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Adventure Across Texas: An Erotic Adventures Book

Page 21

by T. S. Hill

  The dirty little bastards, had to already have their minds in the gutter to even believe what they were witnessing was what they thought it was. Anyway, we hurriedly left the park, earlier than planned, which eventually turned out to be a good thing. When fate is on your side, it seems, karma cooperates.

  Back out on I-35, with both of us completely relaxed, we proceeded with a little less haste than we had earlier in the day. Lori was still a bit excited about her solution to our shared conflict of interest. I felt like it could work, but not without risks of an early leak, that could end up destroying my chance to collect my, and now maybe our, commission.

  The basis of her idea, was that she didn’t absolutely have to be the one to kill Milinni. I was glad to see that she finally was turning loose of enough of her pain, to accept an alternative solution to her taking up justice in her own hands. That at least was progress. But, nothing it seems is without complications and potential pitfalls.

  I had pointed out the remaining potential problems to Lori, and she seemed to digest it in real time, agreeing that there were still issues with ironing out an approach. But she said that we have plenty of time to think on it. After that, we had both remained silent for probably the last forty or so miles. We still needed to kill a little more time before hitting Dallas, and I didn’t want to get too close, without having the help of darkness to add to our identity camo.

  We had just passed the exits for Gainsville, and I suggested that we stop again in Denton, which would be about another thirty minutes away. We could while some time off there while we waited for sundown. The GPS highlighted the Gold Trail Mall, just off the interstate. “Wanna go hang out at the mall for a while?”, I asked Lori, “I don’t think anyone would be looking for either of us in a shopping mall in Denton, Texas.”

  “Ah, I don’t know Cowboy.”, she replied unenthused. “Are you looking for something in particular?”

  “No”, I replied. “I just thought it might be a fun, safe place to spend some time looking around, and hanging out, and maybe get something to eat a little later on around dinner time. What do you say? I’ll buy you something. You can pick out anything you want, as long as you stay out of the jewelry stores.”

  “As long as I stay out of the jewelry stores?”, she said raising her voice. Gee Cowboy! You know how to just fucking ruin a girl’s shopping trip, don’t you!” She burst out laughing. “Sure Cowboy.”, she agreed. “Why not? Let’s go! Anything I want huh?”, she added.

  “I do keep my word, Mam!”, I replied.

  “I’m going to hold you to that too.”, she shot back. “I keep my word also.” We both grinned at each other and rode on to the mall exit in silence. Once we were parked in the parking lot, just beyond the main Mall entrance, Lori turned to me with a serious but happy look on her face.

  “Cowboy, can we talk a minute?”, she asked.

  “Sure.”, I answered, unable to read he face. “What’s on your mind?”, I said turning on the seat to face her.

  She took both of my hands in hers and hesitantly started, “Cowboy, you remember that talk you gave me about putting things in proper order? Step A, then B, then C, and only at C could you get to D?”

  “I remember it well Lori, because your philosophy of cooking was almost an identical type of philosophy.” “Well it makes sense Cowboy, only sometimes I have to think about what would step C look like, just before you went to step D. And then, what would step B look like just before C, and then can I get from Step A to that same step B. That backward approach lays out everything in order so I can then turn around and follow the steps in the right order, eventually arriving at step D, which is the goal all along. Am I making sense Cowboy?”

  “Perfect sense, Sweetheart.”, I replied. “You always make perfect sense though. So, I assume that you’ve been walking the steps backward for resolving our little conflict, and maybe reached step B or step A?”

  “Well yeah, Cowboy, I have.”, she began explaining, “But, here’s the thing. You’re probably not going to like it.”

  “Fair enough, Lori. When I pointed out the existence of the conflict, you didn’t like that. But, you’ve addressed it as a mature adult, and obviously given it a tremendous amount of thought. So, I promise you, that I won’t judge what you’ve come up with, until you have presented all of your thoughts on it, and we’ve had time to discuss it, and think on it all some more. Deal?”, I asked.

  “Deal!”, she responded. “Okay.”, she said. “Here goes. Does the evidence you have mostly incriminate that fucking SOB whose name, I can’t stand to speak, or do you have evidence for other kingpins, mobsters, etc.?” At this point I figured that I had nothing to lose by answering Lori honestly, and so I did.

  “Actually, several others are implicated by association, but I have no evidence that would incriminate them. At least none sufficient to generate an arrest warrant, never mind a conviction. But, there are quite a number of underlings, of the SOB whose name you don’t speak, that will be definitely convicted for multiple serious crimes, and probably do more time than the SOB himself.”

  “What would be the odds of those underlings being picked up and locked away, at the same time the bastard is picked up?”

  “Very good!”, I answered. “In fact, that’s pretty much the mode of operation for the people I have this contract with. They realize that they have to keep them separated, and not only out of communication with each other, but also to protect them from each other. Sometimes it takes a couple of days to clean them all off the street, but they get it done in simultaneous raids and arrests. In fact, they seem to be pretty damn good at coordinating that type of thing.”

