0597092001436358459 eveline vine

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0597092001436358459 eveline vine Page 42

by Unknown

  “GRRRR!” I threw my hands up in exasperation and stomped my foot.

  “Why the fuck does it even matter to you?” I demanded, “You practically ignored me all night and it’s not as if I’m actually your girlfriend!”

  His eyes narrowed, then flared with white-hot fire. “Just another non-boyfriend, am I?” he spat.

  I blinked. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  He opened his mouth, but shut it when my phone began to ring. I snatched it angrily from my bag and inwardly groaned at the name of the screen. My family had the worst timing.

  “Cooper?” I said into the phone, then jumping a little as Stone swore and punched the trunk of a nearby tree, sending bark flying.

  “Hey Evie!” he greeted cheerfully, but I quickly cut off anything else he was going to say.

  “I’ll call you back. I’m busy.” I hung up and looked uncertainly toward Stone, only to see him walking away. I sank down to sit at the base of the tree and whimpered. Fucking brilliant!


  Strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me from the ground. I glanced up into the face of my carrier and blinked at Donny’s tired and tense expression. He gave me a small smile though, kissing my forehead and starting to walk towards the path that lead back to our building.

  “How did you know where I was?” I whispered against his neck as I snuggled into him.

  Donny shot me a look.

  Right. I inwardly sighed. Even as angry as he was, Stone wasn’t going to leave me out in the dark by myself. I glanced down at my skimpy costume and bit my lip – especially not dressed like this.

  “Thank you,” I said softly. He nodded and held me a little tighter.

  “Evie!” a familiar voice called frantically and I winced as Briar came running toward me in her high heels – her pushed up breasts bouncing comically above her tight costume. Alec strolled behind her, watching her ass with a small, amused smile. His eyes met mine though and he paused, a frown starting to crease between his brows. His eyes flicked up to Donny’s and his jaw tightened.

  “Do you know what’s wrong with Stone?” Briar asked me with wide eyes, her distress clear as she wrung her hands and fidgeted from foot to foot. “He just stormed past me. I don’t know where he is going and his expression…”

  Briar took in my expression then and stopped. “Oh,” she said quietly, glancing up at Donny quickly, before looking back at me, “Are you alright Evie? What happened?”

  I hesitated and Donny set me on my feet. “Want me to get rid of her?” he whispered in my ear. I bit back a smile at the offer, but shook my head. I looked from Briar to Alec, not really wanting to ruin their night together, but needing to talk to Briar.

  Alec smiled at me and pushed Briar forward. “How about you walk back to the dorms with Evie?” he suggested.

  Briar smiled at him gratefully and quickly pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Good idea,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze, “You and Donny go back and enjoy the party. I’ll see you later.”

  “You definitely will,” he agreed.

  Despite our bad moods, Donny and I gave each other low fives, both of us suspecting these two had finally got it together. Briar took my hand and started a fast pace back to my room, leaving Alec to sling an arm around Donny’s shoulder and guide him away. I noticed they weren’t returning to the club though and wondered if they were off to find Stone.

  Stone. I glared at the path in front of us and stomped a bit in my heels, my anger returning a little.

  “What happened?” Briar asked again.

  I closed my eyes and groaned, dropping down onto a well-lit bench in front of our building.

  “We had a fight,” I said softly.

  Briar waited and I growled. “I don’t know what his problem is,” I said fiercely, “I turn up at the party, dressed all sexy for him – which, by the way, he didn’t even notice! I didn’t drink a drop of alcohol all night just for him…and I tried to be affectionate. I tried to get him to have fun.”

  “But no!” I continued, my eyes teary again, “He practically ignores me all night except for a few squeezes of the ass to tell people I’m his property, and then he hauls me out of there when I’m actually having fun, reeking of smoke and tugging me along after him like a dog!”

  I took a big breath and rushed on, “I got all excited, thinking that he was desperate to have me. He pulled us off the path and took me right there against a tree!”

  Briar frowned and leant closer, “And then?”

  I turned around to face her, feeling almost wild with anger, “And then he told me to stay away from the rugby boys!”

  “Oh,” Briar said, flopping back against the bench back. “What happened next?”

  “I got angry and told him that he was the only man I wanted.”

  “Really?” Briar asked with surprise.

  I hesitated, thinking about it for a second, before replying, “Well, I think I actually said that I didn’t want Jesse and Vince. And he told me that he didn’t care and that I was to stay away from them.”

  “And what did you say to that?”

  I thought back and shrugged, “I got up him for being bossy and we argued over that a bit and then I asked him why it even mattered, seeing as he’d ignored me all evening and I wasn’t even really his girlfriend.”

  Briar winced, “How did he take that?”

  I growled, “Some shit about non-boyfriends or something and then Cooper called and he just stormed off.”

  Briar groaned and put her head in her hands.

