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Breaking Free

Page 8

by Alexis Noelle

  My phone beeps and I realize that I never turned it off. I look over at Drew to see if it’s okay to answer it now.

  “You’re fine. They’ll tell you when to turn them off.”

  I check my phone and I have another text from Nicole.

  Nicole: Tell lover boy he owes me big time. I didn’t know what to do with your brother’s keys so I just threw them and they had landed in the sink. Well when I snuck upstairs to hide I forgot about them and Christen ran the garbage disposal. Needless to say he is even more unhappy than before.

  I laugh out loud, imagining what’s going on in the house right now. As soon as we buckle ourselves in, I turn to face him. “I want to know about your family.”

  “Shit, James, you don’t waste any time.”

  I laugh. “Considering this will probably be the only time that you will answer my questions, I can’t waste any.”

  He shakes his head and sighs. “My family is from Calabasas, which is right outside of Los Angeles. I have a younger sister, Maya, who is eight, my mom is your normal stay at home mom, and my dad is a plastic surgeon. I had a pretty normal life growing up, at least normal in my eyes. I’ve been told I led a privileged life because of our money, but my mother never let money affect us.”

  I let that settle in. It makes sense to me now why he’s so quick to throw money around. He has an abundance of it, and as a child his mother never let them use their money wastefully.

  The flight attendant gives a speech about the flight and all of the safety precautions. As we begin to take off I get nervous, but when Drew reaches over and grips my hand I instantly relax. Once we’re in the air, my nerves even out and I turn to face Drew again. “What’s your thing with control?”

  He withdraws his hand from mine and his eyes become cold and distant. “It’s something I need.”


  “Because I do.” He won’t even look at me.

  “You said I could ask you whatever I wanted.” I can hear the whine in my voice but I really don’t care.

  “I said you could ask, I didn’t say I would give you the answer that you wanted. I answered your question as far as I’m going to right now.”

  I can tell that the discussion is over, but now I’m more curious than ever.

  “When was your last relationship?”

  He turns toward me, reaches over, and starts to massage my shoulders. Damn, it feels amazing. “In high school.” He brushes my hair to the side and kisses the nape of my neck.

  “Mmmmm, what made you come up to me that day before the concert?” I rest the side of my head against the seat, enjoying the feel of his hands on me.

  He leans close to my ear. “Because you looked so fucking beautiful, but also so damn sad. I was drawn to you and I wanted to know why you were so upset. I knew even when I first walked over to you that day that I wouldn’t be able to stay away from you.”

  I feel someone shaking my shoulder, and when I open my eyes people are moving through the aisles. I look to my side at Drew and he’s smiling. “Good morning.”

  I fell asleep? How did that happen? The last thing I remember is Drew telling me about the first time we met and massaging my shoulders. Wait a minute. I look at him accusingly. “You did that on purpose. You relaxed me so much that I fell asleep on purpose!”

  He plasters and innocent look on his face. “Who, me? Never. Come, let’s go, we’re here.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll get you back somehow.” I get up, but before I can move into the aisle, Drew rises and pulls me against him.

  “I don’t know how you’ll do that. There is no way in hell I’d fall asleep when I know what’s waiting for me when we get home.” He kisses my neck and pushes me toward the aisle. “Listen, this is LAX and there are always photographers hanging out trying to catch people coming and going. You have to be ready for this. I forgot to bring a hat. Take my sweatshirt and once we pass security put the hood up, okay?”

  “Yeah.” I bite my lower lip after I pull his sweatshirt on. I’m nervous for this, even though I knew that Drew had done it many times before.

  “Hey.” I look up at Drew. He kisses me on the lips softly. “You’ll be fine.” We exit the plane and Drew grabs my hand. After a few minutes of walking through the terminal I can see the security gate. “Put your hood up.”

