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0597092001436358459 eveline vine

Page 17

by Unknown

  His hot, firm kisses travelled down my neck and along my shoulder as his hand moved to cup my breast. I arched up off the bed at the contact, even though I’d been expecting it. He made a low sound that I took to be approval as he explored my sensitive flesh. I gasped in surprise when his fingers closed over my nipple in a gentle pinch.

  I found myself grasping his sides as his kisses moved south over my collar bone and down over the exposed tops of my breasts to the edge of my top. His hand moved to tug the fabric down, but I grabbed it with my own and shook my head. I wasn’t ready for him to look at me naked.

  His hand broke free of mine and settled low on my stomach, sending shivers of arousal down my centre and between my legs. Undeterred by the cover of fabric, his mouth closed over my nipple and his tongue flickered against the taunt bud. I whimpered as he followed with his teeth, a ball of need building deep inside of me. I clung to his shoulders and rubbed my pelvis against his stomach, hoping to find relief in the friction.

  His deft fingers popped the button on my jeans and were burrowing into my curls before my head cleared enough to stop him. His mouth swallowed my sound of distress as I tugged his hands from my tight pants. I wasn’t ready for him to touch me like that. We weren’t even dating!

  Again, he didn’t protest or show any signs of disappointment. Instead, his hand moved to cup me through the crotch of my jeans, the heel of his hand rubbing the seam firmly against my swollen clit. A moan escaped me before I could stop it and I blushed at the wanton sound. Stone smiled briefly against my lips and then broke away to torture my untouched nipple. He swirled his tongue around the eager bud, the thin fabric of my top abrading the tender flesh. He teased it, not giving it the warm moisture of his mouth, nor the bite of his teeth. His hand too, worked at a slow, torturous pace. I whimpered in frustration, my body arching and thrusting, silently pleading him for more. I’d never felt this…hunger for sex with Ben.

  I was so caught up in the new, incredible feelings he was arousing in me, that it didn’t even occur to me to return the favour. I just held on, nails and all as the tension built and his hand started to speed up. His lips finally latched onto my nipple and sucked firmly, sending sharp shards of pleasure throughout my body. The pressure in my head increased, making it difficult for me to think as my folds clenched and desperately sought the approaching release.

  “Grant,” I gasped softly, hoping he’d hear my hidden plea, that he’d know I was almost there…

  His hand pressed harder against me and his teeth plucked at my breast with drawn out tugs. I bit my lip and squeezed his shoulders as it all became too much and I climaxed with a long, soft ‘Aahhh’.

  When I finally stopped quaking, I released my grip and slowly opened my eyes. Stone stared down at me, his breaths quiet, but short and ragged. His hand had moved to my hip and he was still supporting himself on his other arm. I blushed under his gaze, not sure what to say or do. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to my forehead.

  “I’ll be back,” he said roughly, climbing off the bed and walking toward the bathroom.

  My mouth fell open in confusion, feeling a little hurt that he’d left me so soon…until I realised what he’d gone into the bathroom to do. I hid my face in the pillows and groaned in embarrassment.

  Should I have offered to help?

  I paled at the thought. It would be terrifying touching his private parts while he stared down at me with those hard, steel-grey eyes. I’d be scared to death of doing something wrong.

  I shook my head and chastised myself. He had been understanding tonight hadn’t he? And he hadn’t pushed for more or made fun of me. Maybe I should go in and offer to help? The thought of walking in on him touching himself, those strong forearms rippling as he powerfully stroked his…I blushed and ran to my dresser, hurriedly grabbing some pyjamas to wear. I wasn’t brave enough to help him tonight.

  I quickly changed and snuggled into bed, feigning sleep. He joined me several minutes later, spooning my body from behind and placing a brief kiss to the base of my neck. His hand spread possessively over my stomach and his breaths slowed as he quickly drifted to sleep.

  Just like the first night he slept in my room, I barely slept at all. I lay awake and stared at the wall, wondering and worrying about just what the hell was happening.


  At dinner the next night, I sat down beside Candy at her still empty table instead of sitting with the others.

  “Hey!” she greeted me happily, sucking loudly on the straw of her drink. I hid a smile. I’d obviously been right about the makeup sex. Candy’s eyes held a far away look in them and she was humming in between slurps.

  “Hi,” I said quietly, “Where’s Mason?”

  Candy brightened at his name and started telling me all about his disk jockeying. Apparently he was working at the local bar tonight for their Sunday session. She was going to get dressed up after dinner so that she could meet up with him. One of her friends was going to drive her.

  I looked around the busy dining hall and noticed that many people were looking in my direction. I started to feel self-conscious so I asked Candy if I had anything on my face. She laughed as she too looked at the staring, gossiping faces.

  “Word’s out that you’re Stone’s girlfriend,” Candy said with a grin, “Of course they’re going to stare.”

  My jaw dropped. “But I’m not!” I whispered fiercely, wishing that they’d all find something better to look at.

  “Not what?” Candy murmured distractedly.

