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Adventure Across Texas: An Erotic Adventures Book

Page 14

by T. S. Hill

  “Can I please have first dibs on the shower?”, Lori pleaded with me.

  “Sure Sweetheart.” I replied wearily, “Go ahead. Meanwhile, I’ll sweep the room, then lay out and reorganize our things.”

  “Sweep the room?”, she asked. “Just part of my rekindled paranoia. Don’t worry with it.”, I replied wearily, “Just enjoy your shower.” She went to shower, and I went through my routine search and inspection of the room. Sometimes, I wondered if it was paranoia or OCD that kept me doing that. I had never found anything ominous in a hotel room. Not one spy camera, peep hole, or bad guy hiding in the closet, had I ever discovered. However, I had, over the years found, along with lost change, tie tacks, and a few sewing needles, a single tiny diamond once.

  I told myself that, tonight I was doing this to keep my mind focused, to stay sharp and on point. I found nothing, and had just finished laying our things out on the dressing cabinet and little room table, when Lori came out of the bath room with a white towel, turbaned on her head, and another wrapped around her torso. The contrast of the white of the towels against her smooth, tanned, skin, highlighted her beauty. As weary as I was, the sultry vision that she presented, made my pulse quicken, and warmed my mood.

  “That shower felt; no still feels, so incredibly good!”, she moaned.

  “You want something to eat?”, I asked her.

  “No. she said sleepily, “Get something for yourself if you want, but I just want to get to sleep.”

  “No.”, I replied. I just want a shower and sleep myself.” But that was a lie. As dog tired as I was, I was having a hard time pulling my eyes away from her, and lifting my feet to head into the bath room. She treated my eyes, as she flung off the white towels from her tanned, perfect body, and traded them for the white sheets of the turned down bed.

  I watched her climb naked, into the king size bed, and pull up the covers. The red spots on her beautiful ass weren’t whelps anymore, and no longer appeared as angry as before. They were still sexy as hell on her shapely ass though.

  “I paid for two nights, so that we don’t have to be up and out of here so early tomorrow.”, I told her, “So, sleep in as late as you like.” She didn’t answer, and I think she was already asleep.

  When I returned from the shower, Lori was sleeping soundly with her back to me. I dried myself hurriedly and climbed into bed beside her smooth, naked, warm body. I took a minute to study her beautiful face, and to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek, before I turned off the bedside lamp.

  Snuggling down into the covers, with this warm, beautiful, sexy woman, my arm wrapped her close to me, as I tiredly drifted off to sleep with my massive erection pressed between us.

  The next morning, I was drifting in and out of sleep when I felt her stir, and whiningly say, “Aw I wanna sleep, but I gotta get up and pee. “Fuck!”, she grunted, as she flipped back the covers, and sat up on the side of the bed.

  “Just come back to bed after you take a leak.”, I advised her.

  “Ummm.”, she moaned, standing up and stretching, “When do we have to be out of here?”

  “Tomorrow.”, I answered, in a partially muffled tone, from half my face buried in my pillow.

  “Wow.”, she said sleepily, “How long have we been asleep? I mean what day is it?”

  “Just a few hours.”, I answered, “Like, nine maybe, and it’s Wednesday.”

  “Ou! Hump day!”, she said in a sleepy, sultry voice, as she closed the bathroom door behind her. Those three words completely woke me. I was waiting outside of the bathroom, when I finally heard the toilet flush, and she opened the bathroom door. I was standing there naked, straining to hold my urine, my morning wood at attention. “Oh! Good morning to you!”, she coyly said, as she touched the tip of my cock with her right index finger.

  “I’ve got to piss!”, I urgently groaned.

  “Then by all means,”, she spoke with a playful melody in her voice, “go right ahead.” She passed by me, sashaying her hips, and giving her shoulders a shake that made her tits wiggle. “Come back to bed when you’re done.”, she continued. Then with her right arm and hand lifted behind her, pointing the same index finger at my hard cock, she added, “And, bring that with you!”

