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Wings of Steele: Revenge and Retribution

Page 54

by Jeffrey Burger

He walked back to the podium. “We're here to talk about the live ones. The evil ones. While investigating the overthrow on Veloria we came across a list of people that were part of the movement involved in the criminal activities of Planetary Subversion, an extremely serious crime in the eyes of the Galactic Courts. It exceeds almost all other crimes because of its ability to cause widespread destruction up to and including planetary extinction level events. Over the last several months, the GIS has continued the investigation after our Task Force mission there was complete. The results produced a much wider list of subversives and criminal ties on a number of planets. One of those planets is Earth.”

  A wave of nervous chatter swept the audience.

  “The investigation is ongoing and continues as we speak. The names of known subversives on Earth are in the e-RIPs you've been issued.” He waved his hand, “You may activate them now, just press the red button on the side.” The little electronic-Report In Progress devices were no bigger than the average watch, producing a scrollable, re-sizable holographic screen. “The e-RIPs will provide you up-to-date information on the capture or elimination of the alien criminals on the list, as well as additions if more discoveries are made. And I don't want you to forget; these people are alien criminal offenders with ties to a vast intergalactic empire of illegal sins. They are here to commit high crimes, treason and despicable acts of piracy. Should anyone have delusions about aiding or abetting someone on that list, they become guilty of collusion and will be tried in the same Galactic Court as those on the list.”

  “This list has hundreds of names on it...” said a reporter in the front row. “Are these all aliens?”

  Commander Derrik Brighton rose from his seat, “I might be able to answer that more completely...” He got a nod from Steele and continued, “At last count there were four-hundred-twenty-seven names on the list. The GIS and MIS estimate that approximately seventy percent of those names are alien operatives, the balance being known collaborators. This additional information was provided by MI6 and the CIA.”

  The reporter held up his e-RIP, “Is this all the aliens on the planet?”

  “No sir. We are not concerned with aliens involved in a society as working, contributing members.”

  “Good Lord! How many of them are there?”

  “I'm sorry, we are not at liberty to discuss that...” replied Derrik.

  “How do we know this is the truth?” asked someone from the center somewhere.

  “Yeah, how do we know this isn't all a ruse to get us to give up all these people?” asked a reporter near the front, waving his e-RIP.

  Steele pursed his lips in thought. “Hmm, well I suppose if I was a member of the media who has been asleep at his job for the last decade or so while the world burned, I might also be skeptical of real news and events that contradicts nearly everything I've been telling people for years. And maybe instead of taking a real look at what's going on around the world, and admitting I hadn't done my job, I'd just dismiss the fact that there's a space armada circling my planet that can turn it into this... Nearly overnight,” he added, switching the holo-screen to the lifeless desert planet, producing a gasp from the audience. He left it there for a moment. “Fortunately, my job is to save it, not destroy it.” He flicked the holo-screen to the fifth planet in the Gedhepp System, “We determined the demise of this planet was a direct result of strip mining...”

  “What happened to its inhabitants?” asked Dr. Michelle Fabry.

  “That is another concern, Doctor,” admitted Jack. “Human trafficking and slaving is common with these criminals. They have little respect for life. It is a simple commodity to be used, bought and sold.” He returned the holo-screen to the blue marble. “Perhaps a better question might be what's in it for me?”

  “What would your answer be, Admiral?”

  Jack leaned forward, his elbows on the podium, “That no matter where I go, no matter what I do, this is where I was born. This is my home. I am an American by birth and I will not stand by while terrorists I have the power to stop, destroy my home. We were too late for Veloria and they have a long recovery in front of them. I don't want to see the same thing happen here. The mission of the GIS, our mission, is to find and arrest these people... We can do it without you, by force, or with you. We would prefer your participation. Helping us, means helping yourselves.” He straightened his posture. “And working with us has its benefits...”

  “Like what?”

