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A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance

Page 33

by T. J. Brandow

  “Two can play at that game!” David said, taking aim on the Remoir ship with his laser cannon. With his fist few shots, he hit the wing of the ship and sent it spinning around out of control. In vane, the ship tried to fire back, but Ken took aim at its thrusters and the rocket blew into a million pieces. Just as several more Remoir ships were moving into view, Dedron prepared the ship for light speed.

  “I don’t get it. Why would they attack the ship if they’re commander was on it?” Donna asked.

  “Maybe a higher ranking official told the Remoirs that it was more important to stop us than keep their commander alive. Who knows? Let’s get out of here!” he said, pressing the lever to activate the light speed engager. Beams of light shot past the crewmembers as they made the jump to light speed. Soon they were in a calm sea of stars with no enemy anywhere in sight. The sudden switch to a peaceful star scape from the combat was a bit jarring for the entire crew. No one spoke for several moments.

  “We did it!” Donna finally said, breaking the silence. Dedron was deep in thought.

  “Yes we did. Everyone played a part in our success. I suppose that’s more proof that the sergeant chose wisely when he put all of us together,” he said as he turned to meet her gaze.

  “You were wonderful,” Donna said, being forthright as she always was. “The leader thing just comes naturally to you,” she said.

  “I have no desire to be a leader or to tell people how to govern themselves. I simply see the most logical choice in a situation and act decisively. Such is our way. We don’t have leaders in our society back home. Whomever makes the most sense at the time a situation is occurring is followed.”

  “Understood. Either way, we done good!” Donna said as she turned to high five Kadija and Laura who were seated just behind Dedron and Donna.

  Chapter 7

  “So what’s the plan, now? Is it even safe to go back to Earth?” Laura asked. The crewmembers were all seated around a round table in the small dining room behind the bridge of the rocket. Donna and Laura found the ship’s rations, a barely edible meat product of Remoir design, and a supply of water.

  “We have a mission that we still need to fulfill,” Dedron said.

  “How can we carry out the mission now? The sergeant and the others were captured or killed. We don’t have all of the weapons that we had at our disposal back on the base. I say we abort,” David said.

  “What did you join the Defense Squad for if you weren’t going to carry out the mission you signed up for?” Kadija asked him, firing a glare in his direction.

  David looked to his pal, Ken who was staring at his shoes.

  “Well, what do you think, bud?” David asked.

  “I think they’re right, man. We signed up to protect those people on Guanthan. I think we need to go through with it,” Ken said.

  “Ok, if that’s what everyone wants, but we might be setting ourselves for a complete massacre. I mean, what if we’re outnumbered? How many of them are stationed there anyhow?” David asked.

  Everyone looked around at one another.

  “No one knows for sure. We weren’t fully briefed on the mission before they attacked us,” Dedron pointed out.

  “They also know our plan to attack them at Guanthan, so they are likely prepared for us,” Donna said.

  Dedron sat deep in his thoughts, trying to figure out the best course of action.

  “They know which ship we’re traveling in, so we’re likely to be attacked as soon as we arrive at Guanthan. So, maybe the thing to do is to ditch this ship and get another one: one they won’t be expecting. Guantham is a space port with all sorts of beings and creatures that stop there,” Donna pointed out.

  “That’s a great idea, but this ship is also equipped with some killer weapons,” David said.

  “It won’t matter if they have ten of them at their disposal,” Dedron reasoned.

  “So, we need to find someone who will trade us a military rocket for this Remoir fighter. Shouldn’t be too hard,” he went on to say.

  “I know of a place, but you won’t like it,” Ken shared.

  “Why?” Donna asked as she tried to digest the Remoir rations making a disgusted face in the process.

  “Well, there’s this slimeball of a guy that sells rockets and other ships in the Klepticon galaxy on the Swamp moon of Planet Xanthan.”

  “Why would someone move to a swamp moon to set up a business like that?” Laura asked.