  “It comes with the package! “, I hurriedly replied, as I rushed into the bathroom, with my immediate task still on my mind, but now also, with a delightful motive for which to return. After pissing, my bladder pressure caused erection had wilted, but not completely gone away. As I walked from the bathroom, with my partially engorged cock hanging, and swinging side to side, Lori, sitting up in bed, gave me long wolf whistle.

  “Ou! Bring, that to me, Cowboy!”, she called out to me seductively, all the while with her eyes locked on my swaying cock. As I reached the side of the bed, she reached out and cradled my cock in her open hand, and asked, “How big is this thing?”

  “Average, I imagine.”, I commented, “I really haven’t measured it, or any other ones for that matter.”

  “I’ve never measured one either.”, she chirped back, “but that might be fun later. I’ve seen a few though, and I’d say this one would measure up with the best.” She gave my now, once again, swelling cock, a playful squeeze, and then released it.

  As I put my knee on the bed to climb back in, she quickly leaned forward and planted, just below my navel, a kiss on my stomach, that sent electric quivers up my torso. As she sat back on the bed, my cock immediately swung to attention. “Umm!”, she sounded off, looking again at my rising cock. “This bad boy wants to play!”

  I leaned forward pressing my right hand between her lovely tits, and said, “Just lay back girl. I paid for this room, and now it’s me and my cock that’ll be in charge.” She scooted her ass down, and laid back on the bed, my hand following between her tits, still exerting downward pressure.

  “So, “, she asked, “who’s got the most rank, you or your dick?”

  “Don’t worry about that right now,”, I answered, “maybe you’ll figure that out eventually. Right now, me and my cock knows which one of us is in charge. By the way, why do you call it my dick?”, I asked her.

  “Because that’s what it is, a dick.”, she replied.

  “No, I responded, “It’s a cock.”

  “It’s a dick!”, she retorted.

  “Why do you insist on calling it a dick?”, I asked.

  “Because that name is less intimidating.”, she countered. “Why do you insist on calling it a cock?”

  “Because that name is more dominating!”, I shot back forcefully. She tried to sit up, but I pushed her back down. “Stay where I put you!”, I told her.

  “Oh! So, you’re in command now?”, she asked sultrily.

  “Damn right! I quickly responded. Then leaning my face in close to hers, I growled, “Me! And, my, cock!” My lips covered hers with a sudden roughness, and as I pressed my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue, rising to meet mine, was as soft as the moan she released.

  Her arms encircled my neck, her fingers playing across my scalp. As our potent kiss intensified, she moaned again deeply, and her whole body began to lightly writhe. I leaned down on my left elbow, freeing my right arm and hand to caress her.

  I could just reach her warm, smooth, upper thigh, and began tracing my palm and finger tips over its sensuous shape. Dragging my open hand up the outside of her thigh, I massaged her with a moderate roughness. As I reached the side of her hip, she began to slightly undulate her hips with the rhythm of my kneading hand.

  Our kiss broke, and my mouth moved to nuzzle between her neck and shoulder. I kissed, licked and nibbled across her shoulder, then couldn’t keep my free hand off of her lush breasts any longer. When I slid my hand around and over her firm breasts, she gasped, and whimpered. My mouth traced its way from her shoulder, nibbling and kissing her warm skin, down to her left breast, where I licked her nipple to erection, and then took it into my mouth.

  Taking her right nipple between my index and middle fingers, twitching and toying
it, gently, at the same time, I took her left nipple between my front teeth, and began flicking it with my tongue. Her back arched and her moans tuned toward higher octaves. She threw her legs around my waist, crossing them over my hips, and began a rhythmic squeeze and release, which I could also feel in her pelvis as it pushed against my rock-hard cock. In a matter of sixty seconds, our passion had accelerated from cruising, to rocketing. She was already panting wildly, and began pushing at my right hip with her left hand.

  “C’mon, Cowboy, “, her raspy voice begged, between pants of breath, “give it to me now.” I raised up and looked into her beautiful, closed eyed, face.