  Steele let a knowing smirk escape, “Like a space station that doesn't look like it was cobbled together with remnants from an Erector set and a handful of Tinker Toys, large enough to have its own gravity, sophisticated enough to accept and deliver trade goods to and from the surface and elsewhere about the stars. A station with a mall, nightclubs, recreation, spa and resort. Then of course there's medical technology that takes Earth out of the Stone Age. Communications that don't require tin cups and a wire. Advanced alternate forms of energy... Oh, and of course there's the whole traveling in space thing,” he added with a casual wave of his hand. He found the collective, wide-eyed, silent, deer in the headlights look, satisfying. “Ultimately, Earth could take a leap into the twenty-fifth century in extremely short order. The United Federation of Worlds is extending membership in the Federation, to Earth, with all the benefits that holds, upon completion of this operation.”

  Steele let that sink in and it was quiet for a while, the audience reading through the list of names and photos, low waves of chatter rolling through the audience.

  “Muammar Gaddafi's on the list, he's dead now...”

  Steele looked over his shoulder at Maria who had an e-Pad in her lap. She nodded as she silently updated the file, a wave of chirps washing over the audience as the e-Rips updated themselves. “If there are more names on that list that are out of date, please let us know so we can make it as accurate as possible,” commented Jack.

  “The president,” someone whispered, “the president's on the list...”

  Another whisperer answered the first, “So is Vladimir Pu...”

  “She's on the list..!” interrupted a man on the far left, standing up, excitedly pointing at a woman in a suit sitting a few seats away.

  Steele shielded his eyes from the lights for a moment, his artificial eye zooming in, recognizing the senator from California. “Ahh, Madame Senator...” he smiled, “It appears we have our first arrest!” He waved a Marine in her direction.

  “This is absurd!” she shouted, “I am a United States Senator! Unhand me!” she shouted as he drew her out of her seat by the arm. “I have diplomatic immunity!” The Marine scanned the back of her neck with something the size of a cell phone, the device chirping as it passed near the translator disk imbedded under her skin. The area filled with chirps as the sea of e-RIPs automatically updated, people clapping.

  “No lady. You don't,” countered Steele.

  “You will address me as Senator!” she screamed, staring at Steele. “I have worked long and hard for that position!”

  “And you've come full circle,” replied Steele. “You have achieved the arguably unenviable position as prisoner of the United Federation of Worlds, Galactic Intelligence Service, for the crime of planetary subversion. You will be further addressed as prisoner,” he replied calmly. “You will want to commit that number to memory.” The Marine took her into custody and guided her through the crowded rows of occupied chairs. Steele pointed toward the brig, “Take our guest to the Polarized Molecular CryoFreeze Suspended Animation Lab....”

  The Senator's face morphed from indignant arrogance to mortified terror. “You can't do this to me!” she screamed. “You don't have jurisdiction here! This isn't a UFW territory..!”

  “You're going to freeze her?” asked a stunned reporter in the front row.

  “Steele laughed, “No, sorry, a little space humor there. Sounded pretty convincing though, right?” Polite laughter spread across the audience. “Did you see what you immediately focused on thou
gh?” he continued. “You were more concerned about what would happen to her than what she is guilty of. She so much as admitted her guilt when she stated the UFW has no territory here. How would she know anything about the UFW?”

  “Does it? Have jurisdiction here?”

  “Yes it does...”

  “What will happen to her if she is convicted?” came a voice from several rows back.

  Steele ran his fingers through his hair, “Most likely death by Molecular Evaporation...” A confused chatter and laughter circulated through the crowd. Jack rubbed his forehead, “Um, no. Sorry, that time I was serious. She's one of the top conspirators, death is the most likely sentence. “I am told it is painless and instantaneous,” he shrugged. “But for someone who has conspired to literally destroy a planet and all of its inhabitants, can you really say she deserves anything less? Remember we're talking about seven billion people, here...”

  “I have a question,” asked a man in uniform standing on the other side, holding up his e-RIP. “Why have you included the press and media in this process?”