  “Easy, he wanted to avoid having to abide by any regulations.”

  “That doesn’t sound reassuring,” Donna said, looking over at Laura and Kadija dubiously.

  “Great, he can sell us a bucket of bolts that won’t even fly,” Laura said, making Donna laugh.

  “No, I know him. He won’t screw us over,” Ken said.

  “No way dude. He would screw over his grandmother for a buck or two, man,” David said.

  “Anyone have any better ideas?” Ken asked.

  “No, I think we should go to the swamp moon,” Dedron said. Donna looked over at Dedron as if she half expected him to take back what he said.

  “He’s right, none of us do have a better idea about what to do. We’ll give whatever ship he tried to sell us a good thorough inspection. It should be alright,” Dedron reasoned.

  “See, listen to Dedron,” Ken said trying to get Dedron to give him a high five. Dedron just gave him a curious look causing Ken to put his hand down.

  “Don’t leave me hanging again man!” Ken teased.

  “How far is this swamp moon?” Dedron asked.

  “It should only take us a few days from here if we activate the light speed function to reach the galaxy,” Ken answered.

  “I hope there’s enough fuel left to do so. I will go and check after dinner,” Dedron said.

  “Cool,” Ken said, feeling very self-satisfied after deciding the crew’s next move.

  “I’ll come with you,” Donna said.

  “Ok,” Dedron said, shooting her a slight smile. The other’s noticed this, because the Barringe rarely smiled about anything.

  Dedron walked quietly from the dining room to the ship’s engine room at the far end of the rocket. Donna followed just behind him.

  “Wait up,” she said. Just as she was about to catch up to Dedron, she tripped over a small cleaning bot that scurried down the corridor. Dedron turned to help her up, extending his hand to her. When his larger hand slipped into hers, something surged through Donna. Her eyes locked with Dedron, and something undeniable passed between them although neither of them could explain what it was exactly. It was as if an electrical surge passed through her from his touch. Dedron came to his senses and shook his head for a second as Donna got to her feet.

  “Thank you,” she said, simply.

  “Not a problem,” he answered. They went to the fuel room and Dedron looked at the computer readouts of the hydrogen fuel levels.

  “Looks like we have just enough to get there, but we will need to purchase some fuel once we get there. I hope someone amongst us has some valuable currency. I for one do not seeing as how us Barringes don’t have any currency or any need for such things.”

  “Of course you don’t,” Donna said. “I have a little bit of money, but maybe when we combine that with all of the others we will have enough.”

  “Listen, I just wanted to thank you again for everything that you helped me through back there on Earth and on the Remoir ship. I always feel like I’m somewhat safe when you are around. I haven’t felt quite like that about anyone since my father was alive,” she said.

  “I was just doing what I could to protect a comrade, and besides, you are brave and strong all on your own. You don’t need anyone to protect you. I can name five male Barringes right now that are not as brave as you are.”

  “That is sweet of you to say,” she said as their eyes locked for a moment again. Dedron felt as if there was a tenderness and a vulnerability behind the fierce exterior of her sparkling green eyes. Their faces wer
e being pulled towards one another during that moment, but at the last minute, Dedron turned away and began to walk back down the corridor towards the bridge.

  “We had better be getting back,” he said.

  “What’s the hurry? We have a few days.”

  “We should not leave the ship on autopilot for too long,” he said, making an excuse.

  Once they got back to the dining room, they found the remainder of the squad firming up the sleeping arrangements. There were only three sleeping compartments on the ship, so everyone would need to share a room with someone. Laura and Kadija insisted on sharing a room so that neither of them would have to share one with David or Ken. David and Ken decided in turn to share a room with each other. The Lanthan had elected to sleep on the bridge, having no need for a bed. Lanthans sleep upright like a giraffe. That left one room for Dedron and Donna to share. Either way, one of the women would have to share a room with someone.

  Laura informed Dedron and Donna about the arrangements. When she did, Donna swore she saw Dedron’s brown face turning a more ruddy color.

