0597092001436358459 eveline vine

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by Unknown

  He probably would too. Clad only in a refashioned strapless bra and skin-tight pants, Candy was one stunning mermaid. Her candy-apple red hair had grown extremely fast during the year, and now spilled over her shoulder in soft waves, contrasting sharply with the crisp white of her shell bra and the deep ocean blue of her shiny spandex pants.

  “How do I look?” Briar interrupted, striding out of the bathroom confidently. Candy wolf-whistled and I giggled as Bri did a full circle to show us the back as well. The tight, white, strapless leotard-thing she was wearing left little to the imagination. She’d packed some serious boning and padding into the chest area to lift her small breasts and they bounced cheerfully above the fabric when she moved. Her legs were covered only by black fishnet stocking and black stilettos. A white fluffy tail was pinned to her ass and she also wore a head band with white and pink bunny ears flopping from it. Her usually wild, spirally blonde curls had been straightened and the strands fell down her back to nearly twice the usual length, almost reaching the cottontail. Her big green eyes had been lined with black and she had also drawn gentle whisker lines on her cheeks. Her lips were pink like mine and she looked altogether pretty damn cute.

  “Alec has no chance,” I said with a smile and Briar wiggled her hips with a wide smile of her own.

  “Let’s go girls,” she said, “The boys are already there waiting and I so can’t wait to see their costumes!”

  I felt my smile stretch until my face began to hurt and wondered whether Stone had worn his costume. My smile faded as I glanced at the time and realised I’d have to wait a little longer.

  “Shit guys, I forgot about my brothers,” I said quickly, “It’s their seventeenth birthday and they allocated me the 1900 hour time slot for Skype.”

  Briar raised an eyebrow, “They allocated you a time slot?”

  I shrugged as I turned on my laptop and started setting up the camera, “Paul’s the only sibling there with them so the rest of us are going to talk to them on Skype. We’ve found it works out easier if we do it in groups and organise times. Cooper and the older triplets went on at 1800 hours, Charlie went on at 0700 hours and I think Zane managed to get on at 1600 hours. That leaves me and Logan at 1900. He should be here soon.”

  Speak of the devil…

  There was a knock on my door and Briar swung it open eagerly. Logan smiled at her, giving her a quick once over, before sauntering past to wrap me in a hug. He drew back and looked me up and down.

  “Hot,” he said with a grin. He nodded his head toward the computer, “All set up?”

  “Nearly,” I answered, giving the other two girls a push toward the door, “I’ll meet you guys there.”

  “Awww, but we wanna see the sexy triplets,” Briar said with a pout.

  I raised an eyebrow, “You better get your bunny butt over to the club before someone moves in on Alec.”

  “Good point,” she said with a sigh, but quickly smiled again, shooting a flirty wave at Logan as she and Candy made for the door.

  Logan sat down at my desk and pulled me down to perch on his knee as the screen came up with an image of our three little brothers.

  “Happy birthday!” we shouted together.

  Mike and Jake cheered and Luke grinned back at us. They were dressed as the three musketeers and I snickered at how unoriginal that was.

  “Nice outfits,” Logan said before I could.

  “Bite me,” Jake said with a laugh, even as Mike growled.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Mike snapped at Logan.

  Logan shrugged with a smile, “I can leave if you want.”

  “Lo,” I warned softly.

  “What are you supposed to be Evie?” Luke asked suddenly, leaning closer to his screen as if to see me better.

  “I’m a cheetah,” I said, standing up and moving back a pace so that they could see me properly.

  “Logan!” they all shouted together and Logan bit his lip to stop the threatening laughter.

  “Give Evie your shirt!” Jake ordered Logan, even as Mike demanded that I go and change.

  I grabbed the tail Briar had added and waved it at them, “Don’t you like it?”

  Logan couldn’t hold back the laughter this time and it was another ten minutes before I could calm the triplets down enough to say my goodbyes and log off.

  “Get, you,” I said to Logan with a smile, “I’m late to meet my friends.”

  “I’ll walk you to the club,” Logan said, taking my arm and guiding me from the room.

  “That’s not necessary,” I said, but Logan shot me a no-nonsense look.

  “Evie, I’m not letting you walk across the dark campus in that,” he said firmly, “Not alone.”

  I sighed, but smiled happily, “Lead on then.”


  I giggled as we approached the club. The university social club had obviously gone all out on decorations. The red-bricked building was covered in toilet paper and there were Jacko lanterns hanging from beneath the upstairs veranda. The veranda railings had been covered with spider webs and a variety of bats and massive spiders dangled from its roof. The bouncers were dressed as vampires and the front doors were closed, a warning sign taped to the front.

  “Have fun tonight Evie,” Logan said with a broad smile, before kissing me on the cheek and walking away.

  “Does Stone know about him?” one of the bouncers asked me with a small smile.

  I blushed, but nodded my head, “That’s my older brother.”

  The other bouncer laughed and swung the door open for me, winking at me as I held out my arm for the underage stamp and ushering me through without stamping me.