  Hot, angry tears started pouring from my eyes and I blinked through them as my hands tightened into fists. “I can’t believe he’d think I’d sleep with someone else! Or that I couldn’t look after myself if someone tried! And if I mattered to him, wouldn’t he have at least paid me some attention? Wouldn’t he have liked my outfit?”

  “He did like it!” Briar protested, shaking me gently by the shoulders, “Evie, you should have seen his face when you walked in. He nearly fell over.”

  “He didn’t!” I insisted, “He glared at me when I approached and then left nearly straight away!”

  Briar smiled slightly, “To come and glare at me. That’s why he was grumpy Evie. He was pissed that everyone else could see you like that.” She shuddered, “I can just imagine his reaction when he saw you with Vince and Jesse.”

  “He treated me like an object!”

  “No,” Briar said softly, “Like his girlfriend.”

  “That’s bullshit!” I sobbed, “He’s never made any outward claims of being my boyfriend. He doesn’t introduce me as his girlfriend - ”

  “He doesn’t need to,” Briar cut in, “Just the fact that you’re on Stone’s arm makes you his in everyone’s eyes. Everyone knows you’re his girlfriend simply by his actions.”

  “Well he’s never asked me!” I shot back. “He’s never even shown any interest in knowing me as a person! He doesn’t ask me questions about my family or where I grew up or what foods I like or where I’d like to go for a holiday if I had the money…”

  “Where would you like to go?” Briar asked randomly.

  “Egypt,” I said quickly, “But that’s not the point. He doesn’t tell me anything about himself either. He hasn’t asked me about what I’m doing for the Summer Break or whether he can see me at Christmas. He doesn’t want me in his life Briar! I’m a convenient, meek bed buddy that he can boss around and control. Someone who is always available because she won’t stand up to him and no other guys want her!”

  Briar made to protest but I pressed a finger to her lips. “I vowed never to be anyone’s bed pet again…and he knows that.”

  Briar waited for a long, tense moment, before finally asking, “So are you going to push him away?”

  I blew out the breath I’d been holding and tilted my head back to look up at the stars. “I don’t think I can,” I admitted in a weak voice, before standing up and walking into the building.

  ***r />
  I spent Sunday holed up in my room, gloomily reviewing all my notes. There was only one week left of classes and I needed to start revising for the exams. I needed to finish my last photography assignment as well…the one I’d chosen Stone for. I couldn’t bear to look at the pictures though, so I pushed that folder away and started re-reading one of my text books.

  I worked all day, Candy bringing me food at breakfast and lunch, but trying to insist that I come down for dinner. I refused, unsure what to say to Stone or if he even wanted to see me. He hadn’t come to my room last night and he hadn’t made an appearance all day. I couldn’t stop thinking about him – about our fight. Safe to say, my day of study was practically wasted.

  Were we still together?

  Did I want to be?

  Would Stone actually inform me if he was ending this thing?

  Briar snuck me a small dinner when Candy left for Mason’s room and I picked at it slowly. Briar didn’t stay for a chat, respecting my need for privacy and solitude.

  I frowned and stared at the closed door. Why? Briar always sticks her nose in. Especially if it’s about Stone.

  I had my answer not long after as, at a little past the usual time of 2100, there was a firm thump against my door. I smiled wryly. He was back to knocking. Nowadays, he usually just barged in whenever he felt like it.

  I got up and quickly crossed to the door, knowing that if I didn’t answer, he’d either think I was snubbing him and leave…or he’d think something was wrong and barrel in. I opened the door slowly though, feeling my stomach flutter with nerves and my pulse accelerate. I clutched at the now open door and stared up at him. He stared back at me, his hands in his pockets as he examined my features carefully. His eyes didn’t ask me a direct question, but I knew he was waiting for an invitation inside. For an indication of where things stood between us. I smiled sadly, thankful that at least he was just as unsure and confused as I was.

  Knowing that I couldn’t turn him away – not when he was standing there looking tired and sexy and giving me control over this small decision – I slipped my hand into one of his pockets, gently tugging his hand free and twining my slender fingers through his strong ones. I silently pulled him through the doorway and watched as he flicked the door shut behind him.

  I waited, holding my breath. I expected him to try and kiss my senseless in apology, or to sweep me onto the bed for some desperate loving. But he just sat down at the foot of it and waited, as if expecting me to start lecturing him or make demands or try to talk out our problems. His shoulders were rigid with tension, his jaw tight, his posture impatient, but his eyes watchful and tired. I shook my head at him slowly. I didn’t want to fight tonight. I didn’t know what I wanted to say anyway. I didn’t know what I wanted to happen between us.

  I was scared of what Stone may want - scared of both the thought of solidifying our relationship…and of ending it.

  I knew one thing though. Well, two things actually. One, I’d sure as hell miss the sex…but, two, I couldn’t stand seeing Stone so cautious, worried and tightly-strung. It was the second that made me cross to the bed and straddle his lap. He tensed and leaned his head back a little, as if expecting me to kiss him – to initiate sex. I wrapped my arms around him though and pressed my face against his chest. He waited a moment more, before wrapping his arms around me and relaxing into the hug.