  I do as he says. After we pass security, I breathe a sigh of relief. No one has popped out at us and we’re almost at the exit. Then I hear the tell tale sound of camera shutters. The reporters are all screaming Drew’s name and asking questions about me. Drew squeezes my hand and it reassures me that we will be fine. We walk through the automatic doors with the photographers still following us. There’s a black SUV waiting at the curb just like the one from the days before.

  We climb into the car, and when the door closes, I let out a sigh of relief. Then I remember that we never went to baggage claim. “What about my bags?”

  “I sent someone to grab them already.” I relax back in the seat. Once we start driving, my anxiety goes away. I hate those people so much. It isn’t just that they’re always following Drew, but the things they say are so mean and hurtful at times. As we drive through the city, it’s mesmerizing; all of the lights make it look so alive.

  We pull up to a gated community and our driver punches a code into the keypad. The gate slowly opens and we drive through the development until we stop outside of one of the most amazing houses I’ve ever seen. The house is a tan color and nearly three stories tall. There are two intricate stone railings that lead up a set of steps to a dark wood door. Drew gets out of the car and then just looks at me and waits. I step out of the car, trying to take in the grandeur in front of me.

  He takes my hand and we walk up the steps. My heart feels as though it is pounding out of my chest, even though I’m not really sure why. The driver places our bags inside the door, Drew slips him a tip, and then the door closes and we’re alone. I lean against the wall and look around at the room we’re standing in. The ceiling goes all the way up to the roof and you can see two different floors enclosed by white railings.

  Drew stands in front of me and puts his hands on my hips. “What do you think?”

  I look at him, unsure of how to answer at first. “It’s so big.” That’s an amazing answer, Holly. Good job.

  “Yeah?” He’s so close to my face, and before I can reply, he kisses me. Our kiss immediately catches fire and he lifts me by my butt and presses me against the wall for support. The sweatshirt he’d given me earlier is quickly pulled over my head. His hands roam across my chest before resting at the top of my shirt and ripping it in half. This shouldn’t surprise me; he’s already expressed a dislike for clothes.

  We hear footsteps coming and immediately freeze. “Andrew?” I look past Drew and see a well put together woman standing at the other end of the room staring at us.

  “Mom? What are you doing here?” Mom?! Oh my God. Kill me now. This is just the perfect situation to meet someone’s mother.

  “Drew Drew!” A little girl comes running into the room and Drew curses under his breath.

  He quickly scoops up the discarded sweatshirt and shoves it at me. “Put this on, fast.” I do as he says and have it in place just before the little girl reaches us. “Hi, Maya, what are you doing here?” He lifts her into his arms, causing her to squeal.

  “Me and Mommy came to surprise you! Surprise.” Drew laughs. His mother comes closer toward us but I can’t even look her in the eye.

  “Mom, I wish you would have told me you were coming.”

  She clears her throat. “I didn’t expect you to have company. You usually don’t when you’re home.”

  My cheeks redden. “Mom, this is Holly, my girlfriend.” There’s that damn word again.

  Drew’s mother smiles at me. “Well, as unexpected as this is, I have to say I’m happy to see someone has finally convinced him to calm down. Maya, why don’t we set another place at the table? That way, Andrew and Holly can get their stuff
put away.”

  Drew places her down on the floor and she runs for the kitchen with her mother slowly following behind her. I lean back against the wall and bury my face in my hands. What a way to meet someone’s mother. Half-naked, pressed against a wall, and about to have sex. She is just going to love me.

  “Hey.” I look up at Drew. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that they would be here.”

  “It’s okay. I’m going to go put on a shirt, though.” I look around the enormous house. “Where do I go?”

  He laughs. “The entire second floor is mine so walk into any door you like. We’ll be in the kitchen, which is straight through there.” He points his finger where Maya and his mom disappeared. Then he leans down and kisses me before turning around and walking to join his family.

  I climb the steps and walk to the first door I see. When I open it, the size of the room takes my breath away. It’s absolutely gigantic. There is a huge four poster bed against the wall directly in front of me, off to the side there’s a large couch and flat screen TV, and then there are three other doors which I can only imagine hold things just as nice. I walk over to the bed, place my bag on it, and begin searching through it for a nice shirt.