  “Enjoy yourself kitty,” he said with a laugh. I gave him a smile of thanks, even though I’d already decided I wasn’t going to drink. Sure, Stone would be around, but the place was packed and I didn’t want to worry him.

  The club was dark and lit sporadically with orange and red light. The strobe lights kicked in once every ten minutes or so and I hoped there was no epileptics in the crowd. It would be a bad time to have a fit in the almost dangerous crush of people.

  The live band played horror-themed songs – everything from The Monster Mash to Thriller – and were dressed as mummies. There was a food table set up at one end, filled with all kinds of Halloween themed goodies. I headed that way, sure that if I wanted to find Stone the sweet table was the best place to look.

  Sure enough, Stone’s head snapped in my direction, his eye-level several inches above the heads of the crowd. He didn’t move. He just stood there watching me as I walked toward him, dressed in his safari hunter costume and holding a plate of goodies.

  I let my eyes wander down his body for a good look at his costume. I licked my lips. The new and improved costume was much better than the original. Think the difference between Jane’s father in the Disney version of Tarzan; and Alan Quartermain’s tracker friend in the Patrick Swayzee movie King Soloman’s Mines.

  Close fitting, chocolate brown cargo pants covered Stone’s long legs and perfectly cupped his tight ass. His beige, short sleeved work shirt was half open and the elbow-length sleeves rolled up to mid-bicep. Around his neck hung a string of leather decorated with animal teeth and a thick belt around his hip held a large knife sheath. Over one shoulder he wore an ammunition belt, stuffed with nerf pellets that seemed to fit in the plastic nerf shotgun he’d hooked onto his back. To complete the outfit, he was wearing his combat boots.

  The excited butterflies in my stomach started to tap dance and I picked up my pace as I pushed through the crowd. Stone looked delicious and I was dying for a taste. But by the time I reached him, the lusty gleam in his eye had turned to a scowl. I burried a confused frown and smiled at him, doing a little turn so that he could see all angles of my outfit.

  “Like it?” I asked breathlessly as I slid an arm around his strong waist and gently pressed myself to his side. His hand briefly tugged at my tail, before splaying over my ass and firmly squeezing. His lips came down
to take mine in a heated kiss, feeling more angry than aroused. I pulled away to look at him in question, but he was already walking off toward the bar, the crowd parting for him like magic as he stormed toward Briar. I glared at his back, more than a little miffed that he’d not answered my question and then had just left me here. How rude.

  “Nice,” a feminine voice said in my ear as she wrapped an arm around my waist, “Looking hot, Evie.”

  I looked to my right and smiled at Fredi. I chuckled at her outfit, admiring the black skimpy leather and arsenal of plastic weapons she’d strapped to her form. A traditional-looking Red riding cape was tied around her neck, the hood pulled up over her blonde and black locks. Her eyes were shaded in smokey tones and her lips were painted bright red. Her red boots were high-heeled and reached her knees.

  “So do you,” I replied, switching my attention to the man standing beside her.

  I blinked. Wait, a man?

  He was tall and hot, dressed like Wolverine from X-men. He didn’t look as good as Hugh Jackman, but he did more than okay. I looked at Fredi in question and she introduced the guy, totally ignoring the real question, which was why the fuck she was with here with a guy anyway. Sure, I knew she wasn’t really a lesbian…but I’d never seen her with a man before. I thought back to the increasingly vicious fights she and Donny had had this week and felt my stomach drop with dread. Somehow, I knew that this was a very deliberate act…One that Donny was going to shit a brick over.

  Fredi’s eyes flicked to something behind me and I turned to see Donny striding toward us with what looked like two blonde German barmaids – one attached to each arm. He was looking from Fredi to her date, a feral gleam in his eyes as he shook off the two blondes. I took in his outfit, inwardly chuckling at the way he’d taken exception to Fredi’s independent Red Riding Hood and had come dressed as the big, strong Woodcutter instead. It looked good, but would have looked better on Stone’s bulkier frame. Donny had that lean, rock star figure which was more ripped than pure brawn. I glanced at his face again and decided that I didn’t want to be around for this fight. I murmured a soft goodbye to Fredi and scampered away as quickly as I could in my strappy heels.

  I stumbled to a halt as a strong arm wrapped around my waist. Stone shot a brief look down at me, before guiding me toward a table Alec and Briar had managed to find (or kicked people off of more likely). Alec was dressed as a medieval hunter and from the look in his eyes as he gazed down at Briar – he had his prey well within his sights.

  “Hey Evie!” Briar greeted me cheerfully, yelling over the music, “Want a drink?”

  She pushed a glass of beer toward me, but I shook my head and sat down next to Stone. “No thanks,” I yelled back with a smile, slipping my hand into Stone’s and redirecting my smile up at him. He squeezed my hand briefly, but didn’t offer a smile or a kiss. I frowned up at him, wondering why he was so tense and uncommunicative tonight. I tried not to show my hurt as I looked back at Briar, but Alec flashed me a look of sympathy so I mustn’t have done very well.