  “Are you ok with this?” she asked.

  “I suppose it makes the most sense. I don’t want you, Laura or Kadija to have to share a room with David or Ken that’s for sure,” he admitted.

  “That’s true,” she said as he turned to go inspect the room. She smiled as soon as he turned around, pleased with the outcome.

  The sleeping room was really only about as large as a walk-in closet. The beds were attached to opposite walls of the room and were only big enough for one person to lay down comfortable on.

  “Well it’s certainly spacious,” Dedron joked as he sat down on one of the beds.

  “Did you just make a joke?” she teased him.

  “I guess I did,” he said, smiling again.

  “And I believe I just saw you flash a full-fledged smile,” she teased again.

  “Stop it, Donna,” he said.

  “What? Do I make you uncomfortable?” she said with a large grin as she pulled her long, black hair back in a ponytail.

  “No, that is, I…” he said. It was obvious that being in such close proximity with another being wasn’t something that he was used to.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t bite,” she said, as she took his hand in hers. Again, he felt something that he couldn’t describe, a kind of nervous satisfaction at the feel of her skin. As their eyes locked the same way they had in the corridor, Donna did not resist the urge to move in closer to Dedron.

  “What are you doing?” he asked her.

  “Just trust me,” she said, gripping his hand tighter. She closed her eyes just as her lips met his. Dedron’s eyes grew as huge as saucers, having never kissed anyone before. The sensations he had felt before seemed to increase ten fold. Donna pulled away to look into his dark eyes and gauge his response. His hand trembled in hers.

  “It’s ok, just give in to it,” she said. He nodded nervously and closed his eyes, opening his mouth ever so slightly to receive her next kiss. Donna slipped in her tongue, prompting Dedron’s eyes to open in his surprise. Soon, he got the hang of it and wrapped his own tongue around hers. Donna’s hands moved to Dedron’s chest to explore his hairy pecks. Dedron remained frozen at first, not knowing exactly how to respond. Donna took his hand and slid it inside of her shirt onto her heaving breasts. His eyes grew larger than ever at the soft feeling of her flesh. So one can imagine his expression as her hands found their way into his pants. His mouth fell open and he jerked backwards for a second.

  “It’s ok,” she whispered. Then, she stood up and took off her top and her shorts as he sat and watched. Finally, with a slow, seductive motion, she flung her panties at him. His mouth was completely agape by this point. She leaned down, closed his mouth and kissed him again.

  “Take me,” she whispered, pulling him on top of her on her bed. Dedron gave into the animal instincts that had overtaken his will and thrust into the gorgeous, sensual creature that lay there for his taking. He started out slowly, but increased his speed rather dramatically.

  “Oh yes, Oh GOD!” she said, feeling herself being completely filled up. She had never experienced someone quite so big before, but she loved every stroke. Both of their bodies were awash with waves of pleasure like currents that plunged them into the depths of the ocean. Donna took Dedron by surprise as she pushed him off of her and mounted him. He had to close his eyes for fear that the sight of her huge bouncing breasts and glazed over green eyes would end the proceedings rather rapidly. When he finally dared to open his eyes it was just as Donna’s mouth fell open, and her grip on his hand tightened. She reached a mind-blowing orgasm, the like of which she had never felt before. Dedron gave in at the exact same moment, feeling a wave of relief and pleasure wash over him.

  “That was amazing,” She whispered in his ear as they lay side by side with barely any room to move. Dedron was so overwhelmed he could only nod in agreement.

  Chapter 8

  When Dedron and Donna emerged from the room, they tried not to return to the bridge of the ship together so as not to draw attention to their new relationship. However, the others could immediately tell something was different about both of them from the flushed faces they both shared.

  “Is there something that you want to tell us about?” Laura said as she lifted an eyebrow and nudged Kadija.

  “No, no not really,” Donna said.