  “You know what I told you.”, I simply said, sliding both of my hands down her body to the outside of her knees. She offered no resistance, and only whimpered in response. Lifting her legs over my shoulders, I gripped her right calf, and turning my head, began to plant kisses along its tender inside path back to her knee, while, my right hand caressed the outside length of her left thigh and knee. She moaned softly as she panted, and her tanned arms and torso continued to slowly writhe on the white sheets. As my lips moved to her knee, I stared into, and marveled at, the beauty of her face in the throes of passion.

  The more aroused she became, the more beautifully her face glowed in her arousal. Her darker eyelashes rested on her high cheeks, hiding her mysterious, golden jeweled, hazel eyes. Her thin, noble nose, pointed to her rosy pink, slightly parted, perfect lips. If she had asked me, I would have had to tell her outright, that I was totally infatuated with her whole being. But, I thought maybe she already realized it.

  I continued kissing my path up the inside of her leg, eventually reaching the spot between her thigh and her sweet-smelling pussy. I could see the moisture seeping out between its lovely lips. I lightly kissed them with my lips. She gasped, letting out a begging whine. Then switching sides, I restarted my kisses at her left calf.

  About every third or fourth kiss that I applied to the skin of her tender, warm leg, I would feel her body tremble. I continued to slowly kiss my way up the inside of her leg. However, even though she could not be still, and my cock was involuntarily jerking with anticipation, I did not rush, but worked my way gradually, and methodically, toward the great prize of her pussy. As I relished each taste of her skin, I delighted in the fragrance of each inch of her, that passed beneath my flaring nostrils.

  Our eyes, our lips, our tongues, our hands, our skin, her pussy, and my cock, were all conveying a cacophony of messages consisting of passion, love, bliss, and appreciation. All of our senses were heightened to near pushing past their edges of tolerance. But soon, all the parts of each would join in a harmonious voice of ecstasy, as our bodies would couple, and then finally, harmoniously erupt into one, massive, release of bliss.

  Lori moaned, “Oh, Cowboy! I’m yours. Do whatever you want with me. I want to be yours! Please let me be yours!”

  “I want to devour you!”, I answered, ending my trail of kisses at her sweet, orchid pussy. And, plunging my tongue between its warm lips, I inhaled her sugary aroma.

  I was involuntarily emitting a deep growl as I began my tongue play, up and down her lips and circling her engorged clit. She squealed and thrust her pelvis against my mouth. As I brought my hands forward, they caressed the inside of her thighs. I was sliding each hand under a precious, round, ass cheek, and lifting her arching hips off the sheets, when she arched her silky tanned legs over my shoulders. I could feel the muscles of her legs draw tense, as I began licking her clit with intensity and pressure. She began to cry out in short burst which increased in volume and frequency as I continued licking.

  Finally, Lori’s cries evolved into a loud, long, wail, as I felt a gush of her juices against my chin. Gasping, she emitted another lengthy cry, and her pelvis bucked against my face, her clit tingling against my determined tongue. Then, with a final loud cry that faded away slowly like a song on the wind, her orgasm finished, and her hips, legs, and whole body went limp.

  I kissed around her pussy lips and then began working my way up the softness of her lower tummy. Over the next few minutes, her breathing slowed, but did not come to a restful state. As I kissed, nibbled, and licked my way back up toward her exquisite breasts, the frequency of the breaths picked up and her hands began to move over my head and shoulders. I brought my hands up the outside of her thighs and slid them slowly toward her breasts, while my lips, teeth and tongue continued to linger and excite her mid torso.

  As my mouth reached her peaking breasts, she groaned a deep, guttural, groan, and growled to me, “I still want you. I need you. I need all of you!” I pushed my body upward and placing my arms under her shoulders, pulled her mouth to mine, plunging my tongue against hers. She met my tongue with an amazing energy and force. Her hunger for me was being expressed in her kiss, and the frantic grasp of her hands across the back of my shoulders. When our kiss broke, she flung her legs wide and growled, “Please take me!”

  With that, I felt that I could stand no more of the exquisite foreplay, without exploding into convulsions myself. And, I thrust my hips forward, plunging my cock into the depths of her pussy, until the base of my cock was grinding against the slippery lips of her warm, soaking pussy. Once again, I could feel the head of my cock tickling the back spaces of her tight vagina.