  Candy, Mason and Jamie joined our group, but both Donny and Fredi remained absent. The night edged slowly on and I became increasingly more frustrated with Stone’s grouchiness. I tried a number of things, from whispering in his ear, to gentle touches, to naughty touches. The most I ever got was a small, tense smile or a questioning look or curt nod. It was almost a relief when he left to go outside for a smoke.

  “C’mon Evie,” Briar grinned at me, “I want to dance.”

  Figuring that it was going to be the most fun I had tonight…I agreed, standing with Alec, Candy and Mason and following them out onto the floor. The first couple of songs were fine, we all danced as a group and I started to feel that happy buzz growing. I laughed as I shyly danced with Briar and Candy, blushing when they started to do slutty moves against me.

  Take Me on the Floor by the Veronicas started to play and Briar amped up the sexuality, taking Alec’s hand and pulling him toward her. His answering grin was lethal in charm and totally hot. With a flick of his wrist, he spun her towards him, twirling her into the cradle of his arms. Mason grabbed Candy from behind and I felt myself deflate a little. I looked around for Stone, feeling like a fifth wheel…but realised he’d moved from his position at the bar to go out for another smoke. Shifting awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor, I looked around for Jamie or someone else I might know. My eyes met Vince’s and he waved me over.


  I giggled as I perched on a stool beside Jesse and Vince. They’d come dressed as Frankenstein and Frankenstein’s bride.

  “Nice costumes,” I said, biting my lip as I turned my attention to the game of pool they were watching.

  “We lost a bet,” Jesse grumbled beneath his veil.

  I couldn’t contain my laughter, but they both smiled at me genuinely so I don’t think they cared.

  “You have a nice laugh,” Vince told me, throwing an arm around my shoulder. I blushed and played with my tail.

  “Love your costume,” Jesse said with a low whistle, “Stone is one lucky man.”

  I frowned, but didn’t comment. Stone hadn’t seemed all that appreciative of his ‘luck’ tonight.

  “You drink beer?” Vince asked me, holding up an empty glass and gesturing to the half-full jug on the table.

  “Yes, but not tonight,” I murmured with a smile.

  “Can I get you a soft drink then?” Jesse asked, lifting his veil and wiping sweat from his forehead.

  “That would be nice,” I agreed, accepting a Coke when he returned and relaxing enough to enjoy their company. Vince was a charmer and had me blushing, but Jesse was a joker and kept me laughing as well. I could feel the high-colour in my cheeks and the tightness in my stomach from laughing so much. I’d almost forgotten I was here with Stone when he finally pulled me off my stool, dislodging Vince’s hold on me.

  I gaped up at him in surprise, but started to smile in welcome, my nose twitching a little at the strong smell of cigarettes. Stone glared at me, completely ignoring the guys as he grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the door.

  “What is it with you tonight?!” I protested as we hit the quiet night outside.

  Stone didn’t answer, his posture completely stiff as he stalked onward.

  “Hey!” I said loudly, pulling back on his hand hard, “What’s wrong?”

  He stopped and spun to face me, his expression hard as stone. He backed me into a thick tree trunk and propped a hand above my head. “This,” he said, taking my mouth roughly in a kiss.

  I responded eagerly, starved for his affection, relieved that he wanted me. I tugged him closer in encouragement and he abruptly lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist. I could feel his arousal - feel how bad he wanted me. I felt joy bubble up in my chest as I began to suspect his aloofness tonight had merely been restraint. I groaned into his mouth as he tugged a breast free of my top and started playing with it. His mouth moved down my neck, sucking and biting possessively. I knew I’d have marks in the morning.

  His mouth latched onto my breast and he shoved a condom wrapper into my hand as he tugged the tight lycra of my pants down enough to expose me, the fabric stretching tightly to accommodate my spread legs. I ripped the wrapper open with my teeth and passed it to him, glancing around at the darkness surrounding us a little warily, suddenly nervous about being discovered. My worries faded with a small squeal as Stone thrust inside me.

  Our movements were restricted by our clothing, but Stone’s thrusts were strong, reaching deep with little withdrawal. I clung to his shoulders and bit my lip against the noises I so badly needed to make, trying to spread my legs further, but failing. It didn’t last long. Both of us were quick to the finish…but it was an explosive one.

  I gasped for breath and smiled against Stone’s neck.

  “Stay the fuck away from the rugby boys,” he growled.

  “What?” I whispered in surprise.

  “You’re mine,” he said, taking my chin gently, but se
aring me with his eyes.

  My brain scrambled to catch up…and when it did, it was not happy. I struggled to climb down and adjust my costume, silently fuming with anger as I tried to come up with the words to reprimand him.

  “I don’t want Vince and Jesse,” I said firmly, looking him in the eye.

  “I don’t care,” he shot back, “Stay away from them.”

  “Stop ordering me around,” I growled quietly, trying to cool my temper, “You know I hate it.”

  Stone gently pushed me back against the tree with a glare. “I’m asking,” he snapped.

  “You’re telling!” I shot back.

  “Fine!” he exploded, before lowering his voice to a steely murmur, “Please stay the fuck away from them.”


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