  “Oh come on, Donna. It’s obvious that there’s something going on between the two of you. It’s written all over your face! Either you just got done working out or you…” Kadija said as Donna cut her off.

  “Alright, I’ll admit that we’re seeing each other, but please don’t tease me about it. I know you guys hinted that there was some chemistry between us before and I denied it, so there’s no need to say I told you so,” Donna said, defensively.

  “Well alright then,” Laura said. “So, how was it?”

  Donna glared at her and turned away. Kadija giggled at this.

  “We’re sorry, Donna. It’s just that we’re excited about it, that’s all. Except for working out on the treadmills and looking at the lovely views of the surrounding stars, there’s not much else for us to get ramped up about,” Laura said.

  “It’s not a problem,” she said, turning to face them with a smile. “And to answer your question: it was wonderful,” she said as her glare turned into an expression of delight.

  Laura and Kadija smiled at each other.

  Dedron came out of the sleeping quarters a few minutes after Donna. Unfortunately, David was coming from the workout room and saw Donna exit the room minutes before Dedron did. David followed behind Dedron and began to speak to him.

  “So, you hooked up with Donna? That’s awesome, dude. Good for you. She is quite a babe,” he said. Dedron turned to David with a scowl that gave him pause.

  “It isn’t any business of yours what took place between the two of us,” Dedron shot back.

  “Sorry, man, I was trying to pay you a complement.”

  “Complement me on something that requires skill and effort, not for my relationships. You humans can be so silly at times,” Dedron remarked before continuing to make his way down the hall. David shook his head and went to tell Ken about what he’d observed. Donna and Dedron did not show open signs of affection when the others were around, but both of them were secretly elated by what they had experienced in each other’s embrace.

  The next few days passed with little event. Soon, the swamp moon of Planet Xanthan came into view on the ship’s radar. Next to the much large blue ball of Planet Xantham, it looked like a tiny green speck.

  “That’s it,” Ken said, pointing at the radar screen.

  “Doesn’t look very large,” Laura remarked.

  “It’s probably a little bigger than our moon back in the Milky Way,” Ken shared.

  Before long, they were close enough to see the multitude of tall, swampy trees rising up to meet them. At first it was hard to spot any sign of civil
ization, but soon they saw a settlement of some kind hidden by the veil of trees. It looked primitive at best with simple-looking dwellings that could have dated back to an earlier century. There were no gleaming hover towers to be seen like the major cities back on Earth. It was truly a frontier settlement.

  “Looks like they just threw up some buildings overnight or something,” David said.

  “It hasn’t been a settlement for very long. Because there is no government or anything to fund the settlement, everyone that lives there kind of had to create their own dwelling,” Ken explained. “In fact, most of the people that live there are the merchants. Most of the population are transients that are just visiting in order to purchase various items without having to pay the taxes that would be imposed on them elsewhere.”

  “Ah, now I’m starting to get the picture. You can get something for a bargain basement prices, but there are no regulations or laws to protect the consumer. I’m still not convinced that this is the best course of action,” Donna pointed out.

  “Well, like Dedron said, no one seemed to have any better ideas, so we are going through with this one. Old Steve Rogers owes me a favor or two, so I think he’ll cut us a good deal. Anyway, I will make sure that the ship he sells isn’t a piece of crap. I used to do some ship maintenance work part time before I joined the defense squad,” Ken said, proudly.

  “I hope you’re right,” Donna stated.

  Soon a very primitive runway could be seen cutting a swath through the vast swamps. There were other ships that had landed just before them, but no air traffic controllers or the like to guide ships or ask them for credentials. It seemed that anyone that wanted to could land there with little or no scrutiny or oversight. Once the Remoir fighter was on the ground, it hit a large crack or two in the paved runway that caused it to be a bumpy ride. When the ship came to a halt, they noticed other ships parked nearby on a large blacktop area. There were no hangars or docks to protect the ships from the elements. The companions could see other creatures looking at their ship as Dedron activated the ship’s passenger ramp.


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