  “His girlfriend!” I hissed.

  Candy rolled her eyes. “I think you are, Evie.”

  “I’m not,” I said firmly. He hadn’t said anything to me about it.

  “Whatever,” she said, looking over my shoulder at something.

  I turned to see what she was looking at and noticed several other heads doing the same thing. My brow furrowed when I saw Chloe pressed against Stone, her hands holding one of his large biceps as she smiled enchantingly up at him. Stone didn’t seem to be looking at her, but he nodded his head several times, indicating that he was listening to her prattle on. He moved forward in the dinner line and Chloe followed, still hanging off him. I watched him grab two trays and start loading them up with food. I wrinkled my nose.

  He was buying her dinner?

  “Aww,” Candy cooed, “See. You’re jealous!”

  I snapped back around to face her. “No I’m not,” I protested meekly. I hesitated and played with the hem of my skirt.

  “I’m just…” I stopped and tried to think of the right words.


  I huffed in frustration and just blurted it out.

  “He made me orgasm last night and now he’s buying Chloe dinner.”

  Candy spat out her drink in surprise, nearly choking on her surprised laugh.


  I blushed and filled her in on what happened last night.

  She let out a low whistle.

  “Was it good?” she asked wistfully, “I’ve always wondered what Stone would be like in bed.”

  I frowned at her. We were getting off topic.

  “Yes,” I said quickly, “But what’s up with Chloe?”

  Candy glared at the buxom blonde. “She’s a bitch. Don’t worry Evie. Stone doesn’t go back for second chances. Once it’s over, it’s over.”

  I glanced over at the two of them, filled with doubt. I couldn’t read anything into Stone’s blank expression as they walked toward the band’s table. He placed the two trays down and sat in his usual seat. He frowned when Chloe sat beside him. He said a single word and Chloe’s face turned down with a full pout. She stood in a huff and reached for the second tray he’d bought. He shook his head at her with a frown and looked around the room. When his gaze met mine, his frown deepened and he gestured with his hand for me to come over. Chloe smiled at him with insincere sweetness and sent a glare my way as she retreated.

  Candy chuckled beside me and stood up from
the table. “I’m finished Evie. I’m going to go and get ready to go out. Looks like Stone wants you over there,” she said with a smirk.

  “I’ll stay at Mason’s again tonight,” she added with a wink, before skipping out of the hall.

  Great, I thought, She didn’t even give me any advice on what to do tonight.

  Would Stone try to touch me again? Should I try to be a more active participant? Did I want to become his special fuck buddy?

  As far as I was concerned he hadn’t shown any signs of wanting a romantic attachment. With a sigh, I stood up and made my way through the tables to Stone, trying desperately to ignore the stares. I sat down in my seat and he pushed his extra tray toward me. He’d bought me dinner. I smiled up at him to show my thanks. A flicker of emotion moved in his eyes, but his expression didn’t change. He tapped my nose gently and turned back to his plate. I looked around the table and everyone’s heads snapped away as if they’d been watching us. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and picked at my meal.

  Donny gave my knee a gentle smack and winked at me. “You’re looking nice and curvy today,” he told me, his eyes moving over the length of leg exposed by my pink, corduroy mini-skirt. I blushed and ran my hands over them nervously. Stone frowned at Donny, but didn’t say anything. Briar grinned at me and poked her head under the table to look at them. I quickly clamped my legs together in case anyone else decided to have a look.

  “They do look more toned and shapely,” her muffled voice said with satisfaction. Her head reappeared and her eyes shone with excitement.

  “We should do a weigh and measure tomorrow,” Alec suggested with a small smile, “You’re arms are looking healthier as well.”

  Jamie laughed as he took a large bite from his burger. “Your tits are better too!” he said with his mouth full.

  Fredi laughed and eyed them critically as Stone growled and Alec slapped the back of Jamie’s head. I suddenly felt naked in my T-shirt as the other males at the table looked their fill. I think Stone sensed how uncomfortable I was becoming, because he glared down everyone until they left the table. Left and right people made excuses to go, leaving just me, Briar and Stone. Stone and I sat in silence as Briar talked about her latest design project, stopping every now and then to giggle at us.

  As soon as I finished my dinner, Stone stood and pulled me with him, nodding at Briar and walking towards the stairs. I hastily waved at Bri over my shoulder as I hurried after him. My pulse kicked up as we made our way to my room. Equal doses of anticipation and anxiety rushed through me, making me feel a little lightheaded. My hands shook as I turned the key, half expecting Stone to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder at any minute. He didn’t though, and we slowly walked inside the room. Stone had obviously planned to come straight to my room, because he’d worn a singlet and thin track pants to dinner in preparation for sleeping in my bed.

  I wondered what he usually wore to sleep. My brothers all slept in boxers. None of them wore shirts to bed…not even singlets. I’d seen Stone shirtless before…but did he deliberately leave his clothes on to make me feel more comfortable? I thought back to that first night he’d slept in my bed, and the night he started to spoon me, realising that if he’d indeed been dressed only in boxers, I probably would have hyperventilated.

