh.

  “You sure do have a lot of non-boyfriends,” he said, giving me a saucy wink.

  Wanna join the club? I thought, but merely blushed and looked away…just in time to see the secretive laughter flash in Briar’s eyes.


  Candy showed up the next day and pestered me with questions, a little put out that she’d heard from Briar I’d actually gone to the uni club without her…when she’d been trying to get me to go all year. Thankfully, Mason had heard that she was back and swooped in to rescue me before she could get too carried away. Unfortunately, that also meant I was left wandering around campus for the next few hours whilst they used the room.

  Classes started up again on the Monday, and I found myself run ragged as I hurried to purchase my new text books, find all my new classrooms and then endure the forty minutes of muscle torture inflicted on me by Alec. Yep, Alec and Briar’s determination to fatten me up hadn’t eased in the slightest. Well, okay, to be fair, they’d stopped piling my plate with a ridiculous amount of food. The day was long and I was relieved to escape to my room after dinner.

  I collapsed on my bed, marvelling again at how lucky I was to have landed a free ride to a university that provided its students with plush, king-sized single beds. Yeah, okay, so I had to share this stylish, comfortable room with a messy party-animal that often brought her boyfriend back, but it was still pretty damn decent. Next year I'd be able to upgrade to a single room. I sighed with pleasure, imagining my own special haven. Growing up with so many siblings made me treasure privacy, quiet and solitude.

  I glanced over to the other side of the room where Candy was dancing around in woolly pjs and playboy bunny slippers to a song I couldn't quite make out from the earphones she was using. It seemed someone had had a good first day back! I groaned. My first day of our second semester had been extremely tiring and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. Well, what I really wanted was to be back in Sydney with Briar's family-but I guess sleep would just have to do.

  A firm knock sounded at the door, but Candy didn't seem to hear it. It's probably just Mason, I thought with a grimace. I got u
p and slowly opened the door, hoping it wasn't Mason and that I wouldn't have to find somewhere else to sleep. I froze, staring up at the unexpected guest in bewilderment. Stone stood in the doorway, propped against the frame, his leaning stance not doing anything to disguise his large size. His hard, stone-grey eyes swept over my warm, fluffy, yellow pjs, then shot up to stare at Candy. Candy turned mid-dance and froze. She grinned at him and whipped out her earphones.

  With a slight movement of his head and the narrowing of his gaze, Candy read the command in his eyes: Get out. She winked at me and hurriedly moved past him on her way out the door. His gaze moved to me and he slowly stepped over the threshold, shutting the door behind him. I averted my stare, feigning an interest in the geometric patterns on the carpet. I could hear the rhythm of my pulse pounding in my ears, feel the blood rushing through my veins as I struggled to silence my harried breathing. What was he doing here? What did he want with me? I wanted to dare a glance up into those dominating, powerful eyes- but feared the command I'd find.


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