  “So.”, Lori continued, if it becomes publicly clear that there’s no evidence implicating anyone but the SOB and his own men, and he’s in fed protective custody, and he can’t get to any records he may know of to flip on his other big mobster buddies, they won’t worry so much about trying to kill him, to keep him hushed, because of no evidence being there to back up anything he might say?”

  “Are you asking my opinion?”, I asked.

  “Yes!”, she responded.

  “I think that would be a pretty good assumption.”, I said.

  Lori continued, “Say, later after the SOB is actually convicted and off in prison for a few months, if say a cache of evidence that had been salvaged from his operations were to turn up, and the feds wanted his testimony to corroborate the evidence, which may be rumored to be sketchy, and it all got to be big news, that it may bring down four to six other big mobsters in the US, what would his odds of survival be then?”

  “Slim.”, I answered. “Maybe fifty-fifty at the very best. And with each passing month, coming up to their trials, even less.”

  “Could you still collect a commission on evidence turned in later?”, she questioned further.

  “No!”, I quickly answered. “I would be arrested and charged with something along the lines of withholding evidence, and covering up crimes.” “I thought that you didn’t have to report anything outside of your assignments?”, she queried. “I don’t.”, I responded. “But I do have to turn over any evidence in my possession of a crime of any kind.” “Oh!”, she said. “Well, shit fucking damn!”

  “I see where you’re going with this Lori.”, I offered. “You think that the evidence that you have would implicate some other bosses as well as add to the unspeakable SOB’s case, and that by presenting it, after he’s convicted and in prison, that they would all leap to protect themselves and finish him off.

  If we follow through with it that way, we would have to give up all of the commission that may be associated with that block of evidence, because we would be charged for holding it. The only way to turn it in late, would be to turn it in anonymously. There’s no commission in that either. How many of those guys do you think what you have would bring down?”, I asked.

  “At least four. Maybe six.”, she answered. “You’re the expert on this stuff, and you could tell better than me how
good it is.”, she mused out loud.

  “We’re talking four to six guys whose empires probably rival the SOB’s. For us, that could be from twenty-five to, hell, maybe fifty million dollars in commissions.

  “Holy fuck!” Lori spoke up again, “There’s one other little thing. To keep that evidence that I have from falling into the fed’s hands to soon, and it getting the bastard killed before he goes to trial, I’ll have to break one little law.”

  “This is already getting messy Lori. What law will you have to break?”, I asked. “Or do I really want to know?”

  “I have to burn down the bastard’s office, to destroy the records that I copied. Otherwise, it would be like turning in what I have now.”, she confessed.

  “That would be destroying evidence in multiple felony cases, in addition to arson.”, I advised. “If we’re caught, we’re talking never seeing the other side of the bars again! Truthfully Lori, I’ve drawn an opinion, but I’m going to keep it to myself for now, until we’ve talked through it and who knows? It all may work out different than I think right now. Stranger things have happened.”

  “Cowboy, I know it has issues, but it is a way to get what we are after, just in a risky sort of fashion. Maybe this plan needs more steps than A through D?”, she offered.”

  “We’ll talk about it some more Sweetheart. Are you ready to go do some shopping and have some fun?”, I asked, pointing toward the mall entrance.

  “One other thing first, Cowboy.”, she said, holding up a finger. “I’m putting my boots back on. Those fucking high heels are a bitch to walk in! They may look good on the end of my legs when I’m sitting, or even lying in bed, but they ain’t for walking!”

  “Sweetheart, your legs and feet look good in anything you put on them, even barefooted.”, I countered.

  “That’s sweet Cowboy, I’m glad that you like my boots on me.”, she stated. “Because I’m sure as hell going to wear them!”

  In the mall, we strolled about seeing the sights, window shopping, and leisurely enjoying ice cream cones. Lori visited in several shops but didn’t see anything that particularly caught her eye. Then, we passed a little shop called Alice’s Assumptions. The letters for “Alice’s” and “Ass” were in red, and “umptions” was in blue. It was a lingerie shop; a specialty, very sexy only, lingerie shop. From the displays that I could see through the windows, it appeared that they also carried a selection of sex toys, lubes, and those kinds of accessories. It was the kind of lingerie that women did not come out of the dressing room wearing. Lori wanted to go in, so I sat on a nearby bench to finish my ice cream cone.

  As I finished the cone off, I stepped across the corridor to look over a display of picture calendars. I was looking at one that was all vintage Fords, when Lori spotted me as she came out of Alice’s Assumptions. Her face carried a smile and her eyes were lit up. I found what I want Cowboy, it’s item number six five six seven six six five!”, she bubbled.

  “Great! How much you need?”, I asked reaching for my fold of bills.

  “Oh, no sir! You said that you would buy whatever I wanted, so you go in and buy it.”

  I guess that she though that she would get a rise out of me, but instead of letting that happen, I calmly tucked my money fold into my pants pocket and said, “I’ll be right back. Look over that classic Ford calendar while I’m gone. Item number?”

  “Six five six seven six six five .”, she repeated.

  “Six five six seven six six five! Got it!”, I called back to her, and swiftly moved through the front door of the store. I went straight to the counter at the back of the store, where there was an over six feet tall, blonde with long straight hair waiting at the register.