  Stone didn’t turn the music on tonight and he didn’t grab me and pull me down onto the bed. Instead, he withdrew one of his music textbooks from the backpack he’d left by my bed and started to do his reading assignment. I knew for a fact that it was due tomorrow morning, so I quietly went to the bathroom to change and then sat down at my desk to do my own study.


  Two hours later, Stone put his work away and crawled over the bed to walk to my chair. I held my breath, certain that he’d lean down and kiss me. Maybe he’d pull me from the chair into his arms and then press me up against the wall. I looked up at him uncertainly, hopefully, fearfully, but the room went black as he turned off the light and I couldn’t see his face. One of his hands grasped in the dark for mine and he tugged me gently from my chair, guiding me to the bed. I crawled blindly onto it, lying in the middle on my back.

  The bed dipped as he propped a knee beside me, but he simply rolled me onto my side and scooted in behind me. I waited in the darkness for him to touch me, my nerves on edge, my body wanting to welcome him, my mind warning me not to and my heart…still undecided.

  His arm came around my body and his hand crept under my singlet. Butterflies danced beneath his fingers as he stroked me in slow, soothing circles. His mouth moved to my neck and shoulders, lightly kissing along my heated flesh. Tonight his touch was light and soothing, last night it had been firm and bold. He didn’t attempt to touch me anywhere else, his movements becoming slower and less frequent, before he eventually fell asleep. I frowned down at his hand.

  I was confused…



  Unbearably horny!


  Early the next morning, I woke to the soft pressure of his lips against mine and eagerly opened my mouth for more. Kissing Stone was addictive. He always tasted like chocolate or sugar and his lips were perfect: soft and smooth in texture, but firm in delivery. I inwardly groaned in protest as he drew back and started to move away from the bed. I hesitated for a moment, before tentatively reaching out for his hand. He stopped and looked down at me in question. I shuffled backward on the bed, making room for him as I tugged gently on his hand.

  Watching me carefully, he slowly climbed back into the bed and lay on his side, facing me. His hand wove into my messy hair as he leant forward and sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. I sucked at his top lip in response and he angled his head to smoothly slide his tongue inside. I sucked at it eagerly and he made a muffled noise in response. I presumed he liked it, because his hand left my hair to grab my ass and pull me up against him. He was rock hard against my thighs and I felt a burst of triumph at being able to excite him. I bit his lip a little too enthusiastically and I felt his breath suck in, before his tongue flicked lightly over the wound. I offered my own forward in an attempt to sooth the hurt, but it was cut short by my shocked gasp as Stone rolled onto his back, taking me with him.

  I pushed up slightly to look down at him, spreading my legs to rest on either side of his stomach. I smiled shyly, unused to being on top of a man, let alone one I didn’t know very well. Stone looked up at me patiently, waiting, his hands stroking my bare thighs. Slowly, I bent forward and propped my hands on either side of his head. I lowered my mouth to his and almost immediately he went back into action, thrusting one hand beneath my singlet and the other grasping my neck as he took the kiss deeper. He rose up onto his elbows and trailed kisses down my neck to reach my chest. He took turns sucking each nipple through my thin singlet and I moaned, wishing his mouth was kissing my skin.

  His mouth moved back to mine for a quick kiss, before he returned his head to the pillow and grasped my hips, moving me down his body to straddle his. I gasped at the feeling of his erection resting snugly against my own sex. I blushed again, feeling like a naïve virgin, despite my past experiences. I sat up straight and stared down at him as he pulled his singlet off and looked up at me. My eyes dropped to his hard, tanned torso and my mouth went dry. I glanced back at his face, breathing a little harder than before.

  Touch me, his eyes implored, but that could have just been wishful thinking on my part. I took a deep breath and gingerly reached out to trail a finger down the centre of his body. The muscles in his chest and abdomen twitched and his hands tightened on my hips. I gathered up all my courage and started to touch him more boldly, loving the feel of his hard, hot flesh beneath my fingers.

  His hands moved to my ass and he started moving me against him, grinding his pelvis against mine. My eyes widened as I felt his huge erection slide over my swelling folds. It wasn’t long before I was moving with him, questing for better friction. Once I built a rhythm, his hands stopped helping and thrust beneath my singlet,
cupping my breasts and thumbing my nipples. I bit my lip in uncertainty, before grabbing the bottom of my top and whipping it over my head.

  His harsh groan startled me and I soon found myself pulled back up his body so that he could reach my mouth for a kiss. I pressed my naked chest to his and felt his breath suck in sharply. His hands moved to stroke my back, before he slipped one of them down the front of my sleep shorts. He didn’t try to get in my knickers, but stroked me through the thin cotton instead.

  He pushed up onto his other elbow and ducked his head, nudging my body away from his so that he could suck a bare nipple into his mouth. I cried out in surprise, not remembering it feeling this way with Ben. I closed my eyes and tried to keep quiet, wondering if my breasts had always been this sensitive.


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