  I pull on a scoop neck sweater and then make my way downstairs. I can hear them talking as I get closer to the room, and even though I know it’s wrong, I quietly listen.

  “So you haven’t told her about Sarah?”

  Who the hell is Sarah?

  “No, Mom, drop it please.”

  “Andrew, you can’t just sweep it under the rug. You’ve done that for six years. If you’re serious about this girl at all then you need to tell her.”

  I can’t believe this. I need to know what’s going on. Just then I hear his sister. “Drew Drew, I’m gonna go get Holly.” Shit. I quietly make my way back to the steps, and when Maya walks up, I pretend that I had just come down. “Hi!” She grabs my hand and I flinch as she leads me into the room with Drew and his mom.

  He looks up at me and I can tell that whatever his mom said got to him. I stand next to him and look down at the pizza boxes and paper plates on the table. I smile, feeling more comfortable than I did when I thought it would be a formal dinner. Everyone sits down, and once we all have pizza, Drew’s mom turns to me.

  “So, Holly, tell me about yourself.”

  I hate questions like this. I mean, how the heck are you supposed to answer that? “I’m in school right now, but I really have no idea what I want to major in. I’m from North Carolina and I live with my two best friends who go to the same school.”

  She smiles. “How did you and Andrew meet?”

  “We met before one of my shows near Holly’s school.” Thank God he saved me.

  “Why were you guys kissing? Kissing is disgusting!” Maya blurts out from across the table. We all erupt in laughter.

  The rest of the dinner is nice. His mom asks me a few more questions, but nothing serious, and his sister is absolutely adorable. We sit around talking long after dinner is finished and I love it because I’m uncovering different things about Drew that I never knew. Apparently, he’s had a fear of lighting since he was five and has been playing different instruments since he was six. When he was in first grade, he played The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, of which his mom has promised pictures and Drew is not happy. I feel like I fit in with them, which is really great.

  Maya is yawning and seems like she is barely able to keep her eyes open so Drew’s mom decides it’s time to leave. “It was really nice to meet you, Mrs. Walker.”

  She smiles at me. “Please call me Elizabeth, Holly. It was absolutely wonderful to meet you. Andrew is coming home on Monday for Maya’s birthday; I hope that I will see you then.” She goes to give me a hug and I see no way around it so I grit my teeth as she does.

  I pull away before she does, feeling like I can finally breathe when we separate. Once their car pulls away, Drew closes the door and gives me a mischievous look. “What?”

  He laughs and pulls me so I’m flush against him. “This is going to be the best fucking six hours of my life.”

  My cheeks redden, and then I think about how I can get my revenge from the plane ride. “Six hours?” He nods his head against my neck as he’s kissing it. “It’s nine-thirty. We got to your house around five-thirty, and that means you only have two hours left.”

  Chapter Eight

  His mouth stills and he raises his head to meet mine. “That’s dirty, James.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I wouldn’t waste my time talking if I were you.” Drew immediately wraps his arm around my legs and throws me over his shoulder like a damn caveman. He carries me into his bedroom and tosses me onto the bed from about two feet away.

  “I want you naked by the time I get back.” He turns and makes his way for the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “No questions, James! Naked!” he yells as he walks out the door.

  I feel so awkward, but I start to undress anyway. Drew comes back a few minutes later and leans against the doorway. I’m sitting up in the middle of his bed and the look that he is giving me has me instantly ready for him. He’s holding something behind his back. Before I can see what it is, he shuts the lights off.

  “I want to play a little game, James.”

  My heart beat speeds up. I can hear him coming closer, and with each step, more and more goose bumps cover my body. The bed dips and I reach out to grab him. He’s still fully clothed which is a disappointment to me. “Undress me.”