  “General,” acknowledged Steele with a nod. “You mean why not just let the military and intelligence community handle it? Because I think you'll find some of their names included on that list. And because every man, woman and child needs to know what evil these criminals have planned for them. They have a right to know. They need to wake up and see what's happening around them. Give them the opportunity to be part of the solution... Give them a chance and a reason to fight for their survival. Maybe some of them have aspirations to be more, travel, explore, join us in space, ensure the freedom of other worlds like ours...” He stepped around the podium and closer to the audience and cameras, “I'm not going to lie to you, we don't expect this to be easy, but we will help you every step of the way.”

  The impeccably dressed blond with the blue eyes rose from her seat, “Dr. Michelle Fabry, Director of Green Bank National Radio Observatory...”

  “I remember, Doctor. What's your question?”

  She looked nervous, uncertain but determined, “I can't speak for the rest of my team because they're not here, but um, I'd like a chance to conduct research from out here. If that's possible?”

  Steele smiled warmly, “I think we can make that happen for you...”

  Flashing red lights and the overhead lighting of the flight deck dimming to pre-launch parameters preceded the blaring alarm klaxon. “Red Alert! All hands to battle stations! All hands to battle stations!”

  TESS units throughout the command staff lit up, their holographic screens popping up over their wearers as they jumped to their feet. Steele's TESS displayed a video inset from the bridge of each of combat ships in the Task Force. He tapped the Revenge, “Mr. Ragnaar, report.”

  “Surface launch, Admiral. Sensors identify it as a Taepodong 2.”

  Captain Paul Smiley appeared at Jack's elbow, “That's a North Korean ICBM.”

  Steele glanced sideways at his CAG officer, “That crazy little bastard's on the list,” he indicated the e-RIP in the palm of his hand. He looked back at TESS' screen trying to ignore the commotion of the clearly frightened audience. “What's the target, Mr. Ragnaar?”

  “Trajectory calculations put the impact in Washington D.C., Admiral. Stand by...” The Lieutenant turned away briefly before turning back, “We've detected another launch...”

  “That little prick has lost his mind...” interrupted Jack.

  “No sir, about six thousand miles from there. A desert country. Iran..?”

  “Another crazy bastard on the list,” interjected Paul.

  “What's the target, Lieutenant?”

  “Calculations put the impact near the Mediterranean Sea, Admiral. Tel Aviv...”

  “Evil hides best in the shadows, preferring to work in the darkness.

  It withers and dies when exposed to the bright light of truth for all to see.”

  ~ Vice Admiral Jack Steele


  Other books in the series...

  Book 1 - WINGS of STEELE - Destination Unknown

  Book 2 - WINGS of STEELE - Flight of Freedom

  Coming in 2015 - WINGS of STEELE - Dark Cover


  Jeff Burger was born and grew up in Chicago, Illinois, moving to the Gulf Coast of Florida at the age of 28, where he still lives today with his German Shepherd, Fritz. Jeff returns to Chicago on a regular basis to visit family and friends.

  Originally drawn to law enforcement like his father and uncle, Jeff's extremely creative nature drove him toward a rewarding career in photography, illustration, design, marketing and advertising.

  Jeff's choice in career and life in Florida have offered some truly unique experiences which he continues to enjoy. A certified NRA Instructor, Jeff has worked with civilians, Military Personnel and Law Enforcement Officers from many agencies. This has afforded him the opportunity to regularly handle and become proficient with firearms of all types, new and vintage, from all over the world.

  An affinity for aircraft and flying have provided many opportunities to fly with talented civilian and military pilots in a wide selection of fixed wing and rotary aircraft. While Jeff finds jets to be supremely exciting, nothing beats the sublime sound or primal feeling of a piston-driven Rolls Royce Merlin V12 in a vintage P51 Mustang.

  For more information about the author, additional Wings of Steele content, events, future novels, or to join my mailing list, please visit:




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