  We didn’t speak, but that night we slept in my bed, snuggled tightly together despite the tension between us. We spent both Monday and Tuesday together in much the same way. When we met for lunch or dinner or when we went on our morning run…we were silent. We didn’t even communicate with our eyes. We didn’t kiss, we didn’t touch each other affectionately – we held hands and sometimes Stone would lightly wrap an arm around me.

  I knew the group was feeling our strain. They glanced at us warily, worriedly, but no one made any attempt to talk to me about the situation and I doubt they approached Stone. Alec and Briar were officially a couple now, but I hadn’t talked to Bri about it yet – too busy concentrating on my final classes for the year and working out the problem with Stone. Donny had been absent from the table since Sunday and I missed the way he brought laughter and fun to the group atmosphere – especially when paired with Jamie. I missed the way he would cheer me up – flirting with me and taunting Stone with friendly jibes. Fredi was a quiet and watchful presence in his absence and Jamie just looked damn fidgety and nervous about all the tangled emotional undercurrents passing around the table.

  At Tuesday’s dinner, Stone’s expression was different. He looked lost in thought, as if battling between options in his mind, before eventually looking resigned to a final decision. He ran a hand over his growing, dark-blonde hair and exhaled loudly. I bit my lip nervously, feeling a lump of dread form low in my belly.

  He rose from the table and reached a hand out for my hand. I gave it to him cautiously and followed him to my room. I sat on my bed anxiously, waiting for him to tell me it was over. But he didn’t. He just crawled into bed and held me close, placing a very soft kiss against my temple.

  I lay awake for hours, wondering what decision he’d come to and when he’d tell me. If he even bothered to tell me at all. I eventually managed to fall into a fretful sleep, but was woken a short time later by a slow, tentative kiss.

  I refused to open my eyes, fearing that the soft sensation wasn’t real – that Stone wasn’t really bending over me, one hand gently cradling my face as he tentatively eased my lips open with his tongue. I frowned. It couldn’t be real. Stone’s kisses were firm and decisive – sometimes gentle or soft, but always completely confident and determined.

  My eyes peeked open, staring up into his silver ones as I slightly parted my lips more and greeted his tongue with a gentle, cautious flick of my own. I felt the relief in his answering groan as he deepened the kiss. I responded eagerly, welcoming a break in the strain between us. This felt more like his kiss, I crooned in my mind, clutching at his short hair and wondering when he was going to get it clipped. I contemplated asking him not to as I enjoyed the soft feel of it in my hands. I liked the way it looked too. He looked a smidgeon less fierce…but only a smidgeon.

  I turned my attention back to the kiss itself and faltered a little when his hand slipped beneath my shirt. He must have felt my hesitation, because he paused, breaking way and looking at me in question. I didn’t want to have sex right now. Sure, I wanted him – needed him, but what I really needed right now was comforting touches – tenderness.

  “Shower with me?” I asked him softly. He examined my features a moment longer before nodding with a small smile. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom – where he grabbed a cloth and slowly washed every inch of me. I returned the favour, neither of us using sexual touches, and when the water turned cold, we remained – Stone wrapping me in his arms and leaning against the wall as our breaths synchronised and we relaxed.


  Things were still tense and awkward between us throughout the day, but little by little we began to grow more comfortable. We sat quietly at the dinner table that night, but extremely close, our bodies constantly touching in some small way. Everyone (except perhaps Jamie) seemed to notice the change, and watched us avidly. Most looked hopeful, if not relieved. Donny had made a reappearance at the table, but was sitting as far from Fredi as possible and neither of the two were looking at the other. Feeling uneasy under everyone’s gaze, I turned to Briar and quietly questioned her about her relationship with Alec.

  Sure enough, all eyes switched to Briar as she laughed gaily and started in on a long but entertaining tale, with Alec adding in a few humorous comments as well. Stone took the opportunity to slip away from the table, quietly pulling me along after him.

  He took me to his room and made love to me slowly. He held me for a long time after, prolonging the experience – the closeness. I woke the next morning with a smile, sharing another with Stone when his eyes slowly blinked open. We took our time leaving the be
d and I whistled softly to myself as I strolled back to my room to change. I had a feeling it was going to be a great day and it was.

  Well, it was until dinner…

  Fredi was in a much better mood as us girls sat at the table alone. We laughed and joked and teased one another until we were gasping for breath.

  “Having fun girls?” Alec asked with a broad grin as he slid into the chair Briar had saved for him. She turned to him excitedly and pulled his head down for a kiss. He chuckled in surprise against her lips, while Candy and Fredi playfully told them to knock it off.

  Stone made a head motion at Fredi and she rolled her eyes as she got up and grabbed another chair, leaving her previous seat for Stone. I smiled at him and edged my chair closer, snuggling into his hold as he draped an arm over my chair back.

  Candy pouted. “Where’re Jamie and Mase?” she asked, obviously looking for her own man to cuddle.


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