  With shaky hands, I grasp the hem of his t-shirt and lift it slowly over his head. I slowly run my nails over his chest, savoring each and every defined muscle. When I reach his pants, I unbutton them and ease the zipper down. I’m surprised at how hard he is already. He steps off the bed to take off his pants and then climbs next to me.

  Before I know what’s happening, a cloth covers my eyes. No. This brings me back to that night. The Car. I rip it off. My breathing is so heavy my chest heaves. Drew’s hands grab my face.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “No blindfolds.”

  “Okay.” I can tell he wants to ask more, but thankfully he decides against it. “Lie down, keep your eyes closed.” I do as he says, apprehensively though, because I have no idea what’s coming next. “Now, you are going to open your mouth and I’m going to let you taste something. If you guess right, you will be rewarded.”

  He slips what feels like his finger into my mouth. There is something cold and airy on it. As I lick it off, I immediately recognize it. “Whipped cream.”

  “Mmmm, good girl.” His hands caress my breasts before I feel something cold and wet spread over them. Is he putting it on me? Drew’s mouth covers one of my nipples and a loud moan escapes me. He is licking and sucking the sugary sweetness off of me and setting my entire body on fire. As he kisses my one nipple, he is rolling the bud of the other one in between his forefinger and his thumb. Drew then repeats this process on my other breast, and by the end, I’m writhing with need underneath him.

  He sits up again. “Open.”

  I do as he says and he inserts another finger into my mouth. This time it has a warm, sticky texture. “Chocolate syrup.”

  “You’re good at this game, James.”

  I feel something drip from right between my breasts, down my stomach, and then in a line across my waist. His mouth descends on me, licking and sucking its way down the chocolate path he made. I need him so much right now that it’s almost painful. When he’s lapped up all of the chocolate, Drew runs a finger in between my folds.

  “You’re soaked, baby. Do you need me here?”

  I nod yes before realizing that I need to speak. “Yes, please.”

  I hear plastic ripping. Is he putting on a condom? When I feel his tongue run up the length of me, I groan. It feels different, though. His tongue leaves a cool sensation as it passes over me. When he stops at my clit, he presses whatever is in his mouth against it. It creates a hot and cold s
ensation all at once, making me squirm against him. I can feel Drew smile, and at the same time he inserts two fingers into me.

  “Oh God!” I throw my head back and arch myself toward him, begging for more.

  “Do you like this?” I nod my head. “Let me hear you say it.”

  “Yes, it feels so good.”

  His fingers increase speed and he continues to lick and suck me until I’m about to scream from the overwhelming sensation. I think it must be a mint of some sort in his mouth. The tingling sensation is making my already sensitive area supercharged. Once again, he presses the mint against my clit while grazing it with his teeth and I fall apart.

  “One last treat. Open.”

  I barely have the energy to open my mouth, but I do. It’s something circular, and when I bite into it, the sweetness explodes in my mouth. “A cherry.”

  “I’m so fucking glad you got that right.”

  Drew lifts my legs up, inserting a pillow under my butt. What the hell? I’m about to ask him what he’s doing when he pushes deep into me. Oh my God. I gasp from the sensation.

  “When you’re raised up like this, I’m able to get deeper into you. You feel so good that I would fucking crawl into you and never leave if I could.”

  That was sweet as far as sex talk goes. Before I can reply, Drew pulls almost all the way out before slamming back into me. He repeats this numerous times but changes how fast and hard he re-enters me. This time, he pulls all the way out of me, leaving me desperate for more of him.

  “Turn over.” I lie on my stomach as Drew’s hand wraps around my hips. He’s pulling me up, so I lift myself up on my hands and knees. “No.” He pushes my upper back toward the bed. “Head down, ass up.”

  His hand wraps around my hair and he starts driving in and out of me. His free hand holds my hip to keep me steady. I explode around him, my body convulsing from the force of my orgasm. If he wasn’t keeping me steady I would fall to the bed like the pile of Jell-O that I am right now.


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