  Her pussy muscles surrounding my throbbing cock, pulsated, with sexual hunger. As she began to slowly grind her hips, I began to thrust my own hips, in a rhythmic back and forth motion, that pulled my cock to the edges of her internal lips, and then plunged it back to the full depth of its reach.

  With each, synchronized, stroke, our motion gained an increase in frequency, and our combined pussy/cock contact, produced an increasingly, scorching energy, that was bringing us incrementally closer, to being one with each other. Our strokes rolled out of our loins like a natural dance, tuned, and harmonizing with the universe. For a couple of minutes, it seemed that we were flowing on a plateau, but then simultaneously we both felt a surge of urgent energy flow through us. Our coupled bodies went from a synchronized pull and push against each other, to a united convulsing of our body one.

  Together Lori screamed and I roared, as our bodies unleashed the pent-up energy of each, into a combined single eruption of blissful, lust, love, and ecstasy. All of our combined muscles were contracted and trembling, as one central pulse, of immense bliss, shot through our nerve paths. In that moment, every control that each of us had, was surrendered, and we became one. In the next second, as one, we collapsed.

  I don’t think that either of us slept for this next twenty minutes, but we lay side by side facing each other and holding each other in our arms, gently caressed each other in a quiet love play. At times our eyes were open, looking into each other’s, and at other times they were closed, as we floated in the afterglow of the wonderful bliss we shared. Somehow, sharing these moments was a quieter extension, and continuation, of the ecstatic bliss that we had just experienced.

  Finally, we grew still, and Lori whispered to me, “You’re amazing, Cowboy.”

  “You’re amazing Sweetheart.”, I whispered back at her.

  A few moments later, she whispered to me again, “And, I’ve got to pee.”

  “Me too.”, I whispered back.

  “I went first last time, so you go ahead.”, she whispered back to me.

  “You got it.”, I whispered back, and releasing her, I sprang out of the bed.

  When she returned from the bathroom, I was standing behind the curtains at the window, holding a crack open and peeping out. She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, bending her arms upward and placing her hands on my chest. As she caressed me and toyed with my chest hair, she asked sweetly, “See anything interesting?”

  “Nothing as interesting as what I’ve been seeing in here, I responded, taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh of satisfaction and contentment. She hugged her body against my back and ass, and I could feel her head turned with her cheek pressed ag
ainst my spine.

  “Remember asking me if I wanted something to eat, last night Cowboy?”, she asked me with her voice flirting, “Well, I wouldn’t turn it down this morning.”

  “It’s afternoon Sweetheart.”, I replied, turning to put her in my arms and swap a lingering lip kiss.

  “That will just make it taste all the better.”, she answered me in a sensual tone.

  “Wanna see who can get dressed and presentable first?”, I challenged her.

  “You’re on!”, she almost shouted back.

  We were both scrambling around the room in various stages of dressing for about a minute and a half, when we both turned to the other and shouted, “Done!”

  “Since it’s a tie, I’ll buy breakfast.”, I offered.

  “Since I’m broke, I’ll let you.”, she quipped back.

  “Deal!”, I popped back, as we both headed for the door. My native paranoia met me at the door, where I told Lori, while I looked through the door peep viewer, “Step back, and let me check the hall, then I’ll come back to get you.” I reached for my Colt, and tucking it into my belt under my shirt tail, asked her, “You got the other one?”

  “In my purse.”, she eagerly replied. “Cocked and locked?”, I asked.

  “Cocked and locked.”, she affirmed.

  “Where did you get a purse?”, I asked.

  “The barn trunks.”, she spoke back, a little exasperated, “Cowboy, can we go? I’m fucking hungry!”

  I stepped into the hall and eased the door shut behind me, being careful that it made no noise. I moved quietly first to the right end of the hall, where there was a stair well and then to the other end where the opposing stairs landed. In the middle, the elevator lights indicated that it was stopped, and in the lobby.

  As a second thought, I revisited each stair landing, and rescanned the parking areas through the windows. Nothing seemed out of ordinary or suspicious, so I went back to the room and picked up Lori. After the near double ambush in Canadian, and the activity at the barn, I was almost surprised, but apparently, our camo was working.


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