  Her face was heavily made up and she was wearing what I imagined might be one of the stores creations. It was a black, form fitting, mini dress, that if she had bent over, her ass would have popped out from under. The front was cut wide and low, showcasing her huge tits, that were obviously trapped by a push up bra meant to give the illusion that her tits were about to be forced over the top edges of the blouse. She was attractive in a sense, but in a cheap way, and not what I had become accustomed to as attractive over the last few days. The stark contrast of style, really made me appreciate Lori’s natural beauty, even more.

  “Hello”, I greeted her as I approached the counter. “Are you Alice?”

  “No.”, she said with a look of disappointment on her face, but then smiled and said, I’m Connie, and I work with Alice. Can I help you with something?”

  “Yes.”, I replied. “Item number six five six seven six six five. I would like to purchase that please.

  “One moment please.”, she responded and came around the counter walking off into the store. I could see that her platform shoes were part of the reason for her height, and also that I was right about her not being able to bend over without her ass popping out from under her mini dress. She had strikingly beautiful legs that were the same tone as her porcelain face and hands.

  But her ass, as nice as it was, was disproportionately large for the rest of her body, and protruded out in an unnatural pronounced way. I thought this must be the “Ass” part of the “Alice’s Assumptions” sign. I of course would never say anything to her to imply that, especially since I had already seen one man, bitch slapped nearly to death, this morning. Presently she returned with the item.

  “Are you sure of the size?”, she questioned me. Each size is a different item number even in the same item. “I’m sure.” I responded, looking the item over. It was mostly snow white and had a few little soft blue ribbons tacked here and there in a pleasing decorative way. It was mostly crocheted strings, and had three crocheted triangle pieces attached to the strings. I couldn’t make heads or tails of how all of it would fit on Lori. The clerk pulled a large flat box from under the counter, and placed the item in the center along with several layers of tissue paper.

  Then having finished arranging the tissue paper and item as a display in the box, she placed her manicured hands down on either side of the box and said, “Now, we have the matching hose available also, with the same ribbon trim on the tops of the outer thigh.”

  She didn’t get the words out of her mouth and I had answered her, “Oh, I’ll take those too.

  “Petite of course?”

  “Of course!”, I responded.

  Before she moved to retrieve the hose, she continued without missing a beat, “Do you by chance know her shoe size?”

  “Yes, ah, seven!”, I responded.

  “Oh! You’re in luck, we have just her size in the coordinating spiked heels!” Without a word further, she left the counter and returned with a pair of spiked heel, semi platforms, that truly did go with the growing ensemble, along with the hose. She sat them all in the box together and I had to admit to myself that they all did look great together, and already I couldn’t wait to see them on Lori.

  “What else you got?”, I asked.

  “Oh, you are a man after my own heart!”, she said as she fluttered her eyelashes at me. “If she doesn’t like this gift, you just come back here and see me.”, she said in a seductive tone. Then turning, she picked up a small box off of the counter behind her, and then began, pushing other items around on the counter looking for something.

  She called out to another girl assisting a customer at the other end of the counter, “Janice, have you seen the cameo locket that goes with these Wedgwood ear studs?” The girl replied that she had sold it that morning. After chastising the girl for breaking a set apart, she turned and apologized to me for not having the complete set.

  “You know what?”, I said. “I like those anyway, so I’ll still take them. Anything else?”, I asked her.

  “About the only other thing we have that will coordinate with this outfit is one of these lace, party, masks.”, she said taking down a cello wrapped package with a frilly party mask that was perfectly matched to the other items.

  “Throw that in too.”, I replied.

sp; “Would you like this gift wrapped?”, she asked.

  “Yes.”, I replied.

  “Would you like to pick out the paper and ribbon?”, she questioned further. “Or, if you like. I can match the colors of the ensemble also in the packaging?”

  “Do that!”, I responded. After I paid her in cash, she disappeared into the back, and presently returned with my package, thanking me for my business. Then I asked her, “Do you by chance, have one of these manikins wearing a similar outfit as this, that I could view?”

  “Yes, we do!”, she replied. “Follow me. She led me over to the side of the store where she had gone to retrieve the garment to begin with, and pointed to a manikin. “This one is wearing the all red version, but that’s the only difference.” In my mind’s eye, I turned the frosty manikin’s skin to a warm, dark, Lori tan, and the red garment into snow white, and what I now knew was Wedgwood blue.

  “Wow!”, I said. “I hope she likes all this, because I sure do!”

  The blonde clerk addressed me again, “Like I said honey, if she doesn’t like it, you just come back and see me!”

  “What do you call a thing like this?”, I asked her.

  “It’s a teddy.”, she explained. “This one we call the Sunday Teddy!”

  “Thanks! I replied. “Maybe I’ll be in again sometime! Who knows? Right!”, and then I hurried out of the store with my prized package. I could feel my cock lengthening from my just thinking of Lori in the outfit.

  I returned to the corridor to find Lori deeply absorbed in a calendar depicting famous pistols. As soon as I was by her side, she looked up at me and asked, “Cowboy, can I have one more